CSI: Miami Icons #7 - Showcase, Links and Requests

Aww Flo that is sweet.....I wish though that I could get motivated to do some without requests. LOL
You're welcome and you deserve it :angel: I'm sure you'll get motivated, sooner or later :lol:

you must be kidding. It's incredible!!!! You're sure you're not lying? I mean I wish I would have been like this the first ime I opened PS :eek:. Great coloring, really impressive :thumbsup:
Lady I - I like the coloring in the background!

Oh thanks for the complements muhahahahah I adore the way you make icon *Flo knows I stole many icon from your LJ:thumbsup:*

Whit Oh my Gosh you're amazing!! I mean for the first time that you've used photoshop you made a very masterpiece... Now speak tell me your secreat please Your work is so unbeliveble!!! the light, the colour, *you didn't do anything to the subject lol:guffaw:*

Flo just heard you won't make anything for a while, I'm really sorry
Lady I, great Natalia icon. Love the coloring.

Whit, awesome Ryan icons. Love the fury and doubt ones especially.

Here's a couple from me. I did make it in 100x100, but it had some kind of weird line down his nose in it, so I had to delete it. But, here are the 140x140 and the 120x120. Feel free to snag them. :D

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Thank you all for the nice comments :)

CSI_Kat - Awesome icons, I'll comment on your LJ.
FallenForFlack - will also comment on your LJ... wait, I already did :lol:
Lady I - Great icon, your coloring is awesome!!
Whit - you gotta be kidding me :wtf::eek: oh My gosh, gorgeous icons!! Gosh!! :eek:
Are you sure it's your first time? :p Seriously, it's amazing :D
GregNickRyanFan - Great Ryan icons :thumbsup:
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You guys are too sweet :) That really was my first time with photoshop and I pretty much just tried a bunch of different colors and layers and then downloaded a bunch of textures. I'm still not completely sure how to work all of the brush things and text things but I got a few to work lol. My boyfriend just told me my version of photoshop isn't the complete version so I guess I can't utilize the entire program :( Darn it!
You guys are too sweet :) That really was my first time with photoshop and I pretty much just tried a bunch of different colors and layers and then downloaded a bunch of textures. I'm still not completely sure how to work all of the brush things and text things but I got a few to work lol. My boyfriend just told me my version of photoshop isn't the complete version so I guess I can't utilize the entire program :( Darn it!

That's awesome!!! You really make awesome fan art :D
Hey csifann1, got anymore Speed icons? HeeHee. I have all these caps but when it comes to making Speed icons I go blank, it sucks! So yea, love your icon the close up one. I've seen a lot of 100x100 I've liked but I really like the 140x140 size. I use the 100x100 for LJ challenges and such though cause I have to, lol.
Hey csifann1, got anymore Speed icons? HeeHee. I have all these caps but when it comes to making Speed icons I go blank, it sucks! So yea, love your icon the close up one. I've seen a lot of 100x100 I've liked but I really like the 140x140 size. I use the 100x100 for LJ challenges and such though cause I have to, lol.

Will do, will do ;)
Today was the challenge entries day you know what I mean :lol: Maybe tomorrow will be Speed's day, it depends of the day :lol:
Hey csifann1, got anymore Speed icons? HeeHee. I have all these caps but when it comes to making Speed icons I go blank, it sucks! So yea, love your icon the close up one. I've seen a lot of 100x100 I've liked but I really like the 140x140 size. I use the 100x100 for LJ challenges and such though cause I have to, lol.

Will do, will do ;)
Today was the challenge entries day you know what I mean :lol: Maybe tomorrow will be Speed's day, it depends of the day :lol:

Thank you, thank you! You rock! :)
Hey csifann1, got anymore Speed icons? HeeHee. I have all these caps but when it comes to making Speed icons I go blank, it sucks! So yea, love your icon the close up one. I've seen a lot of 100x100 I've liked but I really like the 140x140 size. I use the 100x100 for LJ challenges and such though cause I have to, lol.

Will do, will do ;)
Today was the challenge entries day you know what I mean :lol: Maybe tomorrow will be Speed's day, it depends of the day :lol:

Thank you, thank you! You rock! :)

You're welcome, you're welcome :lol:

In the pics, it looked like he was looking up asking "why?" like maybe he was having a bad day or something. :lol: So, I just went with it. After making these three, Microsoft Picture It 99 quit working and I had to uninstall it. I tried to reinstall, but it said it was still in use or something, which how could that be if it was uninstalled? :lol: So, I found the folders and deleted them. As soon as my spyware doctor finishes scanning, I'm gonna reboot and try to reinstall. I haven't quite figured out how to merge layers in PSP and PS yet. :lol:

Those are some fun Speed icons. GNRF. :)

Though I can't enter the Ryan challenge because I run it, that doesn't stop me from joining in on the fun. :D


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