CSI: Miami Icons #7 - Showcase, Links and Requests

Wow 3 pages of icons! So gorgeous!!! Yoshi asked me to make a Ryan icon so I made 3.

They are in my LJ here.
Kat, I love those Ryan icons. :) Making Ryan icons is a little like eating Pringles. Once you start, you can't stop and you end up with more than one. :D The more the better though. :)
Thanks for all the comments :)

Lady I
- I agree that the brush on the Alexx one is gorgeous and works so well!I also really like how you can see a hint of the same color on her sunglasses so it even looks like she's really looking at the brush. The font in the first one is really fun. JW, what episode is the first icon from?

The episode is "Skin or Swim"

csifann1 I love your icons!!! :adore: Timmy
H_Miami_fan Wow i love the colour of Eric's icon!!!! and I love Rick icon!!!
egeria great job:thumbsup: nice colour and nice subject:lol:
Shazza_018 I adore yours Calleigh's icons... Especially the first!!!
Florry86 Flo you're a genius I love the text that you had use!!!
GregNickRyanFanYou're icons is so pretty... In particular I love the secon!!!
CSI_Kat How can I say!!! There's no words can describe your icons!!! Compliments....
FallenForFlack Nice Icons.. I love Cal's icon!!!!

Now I post an icon
Gosh you all do such amazing work, I can't wait to get back into making art. :)

In the mean time I have a plug.

The Miami icon challenge for this round is Ryan. I'm hoping a lot of you all choose to join. :) Details can be found here.

Beginners and new participants are always welcome!
CSI_Kat **tackles her and hugs her** Welcome back :D. Fantastic Ryan's icons. Really love the second one :thumbsup:

FallenForFlack great icons. I love your coloring, especially on the second one which is just :thumbsup:

Ila thanks for the compliments and great icon :thumbsup:. Love the texture :p
Kristin - cool icons! I really like that middle Calleigh one. Lady I - I like the coloring in the background!

Thanks for all the nice comments everyone! Aww Flo that is sweet.....I wish though that I could get motivated to do some without requests. LOL