CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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it's totally cool to see the RT in the RL! Sometimes, it's what gets me through my day. I love this thread so much! Thanks Geni , for providing me with some respite from this crazy place called the RL... :)

And how cool is that, my killing someone for you guys could become a storyline! I'm keeping my peepers peeled for that! :lol:
Well I'm happy to oblige anytime. ;)

Bottle Up All Of These Fears

Layout room

Carly: *runs in* HEY!

Anni: *slowly looks up from table* Are you okay?

Carly: *twirls around* GUESS WHAT!

Anni: You ate Prozac for breakfast instead of Cherrios?

Carly: I WIN!

Anni: ....How?

Carly: I DON'T KNOW!

Anni: Hyper much?

Carly: What? I'm not hyper. Who's hyper? I'm not hyper. Hey do we have a crime scene or what? I want to kill some bad guys.

Anni: Slow down.

Carly: You slow down.

Anni: Um...Are you alright?

Carly: I'm fine. I'm better than fine. I'm more fine than fine people drinking wine on a swine.

Anni: Why are we talking about pigs?

Carly: It rhymed.

Anni: Uh...Huh...

Carly: Whoa, whoa hey you know what we should do? Re-decorate the lab.

Anni: I think the lab's had enough.

Carly: The lab doesn't have feelings silly. *slaps Anni*

Anni: Ow.

Carly: I WANT TO PAINT IT GREEN AND PURPLE! Oh oh! Can we put cows in here? I want to hear them moo as I work.

Anni: Are you high?

Carly: *singing* I'M LIKE A BIRD! I WANNA FLY AWAY! I DONT KNOW WHERE MY HOME IS! I DONT KNOW WHERE MY...Wait...Isn't that supposed to be reversed? Damn Nelly Furtado and her catchy tunes.

Anni: Are you drunk?

Carly: What? No. Why would you ever think that. OH CRAP!

Anni: What?

Carly: Oh I thought that piece of evidence was crap. Turns out it's a pickle. Those two can be confused so easily. Maybe for movies they like paint the pickles like black and green so like they look like crap and like they don't have to like use real crap for like forever! *squeals*

Anni: ....That's a tube of mascara.

Carly: Apples and potatoes.

Anni: Isn't it supposed to be apples and oranges?

Carly: Um no. Potatoes and apples are better.

Anni: You want to lie down before you hurt yourself or...Other people?

Carly: *hugs Anni* YOU ARE THE BESTEST FRIEND ON THE PLANET! *squeezes Anni*

Anni: *wide-eyed* Okay Anni's going to blow apart.

Carly: *lets go* Okay I have to go but when we get a crime scene you PROMISE to let me in on it because I have a thing for crime scenes, seeing as I'm like some kind of investigator for crime scenes. ISC...Okay that doesn't make much sense. Well, unless of course you're dyslezxic.

Anni: *nods slowly*

Carly: BYE HUN! *runs away*

Anni: ....Love doesn't strike her very often does it?

hahah awwwww *pats Carlys head* Its ok sweetie. Slow down. lol.

I think that convsersation about poop and pickles was a little to much for me but hey! I am all up for putting cows in the lab! Teehee.

Carly: *singing* I'M LIKE A BIRD! I WANNA FLY AWAY! I DONT KNOW WHERE MY HOME IS! I DONT KNOW WHERE MY...Wait...Isn't that supposed to be reversed? Damn Nelly Furtado and her catchy tunes.
Damn it! NOw that song is stuck in my head. Ughers. lol. But oh man Teehee now I'm all hyper. lol. Update soon please!
Hyper is good, well...In small doses of course. ;) We don't want to pass out right?

Poor Carly. She still can't compete with Drunk Katie. :p

All Your Hopes

Trace Lab

Carly: *runs in* SPEEDLE!

Speed: *looks up from table* ...What.

Carly: *runs away*

Speed: *lifts brow*

Delko: She likes you.

Speed: *frowns*

Delko: At least she didn't say 'teehee'.

Speed: I think she's a little too excited.

Delko: She's in love. It'll wear off once you get the ring on her finger.

Speed: Whoa. Whoa, I don't think so.

Delko: What?

Speed: Stop marrying me off.

Delko: *laughs*

Speed: Not happening Eric.

Delko: Fine, be a wuss.

Speed: We've been together for...A week at most. It's a little soon for marriage don't you think?

Delko: Look at Pamela Anderson. Her life has had more twists than an M. Night Shamylan movie.

Speed: I'm not Pamela Anderson.

Delko: Yeah her boobs are bigger.

Speed: Yeah well I'm sure she has a very lovely personality.

Horatio: *walks in* Guys, we got a call out. Speed, you're with me.

Speed: I thought you wanted me on lab duty.

Horatio: Someone tried to break into an old crime scene, and you know the layout.

Speed: *looks at Delko*

Delko: *looks at Speed*

Horatio: Come on, glove up. *leaves*

Delko: You heard the man.

Speed: Damn the man.

Delko: *laughs*

Speed: Shut up. That's the last time I'm saying that around you.

....*waits for it*....*snaps* Dang it the universe didn't implode! Teehee.

Poor Carly. She still can't compete with Drunk Katie.
Teehee. Well I AM the Queen of the spider people....people! Teehee.

*gasp* An old crime scene? *shakes GEni* What does that mean? Tell me now woman! *giggles* sorry I had a cherry pepsi about 20 minutes ago and its kicking in.

Speed: Damn the man.
Teehee. Lucas! Heck yes! Teehee um...ok I have nothing really constructive to say so Update soon please!
Memories Consume


Horatio: *places down kit*

Delko: *walks in* Wow. Looks like Pearl Harbor in here.

Speed: *grabs camera, looks around*

Horatio: Lanlord called it in. He heard a noise, came upstairs, and found the room like this.

Delko: Looks like someone was looking for something.

Speed: Doesn't look like he found it.

Horatio: Process, and send everything back to the lab. *leaves*

Speed: *nods*

Delko: *walks into living room* Whoa, furniture's been turned upside down, carpet's been ripped up...

Speed: *snaps photos*

Delko: *laughs* Kind of eerie in here isn't it?

Speed: What do you mean?

Delko: Well...It's kind of cold...Dark...Death-like.

Speed: Well maybe that's because the air conditioning is on, and the lights are off.

Delko: Could be.

Speed: *snaps pictures*

Delko: Window's been broken.

Speed: Yeah.

Delko: I wonder if our guy left a little bit of himself behind.

Speed: Blood?

Delko: I don't see any. Maybe prints?

Speed: Dust it.

Delko: *opens kit*

Speed: *looks around*

Delko: *dusts window*

Speed: *swallows*

Delko: You okay man?

Speed: Yeah...I just feel...A little sick.

Delko: At a crime scene? I didn't think you got sick at crime scenes.

Speed: I don't.

Delko: *opens kitchen drawer* Dust.

Speed: We didn't use the kitchen very often.

Delko: There's a void in the dust...Looks like a key was here.

Speed: Key?

Delko: You...Didn't put a key in here?

Speed: No.

Delko: Did Katie?

Speed: I don't know.

Delko: I remember reading in Alexx's report that she had dust under her fingernails, as well as epithelials.

Speed: So?

Delko: So maybe she ran and grabbed this missing key to make sure the killers didn't find it. Do you know what the key would have been for?

Speed: *shakes head* No.

Delko: Well someone came back to find it.

Speed: Where do you suppose it is now?

Delko: ....Well there's one way to find out.

Cemetery, Dade County

Delko: *crosses arms*

Speed: *takes off shades*

Casket cranks up

Alexx: *sigh* I'm sorry Timmy.

Speed: *frowns* Just get it over with.

Alexx: I'll take her home.

Delko: Morgue?

Alexx: *smiles* Yeah.

Speed: I'll meet you there.

Alexx: *looks at Eric*

Delko: ...Are you sure?

Speed: Yeah.

Delko: Alright. I'll go with you.

Speed: No. No, no one else needs to see her like this.

Delko: *nods* ...Alright.

Speed: *walks away*

Alexx: *walks away*

Delko: *sigh*

Autopsy, half hour later

Speed: *walks in* Hey.

Alexx: *smiles* Hey.

Speed: *looks down at table*

Alexx: I'm sorry.

Speed: *clears throat* Your initial report revealed that there was dust under her nails?

Alexx: *strokes Katie's head* Yeah.

Speed: Okay well you need to cut her open.

Alexx: You have information that I don't?

Speed: We think she swallowed something.

Alexx: I did the autopsy, I didn't find anything in her stomach.

Speed: You check her throat?

Alexx: *tilts head* I had no reason to.

Speed: *nods*

Alexx: *grabs scalpel*

Speed: *watches*

Alexx: *cuts open throat* The killer...Didn't slice very far. Lucky for us. *reaches in*

Speed: *swallows*

Alexx: And, here we are. *holds up key* A gold key lodged in her throat.

Speed: So that's probably one of the reasons she had trouble breathing.

Alexx: Could be.

Speed: *grabs key*

Alexx: You know what it opens?

Speed: No.

Alexx: Well then there was still more evidence that she left us.

Speed: I'm thinking it opens some kind of safe deposit box.

Alexx: Any idea why she had one?

Speed: She never told me about one.

Alexx: Maybe you need to dig into her past.

Speed: Yeah. This key was important to her, and I want to find out why.

Alexx: *smiles* Go catch the bad guy, Speed.

Speed: *looks down at Katie* I will. And what she left me, is really going to help.

Alexx: I'll take care of her down here.

Speed: Thanks Alexx.

Alexx: No problem.

Speed: *touches Katie's face* Thanks sweetheart.

Alexx: *smiles*

Speed: *leaves*

Can I just take one moment to say AWWWWWWWWW really loud.

Speed: *touches Katie's face* Thanks sweetheart.
Teehee. GO me! Well not really but that was really cute to me for some reason. lol. And hmm...I swallowed a key? That's very interesting I wanna know what you have up your sleeve geni! Update soon please!
okay on verge point of tears and I am very upset already... wow such a depressing chapter *tears leek out of eyes* I still can't believe shes gone... well in the fic.... Great update geni can't wait for more
I don't think I've ever been this excited to write another chapter. :eek:

I Don't Want To Know Why

AV Lab

Calleigh: *walks in, smiles* Hey welcome back.

Speed: Yeah.

Calleigh: *sits* What are you workin' on?

Speed: A case.

Calleigh: *laughs* Well I can see that. What's this?

Speed: A key.

Calleigh: For what?

Speed: I don't know. That's why I'm in here.

Calleigh: What are these numbers?

Speed: They're the numbers of a safety deposit box. I'm going to track it down.

Calleigh: ...You see her body?

Speed: *typing* Yeah.

Calleigh: How did it look?

Speed: *frowns* Dead.

Calleigh: I'm sorry, I'm just...Overly curious about everything.

Speed: Yeah.

Calleigh: I'm sorry.

Computer beeps

Calleigh: You got somethin'?

Speed: *clicks mouse* Yeah. Location on the safety deposit box. It's registered in Miami Beach.

Calleigh: Yeah I heard about that place. They were going to tear it down a few years ago because it was so badly damaged by the hurricanes we've been having.

Speed: Yeah. And only the richest people have things stored there.

Calleigh: So how did Katie get a box?

Speed: That's what I want to know. The box was first logged...Two months ago.

Calleigh: Two months ago? That was...A few days before she was killed.

Speed: Yeah.

Calleigh: She never mentioned anything to you?

Speed: No.

Calleigh: So go open the box.

Speed: I intend to.

Miami Beach

Guy: Hey can I help you?

Speed: I need to open this box. *puts down key*

Guy: That's number 1701. At the back of the facility. *laughs* Dude the only people who store something that far back have more money than Elton John.

Speed: That's exactly why I need you to open it.

Guy: Sorry, you don't look like you'd own that kind of property. No offense.

Speed: *lifts badge* None taken.

Guy: ...Right this way officer.

Back of room

Guy: So who's was it?

Speed: It's none of your business.

Guy: Fine, I'll look up the records.

Speed: You do that. *opens box*

Guy: Whoa. That's...A lot of credit cards.

Speed: *pulls out latex gloves*

Guy: ...She had badges in there?

Speed: *confused look* What the hell? *lifts badge*

Guy: What's so special about that?

Speed: ...It's an FBI badge.

Guy: So?

Speed: So you didn't see this, and if anyone comes in here wearing an over-priced suit, don't let them back here and don't open your mouth.

Guy: You got it.

Speed: Thanks.

Guy: *leaves*

Speed: *frowns*



Cop: Victim's family probably wouldn't want you diggin' her up.

Speed: Probably not.


Speed: *gets out cellphone*


Delko: *opens phone* Yeah, Eric Delko.

Speed: Eric, we have a problem.

Delko: What do you mean?

Speed: Find Alexx, and tell her I'd like to have a word with her.

Delko: What's going on?

Speed: Don't tell Horatio any of this.

Delko: Yeah, fine but would you mind telling me?

Speed: She's not dead.

Delko: ....

Speed: Eric...

Delko: You saw the body at the original crime scene.

Speed: Yeah for about five minutes.

Delko: Uh, look maybe I should tell Ho-

Speed: No. You're not going to say a thing.

Delko: Horatio didn't tell me anything about this.

Speed: I'm guessing he only told you what you needed to know.

Delko: Yeah and he didn't say anything about her being alive.

Speed: What did he say?

Delko: He said Trevor...Was at the scene for a different reason other than murder, and that the rest was confidential.

Speed: Okay. I'll go find H, you grill Alexx about it.

Delko: Sure.

Speed: Thanks.

Delko: *closes phone*

Miami Beach

Speed: *looks around*

Ok I'll respond as soon as I stop screaming! Oh man is it hot in here or is it just me. Teehee. Seriously I am so flippin excited. Heheh. So i'm not dead! Heck yes! The queen of the spider peoples return! Oh man I saw the word "FBI" and I flipped out. But i'm confused....if I'm not dead then how could I be on the table a few minutes ago...or am I to overly hyper now and i'm totally interputing this chapter wrong?

*takes deep breath* Ok, calm down Katie *lets out breath* Heeeeeeheeeeee. UPDATE SOON PLEASE!
Paul: I want a lawyer.
Speed: We're fresh out.
Pft! I'm almost positive you can't do that!
Carly: Alright. I took a look into your file. Apparently some money went missing from a Crime Scene in Coconut Grove, and you were the responding officer. I also know you have a gambling problem.
Nice Carly! Whoa! What's up with speed, I mean, I know that Death hits hard but he SHOT A WINDOW! He THREW A MICROSCOPE! God, and Eric was all...shrink like! That was cool.
Paul: That's where I keep it. For protection.
Tripp: Against what? Bacteria and scum?
Now, you see, Tripp can pull off the COOLEST one liners and snide comments!
and YAY! I GOT MY KNEES! TEEHEE!...but then we broke up ...and Speed kinda went a bit postal...ok, a lot postal..."Here's SPEEDY!"
Oh Carly, you crack me up. Yeah, Speed when very very postal, then kindof depressed, then...yeah. That sucked!
Jess: Good lord just kiss her already.
Carly: *turns to Jess* Find Blue and shut up.
Jess: *eating Cheez-its* Whatever you say.
Lori: *slaps Jess* Mine. *grabs bag*
These have got to be the coolest people on the face of the planet! I'm so honoured to be part of it all! Lori. Is. ADORABLE! *pouts* I want one!
]Delko: *walks in* Hey I needed to get the paperwork on the h-...What are you doing?
Do you ever pick the most inoppertune times to walk into a room, Delko! Sheesh!
Carly: *lets go* Okay I have to go but when we get a crime scene you PROMISE to let me in on it because I have a thing for crime scenes, seeing as I'm like some kind of investigator for crime scenes. ISC...Okay that doesn't make much sense. Well, unless of course you're dyslezxic.
Anni: *nods slowly*
Carly: BYE HUN! *runs away*
Anni: ....Love doesn't strike her very often does it?
What's she on and where can I get some? Oh wait! I know! She's on LOVE and I have Delko! Kind of...WAIT! Now that he's not hitting on Carly, I do have him! YES!!! Oh...too much sugar.
Speed: Damn the man.
Can I just take one moment to say AWWWWWWWWW really loud.
So long as you share it with me! AWWWWWWWWW!!
Speed: She's not dead.

Breathing For The First Time


Speed: *looking out window*


Calleigh: ...You see her body?

Speed: *typing* Yeah.

Calleigh: How did it look?

Speed: *frowns* Dead.


Speed: *sigh*

Horatio: Speed.

Speed: *looks over at Horatio*

Horatio: *walks up* How are you holding up on the case?

Speed: Fine.

Horatio: You sure you don't want to take a few sick days?

Speed: Believe me, that's the last thing I want to do right now.

Horatio: So what was the call about?

Speed: She's not dead is she.

Horatio: ...Who?

Speed: You know who.

Horatio: *stares at Speed*

Speed: Is she alive?

Horatio: *looks through window* Yes.

Speed: ...

Horatio: It took...Three months to organize. We had to cast her entire body just to make the corpse look right.

Speed: So you knew about the safety deposit box.

Horatio: No, I didn't know about it. She must have left it for you to find. I told her not to.

Speed: You spoke to her.

Horatio: Two days ago.

Speed: So I murdered Ramirez for nothing.

Horatio: He was an ATF agent.

Speed: ...And Trevor?

Horatio: He didn't harm her.

Speed: *sigh*

Horatio: Only Calleigh and Eric knew some of the details. Alexx was in on the whole thing.

Speed: Why? Why not tell me?

Horatio: We couldn't put you and Lori in danger.

Speed: *turns to Horatio* Are we in danger?

Horatio: Yes.

Speed: Why?

Horatio: That's classified.

Speed: Classified my ass, tell me.

Horatio: They found her and they know about you.

Speed: Who found her?

Horatio: That's classified.

Speed: *shakes head*

Horatio: If I could tell you I would.

Speed: Where was she?

Horatio: Mexcico.

Speed: Mexico.

Horatio: Yes.

Speed: Where is she now?

Horatio: That...Is classified.

Speed: ...I just want to speak to her.

Horatio: Unfortunately that won't be possible. She's deep under, so if they hear that you two spoke, she'll be dead for real.

Speed: ...Does Carly know?

Horatio: She's the one that helped Katie set everything up.

Speed: *nods* That's why she came with me to Mexico. To make sure I didn't blow the cover.

Horatio: Mhm. The problem is, now she's fallen in love with you.

Speed: Wow if that doesn't sound corny, I don't know what does.

Horatio: So this is exactly why you won't tell her you found out.

Speed: *frowns*

Horatio: Speed...

Speed: I won't tell her anything.

Horatio: Good.

Horatio's cell phone starts to ring

Speed: ...Is that her?

Horatio: Yes.

Speed: Well then you'd better answer it. *walks away*

You answer the phone Speedle *raises fist* I mean...I understand why Speed couldn't answer the phone. And whoa hold the phone...Carly knew the whole time and yet she still went after Speed. Ok, I guess It was really going after...but you know what I mean. Hmmm...sneaky sneaky. And awwwww if Speed and i were to see eachother it could be dangerous...man this is all like....like...AWESOMELY AWESOME! Are the only words I know how to describe it. I still can't believe that i'm "deep under" Teehee. And Rameriz was ATF but hey! When speedy shot him that was cool! Teehee. *giggles* OK, i'm offically hyper as a bucket full of bananas...all thought that's probably not so hyper...but I am...anyways....I wanna know whats going on and why I had to go "under" so...update soon please!
*is finally caught up and is sitting on the edge of my seat* .... Dammit.. This is turning out to be a really good book. Geni, when are hard copies comin' out?! :lol:

:D Yay! Katie's not dead! But I'm curious to know how the little triangle is going to turn out.
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