CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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You guys have no idea how happy I am to learn that y'all liked the chapters. :D

Nothing Good, Just Say Goodbye, We're Falling Harder

Hotel Room

Katie: WHAT!

Speed: *stands behind Carly*

Katie: WHAT!

Carly: Now, Katie don't freak out.



Katie: *narrows eyes*

Carly: Okay let's just calm down.

Katie: I am calm. I'm a very calm, cool, and collected person.

Speed: I'm sorry okay? I haven't seen her in four years.

Katie: So?

Speed: I'm not going to go hop in bed with her.

Katie: Why not?

Speed: Well first of all, that's kind of against the law because she's in a mental facility, and secondly she's playing me.

Carly: Finally he believes me.

Katie: Oh maybe we can use this to our advantage.

Speed: What? How?

Katie: You can get information out of her.

Speed: I don't think so.

Katie: It'll be easy. Be creeper Speed and her innocence will go right out the window.

Speed: Are you serious?

Katie: Very.

Speed: I'm not going to manipulate her into giving me information by practically cheating on you.

Katie: But you're used to it.

Speed: *lifts brow*

Carly: Besides, hasn't she changed since the last time you've been here?

Speed: Yeah.

Carly: Then she's not the same person you knew before.

Speed: I just don't want to hurt her.

Katie: *narrows eyes* So don't touch her.

Speed: I meant emotionally.

Carly: *sits on bed*

Katie: *crosses arms* ...You want more kids right?

Speed: Uh not with her.

Katie: I wasn't talking about her, smartass.

Speed: Then why are you asking me if I want more kids?

Katie: You said you did before.

Speed: That was when we had money.

Katie: Oh...So you don't want more kids.

Speed: Not at the moment.

Katie: *looks at Carly*

Carly: *shrugs*

Speed: You want me to go get info out of her or not?

Katie: Yeah.

Speed: Alright. *leaves*


Carly: *hugs Katie*

Lori's room, an hour later

Speed: *walks in* Hey.

Lori: *smiles* Timmy.

Speed: *sits on bed* How have you been?

Lori: Four years is a long time.

Speed: I'm sorry for coming back here.

Lori: *hugs Speed*

Speed: *lifts brow* I thought you didn't want me back.

Lori: *hugs tighter* I missed you.

Speed: Are you trying to manipulate me?

Lori: No.

Speed: So what was with before?

Lori: I don't know.

Speed: You know, the other girls want me to manipulate you into giving me information.

Lori: *lets go* How?

Speed: I don't know.

Lori: I don't have information.

Speed: If you killed someone you need to tell me.

Lori: Why would I kill someone?

Speed: You tell me.

Lori: *giggles*

Speed: What.

Lori: *giggling*

Speed: *frowns*

Lori: *runs over to fish tank*

Speed: *stands*

Lori: *giggling* I clean it every day.

Speed: *stares at Lori*

Lori: *runs over to Speed* I HAD FISH!

Speed: *lifts brow*

Lori: *grabs Speed's hand* Come see! Come see! *runs to fish tank*

Speed: *walks over*

Lori: *smiling* It's empty.

Speed: Yeah I see that.

Lori: There were fish in there four years ago. I killed them.

Speed: Why?

Lori: I was angry. I get angry a lot. They wouldn't breathe the air so they drowned in it. *starts giggling*

Speed: ...Okay.

Lori: *walks closer* Do fish feel pain?

Speed: I don't know.

Lori: Can fish cry?

Speed: No. *backs up*

Lori: They seemed sad so they had to die. Sad fish make me mad. *walks closer*

Speed: *backs up* Uh...Alright.

Lori: *tilts head* You going to show me what physical love is now?

Speed: *wide-eyed* No.

Lori: *smiles* Okay. *reaches into drawer* I imagine you love your wife more than me.

Speed: That's about right.

Lori: She's pretty. *takes out needle*

Speed: What are you doing?

Lori: *smiling* It'll only hurt for a second.

Speed: *grabs gun*

Lori: *stabs Speed*

Speed: AH!

Lori: Shh, it's okay. Everything will be alright. *giggles*

Speed: *coughs*

Lori: See? I told you it would only hurt for a second.

Speed: *falls*

Lori: *looks down* You should be careful where you point that gun. You could have shot me.

OH NO! TIMMY! TIIIIIIIIMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!! OMG I really want to know she did to him, she's really beginning to act like a bitch to him, Katie, get your butt in there and save your husband! Lori is creeping me out, and Speed was supposed to be the creeper, not Lori! And wow, now Lori is named after Lori, and........that's gotta be bad lol. oh my gosh Geni you really need to continue because I'm going to die from not knowing! lol Great job, please update soon!
OMG!!!!!!!!! I can't believe it!! I knew that Lori was a weired girl but like that... :mad:

Anyway I hope Speed's gonna alright and update soon please :)
Ok normally I don't like to use or see this little face thinger but....0_0. And I hate you quote Carly now but uh..."What the hell!" is Lori's problem? lol. Seriously she's all like crazy pshyco stalker fish killer person. And whoa I'm five months pregnant. That has to be really hard to hide. lol. And Carly just had to go and ask me if I wanted a beer didn't she? I mean seriously you can't tempt a sober Katie into being drunk Katie. That's just not fair.

Anywhosie I'm really anxious for the next chapter. And what was on that paper? Update soon please!
Saying My Name

Basement, two hours later

Lori: Sorry about the puddles, it tends to get a little damp down here.

Speed: *holds head* Ow.

Lori: You took quite a tumble.

Speed: What the hell did you to do to me?

Lori: It was just a little something to put you to sleep.

Speed: Why are you doing this?

Lori: Because I want you to know what it feels like to be locked up in a prison.

Speed: This isn't a prison.

Lori: I've been here ALMOST EIGHT YEARS TIM!

Speed: I'm sorry about that, but it's not my fault.

Lori: You were able to leave after just a few months. What makes you any different than me?

Speed: Well for one, I'm not insane.

Lori: *frowns* I'm not crazy.

Speed: So sane people drug people, and then drag them into a basement to make them feel like they're in prison?

Lori: I thought you understood me.

Speed: You've changed.

Lori: This place changes people.

Speed: I can see that.

Lori: You have a family. You have a home. You have people who love you and what do I have? NOTHING!

Speed: *stands* Okay, calm down.

Lori: NO! *starts to cry*

Speed: Great.

Lori: *lifts gun*

Speed: *stares at gun* Uh...Be careful with that thing.

Lori: *walks closer* DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!

Speed: *backs up, lifts hands* Alright, alright.

Lori: I don't want to be here anymore!

Speed: Is that why you killed those people?

Lori: No. No, I killed them because they were sinners.

Speed: *lifts brow* You think you're doing God's work?

Lori: I knew that doctor killed Molly, and I was going to kill him but you RUINED IT!

Speed: So you killed other people.

Lori: Those people died because the angels were mad at them.

Speed: You killed them. YOU are responsible for your actions not your dillusions.

Lori: *cocks gun* And no one's going to know.

Speed: Killing me won't make the voices go away, and it won't bring those dead people back. You'll still be angry, and you'll still be here.

Lori: Who said I was going to kill you? *puts gun to own head*

Speed: ...Lori.

Lori: *pulls trigger*

*click* *click*

Lori: NO! *crying* IT'S NOT FAIR! *throws gun*

Speed: I wouldn't bring a loaded gun.


Speed: I can't.

Lori: *grabs pipe* Fine. Then you can. *swings pipe*

Speed: *ducks*

Lori: *smashes water heater*

Speed: Lori, slow d-

Lori: *swings pipe*

Speed: *flinches*

Lori: *hits furnace*

Speed: Give me the pipe.

Lori: NO! *swings pipe*

Speed: *grabs pipe*

Lori: LET GO!

Speed: Put it down.

Lori: NO! *yanks pipe away, smacks Speed*

Speed: AH! *falls*

Lori: *hits Speed*

Speed: *covers head*

Lori: DIE! *swings pipe*


Katie: *runs in* Do you know where Lori is?

Woman: She should be in her room.

Carly: She's not in her room.

Woman: How do you know?

Carly: *opens piece of paper* Because she wrote this down.

Katie: It says 'they had to die'. So you want to tell us where she is?

Woman: I don't kn-

Katie: *lifts badge*

Woman: I saw her go downstairs.

Katie: *runs*

Carly: Shame on you.

Woman: *lifts brow*

Carly: *runs*


Lori: *hits Speed with pipe*

Speed: *spits blood*

Lori: I TOLD YOU NOT TO COME BACK! *hits Speed*

Speed: *coughs* I'm s-sorry.

Lori: *screaming, swings pipe*

Katie: HEY!

Lori: *turns around*


Katie: *runs down steps*

Carly: *runs dow steps*

Katie: Tim? *kneels* Tim are you alright?

Carly: *rolls Lori over* She's dead.

Katie: Tim.

Speed: I..I..

Katie: What?

Speed: I...Hate New York.

Katie: *laughs*

Speed: *sits up*

Katie: *grabs Speed's arm* You okay?

Speed: Is she dead?

Katie: Yeah. I'm sorry.

Speed: *stares at Lori*

Carly: ...You okay?

Speed: Look I know you guys want to catch Colton and Trevor but...I want to go back to Miami.

Katie: I'll give the police here our information, and they can track them down.

Carly: We going home?

Katie: Yeah.

Awwwwwwww! Lori killed all those people. You know I should probably be all angry at her. But I just feel sorry for her. I mean she didn't have anyone in her life and its just sad. Poor Timmy hates New York. You know I think I'd hate it to if nothing but bad things happend there. lol. Update soon please!
I can't believe that sweet Lori killed all of those innocent people(!) and Katie is pregnant?, wow a lot of things going on here I can hardly keep up!

but as always Geni fantastic updates...hope there are more on the way.
Thank you very much for reading. :)

And there certainly are more chapters on the way...

Hotel room, midnight

Carly: The plane leaves tomorrow at 6.

Katie: *sitting on bed, flipping through magazine* Good. Timmy, your head okay?

Speed: It's nothing a beer can't fix. You want one?

Katie: No.

Speed: Suit yourself. *grabs beer*

Katie: *flips page*

Carly: *watching tv*

Speed: Okay it's freakishly quiet in here.

Carly: *turns up tv*

Speed: *stares at Carly* Nice.

Carly: Thank you.

Speed: *sits on bed*

Katie: You're in my light.

Speed: *moves lamp* Happy?

Katie: Mhm. *flips page*

Carly: Hey CSI: Pensicola.

Katie/Speed: Turn it off.

Carly: ...Alright. *flips channel*

Speed: *wraps arm around Katie*

Katie: *sigh*

Speed: What are you reading?

Katie: A magazine.

Speed: *grabs magazine* Readers Digest? You're not fourty.

Katie: *take magazine* Some of it cracks me up.

Speed: Wow you've sure mellowed.

Katie: What?

Speed: When I met you, you were like a...Crazy person.

Katie: And you were...Mean.

Speed: I can still be mean.

Katie: And I can still be crazy.

Carly: I know I shouldn't be listening in on that conversation but can someone pass me a pen? I want to do the crossword in this tv guide.

Katie: *throws pen*

Carly: You threw it out the window.

Katie: Go get it.

Carly: It's twenty storeys down.

Katie: My bad.

Speed: You were a lot more fun when I met you too.

Katie: Why?

Speed: Well you were more wild.

Katie: As opposed to...

Speed: No offense but you haven't touched me in five months.

Katie: *pokes Speed*

Speed: What was that for?

Katie: Now I've touched you.

Speed: Funny.

Katie: I'm sorry if you have NEEDS but I'd rather just read a magazine and relax for a while.

Speed: Alright I understand. And I don't have needs.

Katie: Now THAT is funny.

Speed: *narrows eyes*

Carly: Hey if he has needs I'll sleep with him.

Speed/Katie: *look at Carly*

Carly: It's...Just...A stupid idea. No need to listen to me. *flips channel* Hey 'A Baby Story'. I like this show.

Katie: Not funny.

Carly: Aw look how happy the pregnant mother to be is.

Katie: Carly, change the channel.

Carly: Haha those dads are dropping like flies.

Katie: *throws remote*

Carly: OW! They put two of those in here?

Katie: Yeah one for flipping channels, and one for throwing.

Carly: But look at all the cute babies!

Katie: Then call up the Hamburglar and go steal one.

Carly: Ew I don't want their kids.

Katie: You just said they were cute.

Carly: They are. From a distance. Aw look at the happy daddies. They're all crying.

Speed: Pfft, pansies.

Carly: Oh you didn't cry when your kids were born?

Speed: No. And I wasn't even there when Lori was born.

Carly: I bet you regret that.

Speed: Turn off the baby show.

Katie: Did you regret it?

Speed: Oh not you too. Carly look what you did.

Carly: *sticks tongue out*

Katie: Answer.

Speed: *angry sigh* Yeah, maybe...A little.

Katie: Ah well you're in luck.

Speed: *frowns* Why.

Katie: No reason.

Speed: ...Katie.

Katie: Carly I hate you.

Carly: *changes channel*

Speed: You have GOT to be kidding me.

Katie: Does this look like the face of someone who's kidding?

Speed: No.

Katie: Well hooray we're having another kid.

Speed: If you're joking, I-

Katie: I'm serious.

Carly: *flips channel* Geez get Speed neutered or something.

Speed: Uh...*stands* I have to go...Walk down the hallway now so I'll...I'll see you probably...Later. *leaves*

Katie: *throws remote*

Carly: OW! Where are you getting those?

Teehee. Awwww I'm throwing remotes just like in real life! i swear I should have broken my t.v. by now. lol.

Carly: Hey CSI: Pensicola.

Katie/Speed: Turn it off.
Aww CSI: Pensicola has its upsides. 1. it brought Tatie together because I'm weird and I have some sick fetish for kissing guys that don't know how to find mustard (I'm trying to stop I am really) and 2. There a bunch of nut jobs! Curse you Reading glasses of justice! Teehee And I'm a little hyper. lol.

Speed: I can still be mean.
*snickers* Do it. Do it. I mean *coughs* Axe man is no more!

Speed: No offense but you haven't touched me in five months.

Katie: *pokes Speed*

Speed: What was that for?

Katie: Now I've touched you.
hahaha! Yay me *Claps* And in my defense I tried to touch you but you were the one that HAD to go into work so *sticks tongue out* Take that!

And awww the babie story show! I used to watch that ALL the time with my sister. And awww Speed left the room and he regrets not being there when Lori was born SO weirdo be there for this one don't just walk out of the room

Anyways great update! Update soon please!
:lol: Katie the world would stop spinning if you weren't here. :D

Speak For Yourself

Bar, 1 am

Carly: Hey Tim?

Speed: Great. I thought this was supposed to be a big hotel.

Carly: *sits down* You okay?

Speed: How long has she been keeping this from me?

Carly: You do the math.

Speed: Wonderful.

Carly: Are you mad?

Speed: No.

Carly: *sigh* Good. So why did you run off?

Speed: I don't know.

Carly: Well I'm sure everything will be fine.

Speed: Yeah.

Carly: It's a girl you know.

Speed: *looks at Carly*

Carly: Well I'll see you later. Don't stay up too late. We have a plane to catch. *leaves*

Speed: *looks down at glass*

Cell phone rings

Speed: *opens phone* Yeah it's Speed.

Delko: You guys getting back someday?

Speed: Yeah.

Delko: You sound tired.

Speed: It's 1 am.

Delko: Not it's not. It's 11.

Speed: *frowns* Time difference Eric.

Delko: ..Oh yeah. Well anyway I wanted to know when you're getting back.

Speed: Tomorrow.

Delko: Well someone wanted to talk to you. You know, she's about yeigh high and has cute little pig tails.

Speed: Okay.

Lori: Hey daddy.

Speed: *smirks* Hey.

Lori: You coming home soon?

Speed: Tomorrow.

Lori: Good 'cause Eric scares me.

Speed: Have you been good for him?

Lori: Yup.

Speed: ...Lor.

Lori: *sigh* I put pepper spray in his eggs.

Speed: Yeah don't do that.

Lori: *giggles*

Speed: I'll see you tomorrow.

Lori: Okay daddy. Bye.

Speed: Bye.

Delko: Hey did you get that?

Speed: No I was listening to air.

Delko: She put pepper spray in my eggs.

Speed: She's related to me, what did you expect?

Delko: Funny. Get home before she drives me insane.


Speed: *closes phone*

Katie the world would stop spinning if you weren't here
AWWW! Well as honored as I am i think thats over exaggerating. lol.

But awww silly little Lori. Putting pepper spray in Eric's eggs. Teehee! She's a genius! lol.

Lori: Hey daddy.

Speed: *smirks* Hey.
Awww see look or well rather read that smirks! See he loves his baby and he should love this one to. So get back in that room you dillhole! Hehe dillhole thats a funny word. lol. Anyways pepper spray in eggs Geni? Fablous. Update soon please!
Jess: *wraps arms around Delko's neck* So uh...You know we're just friends right?
YOU! *points incriminating finger at Jess* get your hands off of him! I saw him first, He's mine! Sorry, rambling with jealousy and bad typing...
Speed: *grabs gun*
Lori: *stabs Speed*
Speed: AH!
AH! is right! She's not so cute and innocent now is she? SPEED!
Speed: I...Hate New York.
That would be the understatement of the roadtrip... Poor Speed! Wow, Lori changed...a lot!
Carly: Hey if he has needs I'll sleep with him.
Speed/Katie: *look at Carly*
Carly: It's...Just...A stupid idea. No need to listen to me. *flips channel* Hey 'A Baby Story'. I like this show.
*giggles* Nice Carly! Sorry, but I'm pretty sure he's taken...again. AND YOU'RE ENGAGED, or married, I'm not sure.
Delko: Well someone wanted to talk to you. You know, she's about yeigh high and has cute little pig tails.
Speed: Okay.
Lori: Hey daddy.
Aww. we stil have a cute Lori! Hey, the yeigh high part is how I describe my brother to people!
speedmonkey2 said
See he loves his baby and he should love this one to.

And he does. :D

AWWW! Well as honored as I am i think thats over exaggerating. lol

No it's not. ;)

CSI_In_Training said
That would be the understatement of the roadtrip... Poor Speed! Wow, Lori changed...a lot!

Yes she has, the poor dear. I guess spending almost ten years in the looney bin makes you a bit...Looney. :p

*giggles* Nice Carly! Sorry, but I'm pretty sure he's taken...again. AND YOU'RE ENGAGED, or married, I'm not sure.

She's still engaged.

Anyway, I should have more this afternoon so keep checking back and stay tuned! - Thanks for your wondeful reviews, they really encourage me to keep writing this. :)
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