CSI:Miami bloopers (What do you want to see?)

this one was helped along by speed_cochrane by msn!

David:You guys need to find this out quick
Rex: why?
David: Because, there's a murderer on the loose and i'm your only suspect.
*david starts running* *rex chases after him and tackles him*
Emily, Adam: *laugh secretly*
David: *laughs hysterically*
Rex: *laughs*
Director: *puts head on his hands* You guys are gonna send me to an early grave.

haha lame!!!
Hey that was golden! I love it so much, my sides are splitting! :lol:
David:You guys need to find this out quick
Rex: why?
David: Because, there's a murderer on the loose and i'm your only suspect.
*david starts running* *rex chases after him and tackles him*
Emily, Adam: *laugh secretly*
David: *laughs hysterically*
Rex: *laughs*
Director: *puts head on his hands* You guys are gonna send me to an early grave.

That was all that !!! I thought I was going to loose it ... Great job! I'm glad the the thread is back to life... I'm not at home and my computer broke down, so it will be later on this week before I can write one.... So keep the flame goin' guys!!
Hey I got my computer back and guess what??? Here's a blooper!

Three Way

the three CSI's bicker about whose theory is right

David: What does the autopsy say?
Emily: Jeez, Davy, make some noise when you walk. You scared the bejeezus out of me!
Director: Cut! Guys, can we.....
David: Oh, I'm sorry , but it says in the script "materialize quietly".
Adam:*snickering* Get out of here, it doesn't say that?
Director: We have a schedule....
David: *ignores the director* It does in my script*pulls out script, crew begins to laugh*
Jon: YOu carry a script around with you? An entire script?
Director: *stares blankly* I sense Cochrane's prescence...
David: *continues to ignore the director* Don't you guys?
*Emily, Adam, and Jon, shake their heads*
David: Well I guess..... I guess that is why I am Horatio Caine * puts on sunglasses and walks away. Mysteriously, the theme song starts*
Director: Whose foolin around with the sound?* glares at the sound tech*
*crew dissloves into laughter*
Sound tech: *petrified* NOT ME!!
Director: *sees Rory in the sound booth* RORY!!!!!!!
Jon: Jesus, I hate mondays.

Take Two
*Director sits, and oddly is very calm*
Emily:*whispers to Jon and Adam* That's creepy.
Jon: Why?
Adam: He's never that calm....
*Muffled sounds come from behind prop*
Director:*smiles brightly and calmly*
Emily: What was that?
Director:*ignores the sounds* Alright guys, let's set it up. David.......
*crashing is heard behind him. Everyone turns to see Rory tied up from head to toe and mouth taped*
Emily: OMIGOD! Rory! *snatches off the tape*
Rory: OWWW!
*crew begins to laugh hysterically*
Adam: What *snickers*happen to you?
Rory: *obivously ticked* ASK HIM!!! He's a maniac!!
Director: *eyes glazed over* there's more than one way to skin a cat.
Rory: He skins cats!!! See I told you he's a lunatic! Get me out of here! * struggles against being tied up*
*crew is on the ground , laughing*
David: *Puts on sunglasses, again* I'll..... I'll be in my trailer* Again, song is mysteriously cued*
Director: *snaps out of his delusional state* Who keeps #@$#%%^#%&%^%! with the music? What's Rory doing tied up? David, get back here!
Jon: *amid confusion and laughter* I gotta talk to my agent.

Lame , I know, but hey,I just got my computer back :)
okay i have an extremely short one from Blood in the water.

Rex: Horatio
David: Frank
Rory: *from a distance* rory!
Director: okay that's it. *rolls up script and chases rory with it.*
Rory: *screams* watch the leg!

lmao haha geni told me that he had a bum leg!!!
Oh geez Anni "I sense Cochrane's presence" THAT ONE TOOK THE CAKE! Oh man I was laughing for ten minutes just on that one line!
Okay..I guess I lost some of my Blooper-Mojoness..but I'm willing to get it back so here's one from..


Take One
*Eric and Frank investigates a hotel pool, searching for a snake*

Rex: We got slime *points to a trail of slime*
Adam: *follows the trail which leads to a cushioned bench with people on it*
Rex: You guys mind stepping off the bench please.
Man: Wait your turn..
Rex: Yeah..I can wait with that snake underneath the seat..
Man: Whoa! Snake! *panics*
Adam: Hey easy! Slowly...
*Man and friends got off the bench. Adam bends down with a flashlight and peeks through the hole at the side*
Adam: *frowns* Wait a second.....*pushes hands through the hole and grabbed a long arm out*
Adam: Ahhh! *panics and struggles to stand up but the hand grabbed his pants*
Adam: Rex! Help! Help meee!! *screams and reaches out to Rex*
Rex: *panics and grabs Adam's arm* I got ya! Hang on!! *starts to pull Adam*
Director: What the hell is an arm doing in there!!?
Animal caretaker: Oh my god! Where's my snake!?
Adam: It's out to get me!! Tell my Mom I love her!!
*Rory's head pops out of the hole and stares at Adam*
Rory: It's me you dork! Rory! Remember!?
Adam: *stops struggling and stares shockingly at Rory* Ahhh Geez man!! You out to kill me or something!!?? *quickly stands up*
Rex: *smirks and smacks Rory on the back* What were you doing down there man?
Rory: *blinks* I uh...was trying to get away from this snake..
Animal Caretaker: You found him!?? Where did he go??
Director: Rory!! You...YOU have had enough sneaking around the set young man!!
Rory: I wasn't sneaking..I was escaping from a humungous snake.. You guys gotta start thinking of getting better props..those things look....real..
Director: The snake IS real! Now where is it??!
Rory: I don't know*getting impatient* It almost ate me!
Director: *mumbles*I should get more snakes...
Rory: What did you say!?
Director: I said I should getlesssnakes..lets break for lunch everyone!!

Lame attempt! I know! :lol:
I knew that it was RoryHAHAHHa. Don't worry about your blooper mojo, it's fine :lol: :lol: :lol: oh and speedcochrane, thanks..... I just thought that I would open it back up with some familiarity , if that makes any sense!
Has anyone noticed for the past page and a half Rory seems to be popping out of nowhere?? :lol: I think I should re-kindle my blooperfulness (not even a word) and keep it coming!

Dispo Day


*door opens*
Emily: Do you always work on sundays?
Tomassi: Only when I'm expecting a visit from an angel.
Emily: *steps in* Well you might think I'm the *trips* SH8^%
Rex: *laughing* You okay?
Emily: Okay ow, that hurt.
Director: CUT. Okay, lets try that again.


(Emily and Rex standing at the front door)

*The door creaks and doesn't open*

Tomassi: *behind the door* Um..I think this thing is jammed.
Director: CUT. Okay, someone fix that door. Hey that line was cool. We should use it in a later episode.


Emily: You always work on sundays?
Tomassi: Only when I'm expecting a visit from an angel.
Emily: Well you might think.......uh.....
Rex: I don't think this guy thinks.
Emily: Well if he does think, he'd better get thinking.
*Everyone trying not to laugh*
Rex: Thinking is good when we think.
Emily: Except when thinking is thinking, then it thinks we are thinking.
*Everyone bursts out laughing*
Director: *laughing* Lets do this again guys!

aha my lame attempt, but it's been a while!
Hahahahaha!!! oh that was all that, especially when Emily trips on the first take! Great one Geni!!! and I don't like the word think anymore :lol: :lol: :lol:
A quick one from Money Plane:

Emily: *stops and looks at Hagen*
Hagen: *stops and smiles at Calleigh*
Emily: *stares and smiles*
Hagen: *frowns* Geez Emily, you smile like a Leprechaun!
Emily: *drops smile and glares* Ex-Excuse me!? *frowns*
Hagen: *stutters* I-I'm just saying ya know. I mean you're dressed in this green sweater and your face was all uh..
Emily: *starts fuming and gives Death-Stare* Well..That's cos I DON'T like you!*stomps off*
Hagen: *stares after Emily* What did I ever do to that woman!?
Director: *sighs* Uhm..just uhm..don't comment on her clothing. And I wouldn't stand too close to her if I were Hagen..
Emily: *in trailer* Why do I have to have a Take with HIM!?
David&Adam: *snickers*