CSI: Miami Icons #7 - Showcase, Links and Requests

Florry the icons are great, love the last one :)
I made another one and this time is a Ryan icon

AnnaDelko thanks and what a fabulous icon! I really love both the texture and the text :eek:

Ok last icons of the day & now I'm really starting to think about a whole post in my LJ on Speed & s2 in general :p
Wow, they are great Florry! Thanks! I love the coloring in them. I know what you mean about the caps, sometimes ones I'm given don't give me any inspiration! The 3rd is my fav. and love the 1st in the second post!

AnnaDelko really nice Ryan icon!

GNRF I love the icon, great idea! :)
Thanks Florry and FallenForFlack :)
I have a problem with this one, I think I mixed up too much settings and it ended up too dark !
anyway , does anybody knows how to make Ryan's face more brighter ?

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Exposure layer
Brightness/Contrast layer
Screen, Color Dodge, Linear Dodge, or Lightened layers (can use duplicates, textures or fills)

Thanks :D
I made another one xD wow , I'm inspired :lol:
It's my first one about Calleigh and Eric :
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AnnaDelko - very pretty icons! love the composition of the E/C one!:)

Shazza - your Calleigh icons are beautiful!!

Florry - You really should do an LJ post of those, your coloring is awesome:)

GNRFan - love the Valera icon, very creative:)

csifann - pretty icon table, will comment on your LJ if I finally remember what my password is for my account:rolleyes:

2 from me, I just got into icon-making again, creativity has been avoiding me lately:shifty:

Great icons, everyone. :)







If anyone can use the bigger sizes on another site feel free to snag the icons. :)
Hey there! Gorgeous icons everyone!

Just a reminder though - please don't quote images......you can change those to links. Thanks!!
Hey there! Gorgeous icons everyone!

Just a reminder though - please don't quote images......you can change those to links. Thanks!!

Sorry. Totally slipped my mind. It won't happen again.

AnnaDelko - Gorgeous icon! I love the layout and the creative use of text. Awesome job!

GNRFan- The coloring on that is very bright and pretty! The texture matches Calleigh's shirt, but not too much to make it camouflage.

Stee- Oh my goodness, those are gorgeous. I love the coloring and how much Natalia stands out. You got the contrast and everything just right! And the caption on the Ryan one is hilarious!