CSI: Miami Icons #6 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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Gorgeous icons Kat.

Dear Miami Wardrobe Dept,

That white v-neck t-shirt Mr Togo was wearing...again and quite frequently please.


Kat whenever you post an icon, I'm always speechless. Great job:thumbsup:

Yoshi I'd actaully send this lovely letter:lol:

Ok here's a little icon I just made ;)
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shazza the second icon is WOW!!! Really maybe that's because it's one of my fav. scenes ever but OMG the colouring in it is fantastci :D
Thank you! I appreciate the comment! :D

Sophia - pretty pretty Calleigh icons!
[sexy ryan icons were here]

Thank you Kat!! And man your Ryan icons are soooooo gorgerous. I will send so requests your way soon! ;)

Gorgeous icons Kat.

Dear Miami Wardrobe Dept,

That white v-neck t-shirt Mr Togo was wearing...again and quite frequently please.


hahaha I would totally send that :lol:

Thank you for the comments and I'll do some ryan icons later! :)

florry86 - I love that icon! It's awesome! <3
Cool icons everyone:thumbsup:
Another couple of icons from me...

kociulek, welcome to the Art Forum! :)
These are some very impressive animations, I like them very much, well done :)

Anyways, I have to point out our Forum rules to you, in which it says that only 3 images per post are allowed in order to keep this very image heavy forum running as smooth as possible, also for those users who are still suck to dial up ;)
Just check out the Fan Art Forum Guide for further informations.
Besides the rules it would probably be better if you post your animations in the CSI Animations Thread in the future, cause your graphics can't be used as icons on this board (too big in their file size). :)

If you have any questions concerning the rules etc. don't hesitate to ask in the Forum Guide or pm one of the forum moderators, either DragonflyDreamer or myself, cinegirl, we won't bite :D
Mine from the 1 vs 1:


Animated version of the Ryan one:

And just the picture version Ryan

The Ryan ones have matching banners too.
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GregNickRyanfan: that calleigh icon is awsome, love the color.
Florry89 thnx n love that icon

only one from me this time

kociulek, please remember that you can edit your post up to 24 hours after posting, and that double posting can be seen as spamming.

Now, that being said, nice work :) And if you need help with codes, just give us a shout ;)
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