CSI: Miami Icons #7 - Showcase, Links and Requests

*Thud* happyharper, that is absolutely gorgeous :eek:

FallenForFlack, I'll play around with the caps a bit later, and see what I can come up with.
Mine from Togo's stills:

one more [i really don't like this one :lol:]

HappyHarper - :eek::eek: That's amangly awesome!!!!!! Great work :D

I'll give a try on Speed's too :)
AnnaDelko grea icon :thumbsup:
FallenForFlack awww Rory is so yummy :drool:. I really love the first one.
csifann your animations crack me up :guffaw: . Really nice job also w/ the other Togo's icons
Orla_Dark other great animations :guffaw:& I adore your colouring w/ the Togo's icons.
happyharper OMG that icon is awesome. The colouring & the texture are just fantastic :eek:
GNRF great icons & I really really love the Alexx's ones :thumbsup:

FallenForFlack I gave it a go for your request, tomorrow I'm gonna make the others :thumbsup:

Hope you like it.
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Oh wow, thanks happyharper13 and Florry, they are beautiful!

I look forward to seeing what you come up with csifann1, dragonfly, and GNRF!

Love the Ryan icons csifann1 and Orla_Dark! I see you both kicked butt in that challenge! I know I voted for both!

Thanks Florry for the compliments on my Rory icons!
Florry, lovely Tim icons. :D

greatfan, glad you liked the Ryan icons. And yes, you may snag them. :D

FallenForFlack, here are some Speed icons for you. I had to reload all of my newer PS brushes for some reason. :lol: Anyway, here are the icons:


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Thanks for the compliments :D

wow!!!! great icons & I adore the fourth one :bolian:

Ok here's an icon just for fun since I'm experimenting w/ colours, textes, fonts & yeah brushes :lol:

Thanks everyone for the comments, much appreciated :alienblush:

Ok last icon of the day and since I haven't been considering the guy for a while.....

Sorry, I had to make an icon from this cap, too :p :devil:
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