CSI: Miami Icons #7 - Showcase, Links and Requests

hey here I am to post a Eric icon ; just missin him and haven't made icons of him;)
snag if you want;)

Great icon Deni :D very :drool: :lol:

I made more 3 icons for FallenForFlack :)

#2 another version

So, I made the icons with those caps you gave me, well, I've another but I don't have inspiration for that one :lol: Can you give me more? :D
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Nice Eric icon, e/c lover.

csifann1, Love those speed icons. :)

Here are mine from the Natalia challenge:



More I didn't enter and some different sizes for the ones above
here at my LJ.
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Mine from the Nat challenge too xD


Mari, pretty icons, I love the 1st one :adore:
GNRF, I really love the 1st one too :)
csifann1 what can I say? That's how I feel about those Speed icons! Especially the last one and the linked one. The linked one is double :drool:! Thank you, thank you! It's been a lousy day here and that helped make it better! Do you want me to send more caps or would you like the link to my photobucket of Speed caps? :)
oh gosh, thank you so much for your words & you're welcome :D Glad that I could make your day a little better :)
Actually, I saved almost all the caps you have on your photobucket, but it is on the other computer and I really don't want to go there, so yeah, the link is fine :)

- :eek: that icon is really awesome!!!!! Great work!!!! :D
csifann1, I love your first two Natalia icons. I love the way you did the text on the second one.

Anna, great icon. I love the barcode thing at the bottom of it. :)
Great icons everyone;)
Csifann1- great speed icon and natalia icons:bolian::eek:
Anna- great Nat icons:thumbsup::eek:
GNRF- great nat icons;):eek:

here are my nat icons from the challenge;)

oh gosh, thank you so much for your words & you're welcome :D Glad that I could make your day a little better :)
Actually, I saved almost all the caps you have on your photobucket, but it is on the other computer and I really don't want to go there, so yeah, the link is fine :)

Sure, here's the link to all my Speed pics:
http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v73/lennongurl/Speed Rory/

BTW, any chance you could make those last two (the last icon and the linked one) from your last post into 1400x140's?
e/c lover, the text on your third one matches her expression perfectly. :)

Orla, I love the coloring on your second one. :)