CSI:Miami bloopers (What do you want to see?)

ROFL LMAO Oh man CSIsMANIAC You just gave me a heart attack! Haha :lol: Playing poker in the ambulance! :lol:
*falls down* I need a paper bag or something :lol:

Take 1
Calleigh and Ryan searches a car for evidence.

Emily: Hey Ryan. Didn't the report says the car-jacker demanded their wallets?
John: Yeah. Why?
Emily: Well, the wallet's still here. There's cash and..wait a minute *takes a card out*...
John: What is it? *looks at Emily*
Emily: This is Rory's ID!
John: Rory!? Wait..isn't he supposed to be out already?
Emily: *ignores John* Adam! Rory's ID is in the car! *excited*
David and Adam: *stares* Rory's ID? *looks at card* How did this-
Rory: *steps out of Ambulance and smiles* Hey guys.
Emily: *confused* What are you doing here!? And why is you ID in the car!?
Rory: Uhm...I took a little ride..
Emily, Adam, David: *stares*
Rory: *sighs* Okay..so I tried to sneak into the set...
Emily: But..!?
Rory: *blinks* But..the car got crashed..And I'm stuck here.*lowers head in shame*
Director: RORY COCHRANE!!*stomps to set and shoves a finger to Rory's chest* Your face is appearing too frequently around here!!
Rory: It appeared frequently for 2 years straight and I never had any complaints. *smirks*
Director: That's different!
Rory: Oh..different? Am I getting thinner?
Emily, Adam: *smiles*
John: I demand an explaination! I am Speedle's replacement right!?
Director: *ignores John* You get your face back where it belongs..
Rory: On CSI Miami?
Director: No! I mean anywhere else besides here! Just go! Get Lost! *runs around hysterically*

Omg CSIsManiac!! I thought that I was going to die laughing when emily found his id in the car... This was hilarious!!! and them playing poker... hahahaha too FuNnY!
*bows down humbly* Thank you and You're welcome everyone. :). It was a last minute attempt but I'm glad it worked. :lol:. Keep the bloopers coming. ;)
*stops a tumbleweed from passing* Hello? Hmm..I'll post anyway. :D

Best Defense

Speedle, Eric and Calleigh investigating a bar.
Rory: Greek bar. People walk in and out. Lots of trace.
Adam: And this your favourite hangout Speed*smiles*
Rory: You know what? Have you ever thought of doing stand up comedy? Cos you're really funny. *sarcastically**
Adam: Really? I am!? *sniffs and places a hand on Rory's shoulder* Thanks bro. That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me..*sniffs and smiles*
Rory: *stares*......Uh yeah..No problem..*blinks*
Emily: Awwww..*smiles*
Director: Safe the mushy stuff for after the show please..*sighs*

Rory: Yeah. A bottle of this almost ended me up in a Greek Wedding..
Adam: Really? You have Greek relatives?
Rory: Sure..I've got Irish cousins too..*blinks*
Adam: Irish eh..you know some Irish dance move? *smiles*
Rory: Yeah sure.. *places hands on hips* Just hop around without moving your hands..*starts hopping around and doing the Irish Jig* Watch the legs there..*moves his legs up and down bending his knees* It's easy..*smiling happily* Fun too..
Adam: *smiles* Yeah..looks fun..*gets up and joins*
Rory: *instructs Adam on how to move* Watch your legs..relax a little..
Emily: *cheerfully* I wanna join too!
David: *smiling* Count me in as well please..I know some moves myself..*winks*
Cast and Crew: *bustling to the set doing the Irish jig*
IT Manager: *starts playing song on speaker*
Director: *stares* What is this world coming to..
Producer: *to Director* Hey Scott! Come on man! This is great! Hey Rory..do that move again!
Director: *walks out cursing* I'm quitting my day job.. *shakes head and sighs*

:lol: Lame again..I'm out of my mind lately.. :D
I Haven't posted any bloopers lately so here's some.....

Golden Parachute

Scene: SPeed getting on the Ducati

Director: And Action!

*Rory walks to the bike, lifts his leg to get on and slips off*

Director: Rory, are you okay?

Rory: Yeah, I'm fine * gets up and dusts himself off*

Director: Okay, let's try it again..

take 2

rory: *walks up to the bike , actually gets on, then slips off* What the @#%*&$! Who put cooking oil onmy bike?

Adam: * off camera* What? It was funny....* laughter can be heard from the crew*

Rory:* Fumming* Do you know how much one of these costs?

Adam: It's not yours Cochrane.

Director: GUys......

Rory: That doesn't matter, you don't descrate a thing of beauty.

Adam: * smiling* it was just a joke, the oil will wash off..

Director: *waves* Hello,remember me the director??Can we get...

Rory: How about I sabotage your scene?

Adam:Go ahead and try scruffy...

Rory: Scruffy???

*bickering continues*

David: Is it my turn yet? * takes sunglasses off*

Emily: * grinning* No ,those two are at it again * bickering still continues*

DIrector: *sighs* I should've demanded more pay...

lame , I know..... but heres another one..

Another scene

*Adam and Rory are in the glades picking through rubble*

Rory:* reaches to grab something, starts laughing*

Director: Cut! Rory, what's the big idea?

Rory: Did you see what he gave to me? * holds up the soaked script*

Writer: Hey! How did that get in there?

Rory: Guess that gives new meaning to "rag" * smirking*

Writer: Careful, Cochrane, we writers have the power...

Rory: *snorts* riiight.

Writer: Okay, don't say we didn't warn you....

Rory: We? Dude, it's just you.....

Writer: Wha? It doesn't matter, the pen is mightier than the sword.... * crew starts to giggle* What's so funny?

Rory: * cough* loser* cough*

holdon it gets better , Ihope....

Speed goes to Christina's appartment

Rory: * starts riffling through the drawer, cat falls to the floor* Whoa kitty!! Did someone spike his milk?

Director: * warning tone* Rory......... okay , let's go again...

take 2

Rory: * goes through drawer, cat hisses at him* Get this cat before it attacks....

Director: Rory, it just a house cat, it's harmless.

Rory: Is it declawed?

Director: * sighing* No....

Rory: Then it's not harmless....

Director: Stop being a diva and go again...

Rory: * mumbles incoherently* You suck...

Director: I heard that!

take 3

* cat jumps at Rory, Rory stumbles back*

Rory: Hell no, I'm not doing this.... * crew laughs out loud*

Director: Rory....

Rory: I said NO, I've seen When Animals Attack... * again more laughter*

Director: Its a house cat for crying out loud!

Rory: Well get another one, this one doesn't like me...

Director: I'm starting to see why....

take 4

* cat jumps on Rory*

ROry: *running through the set* Get it off !Get it off!

Director:* wearily* Rory, calm down. Someone get the cat wrangler...

Rory: If I get a cat disease, I'm suing.... * cat wrangler pulls cat off of Rory* Ow!!! * Rory curses as he walks off the set*

Director:* closes eyes* What if I just runaway??


Rory: * seething* I got a scratch!

Director: You're breathing right? * obviously pissed*

Rory: Yeah

Director: then do the damn scene....

Rory: * absently looks into the pocket* Hey what's this? * pulls out catnip* smells funny...

*cat jumps Rory again*

Director: * bellowing* Adam!!!!! * l;aughing off camera*

ADam: I was nowhere near his shirt * insane laughter*

Rory: * off camera* YOu are a lunatic, OW!! YOur a$$ is mine Rodriquez....

* laughter is defeaning*

Director: God , I'm a glorified babysitter. Let's break for lunch!!

And one more... honestly just one more...

Witness to murder

Rory: * angry* I want to know why...

*laughter can be heard off camera*

Rory: *sighs and closes his eyes* Adam, control yourself.

Adam: * laughing hysterically* Wow, great acting chops there Caruso!

David: * in background* I heard that!

Rory: You really want to see me mad?

Adam: Let me guess, 'you wouldn't like me when I'm angry', right? * laughter grows to a dim roar*

Rory: Keep it up Rodriquez...

Thomas Kincaid: * to the director* are they always like this?

Director: Only during certian times of the month....

take 2

Rory: * angry* I want to know why......

Adam: *snickering again*

Rory: * frustrated* Can't we just scratch Adam from the scene?

Director: NO, it's in the script...

Rory: * lifts eyebrows* Oh Yeah, I forgot, the "script"

Director: *Sighs*

take 3

ROry: *angry* I wan.....

Adam: * laughing to the point of tears* Grrr! Mad Cochrane,that should be your name from now on...

ROry: ANd yours is going to be Dead Man if you don't stop it... I want to eat before I drop dead......

Director: * missing from seat*

Hey I tried right??? :)
Lmao I was falling down laughing!! Oh man you guys are awesome! Especially the catnip and, earlier up there, the Irish jig! *claps* I need some water before I pass out!
I have one from Cross Jurisdictions, I haven't written a blooper in a while :)


Rory: Hey I just bumped into a fed in the lobby, he-
Emily: A fed? Where?
Rory: In the lobby, you know he has his headphone on and his, little tie.
David:...*trying to keep a straight face*
(cast is looking at david)
David:..*bursts out laughing*
Rory: Drawing a blank? *laughing*
David: I was thrown off by you!
Director: Okay guys, let's go.


Rory: Yeah evidently the husbands get killed first and then the wifes later, after they've enjoyed 48 hours of fun and games.
Marg:...OH like twister?
(cast laughing)
Director: Haha that was a good one *laughing*


Rory: Evidently the husbands get killed first and the wives later after they've enjoyed 48 hours of fun and games.
Marg: 48?
David: Did the man JUST say that?
Marg: You wanna go carrot top? *smiling*
David: *smiling* Takes one to know one.
Rory: Oh I wonder who wins.
Gary: I vote on Marg.
Emily: I vote David.
Marg: *smiling* You obviously haven't seen my brilliant acting skills on CSI.
David: We'll...*puts on shades* You're about to know mine on CSI:Miami.
Director: Hey stop, what was that.
David: Okay we'll behave.
Director: No no, the sunglasses thing.
David: *takes off sunglasses* These?
Director: Where did you get those?
David: My closet why?
Director: I liked that, okay I want to try something. Me and the guys and gals have been contemplating the opening credit intros. Here. *passes a script*
David: What do I do?
Director: Read it and put on the shades, it's just an example draft. *camera ready and rolling*
David: *looks at paper* This guy *puts on shades* is about to find out.
(cast starring at him)
Director: AND CUE OPENING CREDITS! I think we've found our Horatio Caine!
David: You think that was good?
Director: I think we've found out how to do the intro to the credits.

(and thats how it all began. A botched scene on Cross Jurisdictions)
Oh my gosh you guys crack me up. "You wanna go carrot top?" and "*coughs* loser *coughs* hilarious. maybe i should do a blooper. anyone got any requests?
David: We'll...*puts on shades* You're about to know mine on CSI:Miami.
Director: Hey stop, what was that.
David: Okay we'll behave.
Director: No no, the sunglasses thing.

David: *takes off sunglasses* These?
Director: Where did you get those?
David: My closet why?
Director: I liked that, okay I want to try something. Me and the guys and gals have been contemplating the opening credit intros. Here. *passes a script*
David: What do I do?
Director: Read it and put on the shades, it's just an example draft. *camera ready and rolling*
David: *looks at paper* This guy *puts on shades* is about to find out.
(cast starring at him)
Director: AND CUE OPENING CREDITS! I think we've found our Horatio Caine!
David: You think that was good?
Director: I think we've found out how to do the intro to the credits.

LMAO!!!!! I thought I was going to pass out from laughing so much. Now we know how that all got
started :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:!!!

Speedmonkey do the one where Speed and Eric are in the elevator. The title escapes me, but its the one where speed says that he likes hotel rooms.... that would rock!!
Here's my newest thought....

Not Landing

Scene: Speed and ALexx at the resturaunt

Rory: You need any help with that?

Khandi: I oculd dress a dead man in my sleep

Rory: I'm leaving that one alone....

Director: Cut!

Rory: *confused* What? I said all of my lines...

Director: You've got something up your sleeve, don't you?

Rory: * stares blankly at the director*

Director: Don't give me that 'I'm an angel look' ... This is the first time EVER that you have said your lines correctly. What kind of scam are you running? *crew start to giggle*

Rory&Khandi: *stare at each other blankly*

Director: I know you got some catastrophe that you have planned.. * paranoid*

Rory: Dude, lay off on the conspiracy therories. I'm just doing what I'm paid minimally for....

Director: I'm not buying it, I've got my eye on you, Cochrane....

Rory: * to khandi* and the elevator just stopped.... *crew snickers loudly*

Take 2

Rory: YOu need some help with that?

Khandi: I could dress a dead man in my sleep...

ROry: I'm leaving that one alone...

Director: Cut! What was that look Cochrane??*twitching*

Rory: What look? I was saying my LINES!!

Khandi:* to Rory* What's up with him?

Rory: I dunno, some animals might've gotten loose on the nut farm * looks at the director who is having massive tics and mimics the crazy motion*....

*Crew and Khandi laugh hard*

Director: * talking to himself* I know he's going to do something, he's only got four days, four days left...

Rory: * to the crew* Someone needs to make areservation for a nice, comfy, padded room * walks away*. Get me when the nutty professor calms down....

* Crew is laughing hysterically now*

Very lame, but I thought hey, why not??? :)
Ok speed fanatic I know what scene ur talking baout its double cap but i can't for the life of me remember the scene and i let my sis borrow the s1 dvd's so i can't check it out. if someone knows the lines from heart you could pm them to me if not it might be until next week that i'd eb able to get it up.