CSI: Miami Icons #7 - Showcase, Links and Requests

nicksarafan2, do you want some kind of animation, is that it? Or do you want diferent icons with that text? And what size?

I actully just wanted it to move from one pic to the next witht he words...I guess if thats called animation, then yes, becouse you know what your talking about and I don't ;)

thanks much.
nicksarafan2, do you want some kind of animation, is that it? Or do you want diferent icons with that text? And what size?

I actully just wanted it to move from one pic to the next witht he words...I guess if thats called animation, then yes, becouse you know what your talking about and I don't ;)

thanks much.

yes, that's called an anomation :) I'm gonna work on it now, I'll have something done soon.

& you're welcome :D
aw thanks, you rock :)

I wish I could make icons, but oh well, I'll just have to inlist the help of you talented people :)

thanks again :)

Here it is nicksarafan2 :D



Hope you like it :D

& I think if practise, you'll make great icons, I thought that too, and now I can make some things, they are not great, but I think they are not bad at all :) If you read tutorials and that things, you'll see that you can ;)
If you wonder about that, don't hesitate in PM me :)
(Sorry so late, just got home from vacation.)

Thank you Florry!

Great job GNRF and Whit with that Speed cap! I'm snagging!

csifann1 great animated icon! :thumbsup:
Here it is nicksarafan2 :D



Hope you like it :D

& I think if practise, you'll make great icons, I thought that too, and now I can make some things, they are not great, but I think they are not bad at all :) If you read tutorials and that things, you'll see that you can ;)
If you wonder about that, don't hesitate in PM me :)

Thank you so much, I love it, and the stills as well :)

ok so I put the icon on my photobucket acount, but I can't figure out how to put it here, everything I try does not work...

Thanks :)
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Fantastic icons everyone :thumbsup:

Here are my icons from the Ryan's challenge.

They're the very last ones I've been able to make before PS and pc crashed. I so knew that my pc couldn't resist with the neck one, but I had to do it :devil: :drool:
Great job on the challenge, everyone. :)

luf, I love the softness of the first Ryan one and the coloring on the seond. And I like the Calleigh one.

FallenForFlack, I love the first one. The text on the third one really matches his expression. I also love the 120 and the 140 ones. :)

Florry, love the light brush on the first one.

They're the very last ones I've been able to make before PS and pc crashed. I so knew that my pc couldn't resist with the neck one, but I had to do it :devil: :drool:

So, he's so hot that he crashed your computer and Photoshop? Wow... I guess there's no end to his hottness, huh? :D It is a very hot icon. :drool: