CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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*laughs hysterically* Oh jess, you and your "double d's" *raises flag for flat chested people*....I mean...Heck yes *raises flag higher*

But seriously I think that was the funniest thing I have ever read in my life.

Speed: Do you have an off button.

Carly: Not unless you want to go searching for it.

Everyone: *looks at Carly*
Hahaha..um...wow. lol.

Jess: You want to break them OFF?

Speed: Is that physically possible?
Hahaha! I can just see Speed standing there with a confused look on his face and saying that. Teehee. And oh boy Carly sure does ramble when she's nervous doesn't she. lol.

No these are not my dreams...For the LAST time.

OK, ok! I won't ask again. lol. Update soon please!
Jess: STOP! WAIT! MY BOOBS ARE STUCK! *struggles in fence*

Everyone: *turns around*

Speed: Your WHATS?


Delko: *runs over, grabs Jess' hand* Come on.

HAHAHAHAHA OMG I love telling that story. Hahaha at least Delko tried. Oh my gosh Geni, by that point you had me off of my chair and onto the floor haha

Delko: Let a pro deal with it.

Speed: You're a pro in this department?

Delko: Yeah.


Delko: It's along story. Okay, suck in your gut.

Jess: My GUT isn't the problem.

Oh yes, my gut was the least of my problems that day.

Delko: We could shoot them off.

Jess: NO!
*grabs boobs* NOOOO! lol Don't shoot them off! lol

Speed: Okay...That doesn't seem to be working.

Jess: I'm going to die here. I can see the Medical Examiner's report now. "Cause of death: Double Ds."

HAHAHHAHAHAHA OMG I think by that point I had the tears rolling down my cheeks. I have not laughed that hard in my entire life! lol

OMG Geni.....that was great. you totally just made my night HAHA I still can't stop laughing. lol Thank you! *pounces* That was such a funny update....hahaha
Well I'm happy to oblige. :) But Jess, you are the sole credit for the idea. :p I think I laughed for ten minutes.

Wheels Keep On Turning


Everyone walking quietly

Jess: ...It wasn't that big of a deal right?

Delko: *looks at Speed*

Speed: *looks at Delko*

Jess: Oh come on.

Delko: We could just...Not tell everyone.

Carly: How come I didn't get stuck?

Anni: Your kazongas aren't big enough.

Carly: Will you stop calling them 'Kazongas'?

Speed: Can we stop talking about those, I-I mean that?

Jess: It wasn't my fault.

Delko: Yeah blame it on the fence.

Jess: I will.


Speed: We're back.

Horatio: Hey did you find a tire?

Speed: Yeah.

Horatio: Did you have fun?

Delko: Oh yeah we had fun. Jess got stuck.

Jess: *slaps Delko*

Speed: Yeah Wyoming here couldn't get out of the fence.


Carly: *sits down* Whew I'm beat.

Speed: *sits* Next time someone else gets to look for tires.

Jess: My boobs hurt.

Anni: Well you got stuck Jess.

Jess: ...Shut up.

Horatio: Okay, I'm going to go help JC with the tire. *leaves*

Carly: That was actually kind of fun.

Jess: Speak for yourself.

Carly: It's the most fun we've had in a while.

Anni: Ain't that the truth.

Jess: If Katie were here she would be laughing at me and pointing. *sigh*

Speed: *frowns*

Carly: Well hey life goes on, you can't sit in a mud puddle forever huh? Haha...Uh....

Everyone: *looks at Carly*

Carly: ...And she will be missed.

Jess: If you don't stop being stupid I'm going to hit you with my boobs.

Carly: I'll be good.

Anni: *sigh* So what now?

Delko: Let's get Jess stuck again. I need entertainment.

Speed: I think we've had enough entertainment.

Carly: Hell I could entertain myself with thoughts alone.

Everyone: *looks at Carly*

Carly: ..Again it sounded better in my head.

Anni: *wraps arm around Carly* Welcome to the perverted side of life my friend.

Carly: I'm not perverted. It's just that everything I say sounds perverted.

Anni: Living in denial. *sigh* It's going to take a while but you'll see the light.

Delko: Well I'm going to see if JC and Horatio are entertaining. *leaves*

Jess: I'm going to go lie down. *leaves*

Calleigh: I'll go with Eric. *leaves*


Carole: Hey I can change a tire. We have something called 'France-style'. *leaves*

Speed: *sigh* Well I'm going to go make sure Eric doesn't kill himself with a tire iron. *leaves*

Carly: *watches Speed leave*

Door shuts

Carly: *grabs Anni by the shirt* Okay I need help.

Anni: Uh...I can see that. I'll call the funny farm for you. *gets out cell phone*

Carly: *takes phone* No. I have a problem.

Anni: Alright name it.

Carly: Speed kissed me last night.

Anni: *gasp* NO! I WAS HERE FIRST! WE ALL KNEW IT! It goes Katie, ANNI, Carly.

Carly: I don't know if it meant anything, but we never spoke about it.

Anni: Well duh, you were tongue-tied.

Carly: No, after.

Anni: So what he made out with you and left?

Carly: No...Not exactly. There was...Hands.

Anni: Oh you kinky little devil.

Carly: HIS hands.

Anni: Oh.

Carly: Should I talk to him about it?

Anni: Was it a good kiss?

Carly: Will you pay attention?

Anni: Sorry. Okay, was it a good kiss?

Carly: It doesn't matter.

Anni: Yes it does.

Carly: Why?

Anni: The more passionate, the more he digs you.

Carly: ...Digs me?

Anni: The more he has the hots for you. It's very simple terminology. You'll catch on honey.

Carly: So should I talk to him?

Anni: And say what? "I know you practically shoved your tongue down my throat, but did it really mean anything to you?"

Carly: ...This isn't a joke.

Anni: Well so what? He kissed you. Big deal.

Carly: It IS a big deal.

Anni: So why didn't you stop him?

Carly: *blank stare*

Anni: Oooh you little vixen.

Carly: Shut up.

Anni: Oh so THAT'S why you've been acting so weird.

Carly: How do you even survive on your own?

Anni: I have my ways. Now, I'm sure it was nothing. Maybe he was just lonely.

Carly: *frowns* You're terrible at giving advice.

Anni: Why do you think people don't ask me?

Carly: Good point.

OMG! Anni is my favorite person in the Rt EVER! I mean seriously she's hilarious.

Carly: Speed kissed me last night.

Anni: *gasp* NO! I WAS HERE FIRST! WE ALL KNEW IT! It goes Katie, ANNI, Carly.
Oh man that was hilarious. But she does have a point she was there first. lol.

Anni: Well so what? He kissed you. Big deal.

Carly: It IS a big deal.

Anni: So why didn't you stop him?

Carly: *blank stare*

Anni: Oooh you little vixen.

Carly: Shut up.
hahaha! The "little vixen" part had me laughing to no end.

Anni: Oh so THAT'S why you've been acting so weird.

Carly: How do you even survive on your own?
Seriously how does she do it? I mean alcohol and porn can only last a girl so long. lol.

Jess: If Katie were here she would be laughing at me and pointing. *sigh*

Speed: *frowns*
Awwww *hugs speed* But its true I would. Your to easy to make fun of Jess. lol.

Carly: Well hey life goes on, you can't sit in a mud puddle forever huh? Haha...Uh....

Everyone: *looks at Carly*

Oh this coming from the girl who wanted to get my killer without the badge on her side...ok seriously its weird talking about myself like i'm dead. lol.

Great update geni "cause of death: Double D's" hahaha oh man that was hilarious. Update soon please!
Speed kissed Carly so soon after Katie's death? what was he thinking :confused: and I thought he was still in love with Calleigh I mean besides Katie, Calleigh was the only other women Speed loved.

Anyway update soon Geni
OMG! Geni , you made my day! :lol:
that was so funny ahahahaha! :lol: :lol: good for me that i wasnt drinking coffee :D

good job Geni ! *fell off of chair* ahahaha :lol:
Geni, I couldn't stop laughing for almost fifteen minutes.. Oh god, where to start? First of all, the caffine high is dangerous. Let's take this for instance, : the Day dream... Okay everything about the daydream was crazilicous, I mean honestly, someone has to lock up the sodas two hours before bed time. HAhaHAha treedle... I'm still cracking up inside.

Okay, the entire Tire Heist( it's what I'm calling it) was absoultely hilarious! I couldn't believe what I was reading, yet it seemed so natural for the RT :lol: Classic.

And of course, there was the entire Carly scene. As much as I am honored with Carly taking me to the side, I have to agree *flashes back*

Anni: *gasp* NO! I WAS HERE FIRST! WE ALL KNEW IT! It goes Katie, ANNI, Carly

Okay, like I've held the eternal flame for Speed this entire trip, and well,... *sigh* alright , alright, I'll settle for the psyhcadelic dreams ( someone has to be slipping me some kind of narcotic or herbal remedy before bed, cause I don't think that SODA :lol: does that. But this is me we are talking about)

Oh, and Geni, my daughter knows exactly how insane I am, and she is powerless to stop it!!!:devil: And I'm glad that I can make folks laugh ( tip your waitress everyone, I'm here all week!). Seriously, these thoughts just pop up in my mind.

And now that I'm through rambling... fantastic updates, Geni! :)

Btw: my daughter is six years old. Yeah ,she's immune to the insanity and often joins me there... I think she is a keeper;) :lol:
speedmonkey2 said
Oh this coming from the girl who wanted to get my killer without the badge on her side.

Well, in all honesty that was before Speed and Carly were going at it in the rain. :p

I'm happy everyone else liked the chapters! Its always great to know y'all have a smile on your face. :)

Anni, you never cease to crack me up! Heck you can ramble as much as you want. ;) - And the Tire Heist? I love that title. :lol: So fitting.

Maybe someone's slipping Coke in your Pepsi. - In more than one way. :p But your dreams are pretty fantastically weird, and that's what makes it fun. :D

And aw a six year old daughter. How cuute! :D :D And it's good that she joins you in the insanity at times. Lord knows we've all been there. ;)

Kills To Thrill


Carly: Okay so should I talk to him about it?

Anni: I thought you didn't want my advice.

Carly: I didn't say I didn't want it, I said it was terrible.

Anni: Gee, thanks for the compliment.

Carly: Okay, so what do I say?

Anni: Throw a drink in his face. It's classic.

Carly: ...I don't want to throw a drink in his face.

Anni: No, you want to have your way with him.

Carly: *frowns* Can you get your head out of the gutter for five minutes?

Anni: Why, what's after five minutes?

Carly: What should I DO!

Anni: Speed.

Carly: ...Okay I didn't say 'who' I said 'what'.

Anni: Just ask him if it meant anything.

Carly: And if he says no?

Anni: You'll have your heart broken.

Carly: I'm not in love with him.

Anni: So...You'll go on with life and we'll never talk about it again.

Carly: You're just saying that because you want to shack up with him.

Anni: Have you seen the chest on that guy?

Carly: No, and I'm not entire sure you have and let's not talk about his chest.

Anni: Why not?

Carly: Because you're supposed to be helping me.

Anni: Just compliment him on his butt. Guys love that.

Carly: ....How do you know ANY of this?

Anni: I'm experienced.

Carly: I don't think Tim is the type of person where you would get away with complimenting his butt.

Anni: Ooh so it's Tim now. You're on a first name basis.

Carly: ...*shakes head* So what do I say first besides mentioning his butt?

Anni: Um...Ask him what the other night meant, and if it didn't mean anything then it's okay.

Carly: Okay I like that idea.

Anni: See? I'm not all bad.

Carly: Well not when you get the ball rolling.

Speed: *walks in* Hey Eric's looking for a screwdriver, do you guys know where it is?

Anni: Carly knows. *runs off into back room*

Carly: Wow thanks Anni. *stands* Um...Actually I don't, but can I talk to you for a minute?

Speed: Sure.

Carly: Um...I...Well...Um...You have a very nice butt.

Speed: ...*nods slowly*

Carly: *nervous smile*

Speed: Is...That it? You wanted to comment on my butt?

Carly: Uh...No, actually.

Speed: Well then what is it?

Carly: Um...*sigh* Yesterday night...Why did you kiss me?

Speed: ...

Carly: Oh I knew this was a bad idea. *turns around* I'll see you when I wake up from hell.

Speed: *grabs Carly* Whoa, hold on.

Carly: *turns back around*

Speed: I don't know why I did it.

Carly: Oh.

Speed: But...You didn't try to stop me either.

Carly: Well it was either yell rape or enjoy the ride.

Speed: I'm sorry.

Carly: For what?

Speed: I shouldn't have done that.

Carly: Well I know that.

Speed: I wasn't thinking clearly.

Carly: *looks down at floor* ...I understand.

Speed: You do realize that meant nothing right?

Carly: Oh yeah, yeah I know. I was just making sure you knew that.

Speed: Yeah.

Carly: So um...We can go back to being normal everyday friends.

Speed: What do you mean?

Carly: We were friends right?

Speed: Yeah.

Carly: So we can forget any of this happened. I won't tell anyone what you did, because no one has to know.

Speed: Okay.

Carly: So...Just like that?

Speed: Yeah.

Carly: Alright.

Speed: ...Are you sure you didn't know where that screwdriver went?

Anni: *runs over* I FOUND IT!

Speed: ...That's a pencil.

Anni: You can draw a screwdriver in the pavement.

Speed: *frowns*

Anni: Get going.

Speed: *looks at Carly*

Carly: *looking down at floor*

Speed: I'll see you two in a few. *leaves*

Anni: Alright so what happened?

Carly: Nothing.

Anni: I was listening through the door, and I didn't hear anyone gettin' it on.

Carly: That's because nothing was going to happen. *sits on couch*

Anni: So why do you look so dissapointed? You're the one that was so worried about everything.

Carly: ...Well I'm glad that all of that was nothing but...

Anni: Part of you wanted there to be something. Look, you know how these things go down. It would never work. And even if it did, what then? He has a daughter. You'd never be that girl's mom.

Carly: I know.

Anni: Honey I know you care about him, but I'm not sure it's the way you think.

Carly: Do you know how many times he saved my neck out there?

Anni: What do you mean?

Carly: He protected me.

Anni: He's a cop.

Carly: No, it wasn't like that. I didn't really think about it at first, but I don't know, there was something different between the two of us.

Anni: Like...Gas?

Carly: I swear to God if you start the gas thing I'll pummel you into next week.

Anni: Okay so you love him, he loves you, no one will admit it and no one's denying it.

Carly: He said there was nothing there.

Anni: So, it doesn't mean he's telling the truth.

Carly: I guess.

Anni: Is this going to be one of those 'I'm going to sulk until he notices and kisses me again'?

Carly: No.

Anni: Well lighten up. If things are over, then things are over.

Carly: I know.

Anni: So stop pouting.

Carly: I'm not pouting.

Delko: *walks in* What were you two doing?

Anni: We're watching porn.

Delko: Oh mind if I tag along?

Anni: *bites Delko*

Delko: OW!

Speed: *walks in* Horatio said get back outside.

Delko: JC chased me with a tire iron.

Speed: So?

Delko: So she was about to kill me.

Speed: She was just going to hit you with it, not kill you with it.

Delko: I didn't do anything to her.

Speed: You stole the tire from her hands.

Delko: ....Yeah and she almost bit me too. *looks at Anni*

Anni: *waves*

Delko: Ugh. *leaves*

Speed: Well...I'm going to back outside and wallow in self-pity. *leaves*


Carly: Why?

Anni: There's your first hint. He's wallowing in self-pity.

Carly: His wife just died.

Anni: So?

Carly: So now is not the time to swoop in.

Anni: He sure swopped over to you last night.

Carly: I happened to have answered the door. If you had answered it, he would have done the same.

Anni: ...I never thought about that. Okay I call sleeping next to the door tonight.

Carly: *shakes head*

Hahah oh man! I think I would go to Anni for advice just because she's hilarious. Compliment his butt. *giggles* Now I do kinda feel sorry for Carly because all sad and stuff. And adn and god dang it I know what I want to say but its to early! Ughers.

Anyways......Eric being bitin by Anni and almost getting bit by JC...whoa that guys night isn't going so well. lol. Update soon please!
calleighspeedle said
Speed kissed Carly so soon after Katie's death? what was he thinking and I thought he was still in love with Calleigh I mean besides Katie, Calleigh was the only other women Speed loved.

You make very interesting points calleighspeedle. It's been said that he's only ever loved two people on this fantastic voyage, but then again things have been turned into chaos since Katie's unfortunate demise. I'm not at all saying he doesn't still love Katie, because that was very evident through his actions in Mexico, (With Ramirez) but things don't always happen the way we planned. ;) (Especially upon Speed's point of view)

But as I always say, it's up for anyone's interpretations. Mine might not always be right. :)

And as for Calleigh, I'm not sure where that's headed. You'd think he'd gravitate toward her after Katie's death, but...He didn't so :p.

Anyway! I'll have more chapters later today. :)
compliment his butt! he he :lol: sounds like: 'you have so deep eyes, i can barely see them!' :lol: or 'you have nice teeth, so seldom' :p
anyway, Speed can't live without woman :devil: there will be something ;) ...there is GOT to be something! duuh! :rolleyes:

off topic: today in school i wrote on blackboard 'Wubba sond' ..Drive, Drive, drive your hammer... and i sad: 'lets sing the song girls!! and they were really singing! that was nice! :D

back on wave: great update Geni, i wanna know whats next :)
what's happening to Calleigh we haven't heard from her in a while on this trip? :confused:there is not much talking going on between her and Speed or any of them.

updates soon Geni :D
Fantazzmic update , Geni! Ha, so I did end up giving her some good advice( one question though, how did that happen?) I'm glad that I could help, even though my mind was on Speed the entire time, nonetheless, it was good advice.

Shouldn't Delko know by now, not to mess with me? ;) Just thought I'd put that out there. And despite the advice, I still miss Katie like mad. *sigh* it's just not the same without her. I know * light bulb lighting up, then cracking* Give Anni a crazy dream with Katie in it. It would be so crazy, yet endearing...Just a suggestion ;) :D But, as always, anything you write , Geni, I will read! Great job!
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