CSI:Miami Road Trip #11: We Ain't Comin' Home

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Sorry I haven't updated in a bit. :eek:

Thanks so much for the reviews!

racefh said:
What will happen when Scott finally snaps? *hopes he's not like Speed* :lol:

:lol: :lol:


House, 5pm

Scott: *sitting on floor, picks up block* This is an A.

Steph stares at block

Scott: It comes right before B. *places B block onto A block*

Steph stares at blocks

Scott: See this little guy here? Well this is a C. It comes after B. *places C block onto B block*

Steph smiles, claps

Scott: *smiles*

Lori: *looks over*

Steph knocks blocks over, giggles

Scott: *smiling* Aw no! *grabs Steph, swings her into arms*

Steph flails, giggling

Lori: *walks over, sits on couch* Havin' fun?

Scott: She is going to be my little genius.

Lori: *smirks* You're a dork.

Scott: Hey I have high hopes, there's nothing wrong with that right now.

Lori: And what if she amounts to a...pimped out drug user in a back alley in Queens?

Scott: *looks over*

Lori: I'm just sayin', she might not turn out to be who you want.

Scott: I'll still love her just the same.

Lori: *nods*

Scott: ...Something bothering you?

Lori: *slides down onto floor, lies head on Scott's shoulder* I have a confession.

Scott: Okay. Fire away.

Lori: When you were in Texas...well I thought you were dead so I was um...I was going to put Steph up for adoption.

Scott: *looks over*

Lori: I did a shitty job taking care of her when you were gone. My mother had to do all the work, I was a mess. I did all the wrong things all the time. Sometimes I forgot about her for hours on end. I figured it would have been better to give her to someone who actually wanted a child and were capable of raising her in a proper environment and let's face it, I'm not the best role model.

Scott: What changed your mind?

Lori: My mind hasn't really been changed. I just didn't go through with it because you came back alive. I mean...I'm supposed to have this 'mother instinct' or whatever the hell they call it and I don't want my own kid. Isn't that a little screwed up? I feel like one of those lions that rejects her young. I bet that'll make her feel real great when she's older.

Scott: Judging by what I heard in court, you seemed to think you could do it. At the very least, you seemed to want what was best for her.

Lori: I do want what's best for her and I've come to learn that what's best is not growing up around me.

Scott: You're not giving yourself enough credit. I've seen you around her, you're great.

Lori: I do the bare minimum, I don't love her.

Scott: I disagree. You're just a little insecure because you're responsible for someone other than yourself and no one gave you the handbook. Well guess what, I didn't get a handbook either and I don't know everything.

Lori: Yeah but you've cared for more kids than I've ever met and you grew up with a real family so at least you have something to go on. I grew up in a slum in Colombia. While you were building stuff with your dad or grocery shopping with your mom, I was learning how to disassemble rifles and cut lines of cocaine. What the hell am I supposed to teach her when she gets older? How to hotwire daddy's car?

Scott: *smiles*

Lori: And forget girl talk. I'm not the best reference for how to get guys or how to talk to them unless there's a price being discussed.

Scott: Everything's going to work out.

Lori: You must say that to yourself a lot because I have no idea why you're still relatively sane. Well, you're one of those...people.

Scott: Meaning what?

Lori: You know, one of those people who sees the whole world falling down and you're like "I can make it, no sweat."

Scott: *laughs*

Lori: Seriously. You even drive like that. I think you scared the hell out of that semi driver the other day.

Scott: I needed to get into the lane.

Lori: You could have waited 3 seconds.

Scott: Yeah but I got into the lane, didn't I?

Lori: *rolls eyes*


Katie: *runs in* ANNI!

Anni: *sits up*

Heather: *runs in* ANNI BANNANI!


Lora: *runs in* WAZZZUP!

Anni: Why are you all yelling?

Katie: We were doing it on the way in and couldn't stop.

Heather: So did they fix your thinker?

Anni: That's why I'm here.

Katie: *jumps onto bed, hugs Anni*

Anni: Oof.

Katie: I'm so glad you're alive and they didn't lobotomize you or anything. *lets go* I didn't even sleep with your husband this time! Aren't you proud of me?

Anni: *smirks*

Katie: AHA! SHE SMILED! I WIN! Get the camera.

Anni: No no, no cameras.

Ryan: *pulls out camera*

Anni: Seriously, I look like crap.

Katie: You look a lot better than you did before.

Anni: Where's Tim?

Katie: He's at work. We had a cake for you and everything but I ate it on the way over here.

Anni: Of course you did.

Heather: Ryan had some.

Ryan: You threw that piece at me.

Heather: And you look so cute with icing in your hair.

Lora: Give her the present, give her the present.

Katie: OH YEAH! *whips out bag* Here.

Anni: *opens bag* ...A wig.

Katie: We thought they were gonna shave off all your hair.

Anni: *pulls out wig* Why is it bright red with leather covered pigtails?

Katie: We couldn't find a wig store so we went to the Sex Shoppe. OH I got you some edible underwear too.

Anni: *hugs Katie*

Katie: *lifts brow*

Anni: You guys are the best.

Heather: And all that stuff was half off too.

Miami Lab

Delko: *walks over* ...H? What are you doing in the lab?

Horatio: *picks up pipet* Running some evidence.

Delko: *looks around* Did we just go back in time?

Horatio: Speed and Calleigh are at a crime scene and we've been short-staffed this week.

Delko: How come you didn't ask me to process the evidence?

Horatio: I need you on the case you were given.

Delko: Convenience store robbery gone bad isn't exactly prime for investigation. The guy confessed.

Horatio: Mhm. *shakes orange cone*

Delko: I asked to be on this case.

Horatio: And I denied your request.

Delko: Why?

Horatio: Because that's my perrogative.

Delko: Does the case have something to do with me?

Horatio: Why don't you take the day.

Delko: *stares at Horatio*

Horatio: *looks at Eric*

Delko: *nods* Fine. *turns around, walks away*

Hialeah Community Centre, Daycare Facility

Calleigh: *kneels*

Speed: *snaps photos*

Calleigh: 5-year old girl burried in the sandbox...not exactly a great hiding spot for a body.

Speed: Maybe whoever put her there wanted her to be found. Was she a member of the daycare?

Calleigh: Yep. Holly Pierce. Mother confirmed the identity. Alexx said cause of death was strangulation.

Speed: *looks around* 10-foot fence around the perimeter, locked gate...no forced entry that I can see. Someone had to have brought her out here from the main building.

Calleigh: The daycare attendant said anyone with a keycard can access the facility after hours so that includes the staff, maintenance crews with the city and volunteers.

Speed: *tilts head* That's a long list.

Cellphone rings

Calleigh: *opens phone* Duquesne.

Speed: *snaps photos*

Calleigh: ...You're sure.

Speed: *looks over*

Calleigh: *looks at Speed, stands*

Speed: *lowers camera*

Calleigh: Did you tell Horatio? ...when did he find out?

Speed: *stares at Calleigh*

Calleigh: Okay, thank you. *closes phone* Turns out the list isn't so long afterall. The prints from the keycard Alexx found in the girl's pocket came back to Eric Delko.

Speed: *lifts brows*

Calleigh: Horatio found out about an hour ago but wanted to have the lab confirm it. They ran an electronic trace on the chip inside the card with the facility and it confirmed that his card was the one used to enter the building.

Speed: So Eric's our primary suspect.

Calleigh: He is on the volunteer list.

Speed: Anybody could have swiped his card and stuck it in her pocket. Eric's pretty stupid sometimes but he's not dumb enough to enter the building using his own card and then leave the card with the victim. Seems like a plant to me.

Calleigh: *shrugs* Not if he anticipated we'd think that and dismiss the card altogether because of it.

Speed: What, you think he did it?

Calleigh: I think we should follow the evidence.

Speed: The evidence is wrong.

Calleigh: ...I hope so. For his sake.

Oh wow...Lori's feeling so not connected to Steph. She was doing so well, I think that she's just got hesitations. I want her to try harder for Steph, because ultimately, I think that she would be the best for her. I say she keeps trying.

Anni's awake! How cool was it for them to go and check up on her, bringing her , of all things a wig from an adult store, and in true Katie form- edible panties. They are such great friends to each other!

Sounds like Eric's in trouble, I think that this is a red herring, the whole card thing. Someone's out to get him, I'm sure the team will find this out. I can't wait for more!

Excellent work!
Wee! :D Thanks for the review!

Heh, it certainly wouldn't be Katie without the edible underwear. :lol:


A/V Lab, 9am

Calleigh: *typing*

Speed: *walks over, sits* Security camera footage from the other night?

Calleigh: Yep.

Speed: And?

Calleigh: So far...it's grainy. Hileah isn't exactly the Boardwalk of Miami. Cameras were installed in the late 70s.

Speed: Can our computers clear the images up?

Calleigh: This is the best we can do and even then, it's guess work.

Speed: So we have Eric's card confirmed in the door but we can't clearly see the image on the security camera. The building may as well not have any.

Calleigh: I think they're using it more as a deterant.

Speed: Yeah great job, someone still died on their property.

Calleigh: Did Horatio get the trace back that was found on the girl's body?

Speed: It was spermicide from a condom.

Calleigh: *looks at Speed* Alexx didn't find signs of sexual assault.

Speed: Maybe he got interrupted before he could do anything.

Calleigh: We might have a witness then. I'll go ask around the neighborhood.

Speed: You don't want me to come with?

Calleigh: *smiles* On the contrary, I love when we pair up for a good ol' fashioned knock and talk but Horatio wants you in interview with Eric.

Speed: *blinks* I'm not interviewing Eric.

Calleigh: Horatio says you are. *stands, grabs folder*

Interview room

Delko: *scratches head*

Ryan: *walks in, shuts door*

Delko: What the hell is this about, Wolfe?

Ryan: *crosses arms* Holly Pierce.

Delko: *lifts brow* Who?

Ryan: The uh, 5-year old girl you beat and murdered.

Delko: *laughs* Did Heather put you up to this? That's pretty ridiculous, even for her.

Ryan: *stares at Eric*

Stetler walks up to door, places hands on hips

Delko: *smile fades*

Ryan: We're going to do this by the book so IAB's going to sit in on the investigation.

Delko: I don't even know this victim.

Ryan: Your community centre keycard was found in her pocket.

Delko: I have a locker at the community centre, I keep it in there while I use the facilities.

Ryan: Do you keep it locked?

Delko: All the time. But sometimes I go to the basketball courts after hours when I get off work and I just keep the card in my pocket so it might have fallen out that way but I don't recall.

Ryan: Do you recall where you were 2 days ago around 10?

Delko: At home.

Ryan: Can anyone verify that?

Delko: *throws hands up in the air* I live alone so I guess not.

Ryan: What kind of volunteer work do you do there?

Delko: *leans back in chair* I was helping the community renovate the building. I provided some paint and I donated some latex gloves.

Ryan: You ever bring around other types of latex?

Delko: What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Ryan: Let me see your wallet.

Delko: *stares at Ryan*

Ryan: I'm not going to need a warrant, am I?

Delko: *reaches into back pocket, pulls out wallet, throws it onto table*

Ryan: *pulls out glove, twirls wallet around*

Delko: *looks over at doorway*

Stetler: *frowns*

Ryan: *lifts package* Condoms.

Delko: So? That just proves I'm like every other guy on the planet. Let's go through your wallet next.

Ryan: The side of this package is ripped. You're missing one in the pack.

Delko: Yeah I had a date the other night.

Ryan: I thought you said you were alone.

Delko: *sighs, rubs forehead*

Ryan: Come on, man. We can verify your alibi or you can sit in a holding cell. Your choice.

Delko: Did Horatio approve of this interview?

Ryan: As far as I know. H told Speed to come here but he called me up.

Delko: Then I want to talk to Speed.

Ryan: You're talking to me.

Delko: I don't want to talk to you.

Ryan: This isn't 'pick and choose your detective' day, Eric.

Delko: If H wanted him here, then I want him here. Otherwise you can go back to the break room and finish up your coloring books because I'm done talking to you.

Ryan: *nods* Okay, holding cell it is.

Lab, hallway, 12pm

Calleigh: *walking, looking down at folder*

Ryan: *runs over* Hey, I heard you got somewhere with witnesses.

Calleigh: I heard you got somewhere with IAB. And now Eric's sitting in a holding cell.

Ryan: I was just doing my job. Making sure everything was done by the book.

Calleigh: *lifts head* You could have waited a few hours. But now the investigation has been slowed down to a grind because I have IAB crossing my Ts and dotting my Is for me. Horatio specifically told us to hold off on IAB until we had some concrete evidence pointing to Eric and right now, all we have is a keycard and some spermicide and that doesn't prove murder.

Ryan: He had access to the facility and there was a missing condom from the package in his wallet. He was also a little shady on his alibi so he'd already hiding that much from us. Maybe he's lying about knowing the victim too but he's refusing to talk to me which I also find suspicious.

Calleigh: *shakes head*

Ryan: What did you get from witnesses?

Calleigh: *sigh* Some of the neighbors noticed yelling coming from the victim's house. Now apparently it was a common occurence and sometimes Holly would run across the street with her siblings to the community centre and wait until the heat died down at home. One of the neighbors heard a back door slam around 9:30 and some crying but they didn't call the police.

Ryan: So you think maybe Holly ran across the street to the facility...using Eric's keycard? That doesn't make much sense if they had their own.

Cellphone rings

Calleigh: *grabs phone from pocket, opens it* Duquesne.

Ryan: *crosses arms*

Calleigh: We'll be right there. *closes phone* Alexx has some information.


Calleigh: *walks in*

Alexx: I didn't see it yesterday under all the bruising.

Calleigh: What is it?

Alexx: Double lividity. Sometimes in small children, lividity can look similar to bruising which is why I missed it the first time around. She was definitely moved a few hours after death.

Calleigh: Daycare attendant called in the body at 3pm when the daycare opened that afternoon and time of death was around 10pm the previous day...that's plenty of time to move the body. Our primary crime scene isn't the community centre.

Ryan: It's the little girl's home.

Calleigh: *nods* Domestic disturbance gone wrong?

Ryan: But how does Eric fit in?

Calleigh: Let's ask the siblings.

Interview room

Calleigh: *sits, smiles* Your mother tells me you're the oldest...Vinny?

Vinny: *nods* I'm starting college in the summer. Got a basketball scholarship.

Calleigh: And that's why you use the community centre, to practice.

Vinny: Yeah. And my sister was enrolled in daycare there so I could always pick her up when my parents got home.

Calleigh: Do you and your siblings spend a lot of time at the community centre?

Vinny: We're there almost every weekend.

Calleigh: I heard y'all sometimes go there after hours. *shrugs* Maybe because of the fighting at home.

Vinny: My dad's a drunk and my mom's a pill freak. They both get pretty enraged and combative with each other so sometimes we slip out of the house and go to the community centre. They have an open door policy.

Calleigh: If you have a keycard.

Vinny: I can never find mine so we usually just climb the fence. It's easy enough to get into the courts to play some B-ball or tennis for a few hours that way. My sisters don't need to see my parents fighting.

Calleigh: A couple of nights ago, y'all ran from the house after another domestic dispute between your parents. Except Holly was dead, wasn't she.

Vinny: *sigh*

Calleigh: The evidence tells us she was strangled and then she was moved.

Vinny: *stares at table*

Calleigh: Tell me what happened. Did Holly get in the way of your parents? Was she crying and one of you were trying to keep her quiet?

Vinny: ...Mom caught him.

Calleigh: And this is your father you're referring to?

Vinny: *nods*

Calleigh: She caught him strangling her?

Vinny: *shakes head* No. She caught him with her.

Calleigh: ...

Vinny: I guess...he was trying to stop her from crying or something. He was drunk out of his mind. Him and Mom started fighting and it was a couple of hours before we could get to Holly. She was just lying there, dead. *rubs cheek* I didn't want my dad to go to jail, I didn't want the entire neighborhood to find out what happened.

Calleigh: So later on that night, you took her to the community centre.

Vinny: *nods* ...Some of the happiest times she'd had was at that daycare. Her favourite place to go was the sandbox. *scoffs* Usually took us forever to get her away from the damn thing. So I jumped the fence with her and put her in the sand. At least then she was in a place she loved and the community wouldn't find out the horrible things that happened in that house.

Calleigh: Tell me about the keycard you placed in her pocket. Where'd you get it?

Vinny: *sniffs* The basketball court backs onto the daycare playground. While I was burrying her, I noticed the card lying there on the other side of the fence. I thought if maybe I made it seem like someone else did it...*sigh* I grabbed it with my shirt and jumped back out and used it on the front entrance. Make it look like somebody got in with it. I watch those cop shows and everything.

Calleigh: You should have just called the police.

Vinny: I didn't want my siblings to be the laughing stock or even worse, embarrassment of the community.

Calleigh: But in placing that card there, you framed an off-duty police officer. And you also illegally disposed of a body and those are two serious crimes. The neighborhood is going to find that out and eventually, everything else will come out when we arrest your father for her murder.

Vinny: *looks down at table*

Holding cell

Door buzzes

Speed: *walks in*

Delko: *lifts head*

Speed: Hey.

Delko: ...Hey.

Speed: We found out who killed the girl. *sits* It was the father.

Delko: *nods*

Speed: ...But you're still hiding something. What was so secret about a couple nights ago that you couldn't tell Ryan where you were or what you were doing?

Delko: I'm not perfect, okay? I know cops have a certain standard to maintain but...

Speed: Your date wasn't a date, was she.

Delko: *leans foward, places hand on forehead*

Speed: *nods*

Delko: It was a stupid, stupid drunken mistake. I mean, sitting home alone with a phone book in front of you and...I don't know, I guess I thought it was better than driving to a club going through half the women there.

Speed: *squints* Yeah but you don't normally have to pay for anonymous sex at clubs.

Delko: *shakes head* I think I need to re-evaluate what the hell I'm doing. Obviously something's missing in my life.

Speed: I thought you and Calleigh had a thing.

Delko: Apparently I'm, as she puts it, such a good friend.

Speed: Ouch.

Delko: Yeah.

Speed: Well...*hands over badge* maybe you want to re-evaluate things with less alcohol next time.

Delko: *scoffs*

Speed: *slaps Eric on the back* See you at work tomorrow. *stands*

Delko: Hey.

Speed: *turns around*

Delko: Why didn't you want to interrogate me?

Speed: I just...couldn't. Seemed wrong.

Delko: *nods*

Speed: *walks away*

Delko: *looks down at badge*

Glad to see Eric was exonnerated, but sad to see that Holly's Dad was a loser. A sick loser. For a second there, I thought that Eric was toast, but, glad to know that there was more evidence to show that he wasn't. Poor Eric needs to look at his life though. He needs somebody...lol...He needs...KATIE! Jk...jk...:guffaw: Seriously, jk...

Excellent work!
Poor Eric. :( *kicks Ryan* A$$.

I feel bad for Lori, too. She's being an excellent mom to Steph... she shouldn't worry.

And I'm glad Anni loved the gifts they brought her... :lol:

Great updates!
Great Update! Speed is such a good friend! Poor Lori! Shes got to start thinking better of herself! Shes a good mother she just need some encouragment. Hopefully Scott will make her see that she really loves Steph.

Great Update!
Aww... Poor kid... *sniffles* Poor Eric, too. I do like how you're mixing in bits of the actual Eric from the show with RT Eric, though. Great job, Geni! <3

And OHMYGAWD!!! H in the lab, doing actual labwork!!! o_O lol Awesome! xD
:lol: Thanks so much for the reviews!


Middle of living room, 10am next day

Lori: *places Steph onto floor* Okay let's try this bonding...thing. Um...*looks around*

Steph stares at Lori

Lori: Wow you're staring at me...that's a little too 'Children of the Corn' for me. Especially with the creepy bright blue eyes. Uh...okay OH! Um...*dangles keys*

Steph looks at keys

Lori: See? Whoooo fun keys. *sigh* God I suck. Okay let's try something different. *looks around picks up fluffy toy monster, shakes it* BOOGA WOOGA!

Steph coughs, rubs eye

Lori: Man nothing entertains this kid. Hmm maybe I should try what Scott was doing the other day. *grabs blocks, stacks them*

Steph looks at blocks

Lori: Let's see how high I can get these. *stacking blocks* Dude, I could make the entire New York skyline with these things. Okay Steph, let's pretend this gigantic pile of blocks here is the Empire State Building.

Steph knocks over blocks, starts to giggle and clap

Lori: ...Wow. Your father would not be impressed with that cold-hearted demolition. *gasp* Oh she's laughing! I MADE HER LAUGH! HA! YAY ME!

Steph flails

Lori: Okay okay I'll stack 'em up again. *stacks blocks* Let's see how high we can go...alrighty. *pushes over blocks*

Steph squeals, claps

Lori: *smiles*

New York City, Riker's Island, 4pm

Scott: *looks around, sits*

Henry: *walks in, cuffed, sits*

Scott: *grabs phone*

Henry: *picks up phone* Hi son.

Scott: *nods*

Henry: Can't believe you're here.

Scott: I had a meeting in Manhattan.

Henry: How's it look?

Scott: The same as it always does.

Henry: I want to ask you for a favour.

Scott: *scoffs* You're in prison, Henry. You're not getting any favours in here.

Henry: *lifts brow* Since when are we on a first-name basis?

Scott: Since you murdered someone.

Henry: I am your father, you have no right to talk to me that way.

Scott: *shakes head* You don't get it. You've never been a father. You throw the title around to gain popularity among your peers and the rest of society as a family man, and you use it to incite respect and fear from your children. But what the hell have you done in my lifetime that constitutes that title to have any real validity?

Henry: I brought in the money, I kept a roof over your head when you were a child. I gave you presents for Christmas, I bought the turkey on Thanksgiving, I bought you your first car...that's a hell of a lot more than a lot of parents.

Scott: And where'd that money come from? Where did those gifts come from? You were bribed by mob guys, you made backdoor deals with other criminals...you distracted the family by putting on a facade, you weren't really there for us. And I think your little blonde thing in Queens would agree. That's where you were really going on those important 'conferences', right?

Henry: *rolls eyes*

Scott: You were too busy having your own life to pay attention to mine. Every birthday you were gone, every Christmas you were away, every holiday, every special occasion, everytime I needed you...*scoffs* Christ, I almost got killed and you were angry with me because I lost my job, because I didn't bring in enough awards or medals, because my face wasn't plastered all over every newspaper across the planet.

Henry: *shakes head*

Scott: You see everything as an opportunity to gain a reputation or make a buck and you don't think about the people involved. You didn't care that I almost died, you didn't care that maybe I needed you. The one time I needed my father and you threw stones.

Henry: That's ridiculous. I turned on the television for a few minutes to check up on the situation. Besides, I'm the only father you'll ever have so you should appreciate me and you should do what I ask.

Scott: What do you want.

Henry: I want to be transferred to a minimum security jail.

Scott: You need to talk to your lawyer for that.

Henry: My lawyer already spoke to the DA, he said no.

Scott: So what are you asking me for? I don't control the penal system.

Henry: You can persuade the DA to approve my request.

Scott: You mean bribe.

Henry: Who hasn't been bribed a few times in their life? And this is for the greater good. I'll be more comfortable and I won't have to sit with filthy felons. You don't know what it's like in here, Scotty. It's dirty, it's all metal and concrete, it's small...it feels like torture.

Scott: *stares at Henry*

Henry: I can't take another day in here. Come on, help me out.

Scott: You get free food, a warm place to sleep, exercise and a real toilet to piss in. You have more than you deserve, you piece of garbage.

Henry: *wide-eyed* I am your FATHER-

Scott: Biologically. *slams phone onto hook, leaves*

Henry: SCOTT!

Yeah Scott! *hopes that doesn't come back to bite him, though*

And yay for Lori taking care of Steph and making her happy! I'm sure she'll be fine. :)

Great update!
Henry has a lot of nerve. I'm just going to leave it at that. Good on Scott for just letting him know how it was really when he was growing up.

Great on Lori for giving it a try with Steph! I'm so glad she's trying...

Great going!


Miami, house, 7pm

Scott: *walks in, places down briefcase*

Lori: *runs over* You're home! Good! How was your flight?

Scott: Uneventful.

Lori: Sweet, guess what I did today. *smiles*

Scott: You...cleaned the gutters for me?

Lori: *laughs* Nice try. I don't do ladders.

Scott: Thought so.

Lori: I made Steph laugh. ME! I DID!

Scott: *smiles*

Lori: Oh by the way, my dad's here. *rolls eyes* He wants to borrow the truck tomorrow to take Anni home.

Scott: I assume you gave him an answer.

Lori: I was goin' to run it by you first.

Scott: It's your truck, Lori.

Speed: *walks over*

Scott: *looks at Speed*

Lori: So? What do you say?

Scott: I'm fine with it if you're fine with it.

Lori: Good. *turns around* You may borrow the truck. But if I find one scratch, it's your ass.

Speed: Don't worry, I won't scratch your precious truck. Lord knows you've ruined enough of my vehicles.

Lori: Hey. That was one motorcycle and I'm sure if I hadn't been high, I wouldn't have struck that cop car.

Scott: The mother of my children, ladies and gentlemen.

Speed: *smirks*

Lori: So how was your trip to Riker's Island?

Scott: Interesting.

Lori: Your dad didn't ask you for money, did he?

Scott: Not entirely. He did demand that I bribe the District Attorney into moving him to another prison. Apparently he doesn't like the other side of the bars.

Lori: *lifts brow* He's in a segregated unit, he should be in his glory.

Scott: Well he's entitled to all the luxuries he had before, don'tcha know.

Lori: *shakes head* What an incredible man. In a not-so good way. Can you believe he called me white trash?

Speed: He said what?

Lori: *smiles* Hey that was neat. *looks at Scott* Did ya see that? He got all offended at someone calling his little girl white trash.

Speed: *frowns*

Lori: *looks at Speed* Here are your keys. *hands over keys*

Speed: Thanks. I should have it back by tomorrow evening, depending on the schedule. *walks away*

Lori: Oh damnit! Be right back, he needs the security code for the doors. *walks away*

Scott: *nods*

Outside, near truck

Lori: Hold it. You need to break the lock first. The code's 8-4-7-2.

Speed: Thought I was missing something.

Lori: *leans against truck*

Speed: What.

Lori: Um...I know I say 'thanks' and 'I'm sorry' a lot but uh...I want to help you out...and help some others out with money that isn't tainted this time. I've uh, taken care of Anni's medical bills. Completely.

Speed: *stares at Lori*

Lori: *looks down at ground* There's a few other things too.

Speed: *lifts brow* Such as?

Lori: Miami's a central port for drug, weapons and human trafficking. Those agencies from America and South America who were interested were given aliases, names, affiliate names, physical descriptions, locations, flight plans, schedules, product information and some serial numbers from every Brazilian, Colombian, and Venezuelan cartel group I know of that ships and flies their shit to Miami on a regular basis. I'm not keeping their secrets anymore.

Speed: And what did you ask for in return?

Lori: I didn't think immunity from prosecution was too much to ask. Especially since I'm giving them anything else they ask for.

Speed: *nods*

Lori: I respect what you do. And I know that the evidence is only as good as the science and the people behind it. I've donated a...sum to the Miami Dade Crime Lab and asked to be kept anonymous. The only strings attached is that the entire amount will be going towards the building itself, the technology in it and the staff employed there. If one penny manages to slide its way into some bureaucratic pocket, the money's pulled.

Speed: That's...generous. But a little much.

Lori: *shakes head* I spent half my life so far milking every iota out of everyone, using everyone and throwing them away after. The system was gracious enough not to punt my ass into jail and toss the key and I want...I feel I need to pay what's owed. It might seem like too much but I've taken a whole hell of a lot from many people and right now, I don't sleep very well at night knowing that. I'm not trying to throw money at it and wipe my hands, I want to contribute something.

Speed: Your plans and ideals about it could fail miserably.

Lori: I know. I'm willing to take that risk.

Speed: Are we even related?

Lori: *smiles* I'm...proud to be. I mean, I've always in some respect been proud to be your daughter but I love being a part of this family more now than ever. I'm...*looks around* so happy here.

Speed: *lifts brow* Are you high?

Lori: *laughs* No...and that's the best feeling in the world.

Speed: *frowns* Are you drunk?

Lori: *rolls eyes* Daddy.

Speed: Okay okay. *opens truck door* I'll see you tomorrow, kid.

Lori: *steps back*

Inside house

Lori: *shuts door, walks over*

Scott: *flips channel*

Lori: *sits* What the hell are you watching?

Scott: Towering Inferno.

Lori: *looks at Scott* Okay, I'm all for Steve McQueen but...did it have to be this movie?

Scott: I never got to see how it ends.

Lori: Um I don't mean to be the jackass of the group here but the movie's about a fire in a 135-storey skyscraper, how do those situations usually end?

Scott: *smiles* This reminds me of therapy.

Lori: Right, one of our first conversations was over this movie. Life's funny that way, huh.

Scott: Mhm. *grabs pad of paper*

Lori: What are you doing?

Scott: Taking notes for next time.

Lori: *smirks, slaps Scott*

Scott: *smiling*

Lori: You could out-rescue Steve McQueen anyday.

Scott: Yeah but he was paid a lot more for it.

Lori: *laughs*

Awww! arn't they cute! Well Lori seems to be feeling all Family oriented all of a sudden. can't believe she gave up all the names of the cartels and stuff. I just hope that don't come back to bite her on the ass! Shes gettin all gooshy with Speed again are you sure shes not pregnant? shes allfully Harmonal here lately. HMMMM!
Aww... I like when Lori does good. :D And I like how she's trying to start making things right... I think it's great. :)

And, I like Speed's reaction of "Are we related?" I thought that was funny. :)

Great update!
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