CSI:Miami bloopers (What do you want to see?)

Yeah that was pretty rich lol; okay camp fear coming up

(adam and rory walk into the trailer)
Adam: Oh man! *covers face*
Rory: It wasn't me!
(all start laughing)


(adam and rory walk in)
Adam: Oh man...*covers face* Okay that's bad.
Rory: Uh...*covers face*.....Okay it doesn't actually stink in here...I can't act if you don't give me anything.
Director: CUT...okay Rory, you are SPEEDLE..That means you are not an actor...you are a CSI.
Rory: I know, but all i'm saying is that I can't method act if I have no method.
Adam: We're going to be here all day. *rubs head*
Director: Fine. We'll stink the place up. Happy?
Rory: No.
Adam: Will you just shut up and finish the scene?
Rory: And are YOU that director?
Adam: No.
Director: GUYS!...shut up. You don't eat till the scene is over.


Adam: Oh man that's bad.
Rory: *looks around*
Adam: *picking stuff up*
Rory: *takes out a swab and swabs the milk*
Director: CUT.
Rory: why?
Director: You have to go a little slower swabbing the milk. We need to do a closup of that later.
Rory:...of my hand swabbing milk.
Director: Yes.
Rory:...what kind of a sick show is this?
Rory: *looks at adam.* You want to take this outside?
Adam:.....I don't think you could take me.
Director: Guys, we are not having a deathmatch outside.
Rory: Can we have lunch now?
Director: No, the scene isn't finished.
Adam: But we're hungry and besides, emily and david are eating. I can see them. *points out window.*
Director: They're done their scene.
Rory:.....I'M HUNGRY! *bleep bleep*
Director:....Fine eat. I'll do the scene myself.
Adam:..just you?
Director: Sure I can do it. I'm ready.
Rory: *hands him script* Go for it.
Emily: *smiles* Who would have thought we would start and end the season with a jammed gun?
(all laughing)

oh now..... that hit low for all of us Speed fans... but funny nonetheless... : lol:

Oh gosh that one from Camp Fear was hilarious!!! Rory and Adam going at it... And Rory handing him the script, too funny
Yeah the whole gun thing was my bad, since i'm a speed fan as well, but I had to say it :lol:

I love bloopers...maybe this will prompt the people who put the dvds together to save all the screwups..OOO they should make a dvd just of bloopers. CSI:Miami-What you didn't see :lol:
speed_cochrane I loved the Camp Fear blooper. I also wish they would release a DVD of all the bloopers. You know there's got to be a bunch of them. I would love to see them.

I wish I could think of some good bloopers to write but I love reading yours. :)
I'm sure you'll think of something great.

Thanks, I love writing these, I can just picture all these things going wrong:lol:
okie dokie since i haven't donw one thought i would now.

hurricane anthony

take 1

*elevator dings and rory walks out carrying to boxes*

RORY: You were supposed to meet me at the truck
ADAM: Figured you could use the exercise
*one of the boxes falls off and adam laughas*
ADAM: Nice going ace.
RORY: *glares* did anyone ever tell you you talk to much.
ADAM: Yeah they have glad you noticed

director: guys let's start the scene again please

take 2

*elevator dings and rory walks out adam comes up along side of him

RORY: You were supposed to meet me at the truck
ADAM: *goes to say his line but trips over a light cord
RORY: *stuffles back a laugh* And I guess its a good thing you didn't....wouldn't want you to contaimanate the evidence
ADAM: *glares* Are you going to help me or just look at me. *rory sets down boxes and extends his hand
ADAM: Thanks buddy
RORY: No problem


RORY: You were supposed to meet me at the truck
ADAM: Well I figured you could use the excerise
RORY: Thank you
ADAM: *smiles* *rory looks over*
RORY: What's so funny
ADAM: I'm just happy we got the line's right without screwing up this time
RORY: Well yes we did but now because of you we have to do it all over again
ADAM: *drops head
RORY: *smacks him lightly on the arm* "It's ok don't let the man get you down.

lol..ok yeah i tried. lol. I was just watching hurricane anthony and the director or whoever was saying how good friends they are and how they joke around with eachother all the time so i thought i would play around with this scene.
that was funny katie.... I loved it. I must start watching those eppys with the commentary on it, I'm sure i can get some good material there....
Oh now i have to go back and pretend to the bloopers on this eppy.. I just Hurricane Anthony and I can so see that happening between the Rory and Adam
Haha Katie that was so hilarious! Best one yet! I love how rory says "don't let the man getcha down" hehe go lucas :lol: anywayz, great blooper, I was falling off my chair, and it was so cute when rory helped adam up lol

Oh yippe page three, I feel like making a blooper!

Dispo day.

(rory is hooked up to polygraph)

woman: Did you come here intending to lie?
Rory: No.
Woman:...Sorry this thing is giving wierd readings.
Rory: Well this is a real polygraph and i'm acting. So technically aren't I lying?
Director:.........let's go from you're line.


Rory: No.
Woman: Did you take part in an officer-involved shooting yesterday?
Rory: You're phraseology......is misleading.
Director:...CUT...don't pause.
Rory: Sorry I forgot the line.
Woman: *looks at machine* He's telling the truth
(all laughing)


Rory: Your phraseology is misleading.
Woman: Please answer yes or no.
Rory: Please rephrase the question.
Woman: If you fail to cooperate....
Rory: Was I involved in a shootout? Yeah. Was an officer killed?......um..
Director: Rory.....Think about that.
Rory: *snaps* Yeah.


Rory: Was an officer killed? Yeah.
Woman: Did you disclose any information regarding the narcotics transport?
Rory: How do you remember these lines?
Woman: *blushes*
Director: CUT...stickt to the scene or you don't get a paycheck.


Woman: Did you disclose any information regarding the narcotics transport?
Rory: *whines* No.
Director: What the *bleep* was that?
Rory: What?
Director: your character does not sound like a whiner.
Rory: Sorry, these cords were getting tight. *tries to breathe* You guys trying to kill me?
Director:...*whispers* No yet....
Rory: What?
Director: uh..Bob, get those cords loosened.


Rory: You know what? This game is over. I've got an officer involved case to investigate so I don't have time for this pretty crap.......*smiles*
Woman: *smiles*
Director:...what, what did he say?
Rory: *laughing* Sorry can we do that again?
Director: *looks at tape*.....that might be smart.


Rory: So I don't have time for this.....petty crap.
Director: CUT..Rory for crying out loud...i'm hungry and I have kids to feed.
Rory: I don't. I have all day.*grins*
Director:.....*rolls eyes* let's do this again.


Rory: So I don't have time for this petty crap. *walks to door but hits it with his head and the door falls*
(all laughing)
Director: *laughing* Okay someone get a new door!
Rory: ow ow ow...my head...ow ow ow. *hold head*
Director: AND AN ICE PACK!

there is my lame attempt lol
I don't remember what episode it is, but here is my lame attempt.

Take 1:

Woman: Can I get another soda???

Rory: Sorry, I just drank the last one.

Woman: The script doesn't say that.

Rory: So what. It's close enough.

Director: Cut. Speed. I want what the script says.

Rory: Fine. *pouts*

Take 2:

Woman: Can I get another soda???

Rory: Sorry. We're fresh out.

Adam sneaks up to where Rory is and walks by.

Adam loudly: I'm going to get a soda. Anyone want one???

Adam and Emily start to laugh.

Rory: Yeah. Real funny. Right when I get the scene down.

Director: Cut. Adam. Stop the sabotage.

Adam: But it's fun. :( *pouts*

Take 3:

Woman: Can I get another soda????

Rory: Sorry. We're fresh out.

The woman points to Adam.

Woman: That's not what he said.

Rory: I give up.

Director: Cut. One more time Rory. Pleease. *puts on puppy dog face*

Rory: Fine. *pouts*

That's all. That was bad. :lol: