CSI:Miami - "Road Trip *puts on shades* Number Nine."

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Okay, that was friggin hiliarious! From Katie automatically freaking out, to Speed finally realizing that he should freak out, I thought that this by far...well, close to it anyway, was the funniest.

That is , of course until I read further and saw that Horatio named his shades, Bonnie no less. And Lora,...I'm speechless. Never have I laughed quite as hard as I did when she said...


Never have I seen anyone who gets to Horatio like Lora. For cripes sakes, she has him twitching now. That was funny. Really, ... funny.

Is it me, or is everyone in the Speedle family somewhat insane? Excluding RT Anni and Jake of course ;) Jk....

Awesome Geni!
:lol: Wow, i made Horatio twitch. Turn blue too! I can't control my character, just like i can't control myself! :lol: I'm loving this too much. It'll be even better when i can stop cramming. :D
:lol: Yeah Anni, the Speedle family is insane. Now it's got me wondering if Speed hadn't bit the dust on Miami, if his future family would really be as crazy as his RT family. :lol: They'd probably be a lot more...In control of themselves, lol.

*hugs Colton* Ah don't worry, if CSI busts next year, we always have the RT! :lol: ...I'm not sure that's something to be proud of though.

Thanks for the reviews everyone. :D


Autopsy, 9am, Miami

Delko: You called us down here Alexx?

Alexx: I found something when I was finishing up the autopsy on Jason Parker. *lifts sheet*

Speed: *tilts head*

Delko: What is that?

Alexx: I don't know. Looks like some kind of microchip.

Delko: I guess he didn't want anyone to find it.

Alexx: No body would have unless they knew where it was. Must have been a bitch to put in.

Delko: Can you remove it?

Alexx: *scoffs* Honey I can remove anything.

Delko: *laughs*

Speed: *leans closer to body*

Delko: What are you doing?

Speed: Looks swollen.

Delko: Uh yeah. It doesn't exactly belong there.

Speed: *lifts head* Would have made it hard to urinate, right?

Alexx: There's a minor infection, probably caused by the foreign object itself. It's not uncommon since the genital area can harbor a lot of bacteria.

Speed: So he wouldn't have been able to do anything...Strenuous with that part of his body.

Delko: *rolls eyes*

Alexx: No, not until the infection cleared.

Delko: Why is this important?

Speed: When you remove that Alexx, give it to Eric, I'll be at PD. *leaves*

Delko: You know, he should really learn to be a team player.

Alexx: *laughs*

Interrogation room

Katie: Was this really necessary? I wanted to sleep in.

Speed: Sorry for the inconvenience.

Katie: Is this just because I freaked out at Lori? Because you did too.

Speed: *places folder on table*

Katie: ...Uh what the hell is that?

Speed: Jason Parker's southern border.

Katie: *closes folder* You don't give up on this guy. Stop trying to compare yourself with him.

Speed: *opens folder* That's a microchip.

Katie: So?

Speed: He wouldn't have been able to...Do much, if you get my drift.

Katie: *stares at Speed*

Speed: Someone killed him and I think it's because they wanted that chip. Problem is, they didn't know where to look.

Katie: What does that have to do with me?

Speed: You lied.

Katie: I wanted to make you jelous, lock me up and throw away the key.

Speed: Falsifying a statement can get you there pretty quickly.

Katie: What? You're going to arrest me because I was being petty?

Speed: I want to know what actually happened. Why he was at that warehouse.

Katie: I don't know.

Speed: Okay let's try this again. If you don't tell me what happened at that warehouse, I'm going to throw you in jail for witholding information in a murder investigation. You are now officially a suspect, understand?

Katie: *frowns* I want a lawyer.

Speed: *nods*

Katie: Funny how at work it's all business but after hours you actually treat me like a human being. Like you actually care about me.

Speed: *stands* You shouldn't have lied. *leaves*

Katie: *glaring*

A/V lab

Delko: *typing*

Ryan: *walks over* Hey, what's this?

Delko: Microchip collected from the victim.

Ryan: Oh, where was it?

Delko: You don't want to know.

Ryan: *sits* What's on it?

Delko: I'm trying to decode it. Someone did want anyone else getting in.

Ryan: Jason worked undercover, right?

Delko: Yeah.

Ryan: Maybe it had something to do with that.

Delko: I don't know, the guy went to a warehouse in Hialeah. It's not somewhere the PD likes to hide out.

Ryan: Do you know how to crack this thing?

Delko: Sure.

Ryan: ...You don't need help?

Delko: I know how to work a computer.

Ryan: I was just asking.

Delko: Why don't you just let me do the work.

Ryan: I thought you needed help on the case and since I'm assigned to it, I get to help, ergo, you don't have to do all the work.

Delko: I'm fine. *typing*

Ryan: There's de-coding software, right?

Delko: ...Yes.

Ryan: How come you aren't using it?

Delko: *frowns* You know why Horatio hired you? You're a teacher's pet. Shoo.

Ryan: You know why he hired you? You're Cuban so you make up the needed minority.

Delko: That's low.

Ryan: Yours was low.

Delko: Truce?

Ryan: Fine.

Delko/Ryan high five

Computer beeps

Delko: Okay we're in.

Ryan: It's a map.

Delko: Yeah it's Hialeah.

Ryan: Isn't that where the warehouse is?

Delko: Yeah over here it looks like the warehouse. *grabs cellphone*

Ryan: It's highlighted.

Delko: Hey, Speed, yeah we found the address of the warehouse.

Warehouse, Hialeah

Delko: *takes out gun*

Speed: *looks around* Tread marks.

Delko: From his truck?

Speed: Maybe.

Ryan: *grabs gun* It's quiet.

Speed: I think this guy had more than one job going on.

Delko: You smell that?

Speed: Yeah.

Ryan: Smell what?

Speed: C4.

Ryan: ...That's explosive, right?

Delko: That's why we're going to be very careful.

Ryan: What if we blow up?

Delko: We're not going to blow up.

Speed: *grabs warehouse door*

Ryan: That could be a trap.

Speed: Or it could be the entrance.

Ryan: You have a death wish or something?

Speed: *opens door a crack*

Delko: *lifts gun*

Speed: ...Maybe we should have called for backup.

Delko: We'll call as soon as we're in.

Speed: *opens door*

Delko: *walks in* Miami Dade PD!

Ryan: *lifts gun*

Delko: *walking* Police!

Ryan: *looks around* It looks empty.

Delko: They were making something in here.

Click is heard

Speed/Delko: *look at Ryan*

Ryan: *looks down*

Delko: You're on a pressure switch. Don't move.

Ryan: ...I'm going to blow up.

Speed: *looks around*

Delko: You're going to be fine. *dials phone*

Ryan: How many people survive this?

Delko: Less than 2%

Ryan: You could have lied, man.

Delko: I don't even know if I'm right.

Ryan: Oh wonderful.

Delko: You'll be fine if you just stay put.

Ryan: What, forever?

Delko: No, just until we can get the bomb squad here and contain the area.

Ryan: You're going to...Contain everyone else from...Me.

Delko: That's right.

Ryan: In case I blow up.

Delko: Yeah but there will be someone in here trying to save you as you blow up.

Ryan: You're kidding me.

Delko: No.

Speed: You smell that?

Delko: ...Yeah we already went over this. The explosives?

Speed: No, it smells like decay. I'm going to take a look around.

Delko: Alone? There could be traps everywhere.

Speed: Something's being hidden and our jobs are to un-hide it.

Delko: You could wait until we get Ryan safe.

Speed: We could lose the entire building. I think our undercover cop was trying to find evidence against whoever has this set up.

Delko: Explains the information he had in his patootee.

Speed: Doesn't that mean 'ass'?

Delko: I'd rather just say that instead.

Speed: Stay puy. *walks away*

Delko: WAIT!

Speed: *turns around*

Delko: Don't be a cowboy. You see something, you get your CSI butt back here.

Speed: Fine. *walks away*

Ryan: My toe's getting kind of itchy.

Delko: You're not supposed to move.

Ryan: But my toe's itchy.

Delko: Would you rather have an itchy toe or blow into a million pieces?

Ryan: ...I'll take the toe.

Back room

Speed: *shines flashlight*

Delko: *runs over*

Speed: What the hell are you doing? You left Ryan.

Delko: He's not a baby. You find something?

Speed: *looks down at floor* Smell's coming from there.

Delko: *kneels*

Speed: I think the boat owner was killing a lot more women than the PD found.

Delko: *rips up plank*

Speed: *covers mouth*

Delko: *stands* Wow.

Speed: *backs up* You want to knock us out?

Delko: Sorry. Whew, that's...Got to be at least...A year, maybe two old.

Speed: *lifts clothing* Prositutes?

Delko: *lifts arm* Track marks. These could be the real deal.

Speed: Co-eds do drugs.

Delko: None of the other victims had a history of drug use.

Speed: We need to get as much of this out as we can.

Delko: Are you kidding me? Bomb squad is going to blow this buidling. We can't get anything out.

Speed: *looks back* Well we have at least ten minutes.

Delko: I'm not carrying dead bodies out the front door while leaving Ryan for dead.

Speed: To kill this many people, it had to have been more than one guy so we have to find out who it was.

Delko: We don't have time to process the scene.

Click is heard

Delko: *looks up*

Speed: *looks up*

Delko: ...I think our time just got cut in half.

Speed: I hate time-delayed motion sensors.

Delko: At least you'll die knowing what it was that killed you.

Speed: Let's go.

Outside, Bomb vehicles pull up

Josh: *gets out of Hummer*

Jess: *walks over*

Josh: Extend the command post to 500 feet. I want officers canvasing the area. Block off the North and West street. No body gets in.

Jess: *nods* Radio says no apparent suspects inside.

Josh: Any officers?

Jess: Wolfe, Speedle and Delko.

Josh: Where's Horatio?

Jess: He called this morning. The Grand Canyon.

Josh: *shakes head* Of course. *grabs radio* Guys, no one goes in until you get the green light.

Avery: *walks over* Just got off the phone with Delko. Ryan's on a pressure switch and the motion sensors set off a timer due to explode in less than four minutes.

Josh: Can the other two CSIs get out?

Avery: They say there's evidence in there.

Josh: Tell them to get out.

Avery: Eric said they're staying.

Josh: Who told him to stay?

Avery: Speedle.

Josh: *grabs phone, dials* Jackass has a death wish.

Jess: *looks up at warehouse* GET DOWN!

Shots ring out across ground

Josh: *ducks* You said there were no suspects!

Jess: There weren't!

Josh: *looks at phone* Damnit.

Jess: Have we identified anyone?

Shots fire again

Jess: *covers head*

Josh: I'd say we haven't.

Jess: Could be the guy's coming back.

Avery: And they don't seem to want us here.

Jess: Maybe we should call Horatio?

Avery: Yeah and then what? He's hundreds of miles away.

Jess: He'd know what to do.

Josh: Send two officers around back. You have two minutes to take them out. Get the other two CSIs out and get back here.

Jess: What about Ryan?

Josh: I'll go get Ryan. *stands, runs*

Jess: *runs*

Avery: *runs*

Inside warehouse

Jess: *runs over* GUYS!

Delko: *looks over* Jess?

Jess: The place is going to blow in two minutes, you need to leave.

Delko: You hear the shots?

Jess: Yeah one bullet whizzed past my head.

Delko: They're upstairs?

Jess: I don't think they left.

Speed: *walks over* I counted at least 15 bodies.

Delko: These are psychos.

Speed: You know how the boat owner said something about Jason making them rich? I think it was his plan all along.

Delko: Why?

Speed: Underneath the bodies are bags filled with cash.

Delko: From the bank?

Speed: I guess that's why Jason was at the bank.

Jess: Guys, leave. Now.

Speed: This is evidence.

Jess: You'll be evidence in a minute if you don't run. You have one minute. Go.

Delko: Come on. *runs*

Speed: *runs*

Jess: *runs*


Avery: *lifts gun, shoots*

Guy1: AH! *falls over raining, dies*

Guy2: *turns around, shoots*

Avery: *runs behind wall*

Guy2: *firing gun*

Avery: *loads gun*

Guy2: You won't live.

Avery: *turns around, fires gun*

Guy2: *runs off*

Avery: *runs to railing*

Guy2 heads down the stairs, out the side door

Avery: *runs downstairs*

Middle of warehouse

Ryan: How long do we have?

Josh: 20 seconds.

Ryan: I can't get out in 20 seconds.

Josh: You're going to be fine.

Ryan: What are you doing?

Josh: *kneels*

Ryan: You don't have time to stare at it!

Josh: Ryan, I want you to do something for me.

Ryan: As long as I don't blow up.

Josh: Lift your foot.

Ryan: No. I'm going to blow up.

Josh: You have two seconds to lift your foot or I'll push you.

Ryan: *lifts foot, closes eye*

Josh: *holding pressure switch*

Ryan: ...It didn't blow.

Josh: I'm holding it. Get out.

Ryan: What about you?

Josh: GET OUT!

Ryan: *runs*


Jess: *looking at warehouse*

Delko: Anyone still in there?

Warehouse explodes

OMG GENI! Josh gave his life for Ryan's?! *takes deep breath* Please, please, find some supernatural way to make him okay. Something- like I'm hoping they do with Lana and her car. What an explosive :)lol:) update, and in the end JOSH GET'S BLOWN UP. *begs*

Other than that- this case is really getting interesting! We have 15 bodies and now a money scheme...Jason as an undercover, microchipped (ouch) and Katie's a suspect. And Horatio's sightseeing in California. Please, PLEASE update soon!
.... GENI! What are you trying to do to me??? That was heart racing,... I thought I was going to pass out from the action! Josh has his hand on the trigger! Speed has a death wish, Eric is ...well, Eric!...Wait, Speed has a death wish? What the heck for ??? :lol:

Awesome update, Geni! I need another to bring me down from this high! ;)
...wow....just wow.

Mind blowing (erm, I think we are all full of them tonight :lol:) update. I want to know what happened. Is Josh ok, is Ryan ok, why does Speed have a sudden death wish, all these questions...

I loved it. Bonus, you capture Alexx quite well. ;)
Katie: *frowns* I want a lawyer.

*wails* No! Katie's crossed to the other side! :(

Ryan: You know why he hired you? You're Cuban so you make up the needed minority.

:mad: You'll pay for that you little %#$*^! *attacks*

Delko: You're on a pressure switch. Don't move.

Ryan: ...I'm going to blow up.

HA! Some payback. You brought this on yourself Wolfe. (Oh sorry Lilly honey.)

Ryan: How many people survive this?

Delko: Less than 2%

Ryan: You could have lied, man.

:lol: That made me cough my soup up. Hilarious! :lol:


Ryan: ...It didn't blow.

Josh: I'm holding it. Get out.

Ryan: What about you?

Josh: GET OUT!

Ryan: *runs*


Jess: *looking at warehouse*

Delko: Anyone still in there?

Warehouse explodes

AH!! :( Horatio in Heaven NO! Oh no, please don't kill Josh, please don't be dead. You even haven't met ME! That guy is getting a Purple Heart. No matter which way he is. :(

Geni, fantasticalastical update! A really good one! Thanks very much! :D *huggles* (Great job on Alexx Geni, very accurate. ;) )
Delko: You're on a pressure switch. Don't move.

Ryan: ...I'm going to blow up.

HA! Some payback. You brought this on yourself Wolfe. (Oh sorry Lilly honey.)
*rolls of sleeves* You're gonna get it for that Lora! :lol: My man, about to blow up, and you laugh? But I still really hope Josh is okay (and leave Wolfe alone Lora. He's AWESOME :p)
SORRY. But i just don't like Wolfe. I haven't let go of Speedy. :(

Ok, fine. I WILL LEAVE RYAN ALONE. Since you're a good friend. :)
Supernatural? Did you just say supernatural? :lol:


And now I shall put up another chapter! :D Thanks for the reviews.


Miami, Ambulances ride by, fire trucks parked out front, police cars everywhere

Jess: *runs over* Fire Rescue's still looking for the other suspect. Officers went with them.

Delko: How's everyone doing?

Jess: Avery hasn't shown up. She went for the other suspect. Speed's over by the ambulance with Ryan.

Delko: What about Josh?

Jess: *shakes head*

Delko: They find him?

Jess: Not yet.

Delko: Okay this entire building is evidence. I want it quarantined off and after Fire Rescue's finished I want you and Carly to process.

Jess: Sure.

Delko: Glad you're okay.

Jess: *smiles*

Delko: *walks away*

Jess: *grabs cellphone*


Paramedic: *wraps Ryan's arm*

Delko: What happened?

Ryan: Got a piece of wood jammed in my arm.

Delko: You bag it?

Speed: I bagged it.

Delko: What was Josh doing when you ran out?

Ryan: He was holding the pressure switch.

Delko: That doesn't normally work, right? I mean, he would have only had maybe half a second.

Ryan: It looked like it was time delayed like everything else in there.

Speed: *walks away*

Delko: Okay, you good to get back to work?

Ryan: Send me where you need me.

Interrogation room, one hour later

Speed: *walks in, slams door*

Katie: *jumps*

Speed: You have exactly two seconds to explain to me why the hell you were there.

Lawyer: My client has already divulged all of the information she knows.

Katie: I didn't kill anyone and I didn't get anyone killed.

Speed: *crosses arms*

Katie: You're only looking at me because I knew the guy. Not everyone is a murderer because they were near the murderer. And by the way I killed the actual killer.

Speed: We think there were more than one.

Katie: What, like me?

Speed: Maybe.

Katie: I didn't kill anyone!

Speed: How did you meet Jason?

Lawyer: Detective, my client had nothing to do with the killings.

Speed: How did you meet him.

Lawyer: This is harassment. My client has been cooperative throughout your investigation. If you want to accuse someone for murder, look at the gangs and the vigilanties.

Speed: Katie, you need to tell me what happened in there. Who's after that microchip?

Katie: I didn't know he had one.

Speed: I get the feeling your date wasn't really a date.

Lawyer: Speculation, detective. My client had nothing to do with the events that took place.

Katie: Yeah. When the guy died I was in the park.

Speed: You weren't in the park. We walked through the park to get to the Marina. You just so conveniently showed up after.

Katie: I was hiding.

Lawyer: This is ridiculous. We're leaving.

Speed: *looks at lawyer* Sit your ass down, we're not finished.

Lawyer: *frowns* Your judgement is clouded by your previous relationship with my client. You're a bitter ex-husband who thinks he can power-play her.

Speed: She's a suspect in a murder investigation.

Lawyer: And she's innocent.

Speed: You get paid to think she's innocent.

Lawyer: We're leaving. Come on Katie.

Katie: *stands*

Speed: Who's setting the bombs up?

Katie: I don't know anything.

Speed: You were there.

Katie: *walks to door*

Lawyer: I'm going to have a little talk with IAB about your conduct, detective.

Katie: *leaves*

Lawyer: *leaves*

Speed: *frowns*

Crime Scene

Delko: *holding up wires*

Jess: *walks over, sets down kit* This the blast zone?

Delko: The entire building is the blast zone.

Jess: Got an ignition switch?

Delko: Yeah it's from a pipe bomb.

Jess: A lot of explosives in this place.

Delko: They were preparing for something.

Jess: We're only a few miles from the airport.

Delko: *looks at Jess*

Jess: You find anything else on that chip?

Delko: Didn't have time.

Jess: I sent Carly to check it out. I didn't want her here.

Delko: Good idea. How's she holding up?

Jess: She's not.

Delko: I wouldn't either.

Jess: *nods* At least Alena has both her parents.

Delko: It might not always end that way.

Jess: Yeah.

A/V Lab

Carly: *typing*

Speed: *walks in* Find anything?

Carly: No.

Speed: Eric was only able to decode a small amount.

Carly: I'm using the software now. Where's Katie?

Speed: She left with her lawyer.

Carly: You think she's guilty?

Speed: She lied about something, I'm not sure about what though. Hey what's that?

Carly: *typing* Miami International Airport.

Speed: That emblem in the corner, can you bring it up?

Carly: Yeah. *clicks mouse* It's a Spanish name.

Speed: *writing* Yeah it means 'Little Earth'.

Carly: What is it?

Speed: It's a gang. They've been around Fort Lauderdale for a couple of years after coming down from LA and recently won territory in Miami.

Carly: Anything about them that might help us?

Speed: They strive for equality but the methods they use are less than...Lawful.

Carly: Equality...Like prostitutes dying and no one noticing.

Speed: Yeah. And they hate cops.

Carly: So maybe one of them found out Jason was a cop and iced him.

Speed: Seems like a motive. Okay, get Katie in the box again. I'll search up these guys and see if I can get a lead.

Carly: Sure.

Speed: *leaves*

Carly: *stares at keyboard* ...



Lora: Learn the words.

Horatio: I knew the words. I just couldn't remember them this second.

Lora: It's because you're an old fogie.

Horatio: *eye twitches*

Calleigh: *looking at map* OH OH!

Horatio: What?


Horatio: You can tell that by looking at a map?

Calleigh: No I can smell it from here.

Colton: I'm so hungry. Why didn't you pile the Hummerhome with food before you left?

Horatio: I didn't think we'd go on a road trip.

Lora: ...Didn't you eat on the way over here?

Horatio: I don't need food. I'm Horatio Caine.

Lora: So are you like, related to Michael Caine?

Horatio: *lifts brow* Not that I know of.

Lora: Just thought I'd put that out there. OH DONKEYS!

Calleigh: Where?

Lora: THERE'S A DONKEY FARM! Can we pet the donkeys?

Horatio: No.

Lora: WHY NOT!

Horatio: I don't want to touch an ass.

Lora: We'll leave Colton in here.

Colton: HEY!

Horatio: Fine, we'll stop at the donkey farm.

Lora: HAZZAH! *runs out of Hummerhome*

Donkey farm

Lora: DONKEYS! *running around in circles*

Donkey: *stares at Lora*


Donkey: *snaps at Lora*

Lora: *screams*

Colton: What's the matter? Donkey doesn't like you?

Lora: *frowns* I'm gonna knock it on it's butt. *runs after donkey*

Calleigh: *petting donkey* Awww aren't you a cutie? Yes you are. OH yes you are. *makes baby noises*

Colton: Cal?

Calleigh: Yeah?

Colton: I can't believe you're going along with this.

Calleigh: I love animals.

Donkey2: *chewing on Horatio's new shades*


Donkey2: *kicks Horatio*

Horatio: OW! *falls over*

Lora: *running around* THE DONKEYS ARE TRYING TO KILL ME! *jumps over fence*

Calleigh: *sitting with donkeys* Awww all of you are my friends.

Colton: *shakes head* I should have stayed in Miami.

Interrogation room, Miami

Carly: *places folder on table* You know what this is?

Lawyer: My client isn't answering any more questions. You have no evidence against her.

Carly: *looks at Lawyer* I've been a CSI a lot longer than you've been a lawyer so shut your mouth or I'll shut it for you.

Laywer: ...

Carly: *looks at Katie* Do you know what that is?

Katie: No.

Carly: It's an emblem for a gang. Little Earth. They're vigilanties who strive for equality but the thing is, equal killing seems to be their thing now as well as manufacturing bombs.

Katie: So?

Carly: You were at the warehouse.

Katie: I didn't see anything.

Carly: Maybe not but I need you to tell me anything you know. We can catch them.

Katie: All I know is Jason went in and came out about an hour later.

Carly: Did he say why he was going in?

Katie: He said it was classified.

Carly: Why do you think he brought you with him?

Katie: He needed a CSI.

Carly: Why?

Katie: He didn't tell me why. But I guess something went wrong.

Carly: How?

Katie: He said we had to split and he drove to the park. We went to see Peter.

Carly: *writing* The victim in the boat.

Katie: Yeah. Was he one of those guys?

Carly: We're checking into that.

Katie: Did something happen?

Carly: The warehouse was rigged to explode. The location was aquired through the microchip that Jason had under his skin. There's also other tactical information on it. CSIs responded to the scene.

Katie: ...It blew up?

Carly: *lifts head* Yes it did.

Katie: Was anyone hurt?

Carly: Did you know there were bombs?

Lawyer: I'd advise my client to not say any more.

Carly: Katie, you could have gotten everyone killed.

Katie: I didn't know they were going to blow it up!

Carly: Do you know who killed Jason?

Katie: No!

Carly: Okay. Cellphone rings *grabs cellphone* Yeah...I'll be right there. *closes phone*

Katie: Who was that?

Carly: Sit tight. *leaves*


Carly: *walks over* These the bodies from the scene?

Alexx: Pieces of them anyway.

Carly: *grabs latex gloves* How many do we have?

Alexx: At least 19 bodies but I'm still pieceing people back together.

Carly: Anything significant?

Alexx: Yes. I was able to run the fingerprints on two of the bodies. Both came back to co-eds who volunteered their prints to the Univeristy of Miami.

Carly: Any missing person's reports filed?

Alexx: *hands over folder* Two.

Carly: For both girls?

Alexx: Yeah but cops never found anything. This was in the late 90s.

Carly: Forensics wasn't as advanced then. It's not surpising they didn't find much.

Alexx: I also found something else. *grabs evidence folder, takes out object*

Carly: *looks at object*

Alexx: This was lodged into one of the girl's arms.

Carly: A ring.

Alexx: You recognize it?

Carly: No. You know, one of the shooters died in there. Maybe it was his.

Alexx: *nods*

Carly: You find anything else?

Alexx: Not yet baby.

Carly: *sigh*

Alexx: They'll find him.

Carly: I know. I just hope he doesn't end up here with you. Thanks Alexx. *leaves*

Alexx: No problem.

Halls, 20 minutes later

Speed: *walking*

Carly: *runs over* Get ready to thank me.

Speed: For what?

Carly: I found a print on a ring Alexx dug out of a dead girl's arm. It was baked on by the blast so I was able to pull it up.

Speed: And?

Carly: Tony Paquiero, 33 years old. Arrested in 2004 for battery. He was one of the shooters.

Speed: So he was involved with the gang.

Carly: Yeah. I looked up his associates and it turns out he had a business partner named Raoul Martinez. They both worked on the docks for a while until Raoul moved to LA. He was popped for assault.

Speed: *nods* No stretch to say he's the second shooter.

Carly: Yeah the one that got away. They find Avery yet?

Speed: She didn't make it.

Carly: That's unfortunate.

Speed: Yeah. Thing is, the blast didn't kill her. She was found down a hill in a creek. Strangled.

Carly: ...That's terrible.

Speed: They haven't found the suspect.

Carly: *sigh*

Speed: How are the kids?

Carly: They don't even know. I told Cait to look after things while I ran into work.

Cellphone rings

Speed: *opens phone* Yeah it's Speed...*looks at Carly*

Carly: *lifts brow*

Speed: I'll be right there. *closes phone*

Carly: Who was that?

Speed: It was Eric. They found a body they can't identify.

Carly: I'll go.

Speed: It's okay, I got it. *leaves*

Carly: *sigh*

Crime Scene

Delko: *looks back* Hey.

Speed: *walks over* Hey.

Delko: Fire Rescue just found this body. We know it's male.

Speed: *lifts sheet*

Delko: ...You know him?

Speed: *drops sheet* No.

Delko: You sure?

Speed: He's not wearing a ring.

Delko: Ring could have blown off.

Speed: It's not him, Eric.

Delko: Okay.

Speed: He's one of the shooters.

Delko: Well Jess and I figured out that the pressure switches were on a ten second time-delay.

Speed: Ten seconds?

Delko: Yeah.

Speed: That doesn't help us if Josh didn't know.

Delko: I think he did. I found every plate. Not one of them has a print.

Speed: ...He wasn't holding it?

Delko: Maybe the sides, but not the actual pressure switch.

Speed: So he could have gotten out.

Delko: He would have at least five seconds.

Speed: Okay keep canvasing the ar-

Cop: I need a paramedic!

Cop2: Down this ravine, he's down here!

Speed: *turns around*

Delko: Think it's him?

Paramedics bring Josh up ravine on gurney and to ambulance

Paramedic1: Three broken ribs, broken leg, collapsed lung, second degree burns to his hands and arms.

Paramedic2: He's going into cardiac arrest.

Delko: He must have been out. A blast like that...Probably threw him.

Speed: Let's finish processing.

Lora: It's because you're an old fogie.

Horatio: *eye twitches*


Horatio: I don't want to touch an ass.

Lora: We'll leave Colton in here.

*laughs* :lol:

Lora: DONKEYS! *running around in circles*

Donkey: *stares at Lora*

:lol: *laughs harder* (why am i laughing?)

Horatio: OW! *falls over*
THAT'S where i should come in and chase the ass away and comfort Horatio. ;)

*reads ending* AH JOSH IS ALIVE. .....Barely. WHOA that's a lot of injuries.

Thanks for such a quick update Geni! :D
OH ! Good lord, Josh is alright, well, if you call a collapsed lung alright and cardiac arrest. Okay, we will settle for being alive for right now. Sad to hear that Avery was killed, most more than likely by the assailants as they fled. Poor Avery, she was always giving Josh a run for his money :(

And Katie...does she have a part in this??? What the... Okay, I need an update, stat! :lol:

Awesome, Geni, simply awesome!
Josh! He's alive! Even if he's seriously injured and even dying he's still alive and that's very good news. Thank you for at leats giving him a chance, Geni. Heroes don't deserve to die like that. *sigh* Poor Josh, poor Carly, poor Cait and Ethan... everyone's going through rough times in RTland, hope it all gets better (even H and the gang...evil donkeys :lol:)

Speaking of evil donkeys, man was that funny. Had me in fits, Horatio being chased by donkeys, Calleigh forming a little donkey group and Colton watching. It's hilarious. Lora! Horatio's shades, the SOJs! :lol: Geni after two years you're still full of a big ball of humor! :lol: Awesome.

Connections to LA...could this case be tied to that Porter guy? Just speculating, but anything's possible in the RT, and it might explain some things...update soon! Hope your computer starts working again. *huggles*
*spits water* Ok.. So who' alive, who's dead, and who's dying?

Lora! :lol: Only you can make him twitch! Must be true love!

Dronkeys! Sorry.. :D..

Katie is a suspect? And Speed and that Lawyer. hah. Stick it to her. ;)

Great update. I loved it, you have me on the edge of my seat!
OH MY GOD JOSH! Poor guy, getting blown up saving Ryan's life. Good grief!
and horatio's on a road trip when we should be proving the innocence of Lilly. Sheesh.
And yes, JC and I would love to see the JC/Horatio thing followed through. Much love!
Great work Geni, you are amazing!
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