Thanks so much for the reviews.
racefh said:
Does Speed hate Tom because Tom's the male version of Lori? :lol:
Kendall, house, 2pm
Lori: *taping box* Can you stop pacing?
Tom: *looks over* What?
Lori: You're making me dizzy.
Tom: Do you need any help?
Lori: No, I got it. Why, you need something to do? I thought you were 'on-duty'.
Tom: When are you leaving?
Lori: Tomorrow.
Tom: Why?
Lori: Because that's when my flight leaves.
Tom: When will I see you again?
Lori: *lifts head* ...Okay this is getting creepy. Do you have a problem with me leaving?
Tom: Yes.
Lori: *walks around table* Tom...I realize that you haven't made many friends over the years and obviously we've grown closer but...I'm doing this. This is my last crack at having a family, a functional one. If I need to do it away from here, so be it. I'm sorry that our friendship has to suffer b-
Tom: *kisses Lori*
Lori: *lifts brows*
Tom: *places hand on Lori's cheek*
Lori: *closes eyes*
Tom: *sighs, rests forehead on Lori's* ...I don't want you to go.
Lori: *steps back* You'll be fine. *grabs tape*
Tom: *stares at Lori* I've lost everything and now I'm going to lose you too?
Lori: *lifts head* ...You haven't lost everything. You've gained your life back. Tom, heroin is...there's a reason I never touched the stuff. It's next to impossible to kick. You should be dead right now.
Tom: *nods*
Lori: Besides, I'm sure you'll find a great girl and you'll have a whole bunch of kids and in 20 years, you'll look back on this and it won't seem as hard you think it is now.
Tom: Maybe you're right.
Lori: *smiles* Of course I am. Now, I do need you to come to the shipping place with me, some of the boxes are a little beyond what my petite frame can handle. But we have to stop by the bank first, Scott set me up with his account info and he's paying for it.
Tom: Sure.
Lori: And uh...let's keep our lips to ourselves, yes?
Tom: *nods*
Lori: *walks away*
Tom: *sigh*
Bank of America, ATM area
Lori: *places card into slot, presses buttons*
Tom: *leans against wall*
Lori: English. *presses button* Balance. *presses button* Display on screen. *presses button*
Tom: Do you need to give a commentary?
Lori: Shut up, Carter.
Tom: *rolls eyes, crosses arms*
Balance pops up
Tom: *looks at Lori*
People look over
Lori: *clears throat* Jesus, he could
buy the Empire State Building. *presses buttons*
Tom: *looks up at mirror*
Guy: *opens trenchcoat, pulls out paper*
Gun is in view
Tom: *pulls out gun*
Lori: *looks at Tom*
Tom: *staring up at mirror*
Guy: *walks over to counter*
Tom: *walks away*
Lori: *looks back* What the hell are you doing?
Guy: *steps up*
Woman: *smiles* How can I help you?
Guy: *places paper onto counter*
Woman: *looks down at paper, smile fades*
Tom: *steps up behind Guy*
Woman: *looks at Tom*
Tom: *nods*
Woman: *looks down at badge* ...It'll just take a minute, sir. *opens drawer, grabs cash*
Guy: *taps on counter*
Woman: *fills bag*
Guy: Hurry up.
Woman: *nods, throws cash into bag*
Guy: *looks around*
Woman: *hands over bag*
Tom: *lifts gun*
Guy: *snatches bag* Thanks. *turns around, stops*
Tom: Hi.
Guy: *stares into barrel*
Tom: Drop it.
Guy: *drops bag*
Lori: *staring at Tom*
Tom: *reaches into coat, grabs gun* Get on the floor.
Guy: *bolts sideways*
Tom: *sticks out leg*
Guy: *trips over leg, stumbles*
Tom: *grabs Guy, slams butt of gun into his face*
Guy: *falls into counter, drops to the floor, unconscious*
Tom: *holsters gun*
Everyone: *staring at Tom*
Tom: *picks up bag, throws it onto counter*
Woman: *grabs bag*
Tom: *looks down* Oh yeah. Miami-Dade Police.
Lori: *blinks*
Tom: I keep forgetting that part. *walks over to Lori* You done?
Lori: Uh...yeah.
Tom: Great, let's get those boxes to New York then. *walks away*
Lori: *lifts brow*
Lori: *gets in, shuts door* What the hell was that back there?
Tom: A robbery in progress.
Lori: Why did you intervene?
Tom: ...It's what I get paid for.
Lori: Were you doing it to impress me?
Tom: Even if I
could compete with your hot gazillionaire husband, I wouldn't risk my life to do it. So no. You pay your taxes so people like me can protect people like you from getting robbed and shot. Don't mention it though.
Lori: Sorry. *turns key*
Tom: *stares out window*
Lori: *swings wheel*
Miami Lab
Speed: *staring through microscope*
Katie: *trots over* Hi.
Speed: You're supposed to be at home. In bed.
Katie: How's the case going?
Speed: You don't get to know.
Katie: Did you identify that body?
Speed: It's in autopsy.
Katie: How come you were allowed to work my case?
Speed: Because apparently conflict of interest is not in this lab's vocabulary.
Katie: *smiles* Awww you're emotionally involved.
Speed: *lifts head, looks down at folder*
Katie: *walks over* It's okay. I love you too. *kisses Speed's cheek*
Speed: *frowns* Get out. I'm working. *clicks pen, writes*
Katie: On what?
Speed: Evidence.
Katie: What evidence?
Speed: Trace evidence. This is the Trace Lab.
Katie: *looks into microscope* This is the rope you recovered from the crate. It was used to tie my hands and legs.
Speed: I sent DNA to Valera to see if she can isolate yours and the kidnapper's. Right now I'm working on the type of rope. Also, there was a stray fibre inside one of the knots that remained intact which means it fell there as the knot was being tied.
Katie: Meaning it's from whoever did the tying.
Speed: *nods* Yeah.
Katie: So what kind of knot is it?
Speed: *opens binder* It's a clove hitch knot. It's usually used for tying around trees. We could be looking at somebody with a military background.
Katie: Cops with military backgrounds that also have access to the airport...shouldn't be too hard to narrow down.
Speed: You don't remember
anything about your kidnapper?
Katie: If I did, I would tell you.
Speed: Okay.
Katie: I'm sorry I can't be more help.
Speed: There's plenty of physical evidence. We'll get this guy.
Katie: Thanks. *smirks* In all honesty, I wouldn't want to have anyone else on the case.
Speed: *looks at Katie*
Katie: *walks away*
Speed: *slides microscope over*
Brooklyn, New York, bedroom, 3 days later
Steph: *jumps into bed* MOMMA! DADDY!
Lori: *frowns*
Scott: *looks over* Yes, sweetheart?
Scott: *looks at watch*
Lori: Please tell me it's not morning.
Scott: 7:30.
Lori: *covers face with pillow*
Steph: *tugs on pillow* Momma, get up.
Lori: Mom's sleeping. Bug Dad.
Steph: *crawls onto Scott, tugs his hair* Food.
Scott: Stephanie...
Steph: *frowns* Daddy.
Scott: Okay. *sits up*
Steph: *slides down onto bed*
Scott: *scoops Steph into arms, stands*