CSI:Miami bloopers (What do you want to see?)

Well someone should make him the good guy some day..I can't because I have no ideas left :lol:
i have one but it might pull some heart strings.

take one
*the officers are putting the casket on the grave thing* *distant ringing*
david: *starts laughing*
rory: *in casket* yeah forearm shiver? whats that?
director: get the casket open so i can kick his butt.
*laughter is heard when the coffin is opened and roryn is on his cell phone*

take 2
*officers put the coffin down*
emily: SPEED!!!! *opens the coffin*
rory: what the...emily!!!
emily: *jumps in the coffin with rory* now we can be together forever!

take 3
*officers bring carry the coffin and one side of the casket drops to the ground*
rory: *from inside coffin* *BLEEP*! THAT WAS MY *BLEEP* HEAD! *BLEEP*!
officer: its not my fault that you weigh a ton!
rory: want to come in here and say that?
director: shut up rory.
emily, adam, david, khandi: *laughter*

very stupid im sorry
LMAO ROFL oh man that was great!!

for the record, the didn't put him in the casket and forearm shiver is now known as Right At Your Door...BUT GREAT JOB! I was laughing so hard!
obsession360 That was great. :lol: Emily jumping in with Rory. I loved that part. :lol:

speed cochrane Great as always. The crabs down the pants line. :lol:
Haha Obsession has some of the best stuff along with CSIsMANIAC and speedfanatic !! *jumps up and down*
lol. oh my gosh...obsession that was so hilarious. I loved it when emily jumped in there. "We can be togeher forever." lol. yes...talleigh rules!
HAHA That's right, and I loved it when he hit his head on the top of the casket ahah classic!
Boy I come back and see the funniest bloopers ever, speed cochrane that Innocent blooper had me in tears.... and obsession the lost son blooper was awesome, they open the casket and he's in there on the phone, freakin hilariious.... I thought I was going to split my side wide open. Unfortunately I have none at the moment, but I will be thinking of them... Oh and thanks for the props speed_cochrane!! You are the master of bloopers!!!
Nah I just screw around in my head until something pops out :lol:

have a blooper for the road.



Man: Speedle.
Rory: Did that just sound very wierd?
Director: CUT...what?
Rory: No one just shouts out Speedle.
Director: Why can't you just do your job?
Rory: Touche.


Man: Speedle. Are you trying to get me fired?
Rory: Look I'm not trying to jam you, everything I've reported is accurate.
Man: I've got the data log here
Rory: Wait you signed...SH&^$
Director: CUT. Seriously, family show.
Rory: Then why is it rated 14-A?
Director: Touche.


Man: I've got the data log here..
Rory: Wait, you mean he signed in the log?
Man: I wouldn't let him under the tape otherwise Cochrane..wait..SPEEDLE SPEEDLE SPEEDLE sh*&*^
Rory: *laughing* Why does everyone try to cover it up with screams?!
Man: *laughing* I need to sit down.


Man: I wouldn't let him under the tape otherwise Speedle.
Rory: Let me see that. *looks at it*...Edward Lowman...Enton Larry.....Edwish...Underlay?
Director: CUT. What's the problem?
Rory: I can't read this.
Director: You need glasses or something? That's Edmond Locard.
Rory: I don't need glasses, the writing is terrible.
Director: My wife wrote that during the funeral of her father under the rain.
Rory: .....It's....very nice writing.


Rory: Let me see that. Oh that's cute.
Man: What?
Rory: Edmond Locard.
Man: Is that supposed to mean something?
Rory: Ledmond O....Etmind...SH^^%
Man: *laughing*
Rory: *laughing*
Director: *laughing*
Producer: *pops in the room* I leave for 5 minutes to get a sandwich and they get the giggles?


Rory: Edmond Locard. He's the father of modern forensics. Hey look at this. *shows green stuff*
Man: So, that's fingerprinting chowder.
Rory: No chowder is soup. This is POWDER.
(whole crew is laughing)
Rory: What? People mix that up all the time.
Director: I have to pee *leaves laughing*

Hey that was for the road. I have to hit the sack. I'll be back in the morning *salutes* Goodnight and God bless :)
oh gosh... this was the funniest, speed cochrane!!! I loved this take the best...

Man: Speedle.
Rory: Did that just sound very wierd?
Director: CUT...what?
Rory: No one just shouts out Speedle.
Director: Why can't you just do your job?
Rory: Touche

but sadly I still have nothing... so I'll try tomorrow!!!
Haha Obsession has some of the best stuff along with CSIsMANIAC and speedfanatic !! *jumps up and down*
Wow..I haven't posted here for a while yet my bloopers are still remembered. Thanks for that Geni. Greatly appreciate it. :) I've got one..lame one actually..


Take 1
Calleigh and Ryan searches a car for evidence.

Emily: Hey Ryan. Didn't the report says the car-jacker demanded their wallets?
John: Yeah. Why?
Emily: Well, the wallet's still here. There's cash and..wait a minute *takes a card out*...
John: What is it? *looks at Emily*
Emily: This is Rory's ID!
John: Rory!? Wait..isn't he supposed to be out already?
Emily: *ignores John* Adam! Rory's ID is in the car! *excited*
David and Adam: *stares* Rory's ID? *looks at card* How did this-
Rory: *steps out of Ambulance and smiles* Hey guys.
Emily: *confused* What are you doing here!? And why is you ID in the car!?
Rory: Uhm...I took a little ride..
Emily, Adam, David: *stares*
Rory: *sighs* Okay..so I tried to sneak into the set...
Emily: But..!?
Rory: *blinks* But..the car got crashed..And I'm stuck here.*lowers head in shame*
Director: RORY COCHRANE!!*stomps to set and shoves a finger to Rory's chest* Your face is appearing too frequently around here!!
Rory: It appeared frequently for 2 years straight and I never had any complaints. *smirks*
Director: That's different!
Rory: Oh..different? Am I getting thinner?
Emily, Adam: *smiles*
John: I demand an explaination! I am Speedle's replacement right!?
Director: *ignores John* You get your face back where it belongs..
Rory: On CSI Miami?
Director: No! I mean anywhere else besides here! Just go! Get Lost! *runs around hysterically*


Director: *mumbles*grumbles* Okay! People! Action!!
Director: ACTION!!
Director: *raving mad* Where the ^&*#$ could those actors be!!...*walks to Ambulance*
Emily: Yay! I won again.
David: You're good..
Rory: Poker stinks! I can't believe my luck!
Adam: What luck? *laughs*
Director: *steps behind Ambulance and found the 4 of them playing Poker* WHAT IN GOD'S NAME DO YOU PEOPLE THINK YOU'RE DOING!!?!?
Emily: Oh..Uhm..we were playing poker. Wanna join us? *smiles*
Director: No I don't wanna join!! Get out! All of you!! Get out of there!! Ahh! Migraine! I need Aspirin! Someone! *runs and shouts hysterically*

:lol:! Lame..I know! Muahah..
Rory: Edmond Locard. He's the father of modern forensics. Hey look at this. *shows green stuff*
Man: So, that's fingerprinting chowder.
Rory: No chowder is soup. This is POWDER.
(whole crew is laughing)
Rory: What? People mix that up all the time.
Director: I have to pee *leaves laughing*
. speed cochrane I love it. :lol:

Director: *mumbles*grumbles* Okay! People! Action!!
Director: ACTION!!
Director: *raving mad* Where the ^&*#$ could those actors be!!...*walks to Ambulance*
Emily: Yay! I won again.
David: You're good..
Rory: Poker stinks! I can't believe my luck!
Adam: What luck? *laughs*
Director: *steps behind Ambulance and found the 4 of them playing Poker* WHAT IN GOD'S NAME DO YOU PEOPLE THINK YOU'RE DOING!!?!?
Emily: Oh..Uhm..we were playing poker. Wanna join us? *smiles*
Director: No I don't wanna join!! Get out! All of you!! Get out of there!! Ahh! Migraine! I need Aspirin! Someone! *runs and shouts hysterically
CSIsMANIAC :lol: That is hysterical. Good one. :lol: