CSI:Miami - "Road Trip *puts on shades* Number Nine."

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Josh is alive! That guy is a real hero. Risks his life! For WOLFE none the less. :lol: JK Lilly.... :lol:

Lora! Only you can make him twitch! Must be true love!

:lol: *hugs* I love you too. But if i can make him stop twitching, he'll be my true love. ;)
I can't believe that I forgot to comment on the Donkey visit!!! Donkey eats shades...poor Horatio, can't win for losing. And Lora, calling Horatio an old fogie isn't going to get on his good side. See, he's twitching again. Twitching not good. :lol:

I know once Horatio finds out that they had an action and there was a bomb involved, his is going to throw a conniption fit! Man, that would be hiliarious if he did so. This is just hiliarious enough though... My fave line is with out a doubt...

Horatio: I don't want to touch an ass.

That had me on the floor in fits.. :lol: :lol: :lol:
And Lora, calling Horatio an old fogie isn't going to get on his good side. See, he's twitching again. Twitching not good.

I know i know i know! Like i said before, i don't want to get on his bad side, i want to get on his bed side. :lol:
Wolfe-lings? Lori preggers? Tim with BOOBS!
lol sorry i just read all of this at once and its just too much!
and of course Horatio HAD to name his sunnies:rolleyes:(BONNIE!:lol:)
Ryan almost blowing up was pretty cool! J/K!
Woooh! you go Carly telling that lawyer who's boss!
Horatio singing especially that song "I'm gonna ride it all nite long!"(reminds me of the movie 'Cars')
they should've never gone to that donkey farm! But Calleigh made new friends! :D
Tim with BOOBS!

*image of tim with bra jumps through mind, shudders* Thanks for that visual. ;)

*hugs* I love you too. But if i can make him stop twitching, he'll be my true love.

:lol: <--Enough said. ;)

I totally forgot about Horatio singing.... :lol:! I want to see that.

Thanks for the reviews everyone. :D

And...Pardon all of my insane spelling mistakes.. :p


Miami, holding cell

Speed: *walks over*

Katie: *stands*

Speed: Josh's in a coma.

Katie: ...

Speed: So you'd better start talking.

Katie: ...Okay.

Speed: Why did Jason want a CSI?

Katie: Something about processing a scene.

Speed: Which scene?

Katie: The warehouse.

Speed: What did he find inside?

Katie: A bomb operation from LA. Some guy named Adam something was setting the whole thing up.

Speed: What were they targeting?

Katie: I don't know. He didn't tell me that. He just needed enough evidence to get a prosecution.

Speed: Why didn't you tell us before?

Katie: He told me not to say anything.

Speed: He's dead. You can say whatever you want now.

Katie: I think I know who killed him.

Speed: Alright.

Katie: That Adam guy. He was pissed because he couldn't get his hands on the rest of the money.

Speed: *nods* The money was at the warehouse.

Katie: I'm sorry. I didn't know it would get this far.

Speed: You almost got my brother killed. You can rot in hell. *leaves*

Katie: *looks down at floor*


Carly: *staring at floor*

Delko: *walks over* Have you been to the hospital yet?

Carly: No. I don't want to see him like that.

Delko: He doesn't look that bad. Only has a few burns.

Carly: I don't want to see him hooked up to machines.

Delko: If he hadn't gone in, we would have all died.

Carly: You know, he told me once that....If he could save just one person whether that person was innocent or guilty, he's done his job. Even if hundreds died. If he saved one, that's all that mattered.

Delko: He's a good cop.

Carly: ...Why did he wait? He could have gotten out sooner.

Delko: I don't know.

Carly: He might never wake up. What am I supposed to tell my kids?

Delko: The truth.

Carly: Yeah that'll blow over well.

Delko: I could go with you if you wanted.

Carly: No.

Delko: Look, Josh needs someone there with him, sometimes it helps. I'll pick up the kids and bring them to my place. I'm heading home anyway.

Carly: You don't have to.

Delko: You're my friend.

Carly: *sigh* Okay.

Delko: Where are they?

Carly: Cait's at football practice and Ethan's at day care.

Delko: ...He's six.

Carly: He's a trouble maker.

Delko: Okay. And um...Football means soccer right? I don't want to go to the wrong place.

Carly: *laughs* Yeah, soccer.

Delko: Alright. See you later. *stands, leaves*

Carly: *sigh*


Jess: *walks over* Hey.

Speed: *staring through window* Yeah.

Jess: How's he doing?

Speed: *looks at Jess* What do you have?

Jess: When he got to the hospital, they found something in his hand. *hands over baggie*

Speed: ...This is an action switch.

Jess: He must have pulled it from the pressure plate.

Speed: He's lucky he didn't lose the hand.

Jess: It's the only clear evidence we have aside from the other plates. The rest was melted. That much explosive power wouldn't have left very much behind.

Speed: The components are still there.

Jess: We can use this in court.

Speed: I know.

Jess: DA wants to convict Katie.

Speed: On what?

Jess: Witholding information making her an accomplice.

Speed: We don't have all the information yet.

Jess: Either way, we don't have much time.

Speed: Yeah.

Jess: So...How is he?

Speed: How does he look?

Jess: Not good.

Speed: Well this day has gone to hell.

Jess: I need to process him.

Speed: *tilts head* He's not going anywhere.

Jess: *walks into room*

Speed: *stares into window*

Lori: *walks over* I want to help.

Speed: *looks at Lori*

Lori: I have a few friends in high places.

Speed: You do realize you'll be prosecuting your mother.

Lori: Don't have to. I spoke to the DA.

Speed: And?

Lori: She's been released.

Speed: I'm assuming you have a plan.

Lori: *hands over folder*

Speed: *looks down at paper* Adam Porter.

Lori: Aren't your CSIs working a case in California on him?

Speed: Yeah.

Lori: His print was found on one of the plates.

Speed: Jason came down from LA at the same time the Little Earth gang did.

Lori: He was chasin' them and you were chasing him.

Speed: Now they're chasing us.

Lori: Mhm. Thing is, this Raoul guy got away. Probably to meet up with Porter.

Speed: They have their next target.

Lori: Miami International Airport.

Speed: Did you read all of the casefiles?

Lori: *smirks* I managed to sneak a peek.

Speed: Once we get these guys, we don't want them out.

Lori: They won't get out. You bring me evidence, I'll get you a judge.

Speed: *hands over bag* How's this?

Lori: Excellent.

Lilly: *runs over* Lori, that was my file.

Lori: You weren't using it.

Lilly: This Porter guy killed my boyfriend in California.

Speed: And?

Lilly: I ran into the guy a couple of times, he side-swiped me with a knife as I tried to get James out of the freezer.

Speed: Why didn't you tell us this before?

Lilly: It doesn't matter. The point is this guy's going after anyone in law enforcement.

Speed: He might be going after more than that. We have a link to the airport.

Lilly: Do you know when they'll hit?

Speed: I was assuming Katie knew.

Lori: She told the DA everything she knew.

Speed: Which was...

Lori: Everything she told you.

Speed: I think she knows more.

Lori: Well she isn't saying anything.

Speed: This is one of those times where we need Horatio.

Lilly: Well they're doing a piss-poor job solving the other case or they would have called us by now.

Speed: Lil, go talk to Katie. Lori, go talk to the DA again. Go work your...Charm.

Lori: *smiles* Ooh I have permission to be an ass?

Speed: Yeah.

Lori: Why thank you kindly. *leaves*

Hummerhome, outside

Calleigh: *painting* I love sky blue.

Colton: Do you love everything?

Calleigh: ...No.

Colton: *throws paint bucket* THIS IS STUPID! We're not having fun we're just doing more chores!

Calleigh: I like painting.

Colton: Don't you ever say anything that doesn't involve 'I love' or 'I like'?

Calleigh: Why are you getting so frustrated?

Colton: Because this isn't fun! We used to have fun!

Calleigh: There's only four of us.

Colton: EXACTLY! We used to have so many of us! I mean Katie, Katie, Trevor, Kristin, Anni, Carly, Missy, JC, Megan, Jess, Emy, me, Horatio, you, Speed, Eric and Stetler for God's sake. Then all of you people got families and kids running around and all of this went to hell!

Calleigh: I didn't realize it hit you so hard.

Colton: I'm just saying we suck.

Calleigh: ...Everyone else seems to be having fun.

Colton: Well maybe I'm the little guy who ISN'T having fun! I'm always left in the background somewhere to be forgotten until there aren't any other people left to hang around! God, Cal, we're in a relationship!

Calleigh: ...We are?

Colton: YES!

Calleigh: *rubs chin*

Colton: Calleigh I was moved into your place!

Calleigh: I thought that was just temporary.

Colton: NO!

Calleigh: Well yellin' isn't gonna bring the love back.

Colton: *angry sigh* Now I know why Speed loses it. No one listens.

Calleigh: Oh you are nothing like him.

Colton: I've been complaining the whole time.

Calleigh: I didn't notice.

Colton: EXACTLY!

Horatio: *walks over* What's all the commotion.

Colton: *punches Horatio*

Horatio: AH! *falls down*


Horatio: *passes out*

Lora: HA! Great shot!

Colton: You're next.

Lora: ...*backs away slowly*

Calleigh: Knock it off.

Colton: Everyone irritates me! Maybe this is some kind of manly PMS.

Lora: Yeah I think you'd have to be manly first.

Colton: *steps forward*

Lora: AH! *steps back*

Ok.. hmm.. So let me try this again. *cracks knuckles*

Colton is having a nervous breakdown.. Don't hurt Lora! She's just being her normal cooky self.. which to us seems to be abnormal, but normal is so overated. :D But, seriously, lay off the paint fumes.

Katie, Speed, Lori, Carly, Delko, Lilly, Adam, Jason, Little Earth! *head starts spinning* Let me sit down for a second. *whew* At leasat it's all starting to make sense.

Er, by the way Katie, Queen of the Spidey People, could you tell your big, hairy, posionous spiders not to eyeball me when I'm eating lunch? It kinda freaks me out. ;)

Awesometawesome update Geni! As usual. Now, lets see if this review posts....

ETA: It posted! *does the hand jive* erm. uh yeah.
Horatio in Heaven! Josh is in a coma! Thank God he's alive....barely. :(

Speed: You almost got my brother killed. You can rot in hell. *leaves*

Ooo. Tough love.

Colton: EXACTLY! We used to have so many of us! I mean Katie, Katie, Trevor, Kristin, Anni, Carly, Missy, JC, Megan, Jess, Emy, me, Horatio, you, Speed, Eric and Stetler for God's sake. Then all of you people got families and kids running around and all of this went to hell!

....The donkey has a point. A good one at that.

Colton: *punches Horatio*

AH! BAD DONKEY! *jumps on Colton*

Oh no i'm in danger! Horatio's on the ground! I don't think i have a gun! The SOJ's are somewhere and i don't knwo WHERE! If i could find them i could weild there power! AH COLTON! YOU TOUCHED MY HORATIO! *punches kicks and bites*

Great update Geni, very refreshing. :D I can't wait to see what happens next!!

(Horatio is freaking passed out! DON'T make me kill you Colton! ....I'm running out of places to hide the bodies.) This is fantasticalastical. Just fantasticalastical.
Katie: I'm sorry. I didn't know it would get this far.

Speed: You almost got my brother killed. You can rot in hell. *leaves*

Ahhh well I think s safe to say that Tatie is completley out the window now. I loved it when I freaked out at Lori. That would be so like me when m kid tells me there going to have a baby too. lol. And ohhhh I had to get a lawyer and and and and and Joshie went all heroic and is in a coma now and and and Delko's being all sweetie and Carly called Soccer football and i'm really hyper. But non the less, great last couple of updates geni!

Update soon.
OH! poor colton's having a nervous break down and nobodies helping Lilly. Ah, and Lori has permission to be an ass. Always fun. Great work Geni!
Lori has permission to be an ass...the world is in for it! Josh is in a coma- at least he is alive. Katie seems to be in hot water, at least with Speed. And Colton is all of a sudden the mature one of the bunch, and punching Horatio... Good times, I tell ya, good times!

Awesome work, Geni!
:eek: Good times? Good times?? For God sakes he punched H-Man! *jumps on Colton* And i just met you too....

Colton: Everyone irritates me! Maybe this is some kind of manly PMS.

Lora: Yeah I think you'd have to be manly first.

*smiles* Haha...go me. :D
Real life bites. Seriously, you would think a director would let us leave before 9 oclock at night, but no! He wants us there forever. Sheesh. Anyways, I have been reading, just not posting, since I have very little free time on my hands. All I can say is Oh my freaking God a lot has happened! Geni, you continuously astound me. You are incredible and I thank you for making my life a little more humourous. Thank you thank you thank you!
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