CSI:Miami - "Road Trip *puts on shades* Number Nine."

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Aw, thanks Anni. :D I guess I just expect more from myself. lol: I remember the good ol' days when it just started out. Like when Carly was talking about that food fight and she suddenly needed butt reconstruction surgery, lol. I think that was the same food fight whereafter the Hummerhome became stuck in the mud and Speed was the only one to go outside to get it out and he got stuck under the Hummerhome and broke his foot. :lol:

Good times indeed. And it's weird, I had an update that I did last night at around 11 pm but I'm much too lazy to go upstairs on my PC and get it so I'll just write it down here on my laptop. :p

Thanks for the reviews everyone!


Trace lab, next day

Horatio: Calleigh.

Calleigh: *smiles* Somehow I knew you'd find me in here.

Horatio: You get the guest list checked out?

Calleigh: *opens coil book* There were over seven hundred people at that banquet so Tim and I divided it between us. I've got A through P and he has Q through Z.

Horatio: Okay any possibles so far?

Calleigh: One stuck out. Brian Abernathy.

Horatio: Related to Gina Abernathy?

Calleigh: Her brother.

Horatio: Why was he at the party?

Calleigh: He works as a photographer down at the Miami Artist's Gallery. He's more of an intern but I managed to find out from his boss that he's been trying to get into the modeling agency as a photographer for six months.

Horatio: Can we pick him up?

Calleigh: Tripp's out right now.

Horatio: Good job. *leaves*

Miami Artist's Gallery

Horatio: *takes off shades*

Tripp: This is Lieutenant Caine.

Brian: *nods*

Tripp: We'd like to get some information from you regarding your sister Gina's death.

Brian: What would I possibly have that would help you?

Tripp: For starters, you were at the party the other night.

Brian: Party?

Tripp: The Reid firm's banquet. Unless you party a lot but you don't look the type.

Brian: I was there, yeah.

Tripp: How'd you get on the guest list?

Brian: I have connections.

Tripp: Any of those connections have names?

Brian: Look, my boss got me in. He's friends with Reid and said he could get my name on the list. I went there to stop Gina.

Tripp: Stop her from what?

Brian: From accepting a job from Reid. She had these crazy ideas that she was going to get enough money to go to college and then become a lawyer. *scoffs* Everyone knew she didn't have the brains for it. Besides, she promised to get me a job at the modeling agency she worked for and then she goes there go get another job?

Horatio: Reid seemed to think she had enough brains to work for him. He offered her money to go to college.

Brian: Yeah I know. Gina and I...Kind of fought about it.

Horatio: During the party.

Brian: Yeah on the balcony. I guess she didn't expect me to be there let alone be there listening to her conversations wih Reid.

Horatio: Did the fight escalate?

Brian: You mean did I kill her? No. I left her there crying like a little baby.

Horatio: *tilts head*

Brian: Look, she may have been my sister but she was also my ticket to fame in the photography business and she was going to throw it away for some law job.

Horatio: Okay, what happened after the fight.

Brian: I left the party. Alone. Gina was still there for all I know.

Large mansion, balcony

Delko: So you find anyone else on that list that seemed hinky?

Speed: *shakes head*

Delko: *shines flashlight around* Seven hundred people and no one with at least a criminal record?

Speed: A criminal record doesn't mean anything if I cleared them.

Delko: *smirks* I didn't say you couldn't do your job?

Speed: Good, so do yours.

Delko: *laughs*

Speed: *looks around* Wasn't Calleigh supposed to be here too?

Delko: She's questioning the maid. Why, you don't want to work with me?

Speed: *looks over edge of balcony* Looks like the maid missed this balcony.

Delko: Find something?

Speed: Blood.

Delko: Alexx said the vic suffered blunt force trauma.

Speed: A railing can do that to you.

Delko: So can a killer.

Calleigh: *walks over* The maid confirms she cleaned the front of the building so any blood from beind dragged from a car is out unless we can find the car.

Delko: We found blood up here.

Calleigh: Oh. *walks closer* Human?

Delko/Speed: *look at Calleigh*

Calleigh: You never know.

Speed: It's human.

Calleigh: Okay so...Reid said she left around 10 and she seemed agitated.

Delko: Did he say whether she had a giant gash on her head?

Calleigh: Well she ran out so she might have been covering it.

Speed: Hey, fingerprints.

Calleigh: *looks over* Could be Gina's.

Speed: Hers would be on the top, these are on the underside.

Calleigh: Like if someone was bracing themselves.

Fingerprint lab, two hours later

Ryan: *sigh* I can't believe I got AFIS duty.

Calleigh: *walks in* How's it goin'?

Ryan: Oh great, I just ran two hundred prints and nothing.

Calleigh: Only five hundred ten cards to go.

Ryan: You make it sound like a good thing.

Computer beeps

Calleigh: Well that sounds like a good thing.

Ryan: *sits up* Got a match. *clicks mouse*

Calleigh: *stares at screen* Brian Abernathy?

Ryan: Nope. *scrolls*

Calleigh: *sigh* Lori.

Ryan: Where were these prints found?

Calleigh: The balcony where the vic's presumed blood was found.

Ryan: You want me to tag along in interrogation?

Calleigh: Keep checking the rest of the prints. *leaves*

Interrogation room

Calleigh: *sits down*

Lori: So is this about DNA or prints?

Calleigh: *opens folder, hands it over*

Lori: I'm not a CSI.

Calleigh: Your fingerprints were found on the underside of the same balcony where Gina Abernathy's blood was found.

Lori: You know it's her blood?

Calleigh: We're still testing. However the maid was through the whole house and this blood was fresh.

Lori: Am I a suspect?

Calleigh: It depends what you tell me. What time did you leave the party?

Lori: Around eleven.

Calleigh: Did you speak with Gina during the party?

Lori: Reid wanted us to meet.

Calleigh: Why?

Lori: I guess I was Reid's success story and he was using me as an example.

Calleigh: How did she seem when you two met?

Lori: Quiet, reserved, young. She couldn't have been older than eighteen.

Calleigh: Was she bleeding?

Lori: *lifts brow*

Calleigh: *stares at Lori*

Lori: Not that I could see.

Calleigh: Did you notice anyone there who...Seemed out of place?

Lori: It wasn't really a formal party. Can I speak to my dad?

Calleigh: *stares at Lori*

Lori: *leans back on chair*

Calleigh: What can't you tell me?

Lori: *crosses arms*

Calleigh: *looks up at mirror*

Few seconds later

Speed: *walks in*

Calleigh: *stands, leaves*

Speed: *sits down*

Lori: Am I a suspect?

Speed: *flips page of folder* No. You do realize Calleigh will be able to hear anything you're about to say.

Lori: I know.

Speed: I don't see why you can't talk to her.

Lori: I wanted to talk to you.

Speed: So talk.

Lori: I didn't kill that girl.

Speed: *writing*

Lori: But she did seem a little flustered and that was around nine. Well, not flustered...More like uncomfortable. And...Um...She gave me a look.

Speed: Care to specify?

Lori: Kind of...Like a cry for help.

Speed: From what?

Lori: I don't know but I'm tellin' you, it wasn't a good thing. I probably shouldn't have left her there alone with him.

Speed: *looks at Lori* With who?

Lori: Reid. Somethin' just didn't seem right.

Speed: *closes folder* About him or about her?

Lori: Both of 'em. I don't think Reid killed her though.

Speed: Why?

Lori: I didn't get that vibe from him.

Speed: Okay well we'll look into things.

Lori: Are you mad at me because I'm getting married?

Speed: No.

Lori: Then why are you mad at me?

Speed: I'm not mad.

Lori: You were the other day.

Speed: I'm tired of seeing your name pop up in my cases.

Lori: *nods*

Speed: And it doesn't help when you make smartass comments.

Lori: I just cleaned myself up and you think the first thing I'd do is kill someone I knew for a total of ten minutes?

Speed: Stay healthy, Lori. *stands, leaves*

I'm baack. *muwhahahaha chokes*

Hmmm.. Lori, I don't know what to think about Lori. Really, she's uh, hard to read at the moment. Is she clean, or is is playing clean? *thinks some more*

Ryan had to get AFIS duty :lol: That's awesome. He should probably get some help from someone.. Lora would be awesome. ;)

I loved the updates, Geni. <3
Haha, I thought Lora hated Ryan? I'll take AFIS duty with him, and make it much more interesting... :devil:

I don't know waht to think of Lori either. I want to think she's clean, and is going off to get married and lead a wonderful life, but it's Lori we're talking about. And Geni is very unpredictable when it comes to RT. :lol:

Love it, Gen!
It's true, I'm unpredictable. I don't know why, I thought some of the moves I've made have been pretty predictable and for the sake of being not predictable, I became unpredictable which is what you guys have predicted me to be yet...Okay moving on. :lol: My mind tends to wander when I'm at work.

Sorry Lil, I'm gonna have to sick Lora on him for now. But you will be joining the nuttyness. Maha.

HEATHER! :D Welcome back! I totally almost yelled HEATER because I haven't spelled your name in a long time. :lol: But you're not a heater, you're a human being and an awesome one at that.

Lora and Ryan...Hmmm, that seems like fun. OOh Heather and Lora or Heather and Ryan or Heather and Lora and Ryan. Hmm, methinks this is a good idea.

Thanks for the review!


Fingerprint Lab

Ryan: *sigh*

Lora: *runs in* RY RY!

Ryan: *turns around in chair* Did you just call me Ry Ry?

Lora: You need to do me a BIG favour.

Ryan: Does it include breaking the law?

Lora: ...Not that I know of but who can say? Apparently you can't even spit on the ground anymore.

Ryan: Why would you want to spit on the ground?

Lora: In case I have food caught in my throat or...I have to clean the pavement.

Ryan: So what's this favour?

Lora: I'm throwing a surprise Birthday party for Heather.

Ryan: Oh, when's her Birthday?

Lora: June.

Ryan: Of next year?

Lora: Yeah.

Ryan: It's a little early, don't you think?

Lora: Exactly. What would be the surprise if I did it on her Birthday?

Ryan: *stares at Lora*

Lora: So I need a place to rent and I figured HEY Ryan lives alone.

Ryan: No. You're not throwing a party at my apartment.

Lora: Come on! I tried asking H for the break room but he glared at me and mumbled something about popcorn on the ceiling and a broken GCMS. PLEASE Ryan? *gets on knees*

Ryan: *looks around* Can you stand up?

Lora: No, I actually kind of like it down here. *smiles* I have a whole new perspective down here.

Ryan: Stand up.

Lora: *stands*

Ryan: I'll lend you my apartment if you run these fingerprints for me.

Lora: How many do you have?

Ryan: *looks down at paper* Three hundred and fourty two.

Lora: ...

Ryan: *smiles* I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine.

Lora: Are you kidding me? That saying doesn't even apply here. It's like your back is the size of Kentucky.

Ryan: Kentucky?

Lora: It's big, isn't it?

Ryan: Come on Lora, you need a place to party and I need a break.

Lora: So take a break.

Ryan: No, these lab techs line up at the door. If I leave, I lose my seat.

Lora: So do it and help me plan a party.

Ryan: I didn't agree to plan anything.

Lora: I can't do this on my own.

Ryan: Do you even know where I live?

Lora: 1431 Biscayne Avenue.

Ryan: That's the court house.

Lora: It's still a house! I bet they'd let me party it up there.

Ryan: Lora, when's the last time you saw a party in a court house.

Lora: When OJ got arrested the second time.

Ryan: *frowns*

Lora: Hey I had a drink when I found out.

Ryan: If I lend you my apartment, you have to do at least a hundred of these.

Lora: Deal. Buy me a computer.

Ryan: What?

Lora: There's only one in here.

Ryan: There are computers all over the lab.

Lora: I want a new one.

Ryan: You think I have that kind of money?

Lora: Yeah.

Ryan: I don't.

Lora: Fine. I'll find a computer in the lab but how about I do fifty.

Ryan: Eighty.

Lora: Seventy.

Ryan: Seventy-five.

Lora: Sixty.

Ryan: What? You just said seventy.

Lora: I don't like the cut of your jip.

Ryan: Fine, sixty. But get it done.

Lora: You underestimate me young ewok.

Ryan: Ewok?

Lora: There's no way you're a jedi.

Ryan: Why not?

Lora: Speed and Eric are more of the jedis. Horatio's Obi-wan and Calleigh is Princess Leah.

Ryan: And I'm an EWOK?

Lora: Fine. You can be R2D2.

Ryan: I don't want to be a robot that whistles.

Lora: How about Han Solo?

Ryan: OOh I like that.

Lora: But you'll have to be the version that gets frozen in Return of the Jedi.

Ryan: You can't have my apartment.

Lora: FINE! You can be Han.

Ryan: Normal Han?

Lora: Fine.

Ryan: Thank you.

Lora: *grabs prints* I'll see you later. *leaves*

Ryan: May the force be with you.


Speed: *walks over* You paged me?

Valera: *hands over paper* DNA you found on the balcony is a match to the victim.

Speed: Okay we're getting somewhere.

Delko: *walks in* Ha!

Speed: *looks over* What.

Delko: *smiling* I just got access to the vehicles of our major players in this case. I found blood on the underside of Brian's car.

Valera: You have it for me?

Delko: *hands over swabs* Here you are.

Valera: I'll get started on these right away.

Speed: *looking down at paper* Hey Valera, did you show this to H?

Valera: No. I just got it out of the printer, why?

Speed: *picks up second paper* This is Reid's reference sample.

Valera: ...Yeah, so?

Speed: These are a close match.

Delko: The victim and Reid?

Speed: Yeah. Maybe a brother. Lori said something was weird about them.

Delko: You believed her?

Speed: *looks at Eric*

Delko: I...Thought we were hating her this month. I mean *laughs* It's always a different story with her.

Speed: *looks down at paper* Yeah.

Delko: So that means he's Brian Abernathy's brother too. Must have changed his name.

Speed: I'll tell H.

Delko: That he changed his name?

Speed: *looks at Eric*

Delko: You should be more precise when you talk to me.

Valera: *smiles*

Calleigh: *walks in* We've got a problem.

Delko: What kind of problem?

Calleigh: Speed, can I talk to you? Alone?

Speed: *looks at Eric*

Delko: *looks at Speed*

Speed: Sure. *leaves*

Calleigh: *leaves*

Delko: For once I wish she had something to tell me.

Valera: *laughs*


Calleigh: It's Lori.

Speed: What did she do now?

Calleigh: She got into a fight.

Speed: *stops walking* What the hell does that mean?

Calleigh: She called 911 from work. Apparently Brian waltzed right in and demanded for Reid.

Speed: Okay but how does that lead to a physical fight?

Calleigh: She said he wouldn't leave and then swung at her so she...Broke his nose.

Speed: *walks* Is he pressing charges?

Calleigh: *follows* His lawyer said and I quote "Not at this time."

Speed: Where's Lori?

Calleigh: Reception.


Calleigh: *walks over*

Speed: *walks over*

Lori: *looks at them*

Calleigh: Did someone get you a glass of water?

Lori: I'm not thirsty.

Speed: *grabs Lori's hand* Is this your blood?

Lori: No and if you ask me, he deserved more than a broken nose.

Speed: We're going to collect this.

Lori: Gee, I'm glad I could oblige.

Calleigh: *opens kit*

Speed: Where is he now?

Lori: *rolls eyes* Hospital.

Speed: And what exactly made him swing at you?

Lori: I told him where he could stick his attitude.

Speed: *swabs hand*

Calleigh: Why do you think he wanted to see Reid?

Lori: I'm not a cop. *grabs hand away* Am I under arrest or somethin'? Because he swung first. And by the way, you're welcome for the evidence. I don't know why but I keep pickin' that crap up everywhere I go.

Speed: What do you mean?

Lori: *reaches into pocket, hands over piece of paper* It fell out of the guy's pocket after he got hauled away.

Speed: *opens paper*

Calleigh: *looks over* Ten thousand. *looks at Speed* Bribe, maybe?

Speed: I guess we'll find out.

Lori: Oh and I was in Reid's office this morning giving him the minutes from the last meeting and I saw some car keys on his desk. They were from a Mercedes. See, but he doesn't own one. He has a Cavalier. I asked him about it and he said it was a gift and then I asked from whom and he said family friend. I thought that was kind of weird because the keys were kind of bent like someone just shoved 'em in the ignition. Why would someone give that kind of car as a gift and hand him a cruddy key?

Speed/Calleigh: *staring at Lori*

Lori: *rolls eyes* I don't know, I found it weird.

Speed: Is that car parked at the firm?

Lori: Yeah it's in the parkinglot. Space 6. The liscence plate number was JXH 212 and there's bits of colored gravel in the wheels. You know, the kind they use for expensive paving like in driveways.

Calleigh: ...

Speed: *places hands in pockets*

Lori: OH! I memorized the vin number if you want it.

Calleigh: *smiles* Well, I think we have enough to get started, don't you think Tim?

Speed: *stares at Lori*

Lori: What?

Woman: *walks off elevator* Can someone direct me to Horatio Caine's office?

Lori: Down the hall, take a left, past the Trace lab, up the stairs and to the right.

Woman: Thanks. *leaves*

Calleigh: *laughs* Lori, is there anything you inherited from your mother?

Lori: *smiles* My looks and the ability to commit.

Speed: *frowns*

Lori: *looks at watch* I have a meeting in a half hour, can I go?

Speed: You probably know the way.

Lori: *kisses Speed's cheek* Bye dad, bye Calleigh. *walks away*

Calleigh: She's a pistol.

Speed: *looks at Calleigh*

Well, I have been called worst things. :lol:

Lora DOES hate Ryan, which is what makes it hilarious. Ooh, and a surprise party for muah? Oh la la... Oh that's hilarious. Lora is asking to use Ryans apartment. Lora hates Ryan who hates Heather who doesn't hate anyone. :lol:

Awesome update! Oh, and why is Lori talking a mile a minute? Did she take some kind of adrenaline pill?

P.S. The thread erased my review and I had to start all over again. Grr.
Geni! What an update! Loved how the plot thickens, and yet, somehow, Lori still finds herself knee deep. Does she have trouble pinned to her head or something? And some things never change, - she knocked the s**t out of that guy, breaking his nose. Tsk tsk, Lori...

Ha... So many lines, so little time. I supose i can go with Delko's first, cause well, it's expected.

Delko: You should be more precise when you talk to me.

And yet, they should know this already...

And the ENTIRE convo between Lora and Ryan was a riot! It has to be something special when the convo suddenly revolves around Star Wars...and Han frozen, Han normal. I just about keeled over at that!


Ryan: Lora, when's the last time you saw a party in a court house.

Lora: When OJ got arrested the second time.

ouch...but yet, appropriate :lol:

As always, Geni fab job!

ps: Happily, that happens to me ALL the time. Sucks big time!
:lol: I figure if I can throw as much pop culture and latest news references in there, I can cover it all someday. :p

Ughers, this site has a knack for saying 'the form you have submitted is no longer valid' and then you hear screaming from all the countries of the world, lol. It's an even bigger pain in the neck for me when I'm updating while at work (er, I swear I'm tending to the customers) and the internet cuts out on me and I'm all 0_0

But that's a story for another time.

And Lori...*shakes head* She's just pure insane. :lol: Just like her mommy. :p (Okay her dad is a little nuts but that's because I made him that way)

Rawr! Thanks for the reviews! :D


QD Lab

Ryan: *walks in* ...Lora? *looks around*

Lora: *jumps* HA!

Ryan: *screams*

Lora: *laughing*

Ryan: *clutching chest* You want to give me a heart attack?

Lora: *sigh* I tried.

Ryan: Have you finished the prints?

Lora: Yep.

Ryan: And?

Lora: Nothing. OH but I did match one.

Ryan: That's not nothing.

Lora: *hands over paper*

Ryan: Reid. You matched Reid's fingerprints.

Lora: Who the heck is Reid?

Ryan: A suspect.

Lora: Oh. Good deal. Did I crack the case?

Ryan: No but he may have cracked the vic's head.

Lora: Ew.

Ryan: I'll let Calleigh know.

Lora: So um, can I have the keys to your place?

Ryan: You're not partying tonight.

Lora: I know but I wanted to look around and see where I could hang streamers and hide people and beer.

Ryan: Do that when you've finished planning.

Lora: That IS part of the plan.

Ryan: I'm not giving you the keys to my place.

Lilly: *walks in* Lora, I have the keys you wanted.

Ryan: *wide-eyed* You're helping her?

Lilly: Heck yeah. Heather's awesome.

Ryan: But..My apartment...

Lilly: Oh shush, it won't be so bad. I promise we won't break any windows.

Ryan: That's it, I'm buying bullet proof windows.

Lilly: You do that.

Lora: Okay we need to get Heather a present.

Lilly: OH! Eric built a mini scale model of the Hummerhome out of gold tinfoil. We could give her that.

Lora: Or we could go the less...Cheap-made-from-Eric route.

Lilly: What did you have in mind?

Lora: Ry Ry?

Ryan: I am not jumping out of a cake naked.

Lora: CRUD! Why do you always think of everything I'm thinking of?

Ryan: NO.

Lora: *sigh* Fine.

Lilly: Wait, why are we not doing this?

Ryan: *frowns*

Lilly: *smiles*

Interrogation room

Horatio: *looks out window* Mister Reid, your fingerprints were found on the railing where Gina Abernathy's head was smashed in.

Reid: You make it sound so terrible.

Horatio: *looks at Reid*

Reid: I didn't mean it that way. I just think you could have put it more...Delicately.

Horatio: Murder is not delicate, Mister Reid.

Reid: Are you implying I murdered her? *laughs* Of course my prints were in my mansion, Lieutenant. You think you can charge me with a crime based on circumstantial evidence?

Horatio: No. *places picture on table*

Reid: *looks down*

Horatio: That piece of paper was recovered from your law firm. It fell from Brian Abernathy's pocket.

Reid: I don't know what it means.

Horatio: We checked Gina's employer's financial records with a subpoena we aquired. Ten thousand dollars was recently deposited. The cheque reads Brian Abernathy. He wrote down the amount so he wouldn't forget. Obviously, to bribe the boss into keeping her.

Reid: And what does Mister Abernathy's dealings have to do with me?

Horatio: Because we were able to get your financial records as well. Fifty thousand dollard was recently withdrawn from your account. To make sure she was fired instead of kept. Both of you tried to bribe her boss at the modeling agency. Both for different reasons.

Reid: *stares at Horatio*

Horatio: Here's what my evidence says. After Brian left the party, you introduced an agitated and upset Gina to one of your employees. The 'success' in your books. You were going to convince her that she could work for you. But after that conversation, she had a change of heart, didn't she? Family was more important to her and she was going to stay with the modeling company, wasn't she?

Reid: Gina was bright. She could have gone very far in my business but that Brian wouldn't stop following her and chasing her. Her boss would phone to harass me about her.

Horatio: Are you aware that Brian is your biological brother?

Reid: ...

Horatio: That would make Gina, your sister.

Reid: I found out a week ago. Look, I was given up for adoption when I was a baby. Gina...Managed to find me. Like I said, she was smart.

Horatio: So were you.

Reid: What is that supposed to mean?

Horatio: *looks outside* That's a nice car. Mercedes, isn't it?

Reid: Yeah, so?

Horatio: There is blood on the bottom of the car. Blood which we will match to Gina.

Reid: Why don't you check that idiot Brian's car? He's the one with the temper, barging into my office.

Horatio: We did and the blood we found was from a canine so, let's get back to you.

Reid: *sigh*

Horatio: It isn't your car.

Reid: It was given to me.

Horatio: Lisence plate confirms it's Brian's vehicle.

Reid: *frowns*

Horatio: You tried to pay the modeling agency to drop Gina so she would have to come work for you instead of following Brian's orders. It's too bad she wouldn't listen to you so you decided to smack her head into the railing.

Reid: *stands* This interrogation is ov-

Horatio: Sit down, Mister Reid. I'm not finished.

Reid: ...*sits*

Horatio: You stole Brian's car. It's easy to take the keys from someone's pocket when there's seven hundred other people walking around, right?

Reid: *rolls eyes*

Horatio: So while everyone was inside, you dragged Gina outside without anyone knowing. Head fractures are clean and don't bleed so anyone would have thought she was simply too drunk to stand on her own. But she was still alive, wasn't she?

Reid: *glaring*

Horatio: You were going to make it look like Brian killed her. You stuck her behind the car, backed up onto her and dragged her across the driveway, leaving pavement and expensive mansion parkway rocks in her skin. Luckily your mansion is near the beach so you drove there with her still attached to the back of the car and left her on the beach to be found. The reason Brian came to your office and demanded for you is because he wanted his car back, isn't it?

Reid: I'm not saying another word.

Horatio: You don't have to. The evidence told us everything.

Outside the Reid firm

Lori: *grams helmet from motorcycle*

Speed: *closes Hummer door, walks over*

Lori: *zips up leather jacket*

Speed: You heading home?

Lori: Dinner, actually.

Speed: I guess you heard about your boss.

Lori: Mhm. I'm sure someone will take over his firm. There are a few people lined up.

Speed: Good.

Lori: You didn't drive all the way out here to tell me my boss has been charged, did you.

Speed: I wanted to apologize to you.

Lori: *nods*

Speed: I've treated you like crap.

Lori: You were just doing your job.

Speed: You're not my job, you're my daughter. Part of a case or not.

Lori: We both know the second you thought that at the lab, you'd be off the case.

Speed: Yeah.

Lori: It's okay, I understand. You could have been less...Angry the other day but I get it.

Speed: *nods*

Lori: I'm sorry I didn't call you for three months.

Speed: I'm just glad you were able to get help.

Lori: *smirks* You know, I never blamed you for the way I turned out. I still don't.

Speed: *stares at Lori*

Lori: We all make mistakes.

Speed: Like breaking a guy's nose?

Lori: *laughs* Maybe.

Speed: *smirks*

Lori: I should probably head out.

Speed: Yeah.

Lori: So, are we good?

Speed: I guess we are.

Lori: *smiles* Good. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a date to get to. Although...I wouldn't really call it a date if I'm going to marry the guy. *shrugs* Shouldn't dwell on it.

Speed: Just promise me one thing.

Lori: What.

Speed: Don't ever buy a mini van.

Lori: *gets on bike* Oh if he takes my bike away, I'll kill him. I will.

Speed: I don't doubt that.

Lori: See you around. *rides away*


Loved the father/ daughter time. If there is anyway they can bond, it's over talk of broken noses and insanity:lol:
Gotta love them though...

And Horatio, he is at his finest, if not soberest here (not implying insanity on him, honestly;)) but it was cool to see him do what he does best. Awesome!

And this party...I can't wait to read that! Sounds like its going to be a blow out!

Fab work, Geni!
Lilly and Lora are planning a party using Ryan's house for Heater... hmm. :lol: Aww, come on, no Ryan out of a cake? Purrty please? Please?...pu- *sigh* fine then.

I'm glad that for once in Lori's life she wasn't actually involved in the crime, but just an inocent bystander. score one for her. ;) Oh and score two for Lori for not going to change anything for a guy.

I can't wait for more, Geni.

Lora: *runs in* RY RY!

Ryan: *turns around in chair* Did you just call me Ry Ry?
Haha, i can just picture this part:

Lora: *stops* Uhh...rye BREAD that is.
Ryan: Nice save.


Ryan: Lora, when's the last time you saw a party in a court house.

Lora: When OJ got arrested the second time.

Ryan: *frowns*

Lora: Hey I had a drink when I found out.
LOL :lol: I was totally speechless when they arrested him in Begas though. But now that you mention it Gen... *begins to make apple martini*

Lora: You underestimate me young ewok.

Ryan: Ewok?

Lora: There's no way you're a jedi.

Ryan: Why not?

Lora: Speed and Eric are more of the jedis. Horatio's Obi-wan and Calleigh is Princess Leah.

Ryan: And I'm an EWOK?

Lora: Fine. You can be R2D2.

Ryan: I don't want to be a robot that whistles.

Lora: How about Han Solo?

Ryan: OOh I like that.

Lora: But you'll have to be the version that gets frozen in Return of the Jedi.

Ryan: You can't have my apartment.

Lora: FINE! You can be Han.

Ryan: Normal Han?

Lora: Fine.

Ryan: Thank you.

Lora: *grabs prints* I'll see you later. *leaves*

Ryan: May the force be with you.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: x1000

That's freakin genius Geni!! Plus, you made Horatio Obi-Wan. :D You're like a wise Yoda or Qui-Gon. And since Horatio Obi-Wan, it's a win-win for me since i LOVE Obi-Wan AND Horatio! Yipee! And Speed can be Han, since he *gets* together with Princess Leia. Ryan can be like....i dunno. Jabba the Hut? Or maybe some random Ithorian. And Stetler can be a really ugly Rodian. :lol: Haha i'm such a freak. and i LOVE it.

Lilly: OH! Eric built a mini scale model of the Hummerhome out of gold tinfoil.
Or the Millenuim Falcon!!


Uh..yeah the Hummer's a good idea too.

Horatio: You were going to make it look like Brian killed her. You stuck her behind the car, backed up onto her and dragged her across the driveway, leaving pavement and expensive mansion parkway rocks in her skin. Luckily your mansion is near the beach so you drove there with her still attached to the back of the car and left her on the beach to be found. The reason Brian came to your office and demanded for you is because he wanted his car back, isn't it?

Reid: I'm not saying another word.

Horatio: You don't have to. The evidence told us everything.
*hugs* That's my Horatio!! :D And good case Geni! You being able to make this all up. ;)

THERE i'm updated! Lori's not in trouble anymore, a bad guy put away and Lilly and I are planning Heather's partay! Now Obi-Wan and I can continue with our mission to save the Republic and the entire galaxy. *activates lightsbaer and runs off*

Fantasticlastical work Gen!

P.S - In the Star Wars movie A New Hope cam out, and Han Solo was introduced, did you guys ever noticed HAN is ANH (A New Hope) juse re-arranged? Or was i the only one?
Yay updates!!!! Oh I want Ry Ry to jump out of a cake naked!!! :devil:(fans self) I'm glad Horatio is back to being all Horatio-ish but it is funny when he goes crazy, and I loved the Ryan/Lora convo's although the Star Wars/Trek??? was completely lost on me :confused:. Can't wait for the next update (subtle hint) - Ashley
although the Star Wars/Trek??? was completely lost on me

*stops* Okay, it's Star WARS not Star TREK. I ha- i mean i dislike Trekkies. *mutters* damn trekkies.

And kiwi_girl, Geni is just adding some Star Wars convo in RT because she's know i'm a Star Wars fan. :D A big one. :lol:
^ Hey now, I've been known to be a closet Trekkie. :p

No worries though. ;) Thanks for the reviews everyone, I should have another chapter up soon!
My humble apologies Hunter I will never bring up the T word again. (slowly backs away)It was very entertaining though. :p
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