CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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Congrats with new thread again! :D *looks around*
it feels so good to be hear... ^_^ uuu we have new windows :lol: *puts nose and hands on window,and looks outside* i feel like in Spaceship! uu :D
Mexico ha..nice choise! :D Speed,Carly,revenge..yeah looks like 'Rio' :p but whateva :lol:

update soon! can't wait :)
Yay! new thread! TEEHEE! we got drunk again...well, I'll think of that as a tribute to drunk Katie...long live drunk Katie!

Ohhh Geni, that's cruel! :p I almost got my knees!...almost ;)

please update soon
Awww heck yes! Waking up to like what 4...5 chapters after a slightly crazy night is awesome! lol. Awww Speed and Carly got drunk! Teehee. And Speed came this close *pinches fingers together* To kissing Carly and then he pulled away. Awwww! And oh man don't even get me started on Anni's dream. I mean seriously, Radio....Timtron....pink polar bears. I know its not polite to laugh at people but I think if I was there I would laughing my butt off!

Great udpates to start off the new thread Geni! Update soon please!
Aw Carly, your poor knees. :p

carole, I'm glad you're here! Have a seat and enjoy!

LtKitty guess what's next....Your road trip debut! :D Very, very soon.

And Katie, I'm glad you woke up five chapters. And the drunkness prevails! *raises fist*

15 Dollar Drinks

Outside motel, 9 am

Carly: *walks outside* Hey, you're up early.

Speed: I had to fix the breaks.

Carly: The breaks don't work?

Speed: They do, but they could work better.

Carly: ...Is this really about the breaks?

Speed: What do you mean?

Carly: You've been avoiding me all morning.

Speed: No I haven't.

Carly: You got up a six, and you've been gone ever since.

Speed: That doesn't mean I was avoiding you.

Carly: ...Did we do something last night?

Speed: No.

Carly: How would you know?

Speed: I hold my liquor well.

Carly: *crosses arms* I don't buy it.

Speed: You don't have to.

Carly: Can you get away from the motorcycle for two minutes?

Speed: Nope. We have to get going soon.

Carly: Is this because of Katie?

Speed: That's the reason I'm out here.

Carly: No, last night. You got all freaked out.

Speed: I didn't get freaked out.

Carly: You almost kissed me.

Speed: *lifts head from bike* How would you remember that?

Carly: Things like that can be pretty sobering.

Speed: Well nothing happened.

Carly: You're not cheating on her if she's dead.

Speed: *frowns*

Carly: *frowns*

Speed: *walks over* You think I want to hook up with you?

Carly: Do you?

Speed: No.

Carly: So why is it such a big deal?

Speed: It's not.

Carly: I think it is. I don't know, maybe you feel guilty about feeling something since her death and it wasn't anger.

Speed: I could really care less about you.

Carly: I don't believe that. All those times I left, and you got worried, and you made that guy at the gas station leave pretty fast.

Speed: I'm a human being, arrest me.

Carly: For fortunately being a human being is still legal in this state.

Speed: Lucky me.

Carly: *sigh* Every second that we stand here fighting is another second Ramirez has on us.

Speed: Yeah we should leave.

Carly: Truce?

Speed: *nods* Yeah, truce.

Carly: Good. Let's go catch him.

Aww poor Speedy feels guilty that he almost kissed Carly. And by rights it is a little to soon to movin on. I mean it has only been like what a day or two? I mean give the guy a little time. But of course that could be just me wanting to preserve the Tatie goodness. lol. *shrugs*

And the drunkness prevails! *raises fist*
Heck yes it does! Where would we be without drunk people?...no where that where lol.
speed_cochrane said:

LtKitty guess what's next....Your road trip debut! :D Very, very soon.

OMG omg omg! :D *jumping up and down,clapping* :lol:
i am like...hyper spring! *running around,hitting the walls* ou! *boom* ou! *boom* ou!...
you can't stooop meeee! wiiiii! :lol:

update soon!
*take a seat and listen Geni :p*
Great update Geni :)
This road trip is so funny and tha landscape is so beautiful!! *watch through the window of the hummerhome*

Update soon please :)
^^ Well, three or four days, give or take an hour. :p

And the world would be a much safer place without drunk people. :lol:

*gives LtKitty some sleeping pills* Slow down there. :lol:

Yes, very beautiful landscape indeed.


El Paso, Texas

Speed: *gets off bike*

Carly: *gets off bike* So what do we do now?

Speed: We ask around.

Carly: Okay, well can you imagine finding a guy named Ramirez around here? For every five rats, there has to be a guy named Ramirez.

Speed: *frowns*

Carly: I'm just saying.

Hummerhome, Texas

Horatio: Okay people, we've entered Texas.

Delko: Yeah we saw the sign too.

Horatio: Okay we should be in Mexico by tonight if we're lucky.

Calleigh: You think we'll be able to find him?

Horatio: With a little luck.

Jess: Wow you seem so sure we have luck.

Horatio: We're CSIs.

Carole: *lifts hand* I'm not.

Horatio: Okay well some of us are.

Anni: *presses forehead against window* Look at all the guys wearing leather pants.

Jess: YAY! *runs to window*

Anni: I love cowboys.

El Paso, 2 hours later, restaurant

Carly: *sits down* Okay I asked around, and the guy we're looking for might be at the Juarez Industrial Park.

Speed: *looking at map* That's about a hundred miles from here.

Carly: The guy I spoke to, said they cartel drugs from the Columbians out of there.

Speed: Columbians? I thought they were a larger corperation.

Carly: Every now and then the Mexicans and Columbians take advantage of the long routes, and they cartel their drugs at the same time. Mexicans get paid in cocaine, the Columbians make their money.

Speed: Well that's interesting but what does that have to do with Ramirez?

Carly: Apparently Ramirez is part of a large Mexican drug cartelling group. They're selling meth, cocaine, and heroin. The thing is, they're making more profit than the Columbians so he's made quite an enemy.

Speed: He's bypassing the Columbians.

Carly: *smiles* Yeah by about ten million dollars American.

Speed: Ouch.

Carly: We're not the only ones who have a hit out on him.

Speed: So we have to get him before the Columbians do.

Carly: I hate to say it, but we could be in the middle of a full blown drug war.

Speed: Wonderful.

Carly: You know, we could stall Horatio and the team for a few days.

Speed: What do you have in mind?

Carly: They're going to be at the border soon, and they're in this bigass bus. You think the Mexicans search every vehcile?

Speed: ...So we'll make sure they search the Hummerhome from top to bottom.

Carly: It'll give us some time to get ahead.

Speed: I like the way you think.

Carly: *smiles*

Speed: *looks down at map* Okay, you take the bike up to the border, and give them some news they can use. I'll stay down here and track down Ramirez.

Carly: You're...Letting me take the...Bike?

Speed: ...Yeah.

Carly: Me?

Speed: There's no one else here.

Carly: You're not afraid I'll trash it?

Speed: I trust you.

Carly: Really.

Speed: Go before I change my mind.

Carly: *salutes* See you in a few hours. *stands*

Speed: Yeah, take care.

Carly: *turns around*

Speed: *smirks*

Carly: *smiles, walks away*

Awww Speedy's letting Carly drive the Ducati! That's no fair! *pouts* But I am not liking the whole "drug war" mention there. That can't be good. And seriously when will people learn that using/selling drugs is a bad thing! Its only going to get you into trouble, which I guess is bad for Ramirez and good for Speedy boy. lol. Update soon please.
you can't stop m-.....*hits the ground* *Zzzzzzzzzzzz*
*talking in sleep*
..*snoring*.. you will pay for this Geni ..*zzz* i will get you, just 5 more minutes *zzzzz*
Whoa LtKitty Slow down there sweetheart before you hurt yourself lol. Wow Geni, I woke up to a whollatta updates! I love it! Drug war+Speed+Carly+Horatio not there to save his ass= nothing good hahaha That is about the only form of math I'm actually good at teehee. Woooooo We're gonna meet Kitty soon!

LAUREN! I'VE MISSED YOU SO! Our MSN convos.......wow....I'm glad you are posting here! -gives cookie and brownie-

Wow, Speed got drunk! Hahahaha I love how Speed and Carly made a fort to keep away from the Wubba monster, and Anni......nice dream.....lol I thought the whole "flaming biceps" thing was halarious! Way to go Geni!
I don't think he's ever let anyone drive the Ducati. Oh boy. And yes, the drug wars aren't going to be very good when we have CSIs running around for vengeance. Oh well, at least they're not in Brazil. :p

And YAY LAUREN. *hands over cookies and pop*

*gives LtKitty more sleeping pills* Muahaha.

The Day On My Side

Border, Mexco. 5 hours later

Horatio: *rolls down window* Yes sir?

Border Patrol: Sir, we're going to need to check the vehicle.

Horatio: For what?

Border Patrol: Drugs.

Horatio: There are no drugs in here.

Border Patrol: We got word that you're carrying a large load of drugs. Apparently it's a new kind of drug that the dogs won't detect.

Horatio: I can assure you there are no drugs. See, we're cops from Mia-

Border Patrol: I want you all to step out of the vehicle.

Street, El Paso

Carly: *rides up on Ducati*

Speed: *turns around*

Carly: *gets off Ducati* I got them to hold the Hummerhome over night.

Speed: Nice job.

Carly: You got any news?

Speed: Yeah. Ramirez is going to be at the Industrial Park tonight so we have to get moving. If we're going to catch him, we need a plan.

Carly: Wait, you're actually letting me in on this? You're not going to say it's too dangerous?

Speed: You can take care of yourself.

Carly: That's not what you thought the other night.

Speed: I was wrong the other night.

Carly: *smirks*

Speed: I've been wrong a lot lately about you.

Carly: ...

Speed: Thanks for coming along.

Carly: No problem.


Horatio: No, don't rip th-

Guy: *rips apart couch*

Horatio -at...Is this really necessary?

Guy: Si.

Horatio: *sigh* There are no drugs in my Hummerhome.

Guy: Then why did we get the tip?

Horatio: Someone must be trying to stall us.

Guy: From what, selling drugs?

Horatio: *frowns* I resent that.

Industrial Park, 10 pm

Carly: Okay so what's the plan?

Speed: We wait until the people he's with leave, and then we surprise him.

Carly: What if he shoots us?

Speed: Two against one.

Carly: Okay I'm a little worried about this.

Speed: Why?

Carly: He could have guys hiding all over the place.

Speed: If there were people, we would have been spotted already. *loads magazine*

Carly: So this is it huh?

Speed: Yeah.

Carly: You having second thoughts?

Speed: No.

Carly: Oh...Well that's good I guess.

Speed: Okay I see him.

Carly: *peers over large wooden box* Yeah...Which one is he?

Speed: The one wearing too much 'bling'.

Carly: That explains it.

Speed: *frowns*

Carly: What?

Speed: I want to see what she saw.

Carly: *nods*

Speed: Alright, those guys are leaving lets go.

Industrial Area

Ramirez: Don't forget to load up the cocaine too! *throws cigar*

Speed: *puts gun to Ramirez's head* Good evening.

Ramirez: *turns head*

Speed: Don't move or I'll blow your head off you son of a bitch.

Ramirez: *starts to laugh* You don't sound like the Columbians.

Speed: No, I'm much worse than the Columbians. You took something from me, and now you're going to pay.

Ramirez: Oh? And what did I take?

Speed: My wife.

Ramirez: *laughing* That perra? She begged for her life.


Ramirez: Alright man, don't start getting trigger happy on me. *laughs, gets on knees*

Speed: *walks around* You killed her.

Ramirez: Yeah and it was the most fun I've had in a long time.

Speed: What did he pay you with? Drugs? Money? Women?

Ramirez: How about the fun of just capping someone?

Speed: You didn't 'cap' her, you slit her throat.

Ramirez: I was hoping to make it a little less messy, but she just insisted on fighting. They always make that mistake. And you just made yours. *pulls out gun*

Speed: *frowns* You're dumber than I thought.

Carly: *walks over, points gun at Ramirez*

Ramirez: *laughs* She's pretty.

Carly: I am really sick of you people.

Ramirez: Why don't you put down the gun, and we'll go have some fun.

Carly: *kicks Ramirez in the face*

Ramirez: AH! *holds nose* Oh, you did it now. *smacks Carly*

Carly: *falls over* UGH....*grabs Ramirez's gun* Ha. I have his gun.

Speed: DON'T MOVE!

Ramirez: *looks at Speed*

Speed: *puts gun to Ramirez' head* When are you going to learn not to hit a woman?

Ramirez: I'm saving her for later.

Speed: *cocks gun* It's too bad you won't live to see later.

Ramirez: *laughing* Your little wife cried out your name as I sliced through her throat.

Speed: *glares*

Horatio: Speed!

Speed: *looks up*

Horatio: Don't do it!

Speed: How did you get here!

Horatio: *walks over, slowly* Border Patrol said the mysterious drug they were looking for was something called 'Wubba'.

Carly: Haha...Whoops.

Horatio: Speed, he's not worth the bullet. Put down the gun.

Speed: He killed her.

Horatio: I know, and we have him. Speed, we got him.

Speed: It's not good enough!

Horatio: I know you want to put a bullet in his brain, and so do I but we know what will happen if you pull that trigger.

Speed: I don't care.

Horatio: Speed, don't do this.


Horatio: I know he did, and I know you want him to suffer but listen to me, he'll suffer more in a jail cell.

Speed: He'll get out, and he'll do this again.

Horatio: No he won't. Speed, he'll never get out.

Speed: You don't know that.

Horatio: Put down the gun.

Speed: No.

Horatio: If you pull that trigger, I'll have to shoot you. You want that?

Speed: If he dies, then yes.

Horatio: Speed, this won't bring her back. This is not justice.

Speed: *looks at Horatio*

Horatio: Put down the gun.

Speed: ...Why do you always have to show up?

Horatio: It's my job.

Speed: *sigh*

Horatio: Put down the gun.

Speed: ...*drops gun*

Horatio: Good. Step away from him.

Speed: *backs up*

Horatio: *grabs Ramirez* You're under arrest.

Ramirez: My people are going to make your life a living hell.

Cop cars pull up

Ramirez: THS ISN'T OVER!

Horatio: For you it is.

Cop: *grabs Ramirez, they walk away*

Horatio: *holsters gun* You okay?

Speed: Yeah. *nods* I'm okay.

Horatio: Okay. *grabs Carly's hand*

Carly: *stands* Thanks.

Speed: I could have killed him.

Horatio: But you didn't. Okay? Let's go home.

Speed: *frowns*

Yelling heard near cop cars

Horatio: *turns around*

Ramirez pulls out another gun, shoots both cops, aims gun for Horatio


What happened!!! I want to know Geni AND NOW!!!!! *everybody stare at me* haha... just... hum... kidding :)

And speed lend his bike! It's weired :p

Update soon please :)
*Glares* Dang you Geni! It was all good. Speed wanted to kill him and he was makin me all sad and stuff and then bam! Ramirez had to go and aim the gun at H man! I want to know what happens right now! *stomps foot* Seriously what is it with you and cliffhangers?

But speed was so awesome. He didn't want to put down the gun. And and and he was just awesome!

Carly: What?

Speed: I want to see what she saw.

Carly: *nods*
Awwwww! *hugs*

Speed: Don't move or I'll blow your head off you son of a bitch.
Teehee! I love it when Speedy cuses. Its soo...soooo...whats the word I'm looking for?

Speed: No, I'm much worse than the Columbians. You took something from me, and now you're going to pay.

Ramirez: Oh? And what did I take?

Speed: My wife.

Ramirez: *laughing* That perra? She begged for her life.

Ramirez is just asking for it. I mean seriously you don't mess with a guy when his wife was murdered. Especially Speedy....I don't really know why especially Speed but it sounded like the right thing to say then. lol.

Ramirez: *laughing* Your little wife cried out your name as I sliced through her throat.
Ugh! I just wanna...is it wrong that I want to kill Ramirez myself. Seriously someone shoot the guy and put him out of his misery! But I guess that won't bring any justice.

Horatio: Speed, he's not worth the bullet. Put down the gun.

Speed: He killed her.

Horatio: I know, and we have him. Speed, we got him.

Speed: It's not good enough!
Seriously! I just want to hug him! he's so cute when he's all out for revenge. lol. And ok I won't quote anything else because it'll just be me saying awww" and "he's so cute" lol. Seriously though Carly...the drug....wubba...hahahahah wow. lol. Update soon please!
:lol: Katie, I can just see you sitting there just saying 'awww' for ten minutes. :p

carole, you make me laugh. :lol:

Wrong Or Right

Speed: *holding gun*

Horatio: *looks at Speed* You shot him.

Speed: *frowning*

Carly: *staring at Speed*

Speed: *drops gun*

Horatio: *walks over to Ramirez* ...I think you got him.

Carly: Well looks like he won't be hurting anyone anytime soon.

Speed: Now we can go.

Horatio: Okay. Let's go. *walks away*

Carly: You really shot him.

Speed: Yeah.

Carly: You feel any better?

Speed: *looks down at Ramirez* ...No.

Carly: *hugs Speed*

Speed: *closes eyes*

Horatio: *takes off shades*

Calleigh: *walks up* The Hummerhome's been released.

Horatio: Good.

Calleigh: Well he got him.

Horatio: Mhm.

Calleigh: You think he'll be okay?

Horatio: Time will tell.

Calleigh: *smiles* I'll get JC to bring the Hummerhome around.

Horatio: Okay.

Calleigh: *walks away*

Few meters away

Carly: *lets go* Ready to go?

Speed: *sigh* I hate Mexico.

Carly: *laughs*

Speed: Alright let's go home.

Carly: Okay.

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