Thanks for the reviews everyone!
And yes Lilly, you're still with Ryan.
9pm, Outside Lori's house
Lori: *reaches in purse for keys*
Gavin: *closes car door*
Lori: *turns around*
Gavin: Something up?
Lori: I don't know what you mean.
Gavin: You haven't called in three days.
Lori: I'm supposed to call you every second of the day?
Gavin: No.
Lori: I've been busy. New job.
Gavin: Yeah I heard your boss went to prison.
Lori: He was charged, there's a difference.
Gavin: Evidently.
Lori: Is there something you wanted?
Gavin: I found this in my mailbox. *holds out ring*
Lori: *stares at ring*
Gavin: You could have called.
Lori: Look...*scratches head* It's not that I...*sigh* In my field of work...Single women tend to be more successful.
Gavin: You're not single.
Lori: Yeah well they don't know that and they aren't going to.
Gavin: So you're breaking up with me to forward your career.
Lori: There are millions of guys in the sea, but not enough jobs. It's brutal but true.
Gavin: I thought you wanted something more than a fling.
Lori: Must have been the drugs. But thanks for bein' there, you're super. *opens door*
Gavin: Whoa, hold on.
Lori: *turns around*
Gavin: The fact that I love you makes no difference?
Lori: Your mistake. *walks in, shuts door*
Gavin: *stares at door*
9:30 pm, Ryan's apartment
Heather: *walks in* Guys? Hey Guys! Why are the lights out? OH MY GOD you didn't leave me in here to be smacked in the head with a 2x4 did you? Because I guarantee you I have a cell phone and it makes high pitched noises for no reason.
Everyone: *jumps out* SURPRISE!
Heather: *screams, faints*
Ryan: *jumps out of cake* HAPPY BIRTHD-...Oh.
Lora: *places hands on hips* I guess we should have turned on the lights, huh.
Colton: *pokes Heather* I think she died.
Lilly: She didn't die, she just fainted.
Colton: Can I take her money?
Lilly: *slaps Colton*
Colton: Ow.
Missy: So when is she going to wake up?
Calleigh: You think maybe we should have told her about the party?
Lora: You guys are freaks. *slaps Heather*
Colton: Yeah beat her right after scaring her to death. You're a standup citizen.
Katie's house
Doorbell rings
Katie: *jumps out of bed* Who the heck comes to the door at this hour? *gasp* It's a murderer. Okay Katie you've dealt with them before, this one should be no different. *grabs large stick* Huh...I wonder how a large stick got in here. *walks to door, opens it* DIE WUBBA! *swings stick*
Gavin: WHOA! *ducks*
Katie: *frowns* WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!
Gavin: Why do you have a big stick?
Katie: For fending off murderers like you.
Gavin: Look I just came by to ask you about Lori.
Katie: What about her?
Gavin: Has she been acting weird lately?
Katie: No. Frankly I think she has finally come to her senses. I just spoke to her a couple of hours ago and convinced her to leave your sorry ass.
Gavin: Uh, why?
Katie: Because I don't want her to make the same mistake I made. I went for the guy and not the career. I made her realize that this is going to go south either way.
Gavin: This meaning me and her.
Katie: Yeah. Good riddance to bad rubbish I always say.
Gavin: How did you just
convince her over a couple of hours?
Katie: Easy. Her job gets better the longer she stays single and she won't grow into an old, uncaring, baggy old woman with a station wagon and ten kids. Plus I don't approve of you.
Gavin: What does that have to do with anything?
Katie: You're scum. You kidnapped her, you really think the 'relationship' was going to last? *scoffs* Please. She's better than you.
Gavin: *looks down at floor*
Katie: Face it bub, you're a killer and no one wants a life with a killer.
Gavin: *frowns*
Katie: *backs up* Beware, I know how to swing a stick.
Gavin: I'm not going to hurt you.
Katie: Yeah that's what they all say until BOOM, the pretty blonde is singin' the swan song.
Gavin: Could you uh...Let her know that if she needs anything, to just call.
Katie: Most guys would be happy they're free but whatever turns your pages.
Gavin: It's my responsability to look out for her.
Katie: *lifts brow*
Gavin: Have a good evening ma'am. *leaves*