CSI:Miami bloopers (What do you want to see?)

Hey more on the way. Cross Jurisdictions anyone?

Kim: NTSB said to hold off on recovery.
David: Yeah but they're not here (falls off pier and lands in water)
Kim: Oh my God are you okay?
David: *wipes water from eyes* Ow.


Kim: NTSB said to hold off on recovery.
David: Yeah but they're not here yet are they?
Kim: *warning tone* Horatio.
David: The everglades is a slow moving current that travels at about four feet per minute.
Kim: I know, we're losing.
David: *looks over to kim* We are? Which team is winning?
(all laughing)

how about another tasty treat from the gang!
Cross jurisdictions


Adam: What did I say?
Rory: She just lost her husband, what do they give her, two weeks off? She needed a little bit of time.
David: *comes in* Guys?
Rory:...what are you doing David? we aren't finished the scene.
David: *looks at director*
Director: Lets take it from the top.
David: *salutes and walks out*


Adam: what did I say?
Rory: She just lost her husband, what do they give her, two weeks off? She needed a little bit of time, big deal.
Adam:...I didn't know.
Rory: Well theres *hand slips off table and knocks over the microscope*
(adam and rory try to grab for it)
Rory: (laughing) How much did that cost?
Adam: (laughing) yeah it's broken now.
Director: (giggling) Okay, we need a new microscope. Geez Rory, butter fingers?
Rory: My fingers didn't touch it.


Rory: What do they give her, two weeks off? She needed a little bit of time, big deal.
Adam: Oh, I didn't know.
Rory: Well there's a lot you don't know.
David: *comes in* I'm in this scene right?
Director: Yeah, but you just screwed it up.


Adam: Oh, I didn't know.
Rory: Well there's a lot you don't know.
Davdi: *comes in* Guys I need those blackboxes.
Adam: we're still working on it H.
David: When you know. *leaves*
Adam: *confused face* When you know what?!
Rory: *hiding his head*
Adam: *looks at Rory* What?
Rory: *faint laughter heard*
Adam: What?!
Director: *sighs* Rory stop sabbotaging the scene. Speedle does not giggle.
Rory: *puts a hand up* Sorry.


David: When you know. *leaves*
Adam: Okay I have searched everywhere. I can't find them.
Rory: Well maybe you missed them.
Adam: No way. I just....I don't know where to look.
Rory: You know what?........I think I do. *looks under table* HERE THEY ARE! *pulls out the black boxes*
(all laughing)
Director: Who put those there?
Tech guy: Sorry boss.
Rory: Hey Adam I did all your work for you. And they call you a CSI.
Adam: *punches Rory* Shut up.
Oh. Thanks. :D I just love that quote and I felt like doing a blooper on it. :D :lol: It was lame for my first time, though. This isn't the last of me though. :D
Yeah that was pretty rich lol; okay camp fear coming up

(adam and rory walk into the trailer)
Adam: Oh man! *covers face*
Rory: It wasn't me!
(all start laughing)


(adam and rory walk in)
Adam: Oh man...*covers face* Okay that's bad.
Rory: Uh...*covers face*.....Okay it doesn't actually stink in here...I can't act if you don't give me anything.
Director: CUT...okay Rory, you are SPEEDLE..That means you are not an actor...you are a CSI.
Rory: I know, but all i'm saying is that I can't method act if I have no method.
Adam: We're going to be here all day. *rubs head*
Director: Fine. We'll stink the place up. Happy?
Rory: No.
Adam: Will you just shut up and finish the scene?
Rory: And are YOU that director?
Adam: No.
Director: GUYS!...shut up. You don't eat till the scene is over.


Adam: Oh man that's bad.
Rory: *looks around*
Adam: *picking stuff up*
Rory: *takes out a swab and swabs the milk*
Director: CUT.
Rory: why?
Director: You have to go a little slower swabbing the milk. We need to do a closup of that later.
Rory:...of my hand swabbing milk.
Director: Yes.
Rory:...what kind of a sick show is this?
Rory: *looks at adam.* You want to take this outside?
Adam:.....I don't think you could take me.
Director: Guys, we are not having a deathmatch outside.
Rory: Can we have lunch now?
Director: No, the scene isn't finished.
Adam: But we're hungry and besides, emily and david are eating. I can see them. *points out window.*
Director: They're done their scene.
Rory:.....I'M HUNGRY! *bleep bleep*
Director:....Fine eat. I'll do the scene myself.
Adam:..just you?
Director: Sure I can do it. I'm ready.
Rory: *hands him script* Go for it.
:lol:I can just imagine this between Adam and Rory.
Everybody these are great. :lol: I sure wish they would have a DVD of bloopers. I would be first in line to get one. :)
*Hard Time* Season 2

Calleigh, Speedle and Eric were in the lab re-checking the evidence which they have collected

*TAKE 1*
Rory: Okay. Dead end on crime scene. We need to go over the evidence again. *looks at table with evidence on it*
Emily: Yeah. Okay. 2 by 4 murder weapon.
Rory: Check. Boot impression.
Emily: Check. Rubber jack-
Adam: It's the Emergency Room!*throws arms in frustration but accidentally hit Rory in the face*
Rory: Oow!!*rubs nose and forehead* What was that for?
Emily: *laughs*
Adam: I'm sorry!*reaches out to Rory*
Rory: Keep those hands away from me! *walks away*
Director: Adam..less rough on the hands.

*TAKE 2*
Emily: Check. Rubber jack-
Adam: It's the Emergency Room!*throws arms in frustration*
Rory: *ducks and stood up after Adam finished*
Emily: *stares*Uhhmm...
Director: .....Rory. What was that?
Rory: What was what? *looks innocent*
Director: *shakes head* That look won't work on me Rory. Take 3 and don't duck!
Rory: *shakes head and sighs*

*TAKE 3*
Adam:*restrains from laughing*It's the Emergency Room*waves hands around while Rory slants back to dodge the on coming arm*
Emily: *restrains from laughing* Uhm..what about..the ER?
Director: Cut! Excellent guys!
Adam: *smiles* Hey Rory. What's wrong with my hands. They're delicate things ya' know.*smiles*
Rory: *smirks*Yeah. Delicate my a$$. In case you hadn't notice, they're huge.
Adam:*pats Rory on the shoulder*
Rory: *groans* Oof..Heavy too.
Adam: Shut up!
I just had to. Adam looked like he could hit Rory in the face at any given time. :lol:!
Rory: Well theres *hand slips off table and knocks over the microscope*
(adam and rory try to grab for it)
Rory: (laughing) How much did that cost?
Adam: (laughing) yeah it's broken now.
Director: (giggling) Okay, we need a new microscope. Geez Rory, butter fingers?
Rory: My fingers didn't touch it

The funniest... and


Adam: Oh, I didn't know.
Rory: Well there's a lot you don't know.
Davdi: *comes in* Guys I need those blackboxes.
Adam: we're still working on it H.
David: When you know. *leaves*
Adam: *confused face* When you know what?!
Rory: *hiding his head*
Adam: *looks at Rory* What?
Rory: *faint laughter heard*
Adam: What?!
Director: *sighs* Rory stop sabbotaging the scene. Speedle does not giggle.
Rory: *puts a hand up* Sorry.

I almost laughed myself to death when i read that... Great going, speed_cochrane!!! TOo FUnNY!!!!
You ask and you shall recieve :lol:
(thanks for the compliments)

Losing face

Emily: I'm guessing he was jumped right after Letterman.
Rory: Top ten ways to get your face blown up...I mean..WAIT WAIT I DID IT WRONG!
Director: *glaring* I know.


Emily: I'm guessing *burts out laughing*
David: What?
Rory: What?
Emily: *falls down in laughter* I stepped in some dog doo!
Director: (laughing) Get emily some new boots.


Emily: I'm guessing he got jumped right after Letterman.
Rory: *takes a breath* Top ten ways *takes breath*
David: You okay?
Rory: *bends down and puts his hands on his knees* Sorry i can't breathe.
Director: How many time have I told you NOT to smoke before you do a scene?


Emily: My guess is he got jumped right after Letterman.
Rory: Top ten ways to have your.....*&%#@$^%$#@
(all laughing)


Emily: My guess is he got jumped right after Letterman.
Rory: ....*starts laughing*
Director: What.
Rory: David was staring at me.
David: Hey you didn't have to look. (laughs)


Emily: ....OH MY GOD!
Director: CUT. What?
David: That kid just got mugged!
Rory: Look at all the cops!
David: I'm so tempted to help them right now.
Rory: Oh can we?
Director: You guys aren't actual CSIs.
Emily: Yeah but they don't know that.
Director: No.
Rory: *pouts*


Emily: My guess is he got jumped right after Letterman.
Rory: Top ten ways to get your head blown off. YES!
(rory and emily high five)
Director: CUT...next time, no high fives.


Emily: My guess is he got jumped right after Letterman.
Rory: Top ten ways to get your head blown off.
David: *looks at rory*
Rory: Sorry David....I MEAN H! H! HORATIO! H!..*bleep*
Director: Never mind...we'll try this again tomorrow.
Emily: *to rory* Nice save.
David: Yeah nice try, covering my acutal name like that by screaming. (laughs)
Rory: *^&$ I need a beer.

Emily: ....OH MY GOD!
Director: CUT. What?
David: That kid just got mugged!
Rory: Look at all the cops!
David: I'm so tempted to help them right now.
Rory: Oh can we?
Director: You guys aren't actual CSIs.
Emily: Yeah but they don't know that.
Director: No.
Rory: *pouts*

This one made me laugh...I can see that happening :lol:
lol okay I feel blooperful..if that's even a word..here I go again!!

Cross Jurisdictions...(dont know if this has been done yet, but oh well)


man: What's this?
Rory: Thats a warrant to search the premises.
Man: What for?
Rory: For items lutted....looted....um....
(all laughing)
Rory: Okay it's early!
Adam: (from other side of the yard) It's 4 pm!
Rory: Okay it's early for Rory!
(all laughing)


Rory; For items looted from an air crash site...what did you think?.....
Director: *looking at them*...*whispers* Rory!
Rory: You were going to.....um...
Man: *waiting*
Rory: &^%$@%**%#@
Director: Hey this is a family show there cochrane.


Rory: For....&%$@!%@ Adam!! I can see you making faces!!!


Rory: For items looted from an air crash site. What did you think, you were going to sell them on Ebay? Hey you got a locater signal?
Adam: Nope..i mean..YUP.
Rory: *smiles* So which is it delko?
Adam: *gives a face* shut up.
(all start to laugh)


Rory: You got a locater signal?
Adam: Yup.
Rory: *tisk tisk tisk*

(Rory walks over and trips on the wet grass)
Adam: *snickering behind camera*
Rory: *rubbing his butt* Shut up that hurt.
Director: *laughing uncontrolably*


(Rory walks over)
Rory: So why don't you grab them?
Adam: Why don't you?
Rory: (looks down at alligators) They're just babies.
(one alligator snapps and jumps at Adam)
Adam: Ow! He got me! *waves his hand around*
Rory: (laughing is butt off)
(bleep bleep bleep)
(adam runs offscreen)
Rory: (looks in tank) Good boys.


Adam: Why don't you?
Rory: *looks in* They're just babies.
Adam: So what are you waiting for?
Rory: *glares* On the count of three....one....*deep breath* two....three!
(the two guys reach in and one box slips from adam's hand and hit's rory on the foot)
Rory: OW! *bleep bleep bleep* You got my foot you *bleep bleep*
Adam: (laughing) Sorry Rory!
Director: Guys. *warning tone*
Rory: *holding foot* Man Adam, you better be glad these guns are fake.
Adam: Who says they aren't?
Director: I do. Get back in place.
Rory: Ow my foot.
Adam: You're such a baby.
Rory: You are *punches adam's shoulder*
Adam: No you *punches Rory*
Rory: *smiles* You are SO not getting out of here alive! *runs after Adam*
Director:......Okay we're not going to get this done this year.

(adam slips and falls into lake)
Rory: (laughing)
(adam pulls him in the water)
Director: Donnahue is going to fire me.
Rory: *splashing water in Adam's face*
Emily: What are you doing in the water?
Adam: *climbs out* Hey Em.
Rory: *climbs out* You're not cool Adam.
Emily: You need a towel? *smiles*