CSI:Miami - "Road Trip *puts on shades* Number Nine."

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Hey now, I've been known to be a closet Trekkie.

WELL Geni you KNOW i mean everyone except you! :D It's just that my brother is trekkie...and we just uh. *cough* Didn't get along too well.

Another chapter coming up? I'll be waiting! ;)
Apologies for my absence all, my laptop has decided to give me a run for my money and er, stop working so I should have another chapter up fairly soon. :)

Thanks for being so patient!


Ryan's apartment, 8pm

Lora: Okay Ryan, when I say OOGA BOOGA, you jump out of the cake.

Ryan: *from inside cake* Um, it's a little stuffy in here. How long is she going to be?

Lora: Well *looks at watch* She should have been here already but that's probably because my map to the place really sucked. I think I mixed up North and South.

Ryan: Great work. We're partying without a cause now.

Lora: Shush.

Living room

Delko: So then I said, GET BENT!

Stetler: ....Is he off his meds?

Yelina: Oh, Horatio! Over here!

Horatio: *walks over*

Yelina: Rick, this is Horatio. Horatio, this is Rick.

Horatio: Um, I think we've met more than a few times but thank you.


Carly: I don't think that cake has risen.

Anni: Of course it has. Look, it's bubbling.

Colton: Wait, we're not eating the cake that Ryan's in?

Anni: Oh ew. *slaps Colton*

Lilly: *raises hand* I WILL!

Outside, balcony

Horatio: *sips wine*

Yelina: *walks out* Hey. *closes door*

Horatio: Long time no see.

Yelina: *smirks*

Horatio: I see Stetler joined you this evening.

Yelina: He wasn't busy.

Horatio: Is there a reason you two are still seeing each other?

Yelina: He's not a bad man, despite what you think.

Horatio: And when he hit you?

Yelina: An argument that became heated, Horatio. He flung his hand and didn't know I was just behind him.

Horatio: *tilts head*

Yelina: I know what you're thinking. I'm some victimized woman who's too scared to come to the forefront with my problem. But you're wrong. I know exactly what I'm doing and I don't need your approval.

Horatio: *lifts brows* Interesting that you put it that way.

Yelina: You're always trying to protect me. And from what? Stetler? I can take care of myself Horatio. He's not Ray.

Horatio: *shifts positions* No. No he's not.

Yelina: *looks down*

Horatio: Excuse me ma'am. *leaves*

Yelina: *sighs*

Outside, front of apartment building

Horatio: *checks cellphone*

Speed: *walks over* Needed to speak with me?

Horatio: Mhm, I understand you were offered a promotion.

Speed: If you can call it that.

Horatio: Internal Affairs is a pretty big step up.

Speed: *nods*

Horatio: I never figured you for a suit kind of guy.

Speed: *looks at watch* Well Stetler's already got me on my first job.

Horatio: Already?

Speed: Yeah. Apparently your lab as he so delicately put it is being scrutinized.

Horatio: The yearly shakeup.

Speed: There have been claims of misconduct, unlawful activity, the whole shamble.

Horatio: He won't rest until he has another police officer behind bars, will he?

Speed: Looks like you need to fill a position.

Horatio: It's always available if you want to come back.

Speed: That's not up to me.

Horatio: *tilts head*

Speed: *leaves*


More to come soon, I figured a teeny chapter to get us going would be good.
Horatio: *sips wine*
Hahahahahahaha! Wine! At a birthday party! I think that just might be the funniest thing i heard today. (Maybe i should read on)

...Oh. maybe it was. :lol: Speed getting a promotion. Well of course he'll come back to the lab! Duh!

And good going Colton. Spoil the surprise. THERE GOES ALL MY HARD HARD WORK OF PLANNING A PARTY!!

But seriously, where did that wine come from?

Fantasticallastical chapter Geni! Even if it was short!
We got an update, we got an upate, da na na na na.. *repeat line 2x*

*ahem* Yummy Cake! Of course Lilly would eat the cake that...erm never mind... :devil:

Speed as Internal Affairs? That's like having Horatio wearing a tutu. :lol:

And I'm lost? Miss Queen of Directions? Woah. *shudders* That's a scary thought all on it's own..

MMMMM cake *runs off, comes back* Great update! *runs off*
Haha, Heather. I'd like to get to the man inside the cake! :devil: Which makes me wonder if I've even spoken to Ryan in maybe about a whole RT YEAR. RT time travels fast. Are Ryan and I still together?

Speed's joined Stetler? Ugh. And Horatio in a tutu is a perfect analogy, and a hilarious one. :lol: Maybe that's the next thing the writers will do to boost ratings.

Great update Geni!
Whoa... Tim . In. Internal Affairs.... Excuse me while I gather my brain from the floor. Very interesting developments. And a party without a cause...how very RT :D

Can't wait to see what comes next! Thanks for the update:lol:

Excellent work!
Thanks for the reviews everyone! :D *huggles*

And yes Lilly, you're still with Ryan. :p


9pm, Outside Lori's house

Lori: *reaches in purse for keys*

Gavin: *closes car door*

Lori: *turns around*

Gavin: Something up?

Lori: I don't know what you mean.

Gavin: You haven't called in three days.

Lori: I'm supposed to call you every second of the day?

Gavin: No.

Lori: I've been busy. New job.

Gavin: Yeah I heard your boss went to prison.

Lori: He was charged, there's a difference.

Gavin: Evidently.

Lori: Is there something you wanted?

Gavin: I found this in my mailbox. *holds out ring*

Lori: *stares at ring*

Gavin: You could have called.

Lori: Look...*scratches head* It's not that I...*sigh* In my field of work...Single women tend to be more successful.

Gavin: You're not single.

Lori: Yeah well they don't know that and they aren't going to.

Gavin: So you're breaking up with me to forward your career.

Lori: There are millions of guys in the sea, but not enough jobs. It's brutal but true.

Gavin: I thought you wanted something more than a fling.

Lori: Must have been the drugs. But thanks for bein' there, you're super. *opens door*

Gavin: Whoa, hold on.

Lori: *turns around*

Gavin: The fact that I love you makes no difference?

Lori: Your mistake. *walks in, shuts door*

Gavin: *stares at door*

9:30 pm, Ryan's apartment

Heather: *walks in* Guys? Hey Guys! Why are the lights out? OH MY GOD you didn't leave me in here to be smacked in the head with a 2x4 did you? Because I guarantee you I have a cell phone and it makes high pitched noises for no reason.

Everyone: *jumps out* SURPRISE!

Heather: *screams, faints*

Ryan: *jumps out of cake* HAPPY BIRTHD-...Oh.

Lora: *places hands on hips* I guess we should have turned on the lights, huh.

Colton: *pokes Heather* I think she died.

Lilly: She didn't die, she just fainted.

Colton: Can I take her money?

Lilly: *slaps Colton*

Colton: Ow.

Missy: So when is she going to wake up?

Calleigh: You think maybe we should have told her about the party?

Lora: You guys are freaks. *slaps Heather*

Colton: Yeah beat her right after scaring her to death. You're a standup citizen.

Katie's house

Doorbell rings

Katie: *jumps out of bed* Who the heck comes to the door at this hour? *gasp* It's a murderer. Okay Katie you've dealt with them before, this one should be no different. *grabs large stick* Huh...I wonder how a large stick got in here. *walks to door, opens it* DIE WUBBA! *swings stick*

Gavin: WHOA! *ducks*

Katie: *frowns* WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!

Gavin: Why do you have a big stick?

Katie: For fending off murderers like you.

Gavin: Look I just came by to ask you about Lori.

Katie: What about her?

Gavin: Has she been acting weird lately?

Katie: No. Frankly I think she has finally come to her senses. I just spoke to her a couple of hours ago and convinced her to leave your sorry ass.

Gavin: Uh, why?

Katie: Because I don't want her to make the same mistake I made. I went for the guy and not the career. I made her realize that this is going to go south either way.

Gavin: This meaning me and her.

Katie: Yeah. Good riddance to bad rubbish I always say.

Gavin: How did you just convince her over a couple of hours?

Katie: Easy. Her job gets better the longer she stays single and she won't grow into an old, uncaring, baggy old woman with a station wagon and ten kids. Plus I don't approve of you.

Gavin: What does that have to do with anything?

Katie: You're scum. You kidnapped her, you really think the 'relationship' was going to last? *scoffs* Please. She's better than you.

Gavin: *looks down at floor*

Katie: Face it bub, you're a killer and no one wants a life with a killer.

Gavin: *frowns*

Katie: *backs up* Beware, I know how to swing a stick.

Gavin: I'm not going to hurt you.

Katie: Yeah that's what they all say until BOOM, the pretty blonde is singin' the swan song.

Gavin: Could you uh...Let her know that if she needs anything, to just call.

Katie: Most guys would be happy they're free but whatever turns your pages.

Gavin: It's my responsability to look out for her.

Katie: *lifts brow*

Gavin: Have a good evening ma'am. *leaves*

Ryan: *jumps out of cake* HAPPY BIRTHD-...Oh.
Haha i can see that. :lol:

Lora: *places hands on hips*
*gaspage* I'm taking after Horatio! *squee!*

Man there are SO many guys on Lori's back. I feel sorry for taht girl. It's gonna get harder and harder to actually find The One (good movie).

Yeah! Yeah you better leave Gavin! Stupid ass murderer! *joins katie; grabs club* You better run.

Fantasticalastical update Gen. ;)
Geni, outrageously funny, that was until , however, Lori dumped Gavin... WTF??? To further her career? Even though, Gavin's the best thing smokin? Now, I have to really question her motives, and her sobreity. No one just walks out on such a swell guy ( forgetting of course, that he murdered people and he ah...kidnapped her). But other than that, he's the cat's me-ow.

And the party...Poor Heather...passed out. At her own surprise party. Again, only in the RT can that happen.

Excellent work, Geni!
"Heather: *walks in* Guys? Hey Guys! Why are the lights out? OH MY GOD you didn't leave me in here to be smacked in the head with a 2x4 did you? Because I guarantee you I have a cell phone and it makes high pitched noises for no reason."

....... when it doesn't turn off on me suddenly, sure.. it also sings OK GO and Hellogoodbye.

I want to repost that entire scene in Ryan's apartment. It was just that hilarious.. I'm getting poked and slapped and Ryan's jumping out of cakes and Lora is turning into Horatio and *breathes* I'm still on the floor passed out. :lol:

Woah. Lori dumped Gavin? All because her mother told her to, the same mother who she thinks lost it? Ok, she's lost it.

I can't wait until the next update... what's going to happen next, what's going to happen next.

You can always have sunnies magically apear in Lora's hands ;)


But please no tutu's....

Unless Ryan's going to be the one wearing it. :devil: (I'm so evil today)
Nope, now I have to put in a tutu. :lol:

And perhaps Ryan will wear it. :devil:

*huggles Colton* I love you too! Welcome back, by the way. I missed reading your posts around here. Hope things are swell in Colton-ville.

Anni! *tackles with hugs* Sometimes I question Lori's sobriety too...Which explains a lot of things come to think of it. But she's sober, just insane. ;)


Ryan's apartment, on top of counter

Lora: *places sunnies on face* Let's party.

Horatio: *looks down at hands* How did she get them?

Lilly: *whispers* She's Batman.

Horatio: *screams*

Ryan: *walks over in tutu*

Calleigh: *wide-eyed*

Delko: *drops beer*

Yelina: *covers mouth*

Lilly: *smiles* That's more like it.

Ryan: *sighs, reads card* Heather.

Heather: Mhm?

Ryan: *reading* On your special day in this time and place, the magnificent Lora has rented out this space. *rolls eyes*

Lora: Keep reading.

Ryan: *sigh* ...We want to welcome you to this great road trip team, we'll smother you in huggles until you bust a seam?

Lora: *smiling*

Ryan: *reads* We hope this birthday poem serves you until you're eighty, you truly truly are one stupendous super lady. Yours truly, all of us. Um, so why did I have to wear the tutu?

Heather: Aw you guys, that's so nice!

Horatio: *raises glass* Welcome to the team.

Calleigh: Here here!

Colton: *crosses arms* I never got welcomed to the team like that.

Warehouse, 11pm, Everglades

Lori: *jumps off motorcycle*

Doors open

Lori: *takes out gun*

Man: *walks over* Need I remind you once more that you are late.

Lori: Be glad you're getting it at all. *hands over box*

Man: Jaques!

Jaques: *runs over*

Behind trees

Gavin: *looks over*


Man: Prenez cela.

Jaques: Oui.

Man: Merci.

Jaques: *runs off*

Lori: You realize it's risky. You could be gettin' a lot of people killed.

Man: A dozen lives to save hundreds. Those are odds I can live with.

Lori: Well try and keep the death toll to a minimum. This medication is supposed to last three months and I can't get another supply before then.

Man: The children of Colombia thank you.

Lori: If you ask me, none of you guys should be there at all.

Man: Three french girls were kidnapped five years ago and I intend to find them.

Lori: You're lookin' at maybe a 20 percent chance they're still alive.

Man: 20 is better than nothing.

Lori: *looks around* I have to high-tail it so don't call me again. I'll call you.

Man: Yes madame.

Lori: *walks away*

Warehouse doors close

Lori: *grabs keys from pocket*

Gavin: *grabs Lori's arm*

Lori: *turns around*

Gavin: Shhhh.

Lori: *stares at Gavin* What in the hell are you doing here?

Gavin: I could ask you the same thing.

Lori: *pulls arm away* So you're spying on me now? Have you no shame?

Gavin: Your mother was the perfect cover.

Lori: You spoke to her.

Gavin: Yeah and I realized how you aren't stupid enough to play those games so what's this all about?

Lori: *angry sigh*

Gavin: I'm going to find out sooner or later.

Lori: Fine. I've been working for years trying to get the child slaves in Colombia free. Right now they need medicine so I can keep them alive long enough to get them out. It's dangerous and I don't want you being any part of it.

Gavin: Too late, I'm already part of it.

Lori: Okay. *sigh* I'm sorry I was so brutal before and I'm sorry you had to...Talk to my mother but if someone finds out I'm too close to someone....It just can't happen, alright? You don't know how dangerous it is.

Bullets suddenly zing by


Glass breaks

Colton-ville is now known as Dallas. :D I moved....lol I am so sad that Speed is dead....again...*just saying* But YAY! to the rest! :D
Geni! I was kinda hoping that it was insanity that was vexing Lori, (but then again, is that any better? It's like taking the lesser of the two evils - insanity or addict? hmm). Glad to see though that Lori's being , well , Lori and getting herself in trouble the only way she knows how - by saving others! And this time, Gavin's in on it! How cute this is going to be. *sigh* love...

Okay, Ryan. In . A . Tutu. Those three words incited a deep hearty laugh, and I mean deep down hearty laugh , you know the one where you snort and cry. And to boot, he recited a very interesting, yet clever poem for Heather! :lol: The look that was on everyone's face was just... classic! One for the RT hall of fame! ( Among others... China, France...Canada...I could be all day naming all the hiliarious stuff these guys have been through). Long and short of it, Geni, Awesome work! ;)
I'm officially part of the team! *tears well up* awww.

Lora's Batman? Cool! ;)

:lol: Ryan in a tutu.... now that's more like it... hehe (I hope Lilly doesn't see that)

I knew something was up with Lori, and now we know.

:D.... that's what this update made me do.. XD
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