CSI:Miami bloopers (What do you want to see?)

okay these are soooo funny..... Staying in the tradition of season one, I also have one from Losing Face...

David: * sitting on the table, swinging his legs* We are missing the action switch.

Rory: David, stop swinging your legs. It's a distraction.

Kim: *enters shot* Did I miss my line? * laughter begins off camera*

Director: *sighs* No, just set it up again David. Rory, say the lines written in the script.

Rory: We have a script? * snickers from behind the camera*

Director: Don't be a wise A$$ , Cochrane.

take 2

David: * sitting on the table* We are missing the action switch.

Rory: H, we went through that place on our hands and knees, we got everything.

Kim: * gets in the shot* Maybe it did....

*Rory and David look blankly at each other, the director closes his eyes.*

Rory: it's not your line , Kim.* Laughs* Did Kim get one of these "scripts"?

Director: Oh God, please help me....

take 3

david: * sitting on the table, swings legs again*
Rory: You're doing it again.....
david: * stops* Oh, I'm sorry. It's just , it helps me think......
rory: Really?* giggles come from off camera*

Director:* slaps himself on the forehead* Guys, please!
from the top!

take 4

David: * sitting on table* we are missing the action switch.
Rory: H, we went through that place on our hands and knees, we got everything.....
David: I say again, the action switch is not here.
Rory: Well, evidence can't just get up and walk away...
Director: * whispers* Yesss!
Kim: *stares blankly at Rory and David*
Rory: Kim! It's just one line.... Come I would like for you to meet some people. They are called writers and you see they write these things called * mocks quotation marks with fingers* Scripts, or so I've been told. * Insane laughter is heard off camera, David snickers loudly.

Director: Cut! Cut! let's break for lunch before I kill someone.
LMAO ROFL omg speedfanatic, that one takes the cake! I can SO see that happening :lol:
lol okay I feel blooperful..if that's even a word..here I go again!!

Cross Jurisdictions...(dont know if this has been done yet, but oh well)


man: What's this?
Rory: Thats a warrant to search the premises.
Man: What for?
Rory: For items lutted....looted....um....
(all laughing)
Rory: Okay it's early!
Adam: (from other side of the yard) It's 4 pm!
Rory: Okay it's early for Rory!
(all laughing)


Rory; For items looted from an air crash site...what did you think?.....
Director: *looking at them*...*whispers* Rory!
Rory: You were going to.....um...
Man: *waiting*
Rory: &^%$@%**%#@
Director: Hey this is a family show there cochrane.


Rory: For....&%$@!%@ Adam!! I can see you making faces!!!


Rory: For items looted from an air crash site. What did you think, you were going to sell them on Ebay? Hey you got a locater signal?
Adam: Nope..i mean..YUP.
Rory: *smiles* So which is it delko?
Adam: *gives a face* shut up.
(all start to laugh)


Rory: You got a locater signal?
Adam: Yup.
Rory: *tisk tisk tisk*

(Rory walks over and trips on the wet grass)
Adam: *snickering behind camera*
Rory: *rubbing his butt* Shut up that hurt.
Director: *laughing uncontrolably*


(Rory walks over)
Rory: So why don't you grab them?
Adam: Why don't you?
Rory: (looks down at alligators) They're just babies.
(one alligator snapps and jumps at Adam)
Adam: Ow! He got me! *waves his hand around*
Rory: (laughing is butt off)
(bleep bleep bleep)
(adam runs offscreen)
Rory: (looks in tank) Good boys.


Adam: Why don't you?
Rory: *looks in* They're just babies.
Adam: So what are you waiting for?
Rory: *glares* On the count of three....one....*deep breath* two....three!
(the two guys reach in and one box slips from adam's hand and hit's rory on the foot)
Rory: OW! *bleep bleep bleep* You got my foot you *bleep bleep*
Adam: (laughing) Sorry Rory!
Director: Guys. *warning tone*
Rory: *holding foot* Man Adam, you better be glad these guns are fake.
Adam: Who says they aren't?
Director: I do. Get back in place.
Rory: Ow my foot.
Adam: You're such a baby.
Rory: You are *punches adam's shoulder*
Adam: No you *punches Rory*
Rory: *smiles* You are SO not getting out of here alive! *runs after Adam*
Director:......Okay we're not going to get this done this year.

(adam slips and falls into lake)
Rory: (laughing)
(adam pulls him in the water)
Director: Donnahue is going to fire me.
Rory: *splashing water in Adam's face*
Emily: What are you doing in the water?
Adam: *climbs out* Hey Em.
Rory: *climbs out* You're not cool Adam.
Emily: You need a towel? *smiles*
:lol: Especially the part where Rory falls and rubs his butt. I would love to see thatin an episode. :lol:
PS Love my banner. :)
well if you say so lol
think think think..hm...

Not Landing.


Adam: Yeah well ten bucks says its business partner Wes Gallagher.
Emily: Oh you're on. I'll take....um....who am I taking?
Director: Maken.
Emily: Oh God I always mess that up.
Adam: Then remember the name.
Emily: *smiles* They should stop making such hard names to remember.
Director: Guys, lets move on please.


Adam: Yeah well ten bucks says its the business partner Wes Gallagher.
Emily: Oh you're on. I'll take Maken, the resident stud.
Adam: *giggles*
Emily: *turns and hits adam*
Director: CUT...Calleigh does not hit Delko.
Emily: Okay i'm sorry *giggles*


Adam: Yeah well ten bucks says its the business partner Wes Gallagher.
Emily: Oh...um...You are SO on!
Adam: *falls over laughing*


Adam: Yeah well ten bucks says its the business partner Wes Gallagher.
Emily: OH! *smiles* It shocked me.
Adam: What? *smiling*
Emily: The little machine! It went nuts and shocked me.
Director: CUT. there's a burn mark in the latex glove. We need a new pair.
Emily:...you're concerned about a faulty glove?
Director: *rubs eye* it was a shock, not a bullet.
Adam: *laughing*
Emily: *smiling* Shut up.


Adam: Yeah well. *burst out laughing*
Emily: What? what?
Adam: Sorry I tripped.


Adam: Yeah well ten bucks says that its the business partner Wes gallagher.
Emily: Oh you're on. I'll take Maken, the resident stud.

(the two walk)
(the machine beeps)

Emily: Ten bucks please.
Adam: *hands her the money* At least-
Emily: This isn't ten bucks.
Adam: What?
Emily: It's a 100 dollar bill.
Director: You had 100 dollars in your pocket?
Adam: It was payday...
Emily: (sticks the money in her pocket)
Adam: Come on Em, that's mine.
Emily: if you can catch me you can have the money.
Director: NO. emily, give him back the money. Adam, get a ten dollar bill....*whispers* I feel like i'm babysitting.


Adam: Ten bucks says it's the business partner Wes Gallagher.
Emily: Oh you're on. I'll take Maken, the resident stud.

(the pair walk and the machine beeps)
Emily: *smiles* Ten bucks please.
Adam: *hands her the money* At least this buys us a warrant.
Emily: *looks down* This is a fifty.
Adam:....*bleep bleep bleep*
Emily: *sticks the money in her pocket*
Director:....This show is going to be the death of me. OK guys let's break for lunch!
Hey Speed-Cochrane if you are still taking request for bloopers for the show can you do one for Witness To A Murder.. The scene where Rory, Adam and Khandi are talking about the body being missing..

I love that scene :D

Okie dokie, i'll do my best to serve!


Adam: So did anyone get the guy's name?
Rory: When....was...the......
(all smiling)
Rory: Ow the sun is in my eyes I can't see the script.
Khandi: *laughs* You need some shades?


*rory is wearing shades*
Adam: Did anyone get..(bursts out laughing) Sorry the shades are funny!
Rory: Shut up I can't see.
Khandi: *falls down laughing*


Adam: So when was the...Okay take off the shades.
Rory: Why?
Adam: It's distracting. I can't see your eyes.
Khandi: I never knew that was so important. *snort*
(all laughing)


Adam: So did anyone get the guy's name?
Rory: When was the last time you asked for a howler's name.
Khandi: *trying to keep a straight face* Oh pl-(laughs)
Rory: What did I say?
Director: Howlers. take it from the top.


Adam: So did anyone get the guy's name?
Rory: Are you dumb or something?
Adam: What? What? Did I mess up?
Rory: No I just felt like saying that.
Khandi: Okay guys, we need to get this done before I wet myself from all this!


Adam: Did anyone ask for his name?
Rory: When's the last time you asked for a hauler's name?
Khandi: Oh please don't tell me we gave the body to a complete stanger....um, STRANGER!
Rory: *giggling*
Khandi: Aww that's so cute. Let him giggle in this scene for fun.
Director: No. Take it from Khandi's line.


Khandi: Oh please don't tell me we gave the body to a complete stranger.
Rory: Alexx, we ga-
Khandi: Timmy....*bursts out laughing*
Rory: What?
Khandi: Adam was making a face...
Director: Okay....lunch is in 15 minutes.
Adam: Why do we always screw up before lunch?


khandi: Oh please don't tell me-
(computer falls over and crashes)
Khandi: (laughing) I DIDN'T TOUCH IT!
Tech guy: Sorry I tripped.
Director: (laughing) Okay get another computer.


Khandi: Oh please don't tell me we gave the body to a complete stranger.
Rory: Alexx, we ga-
Khandi: Timmy I know.
Adam: *giggling*
Rory: What?
Adam: Timmy...*snort*
Director: Lunch in 5 MINUTES. Wrap this up and stop fooling around.
Khandi: *sings* We won't get fooled again!
Adam: Don't get fooled again!
Rory: NO NO!
Director:...Kill me now.

(hey, at least i tried)
lmao omg *choke* *snort* that is the funniest thing i have ever heard....can you do a blooper from dispo day when calleigh was really high?
Okie dokie, i'll do my best to serve!


Adam: So did anyone get the guy's name?
Rory: When....was...the......
(all smiling)
Rory: Ow the sun is in my eyes I can't see the script.
Khandi: *laughs* You need some shades?


*rory is wearing shades*
Adam: Did anyone get..(bursts out laughing) Sorry the shades are funny!
Rory: Shut up I can't see.
Khandi: *falls down laughing*


Adam: So when was the...Okay take off the shades.
Rory: Why?
Adam: It's distracting. I can't see your eyes.
Khandi: I never knew that was so important. *snort*
(all laughing)


Adam: So did anyone get the guy's name?
Rory: When was the last time you asked for a howler's name.
Khandi: *trying to keep a straight face* Oh pl-(laughs)
Rory: What did I say?
Director: Howlers. take it from the top.


Adam: So did anyone get the guy's name?
Rory: Are you dumb or something?
Adam: What? What? Did I mess up?
Rory: No I just felt like saying that.
Khandi: Okay guys, we need to get this done before I wet myself from all this!


Adam: Did anyone ask for his name?
Rory: When's the last time you asked for a hauler's name?
Khandi: Oh please don't tell me we gave the body to a complete stanger....um, STRANGER!
Rory: *giggling*
Khandi: Aww that's so cute. Let him giggle in this scene for fun.
Director: No. Take it from Khandi's line.


Khandi: Oh please don't tell me we gave the body to a complete stranger.
Rory: Alexx, we ga-
Khandi: Timmy....*bursts out laughing*
Rory: What?
Khandi: Adam was making a face...
Director: Okay....lunch is in 15 minutes.
Adam: Why do we always screw up before lunch?


khandi: Oh please don't tell me-
(computer falls over and crashes)
Khandi: (laughing) I DIDN'T TOUCH IT!
Tech guy: Sorry I tripped.
Director: (laughing) Okay get another computer.


Khandi: Oh please don't tell me we gave the body to a complete stranger.
Rory: Alexx, we ga-
Khandi: Timmy I know.
Adam: *giggling*
Rory: What?
Adam: Timmy...*snort*
Director: Lunch in 5 MINUTES. Wrap this up and stop fooling around.
Khandi: *sings* We won't get fooled again!
Adam: Don't get fooled again!
Rory: NO NO!
Director:...Kill me now.

(hey, at least i tried)

Oh my gosh the whole thing with the theme song was hilarious! I love it how rory's like no no! lol.
I'll attempt it.

Take 1

David: How do you feel????

Calleigh: Hungry.

Director: Cut. Not in real life Emily. Just read the script.

David: How do you feel????

Emily: Like a hummingbird on six cups of coffee.

David: Pardon me???

Director: Cut. I've never dealt with people who screw up their lines like this.

Take 3

David: How do you feel????

Emily: Like a hummingbird on six cups of coffee.

David: What does that mean???

Emily: I don't know. Ask the director.

Director: Cut. We're not going to lunch until we get through this.

Emily: But I'm hungry. :( *pouts*

Director: Then read the script properly.

Emily. FINE!!!! *continues to pout*

(I tried at least. :lol:)


Woman: You say you're name is Calleigh Duquesne?
Emily: Yes and my nickname is la-
Director: CUT. Slow down emily we can barely hear you.
Woman: Yeah you sound like a chipmunk.
Emily: well y'all told me to act high.
Director: I said high not high-pitched.


Woman: You say your name is Calleigh Duquesne?
Emily: Yes and my nickname is lambchop but only my dad calls me that. *grins*
Woman: *lifts brow*
Director: CUT. emily, for crying out loud.
Emily: What? I was slower.
Director:...That wasn't slow. you were doing the same thing.
Emily: Why don't I just take actual drugs?
Director: Well let me see...IT'S AGAINST THE LAW.


Woman: You say your name is Calleigh Duquesne?
Emily: Yes and my nickname is lambchop, but only my dad calls me that. Okay I'm sorry yes and no only. Fire away.
Woman: Did you take anything to alter the results of this west? ....TEST.
Emily: *giggles* Yeah I took a north and a south for breakfast and I need to take an east before 7:30. *looks at watch*
(all laughing)


Woman: Did you take anything to alter the results of this test?
Emily: Yes.
Director: CUT..it's no.
Emily: It is?
Director: Yeah.
Emily: Well then why am I supposed to be high?
Director: you'll find out when we get through with the scene.


Woman: Did you take anything to alter the results of this test?
Emily: No.
Woman: Did you process drug evidence from the Dispo case?
Emily: Ye-n-ye-no.
Woman: Which one is it?
Emily: Which one do you want it to be?
Woman: *rolls eyes* Is she actually high?


Woman: Did you process drug ev-
Emily: Okay i'm sorry these things are crushing me and I have to pee.
Director: Okay CUT. Emily, go to the ladies room. Be back in 15 seconds or this scene doesn't fly.
Emily: 15 seconds? My name isn't SPEED.
(all giggling)
Emily: Sorry Rory...
Rory: *eating a sandwich and gives her a thumps up*


Emily: Yes.
Woman: Was that drug cocaine?
Emily: Yes. *wide smile*........*still smiling* Is it over?
Director: Oh sorry I wasn't listening, can we do that again?
emily: *glares*


Emily: Yes. *smiles*
Director: nice job everyone.
Emily: Everyone? Y'all, that was all Emily!
Director: Okay it was all you.
Emily: You bet your sweet hide!

yeah i know there isnt a take 4...i suck at counting.