CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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hahahaha uh oh anni had a daydream lol. Hahaha its bad enough my friends think i am insane when i break out laughing at random things cause they remind me of the RT but i mean well anni does ur daughter ever think you crazy ... ohohohoh and how old is she????? Okay off topic but i love kids lol.
*woke up* i heard something...someone came in...and yup, here is updates! :D *stand up from floor*
*reading* ahaha :lol:
thanks for the sleeping pills Geni ! i feel wierd..i don;t feel my brains, but i think it is normal right? :)

update soon!
AWWWWWWw Speed saved Carly from that ....guy. That was trés mignon.
Carly: First of all chubbs, it's a country and it's Mexico.
hahahaha chubbs. Good use of words Geni lol I'll have to add that one to my "forensic vocaulary"......right next to gooey hahaha

*yawn* are you sure you didn't slip me some sleeping pills too Geni? Because I can't stop yawning........I'm hungry too.....hmmm I think I'll go eat some fruit rollups to get my sugarlevel up teehee Then I'll be bouncing of the walls!!

I LOVE THE RT! *strips* Wow, that was fast haha

Great update Geni, can't wait for more! :)
And you're welcome for the sleeping pills LtKitty. :D

And yes I drugged you all, so sleep my pretties! Muahaa...Too excited.

No Longer Needs To Be Defensive

Motel, 8 pm

Speed: So why aren't we just staying with everyone else in the Hummerhome?

Carly: Because everyone else acts crazy, and I'd like to just...Not be with them right now.

Speed: I thought you liked them.

Carly: They're too happy.

Speed: ..Too happy...

Carly: They don't seem to care that Katie died. They're all acting like nothing happened.

Speed: Maybe that's how they deal with things. They want to forget about it for a while.

Carly: Well I'd rather just live with the truth for a while.

Speed: I see.

Carly: Don't you just hate how everyone's always happy?

Speed: If they want to be happy, they can.

Carly: Yeah but, look where we are. We're in a crappy town with drug addicts and pimps, and they're sitting in a Hummerhome having fun.

Speed: They might not be having fun.

Carly: *sits down beside Speed* Well I think they are.

Speed: So go have fun with them.

Carly: And leave you to sit in your filth?

Speed: I'm not dirty.

Carly: ...Okay true. And you actually smell rather fresh.

Speed: *smirks*

Carly: *smiles*

Speed: And to think you hated me when you first met me.

Carly: Me? I didn't hate you. I just don't like smart-alecs.

Speed: I hate to break it to you, but that's practically my middle name.

Carly: I thought your middle name was sarcasm.

Speed: That too.

Carly: Well maybe you grew on me.

Speed: Really.

Carly: Yeah you're not...As annoying.

Speed: Thanks.

Carly: You're welcome.

Speed: *nods*

Carly: I'm going to get some rest.

Speed: You know, if you sleep in the Hummerhome they probably won't mind.

Carly: Yeah, and it's probably cleaner.

Speed: Yeah.

Carly: Are you going too?

Speed: No, I'm okay here. *stands*

Carly: *walks over to door*

Speed: *walks over*

Carly: Well I'll see you tomorrow morning.

Speed: Yeah.

Carly: *smiles, leaves*

Speed: ...*hits head on door*


Carly: I'M BACK!


Carly: What dream?

Delko: You don't want to know.

Carly: Well what happened?

Anni: Okay well it was about Speed, and he was wearing a toga, a-

Carly: *lifts hand* I don't want to know anymore.

Anni: ...Fine you party pooper.

Jess: I KNOW WHAT HAPPENED! There was mustard and pink polar bears.

Carly: What an....Interesting dream.

Anni: I know, and it creeped me out.

Starts to thunder

Anni: *screams* GOD KNOWS ABOUT MY DREAM! *runs into a door*

Carly: *laughs* You okay?

Anni: Wow there sure are a lot of you. *holds head*

Starts to pour outside

Anni: Great, now God is upset about my dream. I'M SORRY!

Horatio: No problem.

Anni: You're not God. You're Jesus, there's a difference.

Horatio: Whatever you say.

JC: *hugs Horatio*

Horatio: *smiles*

JC: I don't care what you call yourself, you're still awesome.

Horatio: Why thank you.

Calleigh: I'm going to bed.

Delko: Does anyone else have to pee?

Jess: Why?

Delko: Well...With all that rain...

Jess: *rolls eyes*

Horatio: Everyone in bed. And Eric, don't listen to the rain.

Delko: I can't help it.

Everyone leaves

Anni & company's room

Anni: RAIN! *dances around*

Carly: You're too hyper.

Anni: I drink a lot of soda.

Missy: POP!

Anni: SODA!

Missy: POP!



Anni: What about Bush?

Missy: I just threw him in there.

Midnight, rain still pouring

Delko: That's it! I have to pee. *runs*

Anni: Did I just hear Delko scream?

Missy: Evidently he had to pee.

Carly: I'm going to go get a glass of water. *leaves*

Anni: Seriously what did you say about Bush?

Missy: What does it matter? Go to sleep.

Dinette area

JC: *walks over* Hey.

Carly: I didn't know you were up.

JC: The rain was too loud.

Carly: Yeah.

JC: So anyway, I'm going to head off to sleepy land.

Carly: Have fun.

JC: Oh I will, and I will wake up refreshed.

Carly: Good.

JC: Good.

Carly: ...I thought you were going.

JC: I am. *runs off*

Carly: *shakes head*

Knock on door is heard

Carly: *turns around* ....Thunder can knock on doors?

Knock on door is heard

Carly: *walks over to door, opens it*

Speed: *looks up*

Carly: ...You're soaked.

Speed: You didn't open the door.

Carly: *walks down steps* You can come inside you know.

Speed: *kisses Carly*

Carly: *closes eyes*

Inside Hummerhome

Anni's room

Anni: GET OFF THE BED! *pushes Missy*

Missy: AH! *falls over onto Jess*

Jess: Ow, that was my nose you pig.

Missy: I'm not a pig.

Jess: *rubs nose*

Anni: *jumping on bed* I LOVE IT HERE!

Carole: You're shaking the entire Hummerhome.

Anni: WAHOO!

Jess: *takes away soda cans*

Carly: *walks in* Hey I'm back.

Anni: Where were you, and why are you soaked?

Carly: I...Sprayed water in my face getting a drink.

Anni: Wow you sure don't know how to use the nozzle very well.

Carly: It was a tap, not a hose.

Anni: Sure, look at you.

Carly: *grabs towel*

Jess: Where did you get the towel?

Carly: It was sitting on the floor. This place is a mess.

Missy: That's because Anni keeps dropping pop all over the floor.

Anni: SODA!

Carly: *smiles*

Jess: ...Okay what are you so happy about?

Carly: Nothing. *sits on bed*

Jess: You don't have candy do you?

Carly: There's some in the cupbaord.

Jess: YES! *runs off*

I am calm! Cool! And Collected! And I would just like to apologize for anything I might say in the next few seconds!

WHAT IN THE HECK IS WRONG WITH TIMOTHY! And yes I know I called him Timothy! *Takes deep breath* I mean seriously...ok I'm not one to...too...complain or whatever it is I'm doing right now but I died like 2 days ago! Good god man keep it in your pants *clears throat* I mean seriously I expected like atleast a week...week in a half maybe.....

*exhales* Ok...and now to comment on the rest of the Update!


HAHA WOW I laughed so hard I hurt my throat...which already hurt so...yeah...anyway! That was friggin hilarious!

And Anni...honey your hilarious but lay off the soda!

Seriously! And in the rain! That was our thing! *stomps foot* But ha! *points finger at Carly* Mine had fireworks so ha! I win!

Ok now I'm done over reacting. Update soon please!

And ugh Carly was all smiling and junk too *sighs* Ok I'm doen.
TEEHEE!...sorry Katie but...TEEHEE! I got me some knees! I seriously almost fell off my chair when I read that...

HAHA...woah, it's different living on the other side of the world...we simply call it 'soft drink' :lol:

TEEHEE! I can't stop smiling :D please update soon
*hugs Katie* I'm sorry. :lol:

But look on the bright side, it was actually five or six days, not two. :p - Something to that effect. And I'm not entirely sure the 'can't keep it in his pants' thing is the reason for that. *puts on glasses, and opens a book*

Speed is essentially heart-broken, and considering everything happened was quite a shock to the system, it's very probable that he's not thinking clearly at all. It explains why he wanted vengeance on the killer, and was prepared to put a bullet in his brain - Which he did.

I think the reason he acted out in this way, is because there is just a whole whack of emotions that he's feeling. Sadness, anger, confusion, frustration, and God forbid - Love. So it's not really an issue that he's suddenly 'in love' with Carly, thus has to take her to bed right away. (As I've explained before, this isn't CSI: Sex. - A kiss just doesn't make it so.) To put it frankly, yes he's attracted to Carly but no, it's not love. (He's more or less desperate for some kind of intimacy to cloud all the guilt and pain that he's feeling)

Erm....Okay I realized I just went WAY too deep there. But anyway, you don't have to take it from me. You can form your own interpretations. But just to make it clear, the scene was by all means not 'I want to sleep with you so let's have some fun and then we'll never talk again'. ;)
Oh, I know. I just tend to go a little overboared when I get a little excited. I didn't mean to sound rude or anything. I mean hey if Speed wants to move on move on. If he feels like he needs to be with someone else to help him move on let him. I just tend to go over boared with my words sometimes and well...yeah. I understand that Speed must be going through a lot right now (and by the way its really hard refering to myself as a dead person...because well dead people can't type thing on a computer and even though Rt Katie and Me are two different people but still...anyway)in losing me and everything. So I totally understand the whole kiss thing.

And Carly no need to apologize! But hey! You finally got some Speed action! Yay you!

And awww *hugs Geni back*
You didn't sound rude, I was going to explain it anyway. :lol: :p

Be my guest for going overboard, you deserve it! ;)

I'll have more chapter soon!!


... Yes... It's pop. :lol: That little segment just made my day. xD

*looks at Geni when she goes all deep and.. strange on her character analysis.. >.>* Should I be taking notes for future references? :p

In Cuba they call it 'soft drink' come to think of it. Boisson Gasseuze! o_o Did I spell that right?
No, you didn't spell that right. :p

'Boisson Gazeuse' ...*realizes I actually knew that*

Yes, take notes. Lots and lots of notes because I will be famous for this someday, and your children's children will have to read this novel for English class and they'll have to analyze Speed over and over again until the proverbial cows come home. (Ha, cow.) :p

So, how about another chapter...


Hummerhome, next morning

Horatio: *walks out into dinette* Speed. Hey, I thought you were at the motel.

Speed: Actually I slept on the couch.

Horatio: Didn't want to be alone?

Speed: No.

Horatio: Well I just got everyone up. We're going to head to the border.

Speed: Sounds good.

Anni, Carly, JC, Missy, Carole, Jess walk out

Anni: Hey it's Speedle.

Speed: Congratulations, you found me.

Carly: *sits down* Can we get to Miami please?

Horatio: One step at a time. JC, care to take the wheel?

JC: I thought you'd never ask.

Horatio: Now don't hit as many fire hydrants this time.

JC: ...I didn't see any.

Horatio: *frowns* I know.

JC: Haha...My bad.

Delko: *walks in* Hey Speed.

Speed: Hey.

Calleigh: *walks in, sits beside Speed* Hey.

Speed: *frowns*

Calleigh: ...Something wrong with greeting me?

Speed: No.

Calleigh: So what's with the cold shoulder?

Speed: Nothing.

Calleigh: ...Okay.

Horatio: Okay JC, now just take us slowly.

JC: I am going slowly.

Horatio: No, just slow down and around this cor-

Hummehome jumps over curb

Carly: AH! *grabs onto Speed*

Everyone: *looks at Carly*

Carly: Um...It startled me. *lets go of Speed*

Speed: *looks at Carly*

Carly: *blushes* Haha...Ha...

Horatio: JC, you wrecked the tire.


Horatio: *sigh* Okay. Patience is a virtue, we all know that. Just...Let's go outside to see the damage.

JC: Okay.

Horatio, JC leave

Delko: So Carly, you never get startled that easily.

Carly: ...It's early.

Delko: Sure it is.

Carly: You want to take this outside tough man?

Delko: ...No.

Carly: Good.


Everyone: *groans*

Anni: Well, it all stared off innocent enough...


Anni: *walking around on clouds* HELLOOO! Anyone there!

Speed: You're yelling in my ear...And you're stepping on it too.

Anni: *looks down* OH MY GOD! You're a cloud?

Speed: Yeah and I've had one too many sodas. I get the feeling it's going to rain soon.

Anni: But all those innocent people down in that plastic bag will drown.

Speed: The should have thought of that before they climbed in the Plastic Bag of Doom.

Anni: How do I save them?

Speed: You have to take Eric, the water frog and save them.

Anni: How is a frog going to help me save them?

Speed: He likes water.

Anni: But I thought you drank soda.

Speed: Pop.

Anni: Soda.

Speed: Pop.

Anni: SODA!

Speed: POP!

Anni: SODA!

Speed: Now you've done it. You will have to suffer.

Anni: *looks up* OH NO! What's that!

Speed: The Ducati of Torture.

Anni: What's it going to do?

Speed: Didn't you hear the title?

Anni: Yeah but I get confused sometimes.

Speed: It's going to torture you.

Anni: How?

(Anni suddenly appears in a desert)


Speed: No, you're not in Star Trek.


Speed: You can call me Treedle.

Anni: Okay, so why are we here?

Speed: The Ducati of Torture took you here.

Anni: Where are we?

Speed: Africa.

Anni: *screams*

Speed: Look out for the giant mosquito.

Anni: Wha? *turns around*

(Anni gets hit in the face by the giant mosquito)


Anni: And that's when I woke up.

Everyone: *blank stare*

Anni: What?

Speed: ....Treedle?

Anni: He was hot too.

Carly: *frowns*

Anni: What's your problem?

Carly: What? No...Nothing.

Anni: What you wanted to be in the dream too? GOOD GOD I'm only ONE PERSON! *raises fists*

Carly: ...Okay. *pats Anni on the head*

Anni: ...Don't patronize me.

, name's Lauren! ^_^ I'm.. From a place on Vancouver Island called Nanaimo. You?
I know where that is!I'm from Kelowna, though I currently live in Calgary!
Anni: See? SOMEONE agrees with me!
Carole: I liked the part where he ran off without her.
Anni: ...*frowns* Okay not cool.
Aw...Carole, that wasn't very nice!
Carly: *slaps Speed*
Carly: *kicks Ramirez in the face*
OH! Go Carly! That so totally rocked! DIE!!!
Missy: POP!
Anni: SODA!
Missy: POP!
Anni: What about Bush?
Missy: I just threw him in there.
Just when I thought you forgot about me! That was great, take that ANNI! Great updates GENI! Totally made my day. Sorry if I was rambling the other day, too much work and not enough sleep! I'll be back later!
OMG! I'm going my weasel laugh again, Geni! That was....*sighs* Oh man I think Anni needs to lay off the food/beverages before bed time. Treedle? The Ducati of Doom and Eric The Water Frog? Oh lord help them. lol.

Speed: ....Treedle?

Anni: He was hot too.

Carly: *frowns*

Anni: What's your problem?
Awww is Carly getting a little jealous *fake baby voice* Teehee. But no that was awesome. Seriously geni are you sure you haven't had these dream before. If not you have a very active imagination. lol.

Anni: Where are we?

Speed: Africa.

Anni: *screams*
And I think I screamed when I read that to. Teehee. Update soon please *mummbles* Treedle. HAHAHAHHA.
:lol: No these are not my dreams...For the LAST time. :lol: :lol:

Treedle...I love that. :p

And yes, Carly seems to be getting pretty defensive there. Oooh.

I Need Some Distraction


Anni: I'm just saying, I shouldn't have so many sodas before bed or I have these wierd dreams.

Missy: Maybe you should start...Not going to sleep.

Jess: How about no more soda.

Anni: Are you kidding me? It's either that or alcohol and porn. We don't need that.

Missy: Man, those were some good times.

Anni: Hey Speed, you should get drunk with us. It'll be fun.

Speed: Sorry, I don't drink.

Carly: *lifts brow*

Speed: ...Anymore.

Carly: Sure.

Speed: *angry sigh*

Carly: Alright, I'm sorry. Geez.

Speed: No, I'm sorry.

Carly: I'm sorry.

Speed: I'm sorry.

Carly: You can't be sorry-er than me.

Speed: Sorry-er isn't a word my dear.

Carly: Well I'm still more sorry than you.

Speed: You can't be more sorry than me if I already apologized.

Carly: I said sorry first.

Speed: No...Wait....You did?

Carly: Yeah.

Speed: I don't remember that.

Carly: I don't even know why we're apologizing.

Speed: That's a really long word.

Carly: Yeah and it means the same thing as sorry but smart people say the bigger word to sound smarter.

Speed: But they're really not.

Carly: Yeah like those guys you see on tv who are really nerdy lookling and fat, and they have rotting teeth but they wrote some book no one's ever heard of so everyone thinks they're smart so they do an interview on interspacial flectures in the space time continuum even though their book was about apples and how they affect our children's growth.

Everyone: *blank stare*

Carly: ...Australian TV.

Speed: *staring at Carly*

Carly: Well it's true.

Speed: You...Just kept talking there.

Carly: I tend to ramble when I'm nervous.

Speed: You're nervous?

Carly: ...Maybe.

Speed: Why?

Carly: Don't ask.

Speed: I just did.

Carly: ...You know what else is annoying? Flat tires. I mean they give us nothing to do to fill the time, I mean just change the dang tire and get on with it.

Speed: Are you okay?

Carly: I was just thinking, you know maybe instead of making tires so they can go flat, make bullet proof tires so they they can't possibly go flat. I mean, well there's always tires that fall off but that's if you go over a curb like we just did and then it's not very pretty and it d-

Speed: *puts finger to Carly's mouth* Finished?

Carly: *nods*

Delko: ...That was a lot of information.

Calleigh: I'm still trying to wrap my brain around it.

Carly: *sigh* So where are those two tire-changers anyway?

Delko: Outside...Changing the tire.

Horatio: *walks in* Bad news folks. We can't change the tire. We need a whole new one.

Delko: Where are we going to get a new tire?

Horatio: I saw a junk yard about a mile away from here. If we walk down there, we can get a big tire, and bring it here.

Calleigh: Don't you have to pay?

Speed: Cal, it's Mexico.

Calleigh: Oh yeah.

Down the road

Delko: Remind me again why H sent us?

Jess: Because we were told to go.

Carly: I think walking is good exercise. There's lots of air, and there's...Lots of air.

Speed: Do you have an off button.

Carly: Not unless you want to go searching for it.

Everyone: *looks at Carly*

Carly: I mean...Um...It sounded better in my head.

Anni: OH! OH! I SEE IT! *jumping up and down*

Speed: Let's break in.

Jess: That fence looks awful...Small.

Speed: That's why we have these.

Delko: You brought bolt cutters?

Speed: They also act as some nice fence cutters.

Delko: Good job man.

Speed: Thanks.


Speed: *holds fence open* Alright, ladies first.

Carly: Why thank you. *walks under fence*

Anni: *squeezes through*

Jess: *squeezes through*

Inside tire yard

Delko: Okay we need a big tire.

Speed: Well it shouldn't be that hard.

Delko: Why?

Speed: Look for the biggest ones.

Delko: Well there's some big ones over there.

Speed: Okay grab one.

Delko: I am grabbing one.

Speed: Grab it faster.

Delko: This is not a competition.

Speed: *frowns* I want to leave Mexico.

Shotgun is heard

Everyone: *turns around*


Speed: Run...Run...Run...

Delko: Stop saying it and start doing it.

Speed: *runs*

Delko: *runs*

Guy starts shooting

Carly: *screams*

Anni: Move it girl!

Carly: I AM moving!

Jess: Wait for me!

Speed: *runs under fence with tire*

Delko: *runs under fence*

Anni: *runs under fence*

Carly: *runs under fence*

Jess: *runs to fence*

Everyone running

Jess: STOP! WAIT! MY BOOBS ARE STUCK! *struggles in fence*

Everyone: *turns around*

Speed: Your WHATS?


Delko: *runs over, grabs Jess' hand* Come on.

Jess: AH! AH!

Anni: *jumps up and down* her Kazongas are stuck! Someone call fire rescue and get the jaws of life!


Speed: Uh...Well I don't have much experience in this.

Delko: Let a pro deal with it.

Speed: You're a pro in this department?

Delko: Yeah.


Delko: It's along story. Okay, suck in your gut.

Jess: My GUT isn't the problem.

Delko: ...Breathe in.

Jess: I AM!

Speed: Uh...Uh....Girls?

Anni: I'm not touching her.

Carly: I...Really don't like molesting people. It's not my thing.

Speed: Okay Jess, we'll...Find some way to get you out.

Delko: We'll get butter.

Jess: BUTTER?!

Delko: Or...Vaseline?


Delko: We're trying!

Speed: Uh...Uh...Grab a stick.


Speed: I don't know.

Delko: Good plan.

Speed: Shut up.

Carly: Okay, Jess can you move...Them?

Jess: That's like asking if I get two black eyes when I run.

Carly: Do you?


Speed: Um...Here. Hold onto the tire, and we'll pull you out.

Jess: You want to break them OFF?

Speed: Is that physically possible?

Jess: *frowns*

Speed: Just hold onto the tire.

Delko: We could shoot them off.

Jess: NO!

Delko: Fine.

Jess: *grabs tire*

Speed: Okay, everyone pull on the tire in one...Two..THREE!

Everyone pulls

Jess: *screaming*

Speed: Okay...That doesn't seem to be working.

Jess: I'm going to die here. I can see the Medical Examiner's report now. "Cause of death: Double Ds."

Speed: Wait...Can you pull up the fence?

Jess: Yeah why?

Speed: *frowns* You're not stuck. *pulls up fence*

Jess: *drops* WHOA...Okay I guess I'm not stuck.

Speed: Let's head back before we get shotgunned.

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