CSI:Miami bloopers (What do you want to see?)

:lol: Yeah. I was thinking more like Rory being the person who distracts everyone..and they can't do their job properly..and the Director is his nemesis. :lol: I'm weird!
Yeah its always funny when someone not in the scene causes trouble. You guys sure put the director through hell. More please :)
*stops a tumbleweed from passing* Hello? Hmm..I'll post anyway. :D

Best Defense

Speedle, Eric and Calleigh investigating a bar.
Rory: Greek bar. People walk in and out. Lots of trace.
Adam: And this your favourite hangout Speed*smiles*
Rory: You know what? Have you ever thought of doing stand up comedy? Cos you're really funny. *sarcastically**
Adam: Really? I am!? *sniffs and places a hand on Rory's shoulder* Thanks bro. That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me..*sniffs and smiles*
Rory: *stares*......Uh yeah..No problem..*blinks*
Emily: Awwww..*smiles*
Director: Safe the mushy stuff for after the show please..*sighs*

Rory: Yeah. A bottle of this almost ended me up in a Greek Wedding..
Adam: Really? You have Greek relatives?
Rory: Sure..I've got Irish cousins too..*blinks*
Adam: Irish eh..you know some Irish dance move? *smiles*
Rory: Yeah sure.. *places hands on hips* Just hop around without moving your hands..*starts hopping around and doing the Irish Jig* Watch the legs there..*moves his legs up and down bending his knees* It's easy..*smiling happily* Fun too..
Adam: *smiles* Yeah..looks fun..*gets up and joins*
Rory: *instructs Adam on how to move* Watch your legs..relax a little..
Emily: *cheerfully* I wanna join too!
David: *smiling* Count me in as well please..I know some moves myself..*winks*
Cast and Crew: *bustling to the set doing the Irish jig*
IT Manager: *starts playing song on speaker*
Director: *stares* What is this world coming to..
Producer: *to Director* Hey Scott! Come on man! This is great! Hey Rory..do that move again!
Director: *walks out cursing* I'm quitting my day job.. *shakes head and sighs*

:lol: Lame again..I'm out of my mind lately.. :D

hahahahah :lol:
what are you talking about that was funny...i bet they bust out dancing every other scene......
hey I think I have one it's a bit of a spoiler though( it came from tonights eppy so it's kinda fresh) *******SPOLER*******

Under Suspcion

* Adam gets into the car turns to the guy*

Guy: What you need?

Adam: 27 grams.

Guy: That's * knocking at the window*

*Adam turns to roll down the window, sees Rory. Crew laughs loudly .*

Director: Cut!! Cochrane, what the hell are you doing here??? * sarcastically*Don't you have a movie to work on???

Rory: * Ignores the director and turns to Adam*Dude, what's going on with you?

Adam: Just what the script says.....

Rory: What have I told you about those 'scripts'????

*Crew laughs hysterically*

Director: * angry*Someone get security!!!!

Rory: * quickly* Gotta go,..... Adam, just say no man !!!

take 2

guy: what you want?


Guy: That's about ( i forget how much he said) short of a felony.

Adam: *glares as phone rings and he answers it* Delko.

Rory: *on the phone* Dude its Italian seasonings... don't buy , don't buy!!!

Director:* throughly pissed* How the *&*^*&^%%$$^#@#$%, did Rory get that cell number?

Rory: It's his personal cell. I've had it for three years... * Crew snickers loudly*

Director: Did the security get lost???? *pointing to Rory*I want him off of the lot.

Rory: Whoa, dude, calm down. I just came by to say hello.

Director: If Donahue knew that you were here.....

Donahue: * walks on to the scene* Rory, I thought that you were just saying hello??

Director: * Speechless*

Rory: * smirks at the director* Yeah, I did. You want to tell them the good news?

Donahue: *smiles* No, you do it..

Director: Oh please don't tell me....

Rory: Guys......

Director: Please, if there is a God....

Rory:* bigggg smile* I'm coming back!!!!

Director: *passes out*

Rory: * to Donahue* YOu think I should've told him as a guest star???

*Adam & Crew laughs hysterically*

Lame, but I had to do it, because I just couldn't stand to see Eric buy the pot :lol:
:lol:! "I'm coming back!!!!" That was so Rory like! I could imagine him spreading his arms out and having a wide smile on his face..and then like in the movie The Mask, he'll say,"Sm-mokin!".. :lol: I'm weird! Love it SpdFntic! Hysterical!
That's awesome :lol: Rory screwing up the scene is awesome..I have to pee, be right back lmao
ok my god. That was like the funniest thing i've ever heared well read..lol. I can so see him pulling a slater from dazed and confsued and putting his hands up like in the end of the movie were he was in the footbal field....anywho.."I'm comign back." heck yes! your coming back! "Its seasonings." lol. seriously u crack me up!
hey I think I have one it's a bit of a spoiler though( it came from tonights eppy so it's kinda fresh) *******SPOLER*******

Under Suspcion

* Adam gets into the car turns to the guy*

Guy: What you need?

Adam: 27 grams.

Guy: That's * knocking at the window*

*Adam turns to roll down the window, sees Rory. Crew laughs loudly .*

Director: Cut!! Cochrane, what the hell are you doing here??? * sarcastically*Don't you have a movie to work on???

Rory: * Ignores the director and turns to Adam*Dude, what's going on with you?

Adam: Just what the script says.....

Rory: What have I told you about those 'scripts'????

*Crew laughs hysterically*

Director: * angry*Someone get security!!!!

Rory: * quickly* Gotta go,..... Adam, just say no man !!!

take 2

guy: what you want?


Guy: That's about ( i forget how much he said) short of a felony.

Adam: *glares as phone rings and he answers it* Delko.

Rory: *on the phone* Dude its Italian seasonings... don't buy , don't buy!!!

Director:* throughly pissed* How the *&*^*&^%%$$^#@#$%, did Rory get that cell number?

Rory: It's his personal cell. I've had it for three years... * Crew snickers loudly*

Director: Did the security get lost???? *pointing to Rory*I want him off of the lot.

Rory: Whoa, dude, calm down. I just came by to say hello.

Director: If Donahue knew that you were here.....

Donahue: * walks on to the scene* Rory, I thought that you were just saying hello??

Director: * Speechless*

Rory: * smirks at the director* Yeah, I did. You want to tell them the good news?

Donahue: *smiles* No, you do it..

Director: Oh please don't tell me....

Rory: Guys......

Director: Please, if there is a God....

Rory:* bigggg smile* I'm coming back!!!!

Director: *passes out*

Rory: * to Donahue* YOu think I should've told him as a guest star???

*Adam & Crew laughs hysterically*

Lame, but I had to do it, because I just couldn't stand to see Eric buy the pot :lol:

:lol: :lol: I love it, If only that was true. :)
whoa, check out that big tumbleweed.... I hate to see this thread die out, cause it was the source of so much of my happiness... oh and loves_csi

I love it, If only that was true.

It seems like there is buzz that it may happen... keeping my fingers and toes crossed for that one....
Heyhey! I was actually searching for this thread! Up and down the mountains mind you! :lol: *sighs* I'm glad I finally found it cos I've got some bloopers! :lol:

Cop Killer

*Patrick, a police academy student and Off. Insko stopped a car*
Patrick: Uh..what did he do?
Insko: It's what he didn't do. Driving with an expired liscence plate.*prepares to step out*
Patrick: Hey..can I uh..ya know..back you out? *rustling from back seat*
Insko: *pauses, frowns and continues* What does your waver says?
Patrick: *reads a piece of folded paper* Not allowed to exit the vehicle..*sighs*
Insko: Get out of the academy and then you can- *loud rustling from the back seat*
Patrick, Insko: *frowns and look at back seat*
Director: Something wrong here?
*Loud rustling continues in back seat. Something moves from underneath a big canvas*
Rory: *mumbles* Freaking canvas..
Director: *eyes widen* RORY COCHRANE!! *pulls canvas revealing a curled up Rory in the back seat*
Rory: *stumbles and sat straight smiling* Why hello there!
Director: *fuming* Get OUT OF THE CAR!! NOW!
Rory: *sighs and steps out, straightening his shirt*
Director: *points at Rory's chest* What REASON do you have THIS time young man!!?
Rory: *blinks* Uhmm...I uh..miss my friends..*smiles at casts*
Director: *frowning* You think I'll buy into THAT crap!?*now fuming crazily* I DON'T EVER WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE HERE EVER AND I MEAN EVER AGAIn! YOU HEAR ME!?*steps towards Rory*
Rory: *gulps* Uh-oh..he's gonna blow..*slowly moves back but stepped on a small gravel, fell backward hitting his head on the back of the car*
Director: *stops and stares* R-Rory?....Wake up.. Cochrane?..*kneels beside Rory* Hey! WAKE UP! *sobbing and shaking Rory's body* Please! I didn't mean it!! You were my favourite! Honest!!! *sobs and sniffs*
Rory: You mean that? *stares at grieving Director and smirks*
Director: *glares and fumes!* What the..!? Y-You good-for-nothing!! *charges* I'm gonna have your head for dinneeerrrrr!!!!
Rory: *yelps and runs off*

[Different scene]

*Calleigh and Ryan investigates the home of dead suspect*
John: So..you think the mother did this?
Emily: Right now, anyone's a suspect Ryan.*flashes her torch light to the curtains*
John: Still I feel like anyone who did this has done us a favour.*stares at DB*
Emily: Well he's a victim now and we need to treat him like any other victim.
DB: Damn right..
John: *stares at DB..then at Emily*
Emily: *slowly approaches DB and pulles the white sheet from the face*
Rory: *smiles* Hi..
John: Ah!
Emily: Rory!! *smiling happily*
David, Adam & Khandi rushing towards set.
Director: What? What's happening!?
Someone: I think Rory has been under the covers! *smiles but stiffens when Director stares at him*
Director: *rushes to set* Let me through! Move away! *stops in front of the sitting Rory*
Rory: *looks up and smiles* Uhm....Good to be home?
Director: *glares and fumes* What the hell are you doing hiding under here!? *points at Rory's face*
Rory: I wanted to uh...give a birthday surprise for Emily..
Director: *turns to Emily who is smiling then back to Rory* Can't you have done it OUTSIDE somewhere!?
Rory: *looks around at happy faces* I guess not.. *smiles*
Director: *sighs heavily and mumbles as he walks away*
Cast & crew rushes to set singing Happy Birthday song to Emily.

Lame! I know! :lol:!
Adam: *glares as phone rings and he answers it* Delko.

Rory: *on the phone* Dude its Italian seasonings... don't buy , don't buy!!!

ohh god thats soooooooooooo funny, don't buy don't buy!!! hahah you guys are soo funny :) made my day!!!!!!