CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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woah, sweet Lori was a crazy woman :eek:...but I still like Gus: "Gus: One. Government: Zero" :lol: ahh, Gus...

but at least little Lori is still adorable! putting pepper spray in Eric's eggs...AWWWW, she's such a little Speed...

please update soon
:lol: Oh Gus.


Miami, 9 am

Horatio: Welcome back.

Speed: *nods*

Calleigh: Just in time for a case.

Delko: And to think at one point we were actually on the road, carefree.

Calleigh: Things change.

Delko: Well I wish things would go back the way they were.

Speed: What's this case?

Horatio: Man falls out of tree, and falls down a chimney.

Speed: *frowns*

Horatio: Let's head out before the media starts to swarm.

Delko: *leaves*

Horatio: *leaves*

Calleigh: ...You alright?

Speed: How's your baby?

Calleigh: He's fine, he's staying with the girls in the boat. *smiles* You should have seen his face when they ran over to him with toys.

Speed: *nods*

Calleigh: He's got beautiful brown eyes.

Speed: Great.

Calleigh: You sure you don't want to come visit him?

Speed: Cal, we talked about this.

Calleigh: And you said you'd be there for him.

Speed: I know.

Calleigh: Just come see him. *walks away*

Speed: *angry sigh*

Crime scene, house

Alexx: *looks up fireplace* Ho ho ho.

Horatio: *smirks* Can you get him down?

Alexx: He's pretty stuck.

Delko: *shines flashlight down, from top of fireplace*

Horatio: You see anything Eric!

Delko: Yeah! Blunt force trauma.

Speed: *walks in* I checked the tree, there's a ladder at the base of it.

Horatio: You print it?

Speed: Yeah.

Calleigh: *kneels, opens kit* I've got ash on the floor.

Speed: Yeah that's probably because a guy just fell halfway down a chimney. There's bound to be some ash in here.

Calleigh: *smiles* You just see the world as one big happy rainbow don't you?

Speed: Yeah my rainbow is a few spectrums off of being happy.

Calleigh: *laughs*

Delko: Hey I found something up here!

Horatio: What did you find?

Delko: One of the bricks here are missing.

Horatio: Well there's debris all over the place down here. He probably knocked it out.

Alexx: *grabs guy's hand* His hand won't open.

Delko: Cadaveric Spasm?

Alexx: Mhm.

Calleigh: Oh you are not microwavin' that hand, Alexx.

Alexx: *smiles*

Calleigh: You have got to be kiddin' me.

Speed: Maybe if you're real good she'll let you press the start button.

Calleigh: *touches Speed's chest* Oh that hurts.

Speed: *shakes head*

Calleigh: *grinning* You sure you don't want to be there when they open up the hand?

Speed: That's your department.

Horatio: People....

Calleigh: *smile fades* Sorry Horatio. *walks away*

Horatio: It's okay.

Speed: So what do you think? You think he fell?

Horatio: Well it's clear he fell. I just don't think it was an accident.

Alexx: You and me both.

Horatio: You think you can get him down from there.

Alexx: *smiles* Oh the dead can't hide from me honey.

Horatio: *smirks* Excellent. *puts on shades, walks away*

Alexx: Okay Timmy, get your CSI butt over here.

Speed: Why me?

Alexx: Because I said so. Help me get him down.

Speed: Yes ma'am. *walks over*

Lab, an hour later

Layout room

Horatio: Okay what do you have here?

Carole: Clothes from the victim.

Horatio: Alright, have you processed?

Carole: I was just about to do that.

Horatio: Okay, first photograph anything before you move it. Then make sure to preserve as much of the clothes as possible.

Carole: Preserve?

Horatio: Don't throw a hundred different chemicles at it.

Carole: *nods* Okay.

Horatio: You're doing fine.

Carole: *smiles*

Horatio: *hands camera to Carole*

Carole: Thanks.

Horatio: *looks down at table*

Carole: *snaps pictures*

Horatio: *places hands on hips*

Carole: *looks closer* You see that?

Horatio: ..What.

Carole: *pulls out magnifying glass*

Horatio: Something shiney and metallic.

Carole: I'll send a sample off to Trace.

Horatio: Good.


Calleigh: Tim!

Speed: *turns around*

Calleigh: Cause of death was blunt force trauma from the side of the chimney. Ash in the wound confirms that.

Speed: You contact his family?

Calleigh: Yeah.

Speed: Okay so why are you giving me that face?

Calleigh: He left behind...A six year old girl.

Speed: Tough break.

Calleigh: She's in the atrium. She was the one who found him.

Speed: You process her?

Calleigh: That's why you're comin' with me.

Speed: Uh no I don't think so. I hate kids.

Calleigh: I'll talk to her, you process.

Speed: *sigh* Fine.


Calleigh: *smiles* Hey Anna.

Anna: *sniff*

Calleigh: *sits* This man's going to borrow your shoes and scrape under your nails okay?

Anna: *nods*

Speed: *kneels, opens kit*

Calleigh: You have someone we can call to come pick you up?

Anna: My auntie.

Calleigh: Okay we'll call her. Now, can you tell me how you found your dad?

Anna: *wipes nose* I was sitting in my room and I heard a loud noise so I ran downstairs. Then I saw a hand and ran for the phone.

Calleigh: *smiles* You did a good thing.

Anna: *nods*

Speed: *grabs Anna's hand*

Calleigh: Did your dad have any enemies? Or people who didn't like him?

Anna: He worked a lot.

Calleigh: Did anyone ever come to the house?

Anna: I don't know, I'm always at school.

Calleigh: Why were you home today?

Anna: I didn't get my permission form signed for the field trip. Dad was too busy to sign it. He was always at work.

Speed: *looks up*

Calleigh: What did he do for a living?

Anna: Security guard at the mall.

Calleigh: He worked a lot of nights?

Anna: *nods* He was going to take me to the zoo this weekend. *snif*

Calleigh: I'm sorry sweetheart.

Anna: *starts to cry*

Speed: *closes kit* Excuse me. *leaves*

Calleigh: *grabs Anna's hand* Go with this officer, and she'll get you something to eat okay?

Anna: *nods*


Calleigh: What was that about?

Speed: Nothing.

Calleigh: Are you alright?

Speed: I'm fine.

Calleigh: You just ran out of there like the building was about to explode.

Speed: Wouldn't be the first time.

Calleigh: *lifts brow*

Speed: ...*sigh* I can't stand...Upset children, okay?

Calleigh: *smiles*

Speed: No, no don't do that. It's not cute.

Calleigh: Alright. You going to take that to Trace?

Speed: I'm actually supposed to be there right now but you called me away.

Calleigh: Then I will let you get back to your work.

Speed: Thanks. *leaves*

Hmm...man down Chimney thats different. You and your creativnessness amazes me Geni. And awww that little girl was so cute.

Calleigh: *smiles* You just see the world as one big happy rainbow don't you?

Speed: Yeah my rainbow is a few spectrums off of being happy.

That made me say awww really loud. lol.

Speed: Maybe if you're real good she'll let you press the start button.

Calleigh: *touches Speed's chest* Oh that hurts.
HEY! Back off woman. No I kid, I kid. lol. But teehee how quick was timmy boy with the sarcastic comment. lol.

And look at Carole all in the lab and doin stuff. Teehee. And awww I loved GUS! He was the shiz niz. Update soon please!
Ewwww, microwaving the hand? I remember that...at least I think I do...that was an episode right? I didn't just think that it was?...oh, I don't know anymore...

A man falling into a chimney? thats really...odd. And that poor little kid, but she was so cute!

and Calleigh actually trusted us to look after the baby? She had just better hope that we don't get him drunk :p :lol:

please update soon
Your story is going great Geni , i'm not feeling so good at the moment so a little drama and humour helps me take my mind off of things....keep it up!!

update soon please!!!!! :D :D :D
Holy! He fell down the chimney? That's new. Sorry, no super long post complete with a hundred quotes, and no needy rambling this time. Sorry.
Awww! Anna is adorable, little kids are cute (unless you're related to them, then not so much). Keep going Geni! This is the highlight of my day!
I Don't Want To Hear Those Words Tonight

Trace Lab, 2 hours later

Katie: Hey you busy?

Speed: *looks up from paperwork* Yeah.

Katie: Well Lori wanted to see you.

Speed: Why?

Lori: *runs over* 'Cause I was asleep when you got home.

Speed: *staring at Lori*

Katie: Well I'm going to go get a soda. You want anything?

Speed: No.

Katie: Make sure she doesn't re-wire your computers or anything. *leaves*

Speed: *rolls eyes*

Lori: *jumps up onto chair* Wacha doin'?

Speed: Working.

Lori: On what?

Speed: Evidence.

Lori: What's evidence?

Speed: Important things.

Lori: Why?

Speed: It helps us put the bad guys away.

Lori: ...Paper helps you do that?

Speed: This is paperwork about the evidence.

Lori: Why?

Speed: It needs to be logged.

Lori: Why?

Speed: So we don't lose it.

Lori: Why would you lose it?

Speed: Things get misplaced.

Lori: Why?

Speed: There are a lot of people in the lab.

Lori: Why?

Speed: Because they were hired.

Lori: Why?

Speed: Because they're qualified.

Lori: Why?

Speed: They went to college.

Lori: Why?

Speed: So they could work here.

Lori: Why?

Speed: *frowns*

Lori: Hey what's this? *grabs pipette*

Speed: That's a pipette.

Lori: What's it do?

Speed: It collects fluid and re-disperses it.

Lori: I don't know what that means but okay. What's this?

Speed: That's a GCMS.

Lori: What's it do?

Speed: Processes evidence.

Lori: Why?

Speed: To see what the stuff is made out of.

Lori: What stuff?

Speed: The evidence.

Lori: Why?

Speed: Because it's the rules.

Lori: Why?

Speed: *narrows eyes*

Lori: *grabs pen* What do you use this for?

Speed: Writing.

Lori: Writing what?

Speed: Paperwork. *grabs pen*

Lori: *plays with pigtails* One time I took a pen and I was drawing and then the pen ran out of ink and then I couldn't draw anymore and then after that I was coloring with crayons but one of the crayons broke and then *takes deep breath*

Speed: *lifts brow*

Lori: I had to use a different crayon, and then after I was finished I put the picture up on the fridge but it fell down because our magnets are crap *takes breath*

Speed: *frowns*

Lori: Well that's what momma says they are, and then after I was finished picking up the drawing I ran over and watched Blues Clues until it was over and then I got kinda hungry so I ran over to the fridge but I spilled mustard everywhere 'cause I was trying to get the milk but the milk spilled too and then I was trying to clean it and then momma came over and she yelled at me and then I ran under the table and then momma cleaned the mess and then she said the mustard was off limits and then I was kinda tired so I went for a nap.

Speed: *blank stare*

Lori: *swinging legs* I like your lab coat thingy. It's pretty.

Speed: *blinks*

Lori: *grabs Speed's hand* OH! OH! COME SEE! COME SEE!

Speed: *sigh* What am I seeing?

Lori: *runs to door* Open the door daddy, I can't reach it.

Speed: *opens door*

Lori: *grabs Speed* COME SEE!


Lori: SEE!

Speed: It's an elevator.

Lori: IT HAS BUTTONS! I WENT ALL THE WAY DOWN AND ALL THE WAY UP AND THEN ALL THE WAY DOWN! And then I got kinda dizzy so I came out here and the front desk lady person took me to momma 'cause I left when she had to pee, and then we walked down that big ol' long hallway thingy and then we found you and there are a LOT of windows in that lab thingy.

Speed: *lifts brow*

Lori: COME ON! *grabs Speed*


Lori: *walks in* And then I was in here, and I was playing with those big ol' ear muffs and then they fell down my face so I couldn't wear 'em anymore so I went over here and started jumpin' on the big ol' block thingy and then I kinda fell but I was all good so I ran out this way, and I was sittin' behind this here glass wall and then Calleigh came in so I hid and she shot some guns and then she saw me so I ran out again and then momma found me again and I guess she had to pee again because she keeps leavin' me everywhere and I just keep gettin' into things and then there was that one time where I fell and I kinda scraped my knee but it was okie dokie 'cause Horatio saw me and then he took me to the lounge and momma found me again but I ran off 'cause she had to pee again and gosh she drinks a lot of soda so I went down the hall and after that I saw the bathroom and went to see if momma was in there but she was actually upstairs in that one, 'cause I accidentally went into the men's room and Eric found me so he washed his hands and took me back upstairs and we found momma and then she gave me to you and HERE WE ARE DADDY! *grinning*

Speed: *blank stare*

Lori: *sigh* Come on I'm tired.

Speed: I can imagine.

Trace Lab

Katie: *turns around* Oh thank God.

Speed: We went for a little walk.


Katie: What?

Lori: Daddy followed me EVERYWHERE! And then I got kinda tired so we came back here and THERE YOU WERE! It's like you're all magical and stuff just poppin' up like that. Hee.

Katie: Honey go sit in the lounge for a while and don't move.

Lori: Okay momma. *skips away*

Katie: She's discovered the wonders of speech and curiosity.

Speed: *smiles*

Katie: ...What?

Speed: Thank you.

Katie: *lifts brow*

Speed: *walks away*

Katie: ...*nods* Glad I could help...Whatever I did.

Teeeheeee. Omg! That kid is so flippin cute! I loved the whole "Why" thing. Why is it kids do that? I mean seriously its sooo annoying but with Lori its so cute. lol. And yeah i do drink a lot of soda. So i guess I would have to pee a lot.

Lori: Well that's what momma says they are, and then after I was finished picking up the drawing I ran over and watched Blues Clues until it was over and then I got kinda hungry so I ran over to the fridge but I spilled mustard everywhere 'cause I was trying to get the milk but the milk spilled too and then I was trying to clean it and then momma came over and she yelled at me and then I ran under the table and then momma cleaned the mess and then she said the mustard was off limits and then I was kinda tired so I went for a nap.
Uh...heck yes I would get mad if you spilled the holy mustard! lol.

And awwww how cute was Lori and her little speech in the ballistcs lab. Teehee.

Speed: Thank you.

Katie: *lifts brow*

Speed: *walks away*

Katie: ...*nods* Glad I could help...Whatever I did.
Aww well if he's saying thank you for what I think he's saying thank yoy for. It takes two bub! So thank you to. lol. Update soon please!
:D :D

You've Got Your Life, I've Got Mine

Trace Lab, one hour later

Horatio: Results on the metal.

Speed: *hands over paper* Gold shavings.

Horatio: *looks down* Gold.

Speed: Pure gold.

Horatio: Well that's an interesting thing to have in a chimney.

Speed: Maybe Santa was early.

Horatio: You get the results from the little girl's shoes?

Speed: Ash and floor polish, nothing significant.

Horatio: Okay so let's stick with the gold for now.

Speed: Well if it was direct transfer from the chimney, that means it's the source.

Horatio: Okay thank you. *leaves*

Katie: *walks in* You mind watching her for a minute? I have to use the washroom.

Speed: Go ahead.

Katie: Thanks. *leaves*

Lori: *rubs eye*

Speed: You look tired.

Lori: *sigh* I had a big day.

Speed: *smirks* Yes you did.

Lori: *walks over, dragging a teddy bear* Wacha doin'?

Speed: Same thing I was doing before.

Lori: *climbs up onto chair* Can I help? *grabs pipette*

Speed: Looks like you already are. *hands over orange cone*

Lori: *grabs cone* Okay now what.

Speed: Squeeze the top of that, and then dip it in the solution.

Lori: What's a solution?

Speed: This thing.

Lori: Ah. Why do I need to do this?

Speed: It breaks up the particles inside the stuff you're going to test.

Lori: Okay now what?

Speed: *grabs Lori's hand* Okay drop the stuff into this orange cone.

Lori: Okay.

Speed: *whispers* Careful sweetheart.

Lori: *nods*

Speed: *looks up*

Horatio: *standing in doorway*

Speed: You got it?

Lori: Yup.

Speed: Okay take this and shake it. Make sure all of that is mixed.

Lori: *shakes orange cone*

Speed: Now, put it in the GCMS.

Lori: Huh?

Speed: We talked about this earlier.

Lori: Oh yeah. *puts cone in machine*

Speed: Press these buttons and then that big one.

Lori: *presses buttons* Done?

Speed: *nods* Done.

Lori: And you need to go to college for that?

Speed: *smirks*

Horatio: Am I interrupting?

Speed: No.

Horatio: Eric just called. He was looking over the debris and found trace amounts of gold inside the broken brick.

Speed: So someone was hiding that gold inside the chimney.

Horatio: And our victim was probably trying to get it out.

Speed: You think he slipped?

Horatio: There's multiple bruises on his back. He was pushed.

Speed: His lucky day.

Horatio: Mhm, so I'm going to head over to his place of employment and check around. You okay here?

Speed: Yeah H.

Horatio: Good. I see you have some more CSI training to do. *winks, walks away*

Lori: *crosses arms* I'd like to see him do this.

Speed: Come on kiddo, you're going back to the lounge.

Lori: But I wanna catch criminals with you.

Speed: Maybe when you're older.

Lori: Okay but promise.

Speed: I promise. Now go before your mother finds out you touched evidence.

Lori: *runs off*

Katie: Oh she already knows.

Speed: *turns around*

Katie: *smiles* And you say you hate kids.

Speed: Funny.

Katie: So what are you up to now?

Speed: Right now I have to go meet H at the vic's job.

Katie: I thought he said he was going alone.

Speed: H, alone in a mall? He'll need his Hummer just to get through the people on his own.

Katie: *laughs* Well have fun.

Speed: I will. *leaves*

Katie: *shakes head*

Aww look at Lori all working and stuff. How cute! Teehee. And seriously I know i'm five months along and all but good lord how many times do I have to go the bathroom? lol. Update soon please.
AWWWWWWWWWWWWW Lori is such a cute kid!!!
I loved when she was asking a million of question to Speed and then go for a big walk with him... and and and... yeah then she doing doing the little csi!!
It was SOOOO funny and lovely :) :p

And YAY I'm a real csi I took picture and all :D
Maybe one day I can surpass the master Horatio :p (well I can still dream of that LOL)

Update soon please :)
Lori is sooooo adorable, I can just picture Little Lori working with her daddy right now. It is too sweet for words thanks Geni for that image.

Keep up the great work on this brilliant story...it keeps me going. ;)

Update soon please :D
Lori: *crosses arms* I'd like to see him do this.
Speed: Come on kiddo, you're going back to the lounge.
Lori: But I wanna catch criminals with you.
Speed: Maybe when you're older.
Awww! She is the cutest! I love her soooooo much. She's gonna be a great CSI one day.
Speed: H, alone in a mall? He'll need his Hummer just to get through the people on his own.
H? Alone in a mall? I'd like to see that...but I don't think it's a good idea. OH! He should take JC, you have not shopped until you've shopped with her, major mall rage!
carole said
Maybe one day I can surpass the master Horatio :p

My my, ambitious are we? ;)

calleighspeedle said
It is too sweet for words thanks Geni for that image.

You are most welcome. :)

CSI_In_Training said
He should take JC, you have not shopped until you've shopped with her, major mall rage!

Uh oh, now I'm a little scared to go anywhere with Jaci. :lol:

And Kristin, I'm glad you love the updates!

On a side note, sorry about the baby/kid theme. I'm trying to move these storylines along. ;)

Those Nights

Mall, 7 pm

Horatio: His name is David Watson.

Speed: You ask the security place?

Horatio: Mhm. He had been working there for five years.

Speed: He have a wife?

Horatio: Why do you ask?

Speed: He had a kid.

Horatio: ...I didn't ask about a wife.

Speed: Well that's alright because I checked into it.

Horatio: *lifts brow*

Speed: *reads paper* Julie Watson, died last year, get this, she fell off a ladder.

Horatio: *smirks* A ladder.

Speed: I think that's a little weird.

Horatio: It is. You know what, let's go pay a visit to the medical examiner in her case.

Speed: It was Alexx.

Horatio: Really.

Speed: Yeah and her report said the death was accidental.

Horatio: Well it doesn't look accidental anymore, does it?

Speed: *shakes head*

Horatio: *walks away*


Horatio: Alexx, do you remember this case? *opens folder*

Alexx: *looks down* Yeah that was last year. Ladder victim.

Horatio: And you don't find it odd that her husband died this morning.

Alexx: ...I didn't know they were related.

Horatio: It's okay. I want to know what your findings were.

Alexx: It says everything in my report.

Horatio: I'd like to hear everything in your words.

Alexx: Well...She had multiple bruises on her lower back and legs, but that could have happened during the fall. My prelim exam shows that it took her an hour to die.

Horatio: Were there any other injuries on her?

Alexx: Three broken ribs, associated with the fall. What are you thinking?

Horatio: *looking at pictures* I'm thinking this wasn't an accident.

Alexx: Neither was our most recent murder.

Horatio: So both murders are tied to each other, and the only missing link is...

Alexx: A suspect.

Horatio: *closes folder*


Speed: *walks in* Hey, are you guys busy?

Carly: No just watching Jeopardy, why?

Speed: Have you seen Calleigh?

Anni: She's still at the lab.

Jess: Oof this kids weighs too much and I have to pee. *passes baby to Carly* You hold him.

Carly: Don't wake him up.

Jess: I didn't. *walks away*

Anni: Turn off this crap, I want to watch a real show.

Carly: Jeopardy is a real show.

Anni: Are you sure? Because I could have sworn Alex Trebec's circuts were all wired wrong.

Carly: He's not a robot.

Anni: Tim what do you want?

Speed: I came here to drop off a cheque.

Anni: For Calleigh?

Speed: Yeah I'm not supposed to, so don't tell Katie.

Anni: My lips are sealed.

Baby opens his eyes

Carly: Oh great, he's awake. Now we'll never get to sleep.

Anni: We weren't sleeping.

Baby starts to cry

Carly: *frowns* Anni I hate you.

Anni: What did I do?

Carly: You did this.

Anni: You were holding him.

Jess: *walks in* Geez I leave for thirty seconds and this is what happens. Did you drop him on his head or something?

Carly: No he woke up. Maybe you were peeing too loudly.

Jess: I was like...Down the hall.

Carly: Maybe he has supersonic ears.

Jess: Okay I know you want a race of supersonic babies but it's not going to happen.

Carly: Dang.

Anni: *covers ears* Shut him up before I shut him up.

Carly: I'm trying! Shh baby shhh...Little Teague-ster. *lifts baby*

Baby starts to scream and cry louder

Carly: Help me help me help me.

Jess: HA HA. I'm glad I passed him over or the ball would be in my field.

Anni: I hate babies.

Carly: I'm going to go deaf.

Jess: I'm hungry.

Carly: You're always hungry.

Jess: Uh not ALL the time.

Anni: Let me at him. I'm going to strangle him.

Speed: *looks at Anni*

Carly: Get lost.

Anni: Bite me.

Carly: Okay. *bites Anni*


Carly: *sticks tongue out*

Anni: Oh you goin' down.

Carly: *holds up crying baby* HA! Now you can't touch me. I have a shield.

Anni: A baby isn't a very good shield. I could poke his little brown eyes out.

Carly: As long as you're not poking mine out.

Anni: *narrows eyes*

Carly: *frowns*

Anni: *grabs scissors*

Speed: *frowns*

Carly: Get those things away.

Jess: I feel like a third wheel.

Anni: You bit me, and now you must die.

Carly: Yeah but I didn't kill you.

Anni: I could need a tetnus shot!

Carly: Oh I doubt it. I'm not some animal.

Anni: I beg to differ. *lifts scissors*

Carly: AH! Spare me! Kill the baby!

Anni: OKAY!

Speed: *takes out gun*

Anni: *looks at Speed*

Speed: *frowning*

Anni: ....*drops scissors*

Carly: ...Wacha doin' there Speed?

Speed: ...I'm not sure.

Carly: *lifts brow*

Anni: *lifts hands* I surrender!

Carly: You want me to...Give you the baby?

Speed: Put him on the floor and back off.

Carly: ...Okay. *puts baby on floor*

Speed: *holsters gun*

Carly: *backs up*

Speed: *picks up baby*

Carly: You okay?

Speed: Yeah. I'm fine.

Anni: Can I put my hands down now?

Calleigh: *walks in* ...Hey what's goin' on?

Anni: Speed almost shot me because I threatened your baby with scissors.

Calleigh: *lifts brow*

Speed: I just...Came to drop off a cheque.

Calleigh: You didn't need to.

Speed: Yes I did.

Calleigh: Well it seems he's quieted down.

Speed: Yeah.

Calleigh: You want me to take him? *walks over*

Speed: *backs up*

Calleigh: ...Tim, I'm his mother.

Speed: Yeah, yeah I know. *hands baby to Calleigh*

Calleigh: You alright?

Speed: Uh, yeah. Look I'm going to take off, so see you tomorrow. *leaves*

Carly: What was that about?

Calleigh: Who knows.

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