CSI: Miami Icons #7 - Showcase, Links and Requests

AnnaDelko :eek: great icons, really love the effect Yelina's one!!

Mrs.DelkoWolfe really nice work!!! Awww I used to love this couple so much :adore:
Hannah, great icons. I really love the second one. The coloring is pretty.

Anna, great icons. I especially love the Yelina one.

MrsDelkoWolfe, great job. I love the Eden Ace of spades one. :D
A Speed icon from me. I love this cap but couldn't figure out what to do with it. Here's what I got, anyone else? here is the cap. Here's my icon:

That's really pretty, Anna. :)

Kristine, nice Speed icon. I might give that pic a go and see what I can come up with later. :)
I am in love with your Speedle icon FallenForFlack! It's one of my favorite Speedle scenes ever, and I love how nice and tight his shirt is in that episode. The coloring you used is amazing and it brightens the icon up as opposed to when it was on tv and kind of one of the darker scenes. It's really a shame he didn't wear more shirts like that, not showing off that body of his is a real shame too. :devil: Would you mind if I snagged this icon too? Credit is promised. :)
Okay, I played around with the Speed pic and ended up making like 30 different ones. :lol:


Rest are here (at my LJ). :) Feel free to snag any and all of them. :)
ok I realized that I did somthing wrong when I first posted in here, and i'm back to fix it :)

I have provided the pics and the words I'd liked to be used in the icon, and I realized, at least to myself I sounded a bit demanding...

here we go... (it's been a while since I last posted any pics on a site so I hope i do it right)

1st part:

http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d10/bullride/Eric and Calleigh/p-2009-03-25-05-26-41-original.jpg
"Eric we need to keep this a secret so..."

and then,

http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q292/millc2/CSI MIAMI/12.jpg
"don't worry Calleigh..."

and then,

http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d10/bullride/Adam and Emily/1870162761.jpg
"I know, that's why I love you"

and then,

http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d10/bullride/Jon aka Ryan/Jonathan_Togo.jpg
"they don't think I know...but I do..."

and then,

http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d10/bullride/Adam and Emily/calleighandEric.jpg
"it'll be our little secret..."

ok I don't know if it'll work, if i did it wirng, posted to many pics, I don't know.

I also had a hard time finding any good CSI: Miami pics of Calleigh, Eric or Ryan, so what I have here is all I got.

ok thanks much, and peice out...er, good night rather, it's nearly midnight for me here :)

Pretty header Anna, but you should post it in Misc Fan Art thread ;)

nicksarafan2, do you want some kind of animation, is that it? Or do you want diferent icons with that text? And what size?
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nicksarafan2 if only I had my PS in these days :scream:. Yeah I was taking into consideration your request since it's sounds really challenging especially for me, but since I'm not having my fav. program till I'll change my pc (something I can't afford at the moment :p) I'll keep that in my mind and once I'll get it back, be sure that I'll try something :lol:

FallenForFlack and GregNickRyanFan wow!! Really nice icons also considering the cap you used :thumbsup: