CSI:Miami bloopers (What do you want to see?)

I never liked Hagen for obvious reasons![He's always breathing down Calleigh's neck!] And refering to 10-7..uhm well..no comments.. :p!!
*stops a tumbleweed from passing*

Uhm..I'll just post anyway since this idea sort of kick me in the head..
Nothing to Lose

Take One
*whole cast assembles at the everglades and listens intently to the Director[or D]*

D: Okay. One last thing. This place is hot. I know. Bare with the heat for some time and we'll get this done sooner then-
*rustling was heard in the tall,dry bushes*
Casts,Director,crew: *gulps and shuffle their feet*
D: *frowns* And..and there might be some wild animals.. I want you to stay ca-
*rustlings become more audible*
D: *looks around and gulps* Stand aside will you people. Lemme check what it is..*crepts slowly but noisily*
*more rustlings..now a dark object was moving in the bushes. Director holds a long wooden shaft out and starts poking the object*
Rory: You better watch where you poke mister..*stands up and brushes his clothes*
D: *puffing out, starts to fume* What the hell were you doing scaring the life out of us!?
Cast&Crew: *stares*
Rory: *blinks and tries to hide something behind his back*
D: *frowns* What is that!? Hand it over!
Rory: *sighs and hands over a small box*
D: *opens the box and finds matchsticks! Eyes widen* You were planning to KILL US!!?
Rory: *taken aback* What!? No way man! I was-
D: Save the story young man! *takes off spectacles and continues rambling. Sunlight penetrates through glasses and sparks the matchsticks*
Rory: Uhm..Sir..
D: I'm not finished..!
Rory: Uhm..yeah..not finished till you burn your hands off..
D: *confused, looks down at hand. Shocked he yells* Huh? What!? Ah! Help!! *panics and throws the matches to the bushes*
Rory: Noo!!
*Bushes crackle and snap as a big fire spreads, surrounding them*
*Everyone panics, radio makes a noise*
Helicopter hovering ahead: Mr Director sir, there has been a fire..
D: *grabs radio and starts babbling*
Heli: Nono sir! You won't believe it! The fire..it appears to form a shape of..a..uhm..someone's buttocks!!
D: *pauses and fumes* ROORRYYY!!
Rory: *rushes* What!?
D: DID you cause THIS fire to form a shape of someones A**!!? Why Rory!??
Rory: *stiffles a laugh* Could be anyone's. Mine or yours or...anyone's... *smiles*
D: *considers and admits defeat* Okay! Fine! Now lets get out of here! *runs off with a paper on his bum with the words,"I Love Big Butts" written on it.
Rory: *laughs* That's rich!
Lame but wait..it really is lame..oh well..post it anyway.. This thread seem so empty.. :)
that was great... Yeah this thread is becoming spare... Ummm I think I can pull one...

Grave Young Men (one shot)

*Scene with Alison(Rena Sofer) and Speed in the bedroom*

* Rory takes camera out*

Rory: I'm going to need to take pictures of those.
Rena: Those? Are you refering to my chest?
Rory: *blushes speechless*
Director: * calls from the side* Oh no Rory, don't get all shy on us now.
Rory: *clears throat* um can we do it again?
Rena: Do it again? What are you implying?
* laughter is heard in the background*
Rory: I- um ... cut!
Director: *Smirks* Ah, Rory, you can't say cut.

*Rena takes off her robe, startling Rory. Camera goes off*
*laughter grows louder*

Rory: * glares at the crew* What? she took me by surprise!!
Director: Hey, that worked, we'll use that.
Rory: * stares at the director* Your kidding right?
Director: Nope, we're on a tight schedule. let's move on!
Rory: That wasn't a good take. Can we do it again?
Director: We are moving on, Rory. Deal with it.
Rena: * to Rory*Was it as good for you as it was for me?
*insane laughter is heard from the crew. Khandi comes into the shot, laughing as well.

Rory: * pointing to Khandi, smiling lightly* You! You pput her up to it! * Rena smiles at them*
Khandi: * holding her sides* I couldn't help it. Adam's a bad influnce.
Adam: * off screen* Hey, I didn't do anything!
* hysterical laughter from everyone*
Director:* wipes his eyes* Alright, alright, let's set it up.

It's lame , but I really want to keep this thread going :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: I love it. That is one of my favorite episodes. I can so see that happening with the camera scene.
Rory blushing AWWWWWW. :)
I'll try one, let me know.



Adam: *is weaving around traffic on Flagler (sp?) and hits a car* [BLEEP]

Togo: *jerks foward while the special effect nail stays in place* Are you trying to get us killed?

Adam: *bangs head against steering wheel multiple times*

Director: CUT! Adam try NOT to hit innocent civilians.

Firing Range

Togo: *points jammed gun at face*

Emily: Whoa, be careful! *snatches gun and drops it, causing it to fire* [BLEEP][BLEEP]

Director: CUT!
:lol: :lol: You guys crack me up! Yay Trevor that was genious!

Oh geez, Rory and the camera..THAT EXPLAINS EVERYTHING! I can imagine that soo well! :lol:
I thought I would revive this thread, since some people have told me that they can't find the CSI:Miami blooper thread. Well, here it is, and let me post a new blooper to set this place on fire again.

Dispo Day

Take One

Adam: I don't know, things like this always make me feel guilty.

Emily: Why do you feel guilty when you haven't done anything?

Adam: ....*starts giggling*

Emily: What? What did I say?

Adam: Sorry you were really high-pitched.


Adam: I don't know stuff like this always makes me feel guilty.

Emily: Why do you feel guilty when you haven't done anything?

Adam: I don't know I'm always guilty..I MEAN NO WAIT! I'M CATHOLIC I'M CATHOLIC!

Emily: What are ya guilty of? *wink*

Director: Okay come on guys..stop fooling around.


Adam: I don't know, things like this always make me feel guilty.

Emily: Why do you feel guilty when you haven't done anything?

Adam: I'm catholic I always feel guilty.

*Everyone waiting*

Emily: What next? What?

Director: RORY!

Rory: What?

Director: It's your line.

Rory: What line?

Director: Don't play dumb and say the line.

Rory: I don't have a script.

Director: Go get one.

Rory: Can't.

Director: Why not?

Rory: Um.....

Emily: Way to make an excuse.

Rory: Thank you.

Well..I tried haha.
Thank you. I thought I would bring this baby back to life...of course there are a few MORE thing I want to bring back to life but it's just not going to happen. :lol: