CSI: Miami Icons #7 - Showcase, Links and Requests

FallenForFlack great icons. Really love the coloring especially on Delko's one :thumbsup:

so you decided to post some icons even here. Great! As I mentione in the other thred great coloring and yeah I really really love the last one. I think it works perfectly with Speed. Great experiments also with the B&W ones :thumbsup:

Whit again, fantastic icons :thumbsup:. Really love the coloring in the first two, especially in the second one, though I'm not a fan of Delko :p

http://i469.photobucket.com/albums/rr53/whitkj22/CalEric.jpgcsifann1 as always fantastic icons. Really love the coloring in the first one ( I think it's peculiar) and great texture for the second one :thumbsup:
Whit - nice icons but please only post 3 images and the rest as links! Thanks!

Here is mine from the 1x1

Kaaaaaaaaaaaat **hugs** awwww you made an icon of Calleigh, when was the last time you made it? Fantastic job as usual!
Love the little red light which matches perfectly with Calleih's v-neck :thumbsup:
awww thanks guys! I dunno Flo! I have only been making icons for requests or an occasional challenge......not my inspiration lately. Glad you like!!!
CSI_Kat OMG your icon is too beautiful is a masterpiece!!! The light, the coulor, the text!!!!! You're the best!!! I love the way you work!!!:eek:
Great icon Kat :D I love it!!!!

Some new Emily's ones I made w/ pics of Monte Carlo :)

I'm using it as my avatar, but I don't know why, is more blurry :confused:
awww thanks guys! I dunno Flo! I have only been making icons for requests or an occasional challenge......not my inspiration lately. Glad you like!!!
You're welcome. Wish you coul make something more, my dear :thumbsup:

csifann1 fantastic coloring as always. Everything matches perfectly with Emily's red dress :thumbsup:

Ila muahahahah OMG, you made a CaKe icon. :adore: **starts howling and mooing** I love you just for this reason, but you already knew it...didn't you? :devil: Gosh you improved so much in the coloring that I really don't know how I can help you, now.
Fantastic Ryan's icon too and yeah that happy icon is just :lol:. Great job!!!
Whit - nice icons but please only post 3 images and the rest as links! Thanks!

Ah! I knew that...why did I post 4? lol! :lol:

FallenForFlack - Beautiful! I love the background on both icons.

Lady I - Awesome! Snagging Ryan ;)

csifann1 - Emily is gorgeous! Love them both!
awww Lady I thanks for such nice words! *blushes* Love your icons as well! Great job!
csifann1 - love those Cal ones! Thanks for the kind words.

Flo - Kristine sent me a whole bunch of Speed pics for icons....so those will be coming soon!

Nice icons Kristine!