CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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Hmm...this case is kinda weird. But yet interesting at the same time. Funny how that works out. lol. But awww Danny and Miami reunited with NY once again! Whoohoo! lol. ANd I get to test fire guns? Move over Calleigh here I come. lol. Update soon please.
Tatie, Talleigh it's apples and oranges. :p

Cross-Jurisdictions...And Such

Miami, midnight

Layout room

Horatio: Okay I checked out Pulimentos today, and they remembered seeing a man come in and buy three jars of the stuff.

Mac: Why would he be buying shoe polish?

Danny: Maybe he wants squeaky clean shoes.

Speed: Or he was putting the stuff on his face to keep the glare off his eyes from the sun while he was in the chopper. Military guys do that all the time.

Horatio: So he's planning more murders.

Mac: Five in the last week, he's getting pretty quick.

Speed: I could get a sketch artist back at the shoe place and see if we can get a profile.

Horatio: We don't have time for that, all the victims were killed around 1 am to 5 am, so we have a small window to catch this guy before he claims another life.

Danny: It's going to take more than an hour to find him.

Mac: We still don't know why he's targeting New Yorkers.

Horatio: I guess when we find him, we'll ask.

Mac: *nods*

Horatio: Take a few minutes to gather your things, and we'll head out to the pickup point. Eric tracked it down. A small park downtown. Okay?

Speed: Sure boss. *leaves*

Danny: *leaves*

Mac: You think we'll catch him?

Horatio: *puts on shades* I know we will.


Katie: TIM!

Speed: *turns around*

Katie: Uh what happened to 'I'll be back at five'?

Speed: Sorry I'm heading out in the field.

Katie: It's midnight.

Speed: I know what time it is.

Katie: You're not going to come home?

Speed: I might not be home, no.

Katie: Oh...Well Lori's sleeping over at the Humma with Carly and Jess. They bribed her with Cheez-its.

Speed: Good for them.

Katie: So I was hoping we could kind of have the night to ourselves.

Speed: Why?

Katie: *lifts brow* Why? Because I haven't spent at least one whole night with my husband in almost two months.

Speed: I thought we weren't married.

Katie: *angry sigh* We are.

Speed: Okay.

Katie: So are you going to be home tonight?

Speed: No I have to work.

Katie: Look, I understand this is a big profile case, but shouldn't I come first?

Speed: ...You're right.

Katie: I am?

Speed: Yes. I promise I will be home as soon as I can.

Katie: *looks down at floor* Gee, great.

Speed: *stares at Katie*

Horatio: *walks up* Hey we're heading out.

Speed: Uh...Great. I'll be right out.

Horatio: Okay. *walks away*

Speed: ...Wait!

Horatio: *turns around*

Speed: You mind if I just take the night off? I mean Danny's already with you guys, so you don't need two trace guys.

Horatio: ...Alright, no problem.

Speed: Thanks H.

Horatio: *leaves*

Katie: *smirks* You didn't have to do that.

Speed: *grabs Katie's hand* For you, I did.

Katie: *smiles*

Heck yes Tatie Rules! Ok so what I got that from Hercules and changed Hades to Tatie but still! lol. But awwwwwww he gave up work for me. Teehee.

Speed: I thought we weren't married.

Katie: *angry sigh* We are.
Damn straight! lol. Hehehe.

And I would also like to know why he's targetting New Yorkers. But doesn't that mean Mac, Danny, and Tim are kinda on high alert right now considering the fact that there working the case and there Nyers? Huh huh huh? Sorry i'm hyper.lol. Update soon please!
Horatio's a New Yorker, Alexx is a New Yorker... :p

And DAMNIT why do you have to figure everything out? :lol: ...Oh well. You are no match for my twists and turns and plotlines and...Okay yeah you are. ;)
Danny: Yeah Lieutenant, I just spoke to Mac and we're comin' down tonight.
HELL YES! I love your cross over story lines! Especially with the New York Gang! *does happy dance*
Danny: Maybe he wants squeaky clean shoes.
Speed: Or he was putting the stuff on his face to keep the glare off his eyes from the sun while he was in the chopper. Military guys do that all the time.
Personally, I like Danny's idea better, but Speed's is more realistic. What were you saying back a while ago, about not getting peoples character right? well you totally captured Danny! Good Job!
Katie: *smirks* You didn't have to do that.
Speed: *grabs Katie's hand* For you, I did.
Aww! that's so cute! I wish guys were like that in real life! Oh! Oh! Oh! please update soon! Real life is such a drag today, and yesterday and the day...never mind. Sunday was okay, but Saturday was crap. I keep hurting myself on random pointed objects like hangers and stuff! Well, I must go do my homework...it's 10 o'clock and I still have homework! Good work Geni! You rock!
:lol: I'm glad you're loving the NY portion of the story. Hee. And while I've been watching NY since it began, I guess it takes a while to get their characters down. ;) But...Judging on how you liked the chapter, I can see that I'm not too far off. :p

Anyway, you'd better get to your homework, and I'm going to be a little old lady and go to bed at 10 at night. :lol: I should have more tomorrow! Oh, and Jess I haven't forgotten about your storyline and your other request. carole, I also haven't forgotten about your storyline. :)
Actually I just have to fill in my stuff for today's Calm work then go to bed myself or I'll never be able to get up tomorrow. 'night y'all!
Thanks, I should have more when I get home today. :)

And if anyone would like any kind of storyline or any request (whatever that may be, pertaining to the RT), you can ask anytime! :D

Stay tuned!
I loved the updates Geni. It's really great how you mix the two story ;)

I can't wait to see my storyline :D I'm so happy *jump up and down*

Update soon please :)
speed_cochrane said:
Horatio's a New Yorker, Alexx is a New Yorker... :p

And DAMNIT why do you have to figure everything out? :lol: ...Oh well. You are no match for my twists and turns and plotlines and...Okay yeah you are. ;)

Its like we have one brain, Geni. You can't hide things from me for very long. Once my CSI sense starts tingling....lol.

Making It

Lounge, 3 am

Jess: *walks in* Hey you guys are still here?

Delko: *stands* Yeah, we are, we're just taking a break. Something wrong?

Jess: *shakes head*

Delko: You look kind of upset.

Jess: Well I...Well I was going for a walk and, this guy just comes out of nowhere and shoots at me.

Delko: What? When did this happen?

Jess: Like twenty minutes ago. I just got here now.

Delko: And you're okay?


Delko: Okay, alright come sit here.

Jess: *nods*

Delko: You want some water or something?

Jess: No.

Delko: Where did this happen?

Jess: At the marina.

Delko: You're not from New York are you?

Jess: Unless Wyoming has the Statue Of Liberty, then no.

Delko: What about Carly?

Jess: Eric...She's Australian.

Delko: Missy and JC?

Jess: Canadian.

Delko: Carole?

Jess: France.

Delko: ...Lori?

Jess: California.

Delko: Okay so the guy wasn't targetting you guys.

Jess: So who was he targeting?

Danny: *runs in* Hey Eric we're got a scene.

Delko: I'll be right there.

Jess: You're leaving me here?

Delko: Chances are the guy wasn't aiming for you, so everything should be fine.

Jess: Alright.

Delko: I'll see you in a few. *smiles*

Jess: *smirks*


Speed: *grabs pager*

Katie: No, no don't get it.

Speed: It says 911.

Katie: So? Let's the cops deal with it.

Speed: *grabs phone*

Katie: *angry sigh*

Speed: *dials*

Katie: Seriously, every single time.

Speed: Yeah H, you called? ...I'll be right there. *hangs up phone*

Katie: *grabs Speed* Where are you going?

Speed: Work.

Katie: It's too early for work.

Speed: There's a crime scene.

Katie: He gave you the night off.

Speed: Well he obviously wants me right now.

Katie: No no, believe me Horatio is NOT the one who wants you right now.

Speed: Funny. *gets out of bed*

Katie: *rolls eyes*

Speed: *grabs gun*

Katie: You know, that's kind of hot.

Speed: Excuse me?

Katie: The gun and those jeans.

Speed: That is not going to get me to stay.

Katie: I know...It was just a general observation.

Speed: I'm sure you had plenty of fun with that Shawn guy.

Katie: *frowns* Wow way to ruin the mood.

Speed: Isn't that why you had that little black number on?

Katie: No I always wear that when I answer the door in the middle of the night.

Speed: I'm sure that will impress the 17 year old pizza boy.

Katie: Who orders pizza in the middle of the night?

Speed: Not the point.

Katie: Ooooh this reminds me of when I first joined the Hummerhome team.

Speed: How?

Katie: I want to do you, and you won't touch me.

Speed: First of all, never say that again and second of all...Don't even get me started on what I want to do.

Katie: Aw you want to stay?

Speed: *grabs badge* I'll see you later.

Katie: WAIT! WAIT! *runs over to Speed*

Speed: *lifts brow*

Katie: *kisses Speed* Okay now go be a good CSI and bring home the bacon.

Speed: Bye. *leaves*

Katie: ...I really should start buying more mustard. Ah, the good old days.

Delko: And you're okay?

Duh Eric! lol I love how Eric is like that though lol He seems very caring, and very......naïve. lol But oh no! Poor RT Jessie! lol

Speed: *grabs gun*

Katie: You know, that's kind of hot.
heh, I have to agree with you RT Katie, Speed+his gun(cleaned)=LOVE! lol

Can't wait to see where the scene is, and what it is. 911, so it must be something big, I can't wait to see! Great update Geni, keep up the good work :)
Awww poor Jess got shot at. Well at least she didn't actually get shot. lol.

Delko: What about Carly?

Jess: Eric...She's Australian
Oh man that cracked me up.

Katie: No no, believe me Horatio is NOT the one who wants you right now.

...Well if HOratio wanted him I would lock him in the house and NEVER let him leave!

Katie: No I always wear that when I answer the door in the middle of the night.

Speed: I'm sure that will impress the 17 year old pizza boy.

Katie: Who orders pizza in the middle of the night?
Hahaha. I am such a blonde its not even funny. lol. And ohhhh yeah that black little number. Teehee. lol. I'm not sure why I said Teehee about that. But I did. lol.

Katie: I want to do you, and you won't touch me.
Well atleast I get straight to the point. lol.

Speed: First of all, never say that again and second of all...Don't even get me started on what I want to do.
*snickers* Thats all I really have to say about that. hehe.

Katie: ...I really should start buying more mustard. Ah, the good old days.
*sighs* Long live the mustard. Oh and what the heck long live Axe man to.

Update soon please.
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