CSI: Miami Icons #7 - Showcase, Links and Requests

Oh gosh, I misse the whole bodies switch between me & csifann1 :lol:.
Anyway, once I have more time I'll try to make some more icons too :p

- I think you're obsessed with necks :lol: First Speed then Ryan? :devil:
Who? Me? Nah you must be wrong :devil:. When someone has a good neck, why can't I make an icon of it? :lol:

**composes herself**
Ok, now we must be serious otherwise people would think we're all nut....well we are, but that's a different story :shifty:

Anyway, csifann1 thanks for the compliments & great icons too. I really love the first one & I adore the colouring of the second one :thumbsup:

Time for another icon? yeah, this time it's Ryan, but no neck, I promise :lol:

It was for a friedn's request since my friend thinks that yellow shirts on Ryan mean really bad luck especially for Calleigh :lol:
I understand :lol:
Alright, I save them all :lol:

:hugegrin: Thanks, you rock! BTW, love your avi, that is really cool how it's done and creative!

Thanks :)

Great icon Florry :D The coloring is awesome :)

One Ryan icon from me
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Wow! You guys did a lot while I was gone (and by gone, I mean sleeping). More gorgeousness! CSIFann- how did you get that cool red glowy thing next to Speed's head? I've seen people do that before and it always looks fab, but I can't for the life of me figure it out.
Thanks for the compliments happyharper13 & orla_Dark :D
Wow! You guys did a lot while I was gone (and by gone, I mean sleeping). More gorgeousness! CSIFann- how did you get that cool red glowy thing next to Speed's head? I've seen people do that before and it always looks fab, but I can't for the life of me figure it out.

That's easy :p Just save this texture, by ??? :confused:, and set it to screen and it's done :)
You can make it bigger or smaller too, just play around with it.

Another icon, this time Eric :p
Again, thanks to everyone for the comments :thumbsup:

csifann1 great Ryan's icon. I really love the colouring. As for Delko's one, even if I don't like the ways he's dressed (sorry, but I really dislike Delko's clothes since s5 :lol:), I love this icon & the texture(s) is just WOW :thumbsup:

Yeah I dislike Delko's shirts, but this doesn't mean I can't try to make icons of the guy :guffaw:

Yeah, nothing too much also b/c I do think that the cap was enough by itself :p
Shazza_018 awesome job!!! Really adore the first icon & great colouring too :thumbsup:

FallenForFlack thanks :thumbsup:.
BTW, yeah I made some Speed icons, though I didn't use your caps since when I need inspiration, sometimes the cap provided are not that helpful :lol: (yeah I know, I'm not normal :p)