Thanks so much for the reviews.
Manhattan, 2 weeks later, street
Lori: *frowning* I can't believe you dragged me here.
Josh: I gave you 2 weeks, I even posted his number on the fridge. I figured this was the only way to persuade you into talking to him.
Lori: Either that or you just wanted to come back to your old haunts.
Josh: First thing's first. I'm going to take you to the salon where I used to work and we're going to pretty you up. Work, exams and stuffing you into my carry-on make for a very tired-looking Lori.
Lori: Funny.
Josh: *grabs Lori's arm* In case it doesn't go well, you need to look like he's missing something. We'll fix up this hair real nice and get you some makeup on that beautiful face of yours.
Lori: I don't like makeup. It makes me itch.
Josh: Itch for a good cause. Oh and no no, these clothes won't do. What are your measurements?
Lori: *looks at Josh*
Josh: I'll take an educated guess. Something in whites will suit you.
Lori: *laughs* I don't do white.
Josh: You do now. I will not allow you to walk around this city in some black leather catwoman suit. OH a highlight of light gold or bronze, especially in the accessories and trim will go perfectly with your skin tone and keep in time with the spring colours, giving you a warm look.
Lori: *stares at Josh*
Josh: How 'bout it?
Lori: ...I suddenly miss my dad.
Josh: Why would you want to go shopping with that sour puss?
Lori: *rolls eyes*
Salon, 2 hours later
Lori: *frowning*
Josh: *smiles* Beautiful! I love the wavy layered look. And it's so nice to see your hair with a bit more dimension and it's a lot closer to your natural colour now. *looks at Woman* Doesn't she just look bright and clean?
Woman: *nods*
Josh: And your eyes POP with that makeup.
Lori: You sure you want to stay a cop?
Josh: It's simple yet elegant. You look like a spring flower!
Lori: I feel like a dork. A fake dork.
Josh: You need to stop brooding. Black is great for two things; looking thin and going to a funeral, both of which don't apply to you at the moment. Now, I called APL Manhattan, apparently Scott's at the office. *grabs Lori's hand* Let's go.
Street, near Empire State Building
Lori: *looks up*
Josh: Go on in.
Lori: I...don't think so. *turns around*
Josh: *grabs Lori* Lori, that house needs to be sold. That's why you're here.
Lori: I can't talk to him.
Josh: Why not?
Lori: Too nervous.
Josh: What helps you curb the nerves?
Lori: Cocaine.
Josh: *nods slowly* Um...okay well that's not an option, honey.
Lori: *sighs, holds stomach*
Josh: There you go, breathe.
Lori: *frowns*
Josh: Just trying to help. Ooh what if he has little Stephanie up there with him?
Lori: Ugh. *sits on ground*
Josh: I guess that doesn't help. Look, think of him as a client you need to score money out of.
Lori: *lifts head*
Josh: Or OH what if he started sleeping with the CEO and now she's taking care of Stephanie?
Lori: *frowns, stands* It's on. *walks into building*
Josh: *smiles* Yes! YOU GO GET 'EM, GIRL!
79th floor
Lori: *looks around, opens door*
People are seen walking around; photocopiers beeping
Lori: *steps in*
Woman: *walks past, stops* Excuse me, ma'am? Can I help you?
Lori: *looks at Woman* Um...yeah. I'm looking for Scott Finch.
Woman: *grabs folder from desk* Do you have an appointment?
Lori: No.
Woman: Name. *clicks pen*
Lori: Uh...Lori Finch.
Woman: *lifts eyes* Are you related to him?
Lori: I'm his wife.
Woman: *stares at Lori* ...You're legal, right?
Lori: *frowns*
Woman: Sorry, lots of girls come around here claiming to be of some relation to him in order to get some cash. We've actually had to post security outside the office.
Lori: Popular guy.
Woman: Hot, young,
rich popular guy. One of New York's most eligible bachelors.
Lori: Um...except he's married and has a child.
Woman: Some girls aren't picky. Besides, he's an American hero. Chicks dig that.
Lori: *shakes head*
Woman: Of course you understand I'll need to see some ID.
Lori: *pulls out wallet, hands it over*
Woman: *opens wallet, looks down*
Lori: Satisfied? There are even pictures there of us.
Woman: *nods* Yeah. *hands over wallet* He should be getting out of a meeting in a minute, would you mind waiting in his office?
Lori: Not at all.
Woman: This way. *walks away*
Lori: *rolls eyes*
Large office
Lori: *looks around*
Woman: He should be here in a bit.
Lori: Thanks.
Woman: *walks away*
Lori: *looks under desk* No stiletto prints, that's a good sign. *walks over to corner of room* Ugh, he has alcohol. Not fair. *picks up bottle, sniffs* Hey, whiskey. *smiles* My kind of drink.
Scott: *walks in, shuts door*
Lori: *jumps, shoves lid onto bottle*
Scott: What can I do for you?
Lori: *turns around*
Scott: *smiles* Lori.
Lori: *staring at Scott*
Scott: *steps forward*
Lori: *steps back*
Scott: *smile fades*
Lori: *looks down at floor* ...Sell the house. I can't keep it.
Scott: *lifts brow*
Lori: That's it. Have a nice life. *walks over to door*
Scott: You came all the way here to tell me to sell the house?
Lori: *stops, looks over*
Scott: *stares at Lori*
Lori: *shuts door, turns around*
Scott: *extends hand* Why don't you have a seat.
Lori: *walks around Scott, grabs chair*
Scott: *stares at door*
Lori: *sits*
Scott: *turns around, walks over to chair, sits*
Lori: *crosses arms* The city shut off the water and electrical and I received my final notice for payment so you have to sell it or take over the deed or they'll repo it. *reaches into pocket* I have the keys here, you can mail them to whomever's selling it if you choose to go that way. *drops keys into Scott's lap*
Scott: *looks down*
Lori: Well it's been fun. I'll be getting back to Miami now. *stands*
Scott: *lifts head*
Lori: *opens door*
Scott: Lori.
Lori: *looks back* Did I miss anything?
Scott: *stands, laughs* How about the entire conversation. *walks over, closes door*
Lori: *frowns* Fine. How are you.
Scott: I'm well. You?
Lori: Annoyed.
Scott: Of course.
Lori: And by the way, the getup wasn't my idea. *looks down* My uncle thought I needed to impress you or some nonsense. It's not really me.
Scott: You could be wearing a paper bag and it wouldn't matter. You'd still be Lori to me.
Lori: *stares at Scott*
Scott: Other than annoyed, how have you been?
Lori: You mean have I stabbed anyone lately?
Scott: *tilts head*
Lori: I've been taking my meds. Faithfully.
Door opens
Bob: Hey Finch, the board room's ready f-
Scott: Not now.
Bob: But you s-
Scott: *slams door shut, staring at Lori*
Lori: *staring at Scott*
Scott: Why don't we get some lunch.
Lori: ...I thought you had a meeting or someth-
Scott: It's not important. *opens door* C'mon. *walks away*
Lori: *lifts brows* ...Okay.
Heartland Brewery Empire State Building
Lori: *sips water*
Scott: Stephanie's doing well.
Lori: *nods*
Scott: She asks about you a lot. Y'know, when is she coming home, how come Mommy isn't tucking me in, stuff like that.
Lori: What do you tell her?
Scott: *looks down at glass*
Lori: ...Where is she?
Scott: A daycare centre in Brooklyn.
Lori: You live in Brooklyn?
Scott: Yeah.
Lori: *nods slowly*
Scott: Is that a problem?
Lori: What? No. No, of course not. I guess I just didn't expect you to move out there, that's all.
Scott: We're in a nice neighborhood.
Lori: I'm sure.
Scott: She'll be starting kindergarten next year so I've been mulling through the school system and I'm thinking of starting her up at St. Peter's.
Lori: *lifts brow* It's a Catholic school?
Scott: Yeah.
Lori: *leans back in booth* What's wrong with a public school?
Scott: Nothing.
Lori: So why aren't you putting her in a public school?
Scott: You have a problem with Catholic schools?
Lori: I don't want my child being whipped by some crazy flying nun.
Scott: *smiles, looks down at plate*
Lori: What's so funny?
Scott: Why don't you just get it all off your chest.
Lori: You're doing it all wrong.
Scott: *nods*
Lori: What next? You going to push her to be some big-wig data analyst someday?
Scott: She'll be free to choose her own path.
Lori: Then put her in a public school. I don't want her brainwashed.
Scott: *sigh* Okay. Why don't we discuss it when the time comes for her to actually start school. I'm sure we'll be able to find some middle ground.
Lori: Fine.
Scott: I'm glad that you have concerns about her and that you want to have some input into her life.
Lori: ...You don't mind?
Scott: I want you to be involved.
Lori: I'm not sure if you realize this but you come off pretty arrogant sometimes.
Scott: *lifts brow* Arrogant.
Lori: Yeah. This whole...high and mighty single dad wants his poor crazed wife to be involved with their child crap. Just because the decisions come from your mouth doesn't mean they're perfect or even right.
Scott: I'm...sorry if I offended you.
Lori: You didn't exactly fight very hard to keep me around. You couldn't wait to get back to New York and raise her how
you think she should be raised.
Scott: *lifts brows* Lori, you could be sitting in a jail cell right now for what you did. You're lucky the judge was sympathetic and agreed not to throw away the key if I took Steph to New York.
Lori: I wasn't responsible for my actions.
Scott: You were responsible for managing your condition and you
chose not to take your medication which makes you
completely responsible for everything you did. You should appreciate the fact that you have any kind of contact with her at all.
Lori: *rolls eyes* There's that high and mighty arrogance again.
Scott: It's the truth. But Lori doesn't want to hear the truth. She wants to feel sorry for herself and it's the rest of the world's fault when something doesn't go her way.
Lori: *frowning*
Scott: *throws money on table*
Lori: *staring at Scott*
Scott: I'll take care of the house. *stands, walks away*
Lori: *looks down at table*