CSI: Miami Icons #7 - Showcase, Links and Requests

Shazza_018 Wow yor icons are so beauty.... The Valera's icon is so bright

mjszud nice work

What can I say?????? Your icons are so fantastic!!! *I stole Calleigh, Tim and Ryan' icons....*
hey guys here to post my first Ryan:thumbsup:

E/C Lover, Nice Ryan icon :) I'm not a big Ryan fan but you did a great job :thumbsup:

Mine from the Natalia challenge:



EDIT: Here's the one Miami icon I made for the B/W with colour challenge
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Shazza, great Nat icons. I love the last one. Also love your Calleigh ones and the Valera one is great. :D

Shazza_018 gosh your colouring has improved drammatically since you've been using PS. I'm really happy you changed program. Amazing job :eek:

Shazza_018 Wow yor icons are so beauty.... The Valera's icon is so bright

Thanks for the compliments guys :alienblush:.

Great icons everyone! :D

These are mine from the b/w with a pop of color challenge:
E/C Lover what a cute Ryan's icon :thumbsup:
Axelsonfire great Natalia's icons, love especially the second and the third one :thumbsup:
Mine from the Natalia challenge:
GregNickRyanFan great icons espcially the last ones :thumbsup:
Shazza I really don't know what to say, Valera's one is just awesome :eek:

Yeah time for a couple of icons today :D
E/C Lover your icon is so cute:adore:
Axelsonfire Great job!! I stole the first icon :thumbsup:

GregNickRyanFan Wow Calleigh's icons are so adorable!!

Shazza_018 I love the way you use the light!!! Compliments

AnnaDelko Ryan's icon is too awesome:eek:

Florry86 your icons are too beauty in particular the first!!!!

Now... is my turn:thumbsup:
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Ila, thanks for the compliments and great icons. The first one has a great effect on it and I just adore the third one :adore:. "Glu Glu Glu?" one cracks me up :guffaw:.
Florry, great Cal icons. I especially like the one you're currently using. :)

Lady I, Great icons. That first one of Cal is gorgeous. And glu glu glu is funny. :) And of course I love the Ryan one. :)