CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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Aw. That was so incredibly cute. Speed being all tough-guy daddy like. Hehe.
Megan, I would pay good money to hear one of my friends say 'Teehee' to me over the phone.
Oh, it was so amazing. I laughed so hard. And he said it all girly and high-pitched like. :lol: :lol: :lol: And of course, he couldn't figure out why I was laughing so much.
Wow having Speed as a dad would have been amazing!!! my dad was never that cool, he never liked any of my boyfriends.

Speed is a tough dad but deep down he just want's to protect his little girl from the big bad world.

update soon Geni :D
My dad is pretty laid back. He trusts my decisions, even though I haven't made very many. :p

Waste Away

Lounge, next day

Katie: IT'S MINE!

Carly: IT'S MINE!


Carly: *bites Katie*


Anni: *walks in* What are you two doing?

Katie: She stole my remote.

Carly: I bought it.

Katie: The lab bought it.

Carly: My tax dollars pay their salaries.

Katie: Suuure.

Anni: *grabs remote* Mine now.

Jess: *runs in* COWS! COWS!



Katie: WHY!

Jess: Okay there's kind of this crime scene and there was this semi full of cows that crashed into another semi full of bread.

Katie: WHERE!


Katie: *gets out phone*

Jess: What are you doing?

Katie: Calling Tim, duh.

Anni: Were there any buns in that other semi?

Jess: Yeah burger buns.

Anni: HA. Now that's irony.

Jess: Why?

Anni: ...A semi full of cows hit a semi full of burger buns.

Crime scene

Speed: *walks over*

Katie: SEE! COWS!

Speed: Katie...

Katie: What?

Speed: That other semi is leaking mustard.

Katie: 0_0 *runs over to truck* I'LL TAKE IT FROM HERE!

Delko: Hey I heard you had a guy over at your house.

Speed: *grabs camera*

Delko: ...Lori has a boyfriend?

Speed: No.

Delko: *laughs*

Speed: What?

Delko: Yeah she does.

Speed: She gets to have a boyfriend when I say so.

Delko: *shakes head*

Calleigh: Tim, I need to talk to you.

Speed: *turns around* Why?

Calleigh: It's about Teague.

Speed: *sigh*

Few feet away

Calleigh: Tim he needs to know.

Speed: And then what? He's supposed to be automatically happy?

Calleigh: He's been making threats at school. Threats. He's nine.

Speed: He'll get over it.

Calleigh: *frowns* He is your son.

Speed: You could always talk to him instead of running to me all the time.

Calleigh: I've been trying to get through to him.

Speed: Well if he doesn't listen, he doesn't listen.

Calleigh: I'm telling him.

Speed: What?

Calleigh: It has to end somewhere. I can't have him hurting people because he thinks he's a bastard.

Speed: You shouldn't have to be the one to tell him, I'll do it.

Calleigh: Thank you.

Speed: Yeah. *walks away*

Crime scene

Katie: *swimming in mustard* I AM THE QUEEN OF THE SPIDER PEOPLE! HEAR ME ROAR! *growls*

Horatio: Get out of the mustard! Carly put those buns down! Anni step away from the cow!

Anni: The cow is cute.

Horatio: I don't care.

Anni: Spoil sport.

Horatio: People, we're supposed to be professionals.

Katie: SMILE YOU'VE GOT FRENCH'S! *rolling around in mustard*

Hahahahaha. Did I come to work high, drunk maybe half and half? I mean hey I love mustard just as much as the next person but swimming in it? Hehehehe. Thats so awesome. But ah yes I would have to agree that is some irony that a semi full of cows crashed into another semi carrying hamburger buns. lol.

Jess: What are you doing?

Katie: Calling Tim, duh.
Heck yes duh! Because you know he's 'Not going to take a picture of every single blade of grass, COW!' lol. And seriously why does H man always have to ruin the fun?

And awww Timmy's going to tell Teague that he's his daddy. How cute. I can't wait to see how that goes. Update soon please!
:lol: :lol: :lol: Oh, that was too funny. Cows!!!!!!! Yay! I love cows. We were talking about cows at work today. Oh Katie and her mustard. :lol: Teehee. Lori has a boyfriend, and Daddy's in denial! Oh man, I'm so tired. I'll be back tomorrow :)

Memory Remain


Speed: *walks in* Hey man.

Teague: Hey.

Speed: I heard about what you did at school yesterday.

Teague: *frowning*

Speed: So what did they say this time?

Teague: Nothing. Where's Horatio?

Speed: At a crime scene. Why do you need to talk to him?

Teague: He gives me advice.

Speed: Well he probably didn't tell you to make threats.

Teague: I know.

Speed: What did he tell you?

Teague: He said go talk to my father.

Speed: *smirks*

Teague: Yeah great advice huh.

Speed: Well at least you took it.

Teague: What? No I didn't.

Speed: *looks down at floor*

Teague: ...You have GOT to be kidding me.

Speed: I'm not.

Teague: Uh...You're not kidding me, or you're not my father?

Speed: Teague, your mother loves you very much and she wants the best for you.

Teague: Why didn't she just tell me? ...Why didn't YOU just tell me?

Speed: Calleigh and I...We're not married, I have a family, a-

Teague: So that explains not telling me who my father is?

Speed: No.

Teague: What the hell!

Speed: Just calm down.

Teague: I'm not going to calm down! You've been lying to me!

Speed: I'm sorry, I should have told you.

Teague: No...No...It can't be you, I mean...I-

Speed: It is me.

Teague: Don't think I'm going to start calling you 'dad'.

Speed: You don't have to.

Teague: So what, was I an accident?

Speed: *stares at Teague*

Teague: Great.

Speed: I loved your mother.

Teague: Do you still love her?

Speed: ...Yes.

Teague: Yeah well, have fun with Katie and the rest of your family. *walks away*

Speed: *sigh*

Ohhh that so did NOT blow over nicely lol. And and and AND! Tim still loves Calleigh. Hmm is that 'If i'm not around you ever second of every day I feel incomplete' type love or is it the 'I love you like a collegue so please don't get yourself killed' type love? Hmmm one wonders.

But awww poor Teague. I can't imagine how he must feel right now. Especially after he found out that he was an "Accident" poor kid. Update soon please!
:lol: Katie, you never cease to make me laugh. :D

I should have more this afternoon so keep checking back!
Awwwwwww poor Teague he discovered the sad truth... :( poor poor little boy I just want to hug him :)

And Katie swimming in the mustard *can't stop laughing* It was just unbelieveble :lol: *still laughing*
And there was cow and Speed said nothing!!!It's weired...well at least he is professional :D

Ow and yeah I almost forgot :) Jess sing like Celine Dion :D I really want to that :p

Great update Geni and update soon please :)
Awwww poor little Teague..he certainly didn't take that very well...maybe he was secretly hoping that H was his dad ;) :lol:

But the whole thing with the mustard and the buns and COWS! Oh my gosh, that was HILARIOUS!
Katie: *swimming in mustard* I AM THE QUEEN OF THE SPIDER PEOPLE! HEAR ME ROAR! *growls*

Horatio: Get out of the mustard! Carly put those buns down! Anni step away from the cow!

Anni: The cow is cute.

Horatio: I don't care.

Anni: Spoil sport.

Horatio: People, we're supposed to be professionals.

Katie: SMILE YOU'VE GOT FRENCH'S! *rolling around in mustard*
:lol: Trust Katie to start swimming in the mustard...and I thought I should figure out what that last quote was before I commented, but now I get what it means, so it's all the more funny :lol:

please update soon
Well, I'm glad I could make you laugh Geni. I do try. lol.

Katie.. when will I return..
Umm...I have no idea, because I don't write this story. I think you meant that question to be directed to Geni. :)

And aww yes leave it to me to swim in the mustard. I should have known that was going to happen sooner or later. lol. And hey! Some people want to discover a cure for a disease before they do but my life goal was to swim in mustard. And I accomplished it.
^ In reference to Kristin's question, patience is a virtue my dear. You just leave everything up to me. ;)

carlz31 said
Awwww poor little Teague..he certainly didn't take that very well...maybe he was secretly hoping that H was his dad

:lol: Carly have I mentioned I love you in the most platonic sense? *hugs*

And yes Katie's life long dream was to swim in a tub of mustard. :lol:
Ha mustard I love mustard I make mustard sandwiches when we have nothing else lol. Okay wow never listen to whiskey lullaby when ur sad and depressed *sniffle* ah but who can sad and depressed when there is the RT to take your mind off the real world????? Okay i am going crazy now.
:lol: I'm glad the RT takes your mind off of things.

I should have more chapters soon!

ETA: Look, it's soon!

My Weekness Is...

Crime Scene

Katie: *rolling around in mustard* Man this stuff starts to stick to you when it gets hot out.

Carly: Maybe you shouldn't be rolling around in it.

Anni: Yeah your skin will turn yellow.

Katie: *screams* NO! YOU LIE!

Anni: I've seen it happen.

Katie: I doubt that.

Anni: I have pictures.

Katie: *screams*

Speed: *walks over* Will you get out of the mustard?

Katie: Never.

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: Ugh fine. HEY COW!

Cow: *looks up*

Katie: Teehee it looked at me.

Speed: That's because you're crazy.

Katie: I am not. *runs over to cow*

Calleigh: *walks over* Hey did you tell him?

Speed: Yeah.

Calleigh: How did he take it?

Speed: He didn't.

Calleigh: Is he mad?

Speed: He'll get over it.

Calleigh: Did he say anything?

Speed: He asked if I loved you.

Calleigh: And you told him the truth right?

Speed: Yeah.

Calleigh: *sigh* How did he take it?

Speed: ...That depends on what the truth was supposed to be.

Calleigh: ...Tim...

Speed: Nevermind.

Calleigh: You brought it up.

Speed: I said I love you, okay?

Calleigh: Why?

Speed: Because it was the truth.

Calleigh: What kind of love are we talking about?

Speed: The kind that makes me want to say 'Don't get shot tomorrow'.

Calleigh: ...

Speed: It doesn't mean 'I want to sleep with you'.

Calleigh: Ah.

Cow: MOOO!

Speed: Uh...Excuse me for a second.

Calleigh: Where are you going?

Speed: There's a cow that need's my camera's attention. *walks away*

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