CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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And long live the Wubba monster, aisle five, the black leather pants, orange juice instead of coffee, random traffic stops, following Calleigh around while she shops for shoes, various drunken brawls at hotels, the Miami nightlife, oh so many adulterous nights with a lot of the same people, the fact that Anni can never quite get her moment with Speed, the various Speed storylines just because I can, the death of Donahue, the lab blowing up several times, and each time it seems to be put back to normal, and then colour-changed, and then blown up again and then back to normal, Eric breaking the GCMS and putting it back together with superglue, Katie calling Horatio 'H-man' for the first time because she thought Speed died from an ovedose on meth, the many many children involved, and the many more ahead, and Scrabble.

*whew* that took me...*looks at watch* Four and a half minutes.

Back To Me

Marina, Miami, 4 am

Horatio: So who is this?

Alexx: I've got a wallet, New York lisence.

Danny: There seems to be a lot of New Yorkers in Miami.

Horatio: You'd be surprised.

Speed: How does the guy find these people?

Mac: A city this small, it's easy to find people.

Horatio: *smirks* Small?

Mac: Compared to New York.

Horatio: *places hands on hips*

Speed: Ouch.

Danny: You wanna take bets?

Speed: No way, I'm smarter than that.

Danny: Ah yeah you're a New Yorker.

Speed: Actually we all are.

Horatio: *tilts head* We are, aren't we?

Alexx: What are you thinking?

Horatio: I'm thinking that since New Yorkers are the target, it isn't safe for us to be out.

Speed: H.

Horatio: Take a look around carefully.

Danny: *looks around* A few unmarked cars, tinted windows.

Mac: Marina looks clear on this side.

Speed: H, can I go?

Horatio: *lifts brow* I've never known you to be scared at a scene.

Speed: No offense but you're not the one with two kids and a wife.

Horatio: Okay, but quickly.

Speed: Thanks. *leaves*

Horatio: Okay people, service pistols ready to go?

Mac: If needed.

Danny: Yeah.


Speed: *grabs doorhandle*

Voice: Don't move.

Speed: *stares into window* What do you want.

Voice: I want your address.

Speed: No.

Voice: I want your wallet.

Speed: *reaches into pocket, grabs wallet, drops it*

Voice: You from New York?

Speed: You going to kill me?

Voice: Depends on the answer. You shouldn't have seperated from your friends. I heard about your family.

Speed: *stares at Hummer*

Voice: Two kids, wow that's quite an accomplishment. More people for me to kill.

Speed: *frowns*

Voice: I have to admit, you're wife's pretty. A little out of your league though.

Speed: You were spying on us?

Voice: Spying's such a negative word. I prefer the term 'gathering intel'.

Speed: Is that how you found your other victims?

Voice: Some. At least that's how it started. A tactical mission.

Speed: I'm a tactical mission to you.

Voice: You have been for the past few days. You and your boss. You know, he irritates me. If I see one more head tilt, I-

Speed: I get it.

Voice: Good. And tell those New York cops to go home before I kill them too.

Speed: Tell them yourself.

Voice: Actually I had other plans. I was going to get over to your place and kill your little girl. Oh gee, I guess I spilled the beans.

Speed: *turns around, pulls out gun*

Guy gets into car, drives off

Speed: *grabs cell phone, dials*

Horatio: Yeah Speed.

Speed: He was just here.

Horatio: Who?

Speed: *frowns* The tooth fairy. The killer!

Horatio: You let him get away?

Speed: Do you get incompetant when it's dark out? I know you're the dayshift supervisor but for christ s-

Horatio: Speed.

Speed: Sorry.

Horatio: Do you know where he's heading?

Speed: I have an idea.

Horatio: Do you know where he's heading?

Speed: I have an idea.

Ohhh interesting *says like Rachel* Dun dun dun!

Voice: You have been for the past few days. You and your boss. You know, he irritates me. If I see one more head tilt, I-

Speed: I get it.
Thank the lord someone said it. *sighs*

Ohhh this is getting really really good. I'm glad H, Alexx, Danny, and Mac are all ok right now and I'm glad that that 'voice' didn't hurt Speed. But I still have the feeling that something is going to happen. Great update, update soon please!
dont' even think about hurting Danny Messer... he's MINE... don't even let that thought cross your mind Geni.. PLEASE...
sorry for disturbing..i am so busy..but i found some free time
to remind you all that i am still here, i am not dead and i am still reading, because i love RT :D if somebody don't remember me than i am Lt.Kitty with that crazy superfly on my shoulder :p

New York...New Yorkers..Big Apple.. with small apple seeds :p *dancing* apple seeds dancing on the street al laalala :lol:
freak (it's me :D ) just wanna tell something for author..
Great updates Geni , you're amazing, everyday for me is brighter because of your RT :) no, really.. it is NOT just talking you know.. :p

*looks at sky* oh no Lt. Kitty sign! somebody is in trouble, gotta go! *zoom* :lol:

*far far away, voice* update soon ! ! ..
All Along...

Apartment, 5 am

Speed: *runs in* KATIE! KATIE!

Horatio: *takes out gun* Katie!

Katie: *walks over* What in the hell is going on?

Speed: Is someone here? Is Lori okay?

Katie: Uh yeah Lori's fine.

Speed: Where is she?

Katie: She just got back here an hour ago, will you calm down?

Speed: Is she hurt?

Katie: No. What's going on?

Speed: Where is she?

Katie: Her room. Can someone give him a valium?

Horatio: We think the serial killer is currently in Miami, and he's going after New Yorkers, and apparently their families as well.

Katie: Oh my God are we in danger?

Horatio: Can we take a look around?

Katie: Wh-why? Why would you do that?

Speed: *squints*

Horatio: Just to make sure everything's okay.

Katie: Everything's fine. No one's here, and no one's hurt.

Horatio: Are you sure?

Katie: *laughs* Yeah we're fine. Okay?

Speed: *frowns*

Horatio: Alright.

Katie: Good. *walks down the hall*

Horatio: Okay Speed, what's going on.

Speed: Something's up.

Horatio: Like what?

Speed: She didn't want us looking around.

Horatio: You want to talk to her? Maybe she'll tell you.

Speed: She's not going to tell me.

Horatio: Why not?

Speed: Because I know her. *takes out gun*

Horatio: What?

Speed: *looks down hall*

Horatio: ...Speed.

Speed: *frowning*

Horatio: You hear something?

Speed: I smell something.

Horatio: What?

Speed: Cologne.

Horatio: Yours?

Speed: *shakes head*

Horatio: *lifts gun* Okay, Speed slowly.

Speed: *walks down hall*

Horatio: *follows*

Speed: *stops*

Horatio: What?

Speed: *looks up*

Horatio: *looks up*

Speed: H...

Horatio: Was that smoke detector always like that?

Speed: Yeah. Minus the wires and the blinking lights.

Horatio: Take a look around. Anything else different?

Speed: No.

Horatio: Okay. Keep going, slowly.

Speed: *walks*

Horatio: *follows*

Master Bedroom

Speed: *opens door, walks in*

Katie: *turns around*

Horatio: *walks in*

Speed: *lifts gun*

Katie: *pulls out gun*

Horatio: Katie, put down the gun.

Katie: I can't.

Speed: Where is he?

Katie: Fire escape.

Speed: Where's Lori?

Katie: Asleep in her room.

Speed: You want to tell me why you're pointing a gun at me?

Katie: Not really.

Speed: You didn't quit the FBI.

Katie: I told you I was undercover remember?

Speed: You lied to me?

Katie: It happens.

Speed: So where do your paychecks go?

Katie: *laughs* I had to make everything seem real. I couldn't magically pay for things seeing as our account was stripped.

Speed: There's a bomb in here.

Katie: I know. I found it this morning. He was going to blow us up but the FBI cut him a deal. We've been chasing him for months.

Speed: What deal?

Katie: That's confidential.

Speed: Why was he here?

Katie: He's been here more than once, and it wasn't always for business.

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: *smiles* I don't even love you.

Speed: *glaring*

Horatio: This guy killed six people, and you want him to get away?

Katie: We have the situation under control.

Horatio: You don't want to help a murderer.

Katie: You don't get to dictate that.

Horatio: Did he offer the feds information? Is he selling out on some of his friends?

Katie: That's classified. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some work to do. *leaves*

Horatio: *lowers gun*

Speed: That bitch.

Horatio: Speed, take it easy.

Speed: She's been playing us for months.

Horatio: I realize that, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Speed: So what do you want to do?

Horatio: Let's get that bomb out of here first, and then we'll take care of things from there.

Speed: *tilts head* Sounds good.

But....But..I...*sighs* I'm such a...a...bad person. lol.

Katie: He's been here more than once, and it wasn't always for business.

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: *smiles* I don't even love you.
I TAKE IT BACK! Yes I do! lol.

Katie: I know. I found it this morning. He was going to blow us up but the FBI cut him a deal. We've been chasing him for months.

Speed: What deal?

Katie: That's confidential.
There we go with that confidential stuff again! *raises fist*

But ohhh i'm back in the...well still in the FBI? Heck yes! I outrank H man! That's like the only upside to this chapter. lol. Teehee.

Speed: That bitch.
Amen brother. Seriously when it comes to authority I get all...biactchy. lol. Update soon please!
:lol: It's almost as fun as Drunk Katie. :D

So Invite Me In

Hummer, outside apartments

Speed: Where are you going?

Katie: Work.

Speed: Is that why you didn't want me going into work? Because we'd find him?

Katie: *laughs* Why? You actually thought I wanted to sleep with you? Yeah well I'd rather sleep with Horatio than you thank you very much.

Horatio: Excuse me?

Katie: Oh come on I was kidding. I was just making a comparison. Too visual for you?

Horatio: A little.

Katie: Well I wouldn't think to hard on that. You've got JC.

Horatio: I do.

Speed: So you're going to go into work and do what? Lori's still in the apartment.

Katie: I'll send a uniform to watch her. Or you can go make like a father and keep an eye on her.

Speed: I'm on the clock.

Katie: *frowns* So am I.

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: I could beat your ass.

Speed: I doubt it.

Katie: That's true. I don't really want to touch you.

Speed: You didn't have a problem with it this morning.

Katie: That's why they call it undercover my dear.

Speed: Don't talk to me like that.

Katie: And what are you going to do about it? Slap me around?

Speed: Gee don't tempt me.

Katie: Funny.

Speed: I wasn't joking.

Horatio: Speed, I'll be back at the lab. You coming?

Speed: Yeah.

Horatio: Okay, let's find him before the feds do.

Katie: Pfft yeah right.

Horatio: Don't underestimate a CSI.

Katie: I wouldn't dream of it.

Horatio: See you at the lab.

Speed: Yeah.

Horatio: *leaves*

Speed: You're a pretty good actress.

Katie: *smiles* You're not bad yourself.

Speed: *smirks*

Katie: You think Horatio knows what's going on?

Speed: Not a chance.

Katie: Good. By the way Lori's still with Carly.

Speed: What about Jess?

Katie: I had her 'distract' Eric for a while so they wouldn't go out so fast, but she called and said you guys headed out.

Speed: Sorry, H wanted to get out there.

Katie: Well the plan went perfectly so don't worry about it. We have to find him before Horatio does.

Speed: Then you mind telling me who 'he' is?

Katie: *smiling* That's classified.

Speed: I'm on your side.

Katie: I know.

Speed: I'll get it out of you somehow.

Katie: Really. How?

Speed: That's classified. *winks*

Katie: *narrows eyes*

Speed: Come on, we have to go stall Horatio.

Katie: Tim?

Speed: *turns around*

Katie: Um...The FBI kind of has a strict rule about clean guns.

Speed: *stares at Katie*

Katie: Just so you know.

Speed: ...You're just like Calleigh.

Katie: I resent that.

Speed: I know that's why I said it.

Katie: *pushes Speed* Just go.

Speed: *laughs*

It's almost as fun as Drunk Katie
No one can compare to drunk katie. She's Queen of the Spider People for gooshness sakes. Teehee.

Katie: *laughs* Why? You actually thought I wanted to sleep with you? Yeah well I'd rather sleep with Horatio than you thank you very much.
*screams* I mean...uh...no..thank you?

Speed: You're a pretty good actress.

Katie: *smiles* You're not bad yourself.

Speed: *smirks*

Katie: You think Horatio knows what's going on?

Speed: Not a chance.

Well I sure as hell didn't know what was going on there for a minute. Geni you Sneaky McSneakerson. Teehee.

Speed: You're a pretty good actress.
I'm thinking...peoples choice...maybe Oscar if i'm lucky. Teehee.

Katie: Um...The FBI kind of has a strict rule about clean guns.
And I had to bring it up. *sighs*. Anyways that was very sneaky Geni. You had me believing that I was going to the dark side again. lol. Update soon please.

I'll have more tomorrow so stay tuned! - I'll have more on Carole's story, and Jess' storyline as well as JC and Horatio's storyline. :)
feels like i've missed a whole lot when I was gone.. Katie working fo rthe feds.. Speed too.. more or less anyway... and.. I mena.. i'm lost.. though it's GREAT WORK geni.. keep it up.. :D and I'll say the same as Speed

"who's 'he'??"
WOW Geni, you sure do know how to make it go two ways really fast lol. So Kate and Speed are working together huh? This should be intresting. And woot! I'm working with them! lol. This is very very intrueging!(I spelled that wrong lol) Can't wait to see more Geni, keep up the good work! :D
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