CSI:Miami bloopers (What do you want to see?)

I'll attempt it.

Take 1

David: How do you feel????

Calleigh: Hungry.

Director: Cut. Not in real life Emily. Just read the script.

David: How do you feel????

Emily: Like a hummingbird on six cups of coffee.

David: Pardon me???

Director: Cut. I've never dealt with people who screw up their lines like this.

Take 3

David: How do you feel????

Emily: Like a hummingbird on six cups of coffee.

David: What does that mean???

Emily: I don't know. Ask the director.

Director: Cut. We're not going to lunch until we get through this.

Emily: But I'm hungry. :( *pouts*

Director: Then read the script properly.

Emily. FINE!!!! *continues to pout*

(I tried at least. :lol:)

lol. I loved that scene. I feel like a hummingbird on 6 cups of coffee. lol. great job.
Lmao yeah saraholic that was the best one ever!

Oh and Katie (obsession) They teach me nothing but french..I guess the math is different in french :lol:
Like I said before, I love these. You guys are great. Can someone do one from Rap Sheet where the rapper told Calleigh "nice cakes"? I'm sure they had to do that scene several times. And how about from Kill Zone when Horatio and Calleigh are on the roof when they first found where the sniper was. :D
Okay I don't remember anything perfectly, but i'll try the rap sheet one...sorry if it's all screwy..


Xzibit: No one touches me but him okay?
David: fair enough.
(emily gets the bullet)
Xzibit: Nice fakes.
Emily: What?!
(all laughing)


Xzibit: Nice cakes.
Emily: Oh...*trying to keep a straight face* Char....*bursts out laughing* I can't do it!
(xzibit and emily hug)
Xzibit: don't worry we'll get through this!
Emily: *laughs*


Xzibit: Nice cakes.
(all start laughing)


Xzibit: Nice cakes.
David: *giggling*
Emily: *slaps david* Stop it.
(all laugh)


Xzibit: Nice cakes.
Emily: Oh..charming. *glares a little*
David: Hey I agree.
Emily: *falls down laughing*


Xzibit: nice cakes.
Emily: Oh..charming. *walks to the door*
David: *smiling*
Xzibit: *smiling*
David: I gotta get me some cake.
(whole crew dies of laughter)
Director: And this is why I love this job!
Thanks Speed-Cochrane that was totally awesome I love it especially the end of it with the song. I can actually visualize them doing that...

Ok since i love all the scene with my boys in them... Speed and Eric can you do one from Camp Fear where they was talking about how the guy died with the cell-phone

Grave Young Men[thanks to loves_csi for the pic which inspired me]

Take 1

Rory: Hey Alexx. So, what happened to the guy.*looks at the half-naked dead guy in bed*
Khandi: Well, apparently, he was attacked while he was sleeping. Seems too burly to not have--
Body: *twitches*
Rory: Uhm..*stares at Khandi*
Body: *twitches and restrains from laughing*
Khandi: *giggles and picks up a small brush from the body's right ear* Oouh..I think I left it there..
Body: *laughs crazily*
Rory: You think?*smiles at Khandi* Is he even supposed to move? *looks around*
Director: *laughing*Khandi..keep that brush away from the body.
*laughter everywhere*


Khandi: Seems too burly to not have fought back. *pulls body to it's side* See his back.
Rory: *looks at DB's back and took shots of it*
Body: *twitches and shakes slightly*
Rory: *pauses and sighs* Hey man, are you ticklish or something?
Body: *laughs uncontrollably* I'm sorry! She really is tickling me!*laughs again*
Khandi: *both hands up* I didn't do nothing..
Body: *crying from laughing* Maybe you should use a dummy
Rory: *frowns* You are the dummy, Dummy.
Director: Rory, it's okay. Hey! DB! Stop moving or no pay!
Body: *stiffens and stops laughing*


Rory: *Finished taking shots of DB*Who called him in?
Khandi: A woman claiming to be his girlfriend.*gestured to a pretty brunette standing in another room*
Rory: *looks and approaches*Uhm..Ma'am..Are you the victim's girlfriend?
Woman: It's Alison and yes.
Rory: Alright. I'm gonna need to take pictures so if..
Alison: *slips her robe off*Is this okay?
Rory: *shocked, his camera slipped off his hands* Ohh *bleep*!
Director: Rory! What happened!? That thing is real!
Rory: Uhm..sorry.*picks up camera* She..she..was..naked*stutters*
Director: Well, that is the whole idea. What's wrong with you. Most guys would be happy. *looks suspiciously at Rory*
Rory: Uhm..I'm happy..i mean..I can handle this.*gulps*

Take 4

Alison: *smiles and stands still*
Rory: *took shots of Alison's body and nodded when he was done* That'll be it..Thanks*smiles quickly at Alison*
Alison: No problem*puts robe back on and stares at Rory*
Rory: What?
Alison: You're cute*smiles*
Rory: *camera slips off hands again* *bleep bleep bleep!*
Director: Rory! If i find a single scratch, you pay for it!
Rory: Over my dead body!
Director: *mumbles*Which means very soon.
Rory: What did you say?*frowns*
Director: Uhm.....Lunch!!
Director: Lunch in 5 MINUTES. Wrap this up and stop fooling around.
Khandi: *sings* We won't get fooled again!
Adam: Don't get fooled again!
Rory: NO NO!
Director:...Kill me now.

LMAO!!! I was about to lose it all on this one... It was
freakin hilarious!!!!

Emily: 15 seconds? My name isn't SPEED.
(all giggling)
Emily: Sorry Rory...
Rory: *eating a sandwich and gives her a thumps up

oKay, this one was sooo cute... These are the best guys......

I got a couple right quick

This eppy's still a little fresh in my mind so bear with me,


Calleigh / Eric in the park


Emily: There's nothing here

Adam: There is something here, we just don't see it.

Emily: Locard's principal....

Adam: Every contact leave a trace....

Emily: *giggles* Actually, it's something taken, something left behind, but you basically got it Adam. * laughter can be heard from off camera*

Adam: Very funny Em. Guess I need to go over my lines.

Director: Okay guys, start again from Emily.

Emily: Locard's principle* Sprinklers start up*

Adam: Too early too early!!!* shakes water off*

Emily: *runs off set, laughing hysterically*

Director: One whole season! I went one whole season without this! Set it up again.


Emily: Locard's principle * smiles*

Director: Emily, you don't smile in this scene.

Emily: I haven't smiled since season 2, just thought I'd try it out, see if I still got it. * crew starts to laugh*

Adam: *laughing* good one Emily.

Emily: It's these times that I miss Rory* continues to smile and laugh*

Director: * glares*

take 4

Emily: Lo-* sprinklers start again, Emily just walks off, laughing hard*

Adam:* to crew* Are you trying to say something guys? * insane laughter ensues.

Director: You guys want to get paid???

Adam and Emily: Yes!!!

Director: Get this right...

Adam: Buzzkill.


Emily: Locard's principle

Adam: Something taken, something left behind.

Emily: * stares blankly*

director: * sighs hard*

Emily: What? We've never gotten this far.

Director: That's it, I'm calling lunch!

Emily: Cool!!

Director: * glares at Emily* Thin ice, Procter, thin ice.

hope ya like!!!
Grave Young Men[thanks to loves_csi for the pic which inspired me]

Take 1

Rory: Hey Alexx. So, what happened to the guy.*looks at the half-naked dead guy in bed*
Khandi: Well, apparently, he was attacked while he was sleeping. Seems too burly to not have--
Body: *twitches*
Rory: Uhm..*stares at Khandi*
Body: *twitches and restrains from laughing*
Khandi: *giggles and picks up a small brush from the body's right ear* Oouh..I think I left it there..
Body: *laughs crazily*
Rory: You think?*smiles at Khandi* Is he even supposed to move? *looks around*
Director: *laughing*Khandi..keep that brush away from the body.
*laughter everywhere*


Khandi: Seems too burly to not have fought back. *pulls body to it's side* See his back.
Rory: *looks at DB's back and took shots of it*
Body: *twitches and shakes slightly*
Rory: *pauses and sighs* Hey man, are you ticklish or something?
Body: *laughs uncontrollably* I'm sorry! She really is tickling me!*laughs again*
Khandi: *both hands up* I didn't do nothing..
Body: *crying from laughing* Maybe you should use a dummy
Rory: *frowns* You are the dummy, Dummy.
Director: Rory, it's okay. Hey! DB! Stop moving or no pay!
Body: *stiffens and stops laughing*


Rory: *Finished taking shots of DB*Who called him in?
Khandi: A woman claiming to be his girlfriend.*gestured to a pretty brunette standing in another room*
Rory: *looks and approaches*Uhm..Ma'am..Are you the victim's girlfriend?
Woman: It's Alison and yes.
Rory: Alright. I'm gonna need to take pictures so if..
Alison: *slips her robe off*Is this okay?
Rory: *shocked, his camera slipped off his hands* Ohh *bleep*!
Director: Rory! What happened!? That thing is real!
Rory: Uhm..sorry.*picks up camera* She..she..was..naked*stutters*
Director: Well, that is the whole idea. What's wrong with you. Most guys would be happy. *looks suspiciously at Rory*
Rory: Uhm..I'm happy..i mean..I can handle this.*gulps*

Take 4

Alison: *smiles and stands still*
Rory: *took shots of Alison's body and nodded when he was done* That'll be it..Thanks*smiles quickly at Alison*
Alison: No problem*puts robe back on and stares at Rory*
Rory: What?
Alison: You're cute*smiles*
Rory: *camera slips off hands again* *bleep bleep bleep!*
Director: Rory! If i find a single scratch, you pay for it!
Rory: Over my dead body!
Director: *mumbles*Which means very soon.
Rory: What did you say?*frowns*
Director: Uhm.....Lunch!!
I am so glad I inspired you. That was hilarious. :lol:
precitate it speed_cochrane I try.... here's a short one from Blood Moon...

Rory: The owner wnats it off of his property, says he 's going to have it towed.

Emily: well should we * pauses* take it? * drops the camera*

Rory: what was that? You need a moment?

Emily: Well , captian obivious, I dropped the camera.
* crew snickers*

Rory: You know they are going to make you pay for that,right?

Director: C'mon Rory, Can't you stay in character just once? *throws hands up in the air*

Rory: She dropped the camera! If I would've done that, you'd be having a cow.

Director: I am having one, can we now get back to shooting?

Rory:* grins* My mission is accomplished here.

Director: * sighs very loudly* Please , someone help....


Rory: The owner wants it off of his property, says he's going to have it towed.

Emily: Well should we...... * Stares blankly*

Rory: *whispers* take it?

Emily: Oh yeah, Well should we take it?

Director: * groans* Are you guys kidding me? Again!

Rory: * laughing*Can we get the 'writers' on the set?


Rory: * Immediately begins to laugh*

director: Cochrane, what's wrong with you?

Rory: emily's got something in her hair.

Emily: * petrified* Really? Get it off!? Get it off!?* runs off set , laughter can be heard through out the set*

Director: Jesus, we aren't going to finish this before your second coming* throws down head phones and stomps away*

Rory: Maybe we should stop foolin' around?

Emily: * comes back, smiling* Maybe.....

It's late and I thought I'd take a stab at it...
lmao it was awesome I loved it, especially the having a cow thing :lol:


Guy: So where's my phone?
Rory:....*shifty eyes*..what phone?
Director: CUT....The one in the baggie?
Director:....shut up and do the scene.


Guy: So where's my phone?
Rory: *throws pieces on the table, one slides off and hits the guy in the eye*
Guy: OMG You got my eye! That's metal man!
Rory: *smirking* Oops..


Guy: So where's my phone?
Rory: *puts the pieces on the table, the guy flinches*
Director: CUT..why are you flinching?
Guy: I thought he was going to hit me with it.
Rory: Now what gave you that idea?


Guy: So where's my phone?
Rory: *puts the pieces on the table*
Guy: Oh man..
Rory: *smirks* Probably doesn't look the same.
Guy...okay...what comes next?
Rory:...Did you read the script?
Guy: yeah i skimmed it.
Rory: You SKIMMED it?? What kind of an actor are you?
Guy: You weren't exactly getting it all perfect. I see the show.
Rory: I don't watch it.
Guy: really? Because you do a bang up job usually. I didn't know it took so many takes to get one line down.
*both glaring at each other*
Director: *looking at them*...are we just going to sit here, or are we going to do a scene?
Rory: I don't know. ask mister all american actor here.
Guy: Well you're no prize either Cochrane.
Rory: *lifts a finger* HEY respect your elders.
Guy: Are you saying you're old?
Rory:...*blank stare*...NO!
Director: Guys....
Rory: How about you play this character and I leave and go to lunch?
Guy: Sounds like a plan.
Rory: Oh you think you could take it?
Guy: I could do better than you!
Rory: Oh yeah?
Guy: Yeah!
Rory: *throws script* Have at it.
Guy:....are you leaving?
Rory: Well yeah, you said you could handle it. Oh yeah, the fans might want to rip your head off, but that's showbusiness man. *walks off*
Guy: *stares at script*
Director: Did he just leave?
Producer: He went to have a smoke.
Director: Maybe that will calm him down..I don't want a real murder here.
Guy: So am I Speedle now?
Director:...NO stay there, i'll be right back.
Producer: better catch Rory before he runs off. He didn't look like he wanted to be here in the first place.
Guy:......How long am I supposed to sit here? It's like an interrogation!
Producer: have you seen the sign on the door? it says interrogation room....
Guy: So how long am I supposed to sit here?
Producer: Until we get mister "Speedle" back here.

(ah lame..but that's my middle name)