CSI : Miami Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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5 Frank icons
3 Horatio


Frank 3
Frank 4
Frank 5
Horatio 2 (in reference to the fact that we never see him doing lab work anymore)
Horatio 3
great icons Lora,DragonflyDreamer and Kit4na.
i love the valera. we never get enough of her in here and those frank ones are so awesome!
and bird_of_flame i hope you don't mind that i friended you ;)
Thanks fo_poozle. :)

I made this Calleigh one, but her pointing at the sombody out of the picture you can't really make out.

ok, I'm still learning but here are a few more for you guys :D

Let me know what you think-as ever



this one is not quite the right size....

(okey just looking at them-I am realising they really are rather rubbish...I apologiese now and thankyou for your paitence with allowin me to learn this caft in front of you guys!!!)
That 3rd one is sad. :(

I don't understand the Horatio one. Finished? (Even though they all look great! Good job. :D )
Beautiful icons Lora, Dragonfly bird_of_flame Still_RIP_Speed and Kit4na.
I snagged a few hundred. Love the Frank ones, Dragonfly, and the Speed ones bird_of_flame. And always love any H and H/Y icons, Kit4na. Lora, great job on the Cal icon, and I love Valera- we never see her in icons and you did a great job on that one. Love Speedy, Still_RIP_Speed.
Aww, Still_RIP_Speed, those are not rubbish, those are pretty good. That Calleigh one is gorgeous. A little bit more practise, and trust me you’ll be confident in your skills in no time (trust me, I still think I’m bad). And Hunter (mind of I call you Lora? Everyone else seems to), yours are hilarious, especially the Ryan one (ha ha, you think with your head). Great stuff! Aa always, DragonflyDreamer and Kit4na, those are fantastic icons.

I don’t mind fo_poozle, no one can ever have enough friends. And thanks for the compliments everyone!
Everyones icons are great! DragonflyDreamer, love your Frank icons! I've decided that there just isn't enough frank-love goin around. This needs to be changed.

They'll be more later I'm sure but this is what I have for now:

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