CSI:Miami - "Road Trip *puts on shades* Number Nine."

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hehe...I love you Geni! ;D Yay! Go me! I knocked out Horatio. *flicks Lora and watches her fly away* I wanna snap on Lora!! HEHE jkjk :)

Update Soon Geni! ;D
*flicks Lora and watches her fly away*

Haha you wish! If all y'all knew me better, you would know better then to challange me. Pretty much everyone in the campus knows that i had 4 brothers and that i'm not some pansy. :devil: Bring it on.

Of course Colton, we're still friends. :lol:
Colton! That's so not cool, dude. :D Anyways, looking forward to the updates, Geni is my hero!
Love a day off for Victoria Day, get to sleep in and everything!
:lol: Y'all are awesome. :p

Thanks for the reviews. :D


DA's office

Lori: *walks in* Hi Robert.

Robert: *lifts head* What are you doing in here?

Lori: You're working the dead prostitue case, right?

Robert: I work a lot of cases, Speedle.

Lori: *smiles* I love a workin' man.

Robert: Something you needed?

Lori: A deal.

Robert: You're a prosecutor. You don't ask for deals.

Lori: Actually we do. And just so happens the lawyer who is defending the only suspect we have is an idiot.

Robert: *sigh*

Lori: She gets house arrest.

Robert: She's already out on bail.

Lori: What?

Robert: That's why she was released.

Lori: Who fronted her bail?

Robert: I wasn't standing there when she was released.

Lori: Do you have the file?

Robert: Sure.

Lori: ...

Robert: ...

Lori: Can I see it?

Robert: No.

Lori: Is this because I left?

Robert: You can't just ditch a job.

Lori: I'm not ditching the job. I went on vacation.

Robert: Then why are you back in Miami?

Lori: ...Okay that's not the point.

Robert: Lori, you can't keep jumping between jobs. You either work there or you don't work here.

Lori: Fine. My loyalties lie with the City of Miami. Happy?

Robert: You're still not getting the file.

Lori: *frowns*

Robert: *continues paperwork*

Lori: This could be important to the case.

Robert: ...*sigh* If it will get you out of my office. *opens drawer*

Lori: *walks over*

Robert: *hands over paper*

Lori: *glares*

Robert: What.

Lori: Adam Porter.

Robert: Who's that?

Lori: I have to go. *leaves*

Robert: Finally.

Katie's house

Lori: *knocks on door*

Katie: *opens door* Lilly already asked me all the questions.

Lori: You know him.

Katie: Who?

Lori: Adam Porter.

Katie: I don't know who that is.

Lori: Really. *hands over paper* He fronted your bail. And I'm betting he was the one who killed that undercover cop. So this means he's been in the building at least twice and no one has noticed.

Katie: You really think I'd get someone killed.

Lori: I think you're pathetic and you need a man and he's using you. Did you know he killed a man in California? But...You used to live there, right? You know the people, the gangs...

Katie: *frowns*

Lori: You moved there before I was born.

Katie: You're paranoid.

Lori: You'd just left your husband, moved to an unfamiliar city and you were left to raise a child on your own. You've never told me what happened from the time you left until dad got there.

Katie: It's none of your business.

Lori: So what, this Adam guy just happens to show up in Miami again when you happen to be single? He promise you a bunch of cash?

Katie: Look, I do what I have to do! If I hadn't met him, I would have had no money to feed you after you were born. And he just...Showed up on my doorstep three weeks ago. He said he killed someone. A cop.

Lori: Then what.

Katie: Then he said his friend was a bank manager and that he owed him some money so he was going to get it before he fled to Cuba. He wanted me to ask out Jason so he could get the cash.

Lori: And you didn't know he was an undercover cop.

Katie: No and I don't even think Adam knew. Then I found out about all the women and the boat owner and this gang...I found out Adam was part of it.

Lori: ...Why date all of these bad people?

Katie: It's...Something different. You don't need to expect anything out of them. They aren't in love with their jobs and they set foot outside every once in a while.

Lori: Where and when are they hitting next?

Katie: International Airport in five hours.

Lori: You know the thing about criminals is...You can get mixed up in a bunch of crap you don't want to be a part of and it ends up getting you in trouble and they're the ones who get away. Why don't you think about that the next time you decide to pick danger over a real man. *walks away*

Katie: *frowns*

Miami International Airport

Ryan: You see anyone suspicious?

Delko: Like who?

Ryan: Well anyone who doesn't belong who could have a *whispers* weapon.

Delko: Just read your newspaper and stop talking.

Ryan: *flips page* I just think we should be actively looking for these guys, not waiting for them to show up.

Delko: We have the photos of Adam and Raoul so just calm down.

Ryan: Yeah and what if they decided to hire someone to do the work for them?

Delko: That's why we're here Ryan.

Ryan: I'm not going to just sit here.

Delko: We're going on the side of caution this time.

Ryan: Why, because I almost blew up?

Delko: You mind not saying that in an airport, man?

Ryan: *sigh*

Delko: *looks around*

Ryan: *reading paper*

Delko: ...You're supposed to be looking around.

Ryan: I thought you told me to read my paper.

Delko: Yeah as a cover. You don't do this Vice stuff very often.

Ryan: Please don't call me 'Miami Vice'.

Delko: You're no Don Johnson.

Ryan: *frowns* Yeah I'm better looking.

Delko: *rolls eyes*

Ryan: Hey, is that our guy?

Delko: Which guy?

Ryan: Adam.

Delko: *squints* Looks like the photo.

Ryan: So what do we do?

Delko: We watch him.

Ryan: He's getting out his phone.

Delko: Okay just wait.

Ryan: What if he's calling his gang guys?

Delko: He's not.

Ryan: How do you know?

Delko: I hope he isn't.

Ryan: Nice.

Delko: Okay, I'll walk over there slowly and see if I can get a better visual. You stay here.

Ryan: I want to help.

Delko: No. *stands, leaves*

Ryan: *stands* Too bad. *walks away*

Adam: *looks at watch*

Delko: *walks over* Hey do you have the time?

Adam: *looks at Eric* ...There are clocks all over the place in here.

Delko: ...Sorry.

Adam: *grabs newspaper*

Delko: You need a quarter for that?

Adam: It's free.

Delko: Oh yeah, yeah right.

Adam: *reading paper*

Delko: So where are you off to?

Adam: It's none of your business.

Delko: Yeah well I was just curious.

Adam: *nods*

Delko: So you here with anyone?

Adam: Not interested, man.

Delko: *frowns*

Hospital room

Speed: *sits down*

Nurse: *opens small kit* I'm just going to re-wrap his burns.

Speed: Yeah. How's he doing, anyway?

Nurse: ....Honestly, not very well.

Speed: *nods*

Nurse: You might want to get his family in here soon.

Speed: Yeah, excuse me. *stands, leaves*

Nurse: *grabs gauze*

Outside room

Carly: *staring into room*

Speed: *walks over* You want to go in?

Carly: *shakes head*

Speed: It's okay.

Carly: Um...I'm not good with...Victims.

Speed: You dealt with victims all the time in Australia.

Carly: Dead ones.

Speed: Don't think of him as a victim, think of him as your husband.

Carly: *sniffs* The uh...The kids won't stop crying. Cait won't leave her room. I mean, how is he? Really.

Speed: He's going to be fine.

Carly: *nods*

Airport, gate 5

Ryan: What the hell was that?

Delko: *walks over* Well apparently I look gay.

Ryan: You probably made us.

Delko: No way, he doesn't suspect a thing.

Ryan: Yeah right.

Delko: It doesn't matter, look.

Ryan: Is that Raoul?

Delko: I think so.

Ryan: You think?

Delko: I'm not the best with faces.

Ryan: You do facial comparisons all the time.

Delko: Correction, the computer does them.

Ryan: Don't you do fingerprints too?

Delko: Fingerprints aren't people.

Ryan: They're part of people.

Delko: Yeah well they aren't faces.

Ryan: Oh look they're walking away.

Delko: So follow them.

Ryan: Dude, I am. Shut up.

Delko: You shut up.

Ryan: Whoa, stop.

Delko: What?

Ryan: They're leaving.

Delko: Where?

Ryan: On a jet plane.

Delko: *blinks*

Ryan: We have to get on that flight.

Delko: Then go.

Ryan: I don't have a ticket.

Delko: Flash your badge.

Ryan: And tip them off?

Delko: A badge will get us anywhere.

Ryan: No it won't.

Delko: Yes it will. I'm a cop, I can do what I want.

Ryan: No badge.

Delko: Fine, I'll go buy a ticket.

Ryan: Just one?

Delko: Fine, two.

Ryan: I don't know, you'd better but a third seat for your bigass head.

Delko: *frowns* Just go.

Ryan: *walks away*


Delko: Hey I need two tickets.

Teller: Okay, where would you like to go?

Delko: Um, the way that that plane is going.

Teller: San Diego?

Delko: Sure.

Teller: That will be 500 dollars.

Delko: *wide-eyed* American?

Teller: ....We are in the United States, yes.

Delko: That's ridiculous.

Teller: I can't control what the airline seats cost, sir.

Delko: Can I get some for half price?

Teller: *smiles* I don't know, what are you offerin'?

Delko: Oh...I don't know...*slides 20 dollar bill over*

Teller: *frowns* You'll need 480 more dollars.

Delko: ...But I'm a cop.

Teller: And I'm George Washington with really great legs. 500 dollars.

Delko: *frowns, gets out wallet*

Past security

Ryan: You get the tickets?

Delko: Yeah. *hands over ticket* You owe me 500 bucks.

Ryan: How much were they both?

Delko: ...1000 dollars.

Ryan: *narrows eyes* For two seats in *looks at paper* Coach? You bought us coach? We might as well be sitting with the animals in the cargo bay.

Delko: Look if you paid for the tickets, you could have gotten better seats the point is we need to be on the plane.

Ryan: Why, so we can all blow up?

Delko: Stop it.

Ryan: Is there no mode of transportation in Miami that's actually safe?

Delko: ...Streetcars?

Ryan: There are streetcars in Miami?

Delko: I haven't checked.

Inside plane

Ryan: *sits*

Delko: *pushing things into overhead compartment*

Ryan: What are you doing?

Delko: Putting my cellphone and shoes in there.

Ryan: Your shoes?

Delko: Yeah.

Ryan: Why?

Delko: I paid a lot of money for this flight so I'm going to use every service.

Ryan: You going to go lay a log in the bathrooms too?

Delko: Yep. All of them.

Ryan: *nods*

Delko: *sits, grabs barf bags*

Ryan: ...You sick?

Delko: No. I paid for these barf bags.

Ryan: *grabs bags* You didn't pay for the barf bags.

Delko: Yes I did.

Ryan: You going to steal the plane's soap and bible too?

Delko: They have bibles on the plane?

Ryan: *rubs eyes* Okay Eric, we're here to catch Adam not put US Air out of business.

Delko: Fine.

Ryan: *looks out window*

Delko: *looks under seat*

Ryan: What are you doing?

Delko: Taking what's rightfully mine. *takes out chisel*

Ryan: You're stealing the old gum under the seats?

Delko: Mhm.

Ryan: *shakes head*

Delko: Hey I found a quarter under here.

Ryan: Good, you've made a profit can you stop now?

Delko: *looks around* How much is alcohol on these flights?

Ryan: More than a quarter and you're on the clock.

Delko: Damn.

Ryan: You know it's amazing how stupid you can get in fifteen minutes.

Delko: Hey as far as I'm concerned, this plane belongs to me.

Ryan: Everyone else paid the same amount to get on this flight.

Delko: Not the pilot.

Ryan: The pilot flies the plane. He GETS paid to be here.

Delko: Then he should be giving everyone else money.

Ryan: *sigh*

Delko.... he reminds me of my dad a little bit actually. "If I paid X amount of dollars I'm going to use every service they have." Oh yeah..

Ryan as Don Johnson. :lol: Well, maybe he is a role model of his, since he's always wearing those jackets.

OH I loved this update. Ryan and Delko. They are so great together. I'm surprised they didn't start beating each other up. You know, because they were acting like siblings.

Katie and her man trouble. *sigh* Nothing much to say there except, remember in Charlie's Angels where they can tell its a bad guy simply because Drew's character liked him? Yeah, she's you!
Ryan: You going to go lay a log in the bathrooms too?
umm..okay now i have some very nasty images in my head

Delko might as well just steal the magazines tat they have too and the life saving jacket thingy
Oh no Katie... :( I'm not sure if i understood it all, but something about her being with this Porterhouse Steak guy. :( Oh man that's not good. Does Speedy know?

:lol: Oh Delko, be glad it's not Air Canada. :lol:
Delko: *looks around* How much is alcohol on these flights?
*shakes head* Oh boy. Know i can see it, those 2 chasing after Porter while Wolfe is trying to keep and eye on Mr i-have-toilet-paper-trailing-from-my-shoe. :lol:

Thanks for the update Geni! Me being gone for 2 days and only missing ONE update?? I love you're timing. :D
I missed so much! Wow, Katie's an acdesory to murder, Josh is in a coma, Adam is...a murderer and I'm chasin' criminals again! Which is odd because I haven't been proven innocent because Horatio's goofing off with Lora and Calleigh and Colton's uber pissed. Sorry for being...a new person Colton. :lol:

No time for a nice, long, sweet review but awesome as always Geni, so much action! Keep it up, can't wait for more!
:lol: Lora, I surely hope he won't have toilet paper trailing from his shoe anytime soon, lol.

And I guess my timing is good. I mean, I barely updated all weekend so now you don't have to rush here. :p Not that you would, lol. Dang, I don't even rush here.

Anywhoodles, Chris, I didn't mention it before, but it's good to see you back! Real Life does suck doesn't it? *hugs* :)

:lol: Heather, RT Katie is a bit like Drew, isn't she? :p Well at least she can be their 'bad-guy-o-meter'. :D

Man this seems like such a soap opera. *shakes head* Ah well. And Lilly you're kinda hanging in limbo land there, lol.

Thanks for the reviews!


Plane, in the air

Delko: *banging on the seats*

Ryan: *reading magazine*

Delko: Boom chaka boom chaka! *pounds on food tray*

Ryan: *looks over*

Delko: What?

Ryan: Can you stop that?

Delko: Why?

Ryan: People are trying to hear their own thoughts.

Delko: ....*looks back at tray*

Ryan: Can you cut it out now and be quiet? I didn't come here to babysit you.

Delko: I'm not a baby.

Ryan: Then quit acting like it.

Delko: You know, I'm older than you.

Ryan: Act like it!

Delko: ...Fine. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.

Ryan: ...

Delko: Ha.

Ryan: That doesn't count. *looks up* Hey, whoa, he's getting up.

Delko: Who?

Ryan: Adam.

Delko: Oh.

Ryan: Keep an eye on his hands.

Delko: What's so special about his hands?

Ryan: *sigh* Why does Speed put up with you?

Delko: He doesn't. He ignores me.

Ryan: *shakes head*

Delko: He's getting something.

Ryan: What is it?

Delko: ...A ten dollar bill. Hey do you think he could spare me some change?

Ryan: For what?

Delko: I want one of those mojitos they're serving up front.

Ryan: You are not going to ask a murderer for mojito money.

Delko: Why not? It couldn't hurt.

Ryan: He'll think you're after him again.

Delko: Well I technically am. It'll only take a second.

Ryan: *rubs chin* If you get blown up, don't blame me.

Delko: Don't say that on a plane. *walks away*

Ryan: *sigh* Who hired him?

Two rows up

Delko: *sits down* Hey man.

Adam: *looking at magazine*

Delko: Good mojito?

Adam: Mhm.

Delko: *nods* Yeah they're the best, aren't they?

Adam: I guess.

Delko: Hey, you know...Katie right?

Adam: *looks at Eric* Depends.

Delko: Well she's about averaged height, thin, blonde hair, beautiful green eyes.

Adam: *nods* Yeah I know her. Classy gal, too.

Delko: Mhm. Y'see, she's a friend of mine and she says she knows you.

Adam: Really.

Delko: Yeah.

Adam: Well we did go out while she was in California. Said her bastard husband used to beat her. If you ask me, people like that should be taken out and shot.

Delko: *laughs*

Adam: What.

Delko: This, coming from a murderer.

Adam: *stares at Eric* That's a wild accusation.

Delko: You and your partners killed at least twenty women. You also killed a man in Fresno.

Adam: Okay here's what's going to happen. You're going to get up slowly and walk to the back of the plane with me.

Delko: Why, so you can kill me too?

Adam: Yeah.

Delko: ...You don't wait around, huh.

Adam: And then I'll kill all of these people.

Delko: Wait, just slow down. You don't have to kill anyone.

Adam: Yes I do.

Delko: Why?

Adam: It doesn't matter why.

Delko: How about you kill me and spare them.

Adam: *laughs* You must be a cop.

Delko: Miami Dade PD.

Adam: *nods* Thought so. Only the arrogance of Miami Dade's finest would ever get on a plane that's going to carry 250 murdered people to San Diego.

Delko: You aren't going to crash the plane?

Adam: I'm not an idiot.

Delko: ...You'll be the only one alive, they'll know it was you.

Adam: *shakes head* See unlike the police, I have a plan that can be followed through without getting everyone...Blown to smitherenes.

Delko: *frowns*

Adam: Your cop friend, Josh? I think it was? Brave soul. Not even I would risk my tail for some patrol cop.

Delko: You sure know a lot about us.

Adam: I've known your Katie friend for a long time.

Delko: It's funny, she's never mentioned you until today.

Adam: Secrets, lies and the occasional corpse. That's all it is with you people, isn't it? One big soap opera. Well guess what, the fat lady's singin' on your end.

Delko: And what if I kill you first?

Adam: I have no weapon, I'm not a threat to you.

Delko: ...Then how are you going to kill everyone?

Adam: *lifts finger* Everyone but the pilot. Remember, this plane touches the ground.

Delko: *looks around*

Adam: It's interesting.

Delko: What.

Adam: That we can have a casual conversation. Criminal and police officer. That is how I'm labeled, right? A criminal?

Delko: That depends on your definition.

Adam: I don't consider myself a bad person. I go to church on Sunday, I over-tip the waitresses at my local coffee shop and I help my neighbor carry her groceries every Wednesday into her home.

Delko: Yeah? Did you kill her too?

Adam: *smiles* The only difference between you and I, is I act and you don't. You and your team sit back and wait for a computer to crunch out some numbers and formulas.

Delko: And you rid the world of all it's impurities, right? What's so impure about a bunch of innocent people? Children on this flight peacefully sleeping while you get ready to destroy their lives. Aged people struggling to get their coffee cup lids off. Businessmen calling their wives to wish them Happy Birthday. What the hell is so bad about that?

Adam: It's not about the individuals.

Delko: Then what is it about? Because you certainly planted a different motive in the minds of the people working for you. They think they're killing for a reason.

Adam: It's wonderful isn't it? Manipulation.

Delko: Did you manipulate Katie too? Tell her not to say anything or you'd kill her?

Adam: She knows what I have on her.

Delko: Tell me. I mean, if I'm going to die anyway I might as well know.

Adam: Engaging me in conversation to extend yours and everyone else's life isn't going to work. I told you, there's already a plan.

Delko: Still, humour me.

Adam: Katie and I were in love.

Delko: *laughs* Yeah sure you were.

Adam: You don't think murderers can love?

Delko: I think you're a cold-hearted bastard.

Adam: Our relationship was actually rather professional. Nothing ever happened.

Delko: So you took it out on every other blonde girl you could find.

Adam: No. I'm not petty.

Delko: You're going to kill 250 people for no reason, I'd call that petty.

Adam: Call it what you want.

Delko: You don't have to do this.

Adam: Your time to identify with the murderer passed minutes ago and it didn't work so I suggest you put the situational rule book away.

Delko: Look, whatever you're angry about, you don't have to kill people for it. You seem smart enough to know the difference between right and wrong.

Adam: People can do the right thing and it's still wrong.

Delko: Like what?

Adam: I'm not here to play hypotheticals with you. So stand up and get to the back of the plane.

Delko: Fine. *stands*

Adam: *stands*

Delko and Adam walk away

Ryan: *looks over* Ah crap.

Old lady: *walks over* Is this seat taken?

Ryan: Uh...Not at the moment.

Old lady: Mind if I have a seat?

Ryan: ..Where were you sitting when we took off?

Old lady: My husband is rather large and it became uncomfortable. *sits*

Ryan: Uh huh. *looks back*

Old lady: Your neck's going to stick that way if you keep it up, young man.

Ryan: *looks at lady*

Old lady: Do you have the crossword, dear?

Ryan: No.

Old lady: I think it dropped under your seat.

Ryan: I don't have it.

Old lady: Everyone has a crossword.

Ryan: So ask someone else.

Old lady: *frowns* Young man, did your mother teach you any manners?

Ryan: Sure but it must have gotten jumbled with all of the live-saving I'm trying to do right now.

Old lady: *slaps Ryan in the face*

Ryan: *wide-eyed* What the hell did you do that for!

Old lady: No respect from youths these days. Now be a dear and accompany me to the bathroom. I can't quite get the hemorroid cream cap off.

Ryan: *stands* Ah. Uh, yeah how about you do THAT and I'll wait by the door.

Old lady: If you say so. *stands, walks away*

Ryan: *rolls eyes*

Ah crap. Delkotorsky just HAD to go had have an aqward converstaion with the enemy. *weakly* Whoo hoo.

Delko: You're going to kill 250 people for no reason, I'd call that petty.

Adam: Call it what you want.

He has a good point Delko does. These people have done NOTHING to you, and you're going to kill them. Terrorists, insane i tell ya.

Ryan: *looks over* Ah crap.

Old lady: *walks over* Is this seat taken?

*starts to laugh* :lol: :lol: Oh! Oh man just like we all fear! Ah good one Geni. Thanks for the update! :D
Lori and Katie...now the daughter teaches the mother. Way to go Lori telling mom to have better taste in men (one preferably who doesn't break the law).

Ah, some one really needs to check to see if Delko is on his meds...Seriously, the dude needs some psychatric attention. But I will say, Ryan and Delko, together... Laughs galore. They should do a show together.

Awww... Is Josh going to make it? I sure hope so. At least Speed has an optimistic view of it...wait, Speed never has an optimistic view of anything...Poor Josh, we knew him so well....

Great as always, Geni!

Here's a little edit, cause i just read the next update:lol:

WTF??? Delko!!! What the hell was he thinking??? Now, he's walking to his death with some dude who is, truthfully really whacked. I mean, honestly, there is a motive for everything, including mass murder. So, hypothetical or not, Adam is a basketcase- hypothetically.

Oh good lord, elderly lady who has a fetish for crosswords and a problem requiring hemroid cream.... pftttb! Ryan gets it everytime! That is just too hilairious!

Keep this up Geni, and I won't be able to breathe,...Excellent work!
*rubs chin* This old lady sure doesn't seem to be who Ryan thinks she is. *rubs chin again*

Ah, you updated and I went to take a shower. Whee! An episode of CSI:Miami that I haven't seen AND two updates in a day. WOOT!

And Delko...actually acting sort of like a grown up cop like person...hrmmm....

Can't wait for more, Geni!
I actually enjoyed the conversation between Delko and Adam. Adam may be a cold-hearted killer but he's smart and he seems like the kind of person who knows what he's doing, and they're the worst. I'm not going crazy this time because I knwo you all too well Geni, you must have something up your sleeve.

But I think wacko-Wubba-crazed Delko handled himself well. He was calm, fierce, and actually pretty insightful. (did I just SAY that?) Now he gets smart, you can't kill him Geni. Just when his brains start to work. But anyway, that whole conversation stopped my breathing, it was wonderfully written, and showed great character from the same man who was scraping gum off his seat ten minutes ago. What a character you've created here.

That old lady...I don't like her. She's stereotypical, rude, and old. Can't she see Ryan's about to pull a Jack Bauer? Gosh, lady. We need my boyfriend to save the day here. Please make everyone okay, Geni, and thanks so much for the wonderful update. You're awesome. :D Update soon!
Oh Dear, will Delko ever stop acting like a child? Probably not. Jess, I wouldn't be taking him on a plane anytime soon. Honestly, does he want to get himself killed? Good greif!
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