CSI: Miami Icons #7 - Showcase, Links and Requests

GNRFan- I really like the first one. The design is very pretty and fits very well. I really like the coloring and shading on his face in general. One thing -- in the face smoothed one, I think it would help if you sharpened his eyes a bit more but kept the rest of the face smooth.

Wow, CSIFann, quite a post, eh? I love the pink and purple theme! So perfect, and so funny. And I love the way Ryan's looking at the text in the third one! It's hard to resist emoticons in this thread, eh?

Lady I
- I agree that the brush on the Alexx one is gorgeous and works so well!I also really like how you can see a hint of the same color on her sunglasses so it even looks like she's really looking at the brush. The font in the first one is really fun. JW, what episode is the first icon from?
GNRFan- I really like the first one. The design is very pretty and fits very well. I really like the coloring and shading on his face in general. One thing -- in the face smoothed one, I think it would help if you sharpened his eyes a bit more but kept the rest of the face smooth.

The face smoother program will only smooth the whole object or sharpen a whole object. It won't let me just sharpen one part of it unfortunately.

I edited my last post on the last page to add the png versions of my earlier Ryan icons (which were jpgs).


Okay, I changed all of the ones in the second set of icons to pngs and threw away the jpgs. :lol: Here's another one:



these two animated together

This one was some weird art setting on one of my programs, but I thought it was kind of neat in a weird way. :lol:

colored version.

same technique, different coloring.

another version.

one more for now.
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Thanks so much for all your awesome comments on my Ryan icon! :D

happyharper, your Natalia icons are really nice, so bright and colourful!

Lady I, love your under the sea icon, really cute! And great colouring on that second icon.

csifann, the 'Real Mean Wear..' icon is fab! And oh so true! Speedle icon is fantastic, the colouring...man I can only wish to colour that well! Same as with The Old Team.

GNRF, you've really improved in you icon making, I love the Ryan icons! The blue swirl icon is gorgeous.

Some Ryan icons from me today :D And more waiting in the wings that I'm still working on!!


Links to 100x100 size, same icons although I made them alongside each other, I didn't just resize them if you know what I mean!!

Heart Ryan (matching banner in the Banner thread)
Lit Ryan
Question Ryan

Admittedly, the second icon looks much better in 100x100 size, and as I was thinking about what sort of text to add I thought it actually looks better without any!

Anyway, hope you like!
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Ok, major :drool: here this morning! I love the Speed icons csifann1 and H_Miami_Fan! And those Ryan icons are yummy as well egeria! I'm snagging them all and will credit when used!
Thanks guys! Three more Ryan icons and I think I'm all inspired out for the time being.


And links to the 100x100, again they'll be a tad different as I make them separately instead of resizing the 140's.

Star Ryan
Flower Ryan
Red Light Ryan

Quick little note: No textures used in the first icon. The second icon is the first time I've ever used one of my own textures :D. Third icon has one texture. It was challenging to make these but a lot of fun!

H_Miami_Fan, I love your icons. Calleigh, and Eric 4 especially. Kiddin' is good too! Nice work :D
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Thanks for all the comments on the previous page guys!! :D

csifann1 - :eek: your colouring is so good! I love it! :) I love the texture on the second icon so gorgerous! your use of text is amazing too! :)

GNRFan - pretty icons, lots of improving, keep practising and experimenting! Best way to learn new stuff! ;)

Egeria - love the icons so pretty! I would just say I prefer the 100x100 ones - for me atleast they look more crisp and sharp! When making the bigger ones you wanna try and use the blur and sharpen tool especially if your working with low quality images!

ETA: the second lot, 140x140 still look blurry expect for the last one, are you just resize 'em or making in the bigger size from scratch? That's what I usually do and they turn out alot better. These are just suggestions please don't be offended by them I'm just trying to help you out ;).

H_Miami_Fan - amazingly awesome stuff, adore your colouring, keep it up! :)

A few Calleigh ones from me:

Calleigh 4
Calleigh 4 140x140
Calleigh 5

Enjoy! :D
Egeria - love the icons so pretty! I would just say I prefer the 100x100 ones - for me atleast they look more crisp and sharp! When making the bigger ones you wanna try and use the blur and sharpen tool especially if your working with low quality images!

Thanks for the tip, I have been using the unsharp mask but perhaps not enough. Will keep that in mind! I must say I like 100x100 too, didn't think I would but working on my 100 icons has changed my mind! :D

Your Calleigh icons are gorgeous!

Beautiful egeria! I'm going to snag the 100x100 for LJ. Will credit ya! :thumbsup:

Thank you!! :D I thought you might like these ;)
GregNickRyanFan great icons, love the first one :thumbsup:

csifann1 OMG I fell in love with your first Speed's icon. Terrific job :thumbsup:

egeria great coloring. Really love it, it is so bright and it fits perfectly to Ryan :thumbsup:

H_Miami_fan OMG you're back. Terrific job with the coloring :thumbsup:

Shazza_018 all I can say is awesome awesome and awesome :eek:. Really terrific job with the coloring and I'm going to snag the one you're using as avatar and the first one which is just WOW :thumbsup::thumbsup:

ETA: just to post an icon I quickly made few minutes ago :p
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csifann1, great icons. I really love that first Tim one. Would you mind telling me how you get that white glow around the words? I've tried and can't seem to get quite that particular effect. :lol:

egeria, all the Ryan icons are stunning. :D I'd try to pick a fave, but heck I love them all. :D In your second set, I really love the one with the tiny text and light brush.

GNRF, you've really improved in you icon making, I love the Ryan icons! The blue swirl icon is gorgeous.

Thanks. :) I'm still having problems coloring dark caps though. But fortunately, this particular Ryan cap was brightly colored already, so it wasn't too much of a problem. :D On dark caps, I always forget to use that tutorial. :lol: I need to practice that pronto. :D Especially since most of my own personal caps from VLC player come out kind of dark. :lol: The blue swirl was one of the effects in a program called dreamlight. :D

H_Miami_fan, I love that "Stets" icon. :D The Calleigh one has pretty coloring. I like the cropped Natalia one (with just the top of her head), very cute. :D And of course you already know I love the Valera one. :D The Speed one is great. And naturally, I love the Ryan ones. :) But, all of the icons are wonderful.

Shazza, those Calleigh icons are gorgeous. I think the first one is my fave. :)

I would just say I prefer the 100x100 ones - for me atleast they look more crisp and sharp! When making the bigger ones you wanna try and use the blur and sharpen tool especially if your working with low quality images!

For me, making bigger icons is easier cause I have more room to work with and the images come out clearer when the cap is low quality. But I may have to try this tip. :D There's a few particular pics that I made 100x100s of and there was very little color in the caps at all and they was dark. It took me forever (nearly an hour) just to get the darkness out of each of them and I used three different programs trying to add color, but it still didn't work well as the 100x100. I went back to edit the 140x140 versions and got some better coloring on them and they don't look quite as grainy. I think I made over ten versions of each icon/each size trying to get decent coloring it, but then that just wasn't working (at least the 100x100 ones), so I just said screw it and gave up on those particular caps. :lol: But, I've been using jpgs cause resize2mail.com won't resize pngs, but then I found another site that would... so I think now I'm going to start making all of my icons in png... they should be a little clearer when I do. :) Hopefully. :lol:

Another note on resizing, I tried to resize using PS and PSP, but whenever I would put in 140 as height or width, it would not let me match the other to that size. :(

Florry, that Calleigh icon is so pretty. :) Love the pink tones in it. Just beautiful.
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Great work in here guys!

csifann1 - Nice coloring and cropping
egeria - Cool selection of Ryan icons
H_Miami_fan - Really good coloring!
Shazz - I'm not a Calleigh fan ;) but your coloring is still great!
Florry - I really like your Calleigh icon. Nice lighting and coloring. I would have liked it even better without the text as it looks rather grainy
Thank you everyone for the nice comments :D

, for the white glow, if you're using photoshop, go to blending options and click on outer glow. It's done ;)

- I really really really love your coloring!!! It's awesome, great work :thumbsup:
Egeria - Yeah, I agree, you're inspired, amazing icons!
Sophia - Amazing coloring!! I love it :D
Florry - :eek: I love that icons, so pretty :D