CSI:Miami bloopers (What do you want to see?)

Yes please do. I hand the torch. You are the brains of this thread :lol:
Death Grip

[Speedle saw someone snooping around a police Hummer]

Rory: Hey Sir! Sir! Could you step away from the vehicle please.
Man: Uhm..sorry. I live two blocks away. You're using my garage as command post.
Rory: *closes Hummer door and yelps*
Man: Uhm...You okay? It's your line...
Rory: *screaming his head off*AAaaaAAahhhh!!!
Director: Rory! Didn't I told you to take those constipation pills!!?*shakes head*
Rory: *stutters* Hel--..Hell-...Heellpp!*grabs right arm*
Man: *looks down at Rory's hand* Ohh! Geez!*starts pulling at Hummer door*Somebody! His hand is stuck!!
Director: What? *rushes to set*Lemme see!
Rory: *pulls out a rubber hand* Gotcha!*laughs*
*gasps from crew and casts*
Director: *eyes widen and starts fuming with anger* Rory Cochrane!*points at Rory's face*Being a smart a$$ could get you fired!!
Rory:*thinks and smiles* Really?
Director: *shocked* GET your lines right..and I'll make this painless for you..*shakes head and walks away*
Rory:*mumbles* Guess it's up to Plan B..

TAKE 2*different scene*
[Eric introduces Calleigh to Joe*Jeff Corwin*]

Adam: *smiles* Hey! Joe!
Jeff: Eric Delko!*smiles* The last time I saw you was..ahh..don't get me started..
Adam: *smiles* Joe..This is Calleigh.
Emily: It's a pleasure to meet you*smiles and shook hands*
Jeff: *chuckles* Pleasure's ALL mine..*winks*
Emily: *blushes*
Jeff: *frowns when a pop-corn hits him* Who did that?!*looks around and saw Rory eating a box of pop-corn*
Jeff: Why did you threw that pop-corn at me!?*fumes*
Rory: *innocently* What pop-corn?
Jeff: *shouts* THAT pop-corn!!*points*
Rory: Ohh..*fakes smile*Wasn't me.. *munches*
Jeff: Well then who was it!!?*shouts*
Rory: *blinks* Uhhm..my hand..?*munches*
Director: *whispers to Jeff* Sorry bout that. *shouts to Rory* Rory! Finish that outside!


Emily: *smiles and shook hands* Pleasure to meet you!
Jeff: *grins* Pleasure's ALL MINE*winks*
Jeff: *showered with pop-corn* What the hell!!
Rory: *shouts from up a tree* Hey! Alligator Boy! Keep your muddy paws off my woman!
Emily: *laughs* YOUR woman!? Since when was I--..
Rory: Shut up Emily..
Jeff: *to Director* Is he ALWAYS like this?
Director: He is a difficult actor.*mumbles* A dead one soon..
Rory: *shouts* I HEARD that!

:lol:! Another lame attempt..
He is a difficult actor.*mumbles* A dead one soon

omg... I thought I was gonna laugh myself to death with that line.... So funny :lol: :lol: :lol:

I got a couple to keep ya happy

Death Grip
Calleigh / Speed in the A/V lab

Director: Okay, Emily , Rory, I want you to look at the screen and react as if there is really something there, okay? Action!

* Rory & Emily look at the tv and begin to smile and giggle*
Director: *Sighs loudly* Cut! What is it?

Rory:* channeling Napolean Dynamite* Someone put a flippin' flick in here, Gosh!

Director: What???

Propmaster: Oh sorry, I didn't think you were going to usethat tv.

*laughter is heard*

Rory: *to the director* Hey man , is that you? Awesome job!!

* Emily burst into uncontrolable laughter*

Director: * groans* I feel a homicide coming on.

Take 2

Director: Everything is set, Emily * sighs again* Rory, you know what to do.

*Rory& Emily nod*

Director: Action!

*Rory & Emily look at the screen*

tv: I love you, you love me, were a hap-py fam-i-ly ,
With a great big hug......

*Rory & Emily crumble into insane laughter*

Adam: * off camera* Sometimes, I just can't help myself.

Director: *Stares blankly into space*


Director:* Wearily* Action.

*Rory & Emily look at the tv*

Rory: * smiling* Well that's interesting.

Emily: Someone* snickers* is * guffaw* doing * all out laughter* yoga....

Rory: What? I was saying my lines, honestly.

Director:* staring upward* What did I do?


Director: Action.

*Rory& Emily: * laughter*

Rory: I can't get that freakin Barney song out of my head...

Adam: * in the shot* Thank You, Thank you. I'll be here all night, tip your waitress!

*Crew bursts into very uncontrolable laughter*

Director: * slams headphones down* Christ on a donkey! I would love to just get this one shot down, just this one shot!

* laughter is still going*
Rory: *holding his side* He said Christ on a donkey!

EmilY:* laughing so hard that she is crying* What does that mean???

Director: *leaves the set, cursing*


Assistant Director: And Action!

Rory: That;s interesting.

Emily: Well someone's doing yoga.

Rory: Did you hear that? Sounds like our car.

Original Director: *off camera* Why the BLEEP, can't you BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP for me? It's a conspiracy, I know it is!
*crew Helps the director off set* They have it in for me *yells as he is being taken* I'm not going to give in!

Rory: What's that all about?

Emily: *shrugs* I dunno.

My attempt... That christ on a donkey line was said actually by someone (GoodLittleWench )
in the review thread for this weeks Miami eppy. I thought it was hilarious, so I had to use it.

Here's a one shot real quick

Witness to Murder

Director: Action!

Khandi: Please don't tell me that we sent the body away with a stranger.....

Rory: Christ on a donkey! *crew snickers loudly*

*Khandi & Adam look at each other blankly*

Rory: I forgot to set my alarm.

Adam: Christ on a donkey? Dude who says that?

Rory: The director, remember? On, what was it *snapping fingers* Death Grip!

Adam: Ah, yeah, now I remember. Hey, didn't they commit him or something?
*crew erupts with laughter*

Director: *glaring at them with contempt* I see why....

Just another tasty treat from me..... :) :lol:
Very funny guys! CSIsMANIAC had me laughing for 10 minutes straight and with speedfanatic i'm STILL laughing my hide off! :lol:
I aim to please:)

Here's another one shot...

Dead zone


Rory: What?

Adam: New boat,but someone's already used the toliet.

Rory: *sighs* Why does it always have to be the...... *toliet erupts blue liquid* What the BLEEP BLEEP I can't believe this.... BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP.... Christ....

Adam: * hands a 50$ bill to the propmaster* Thanks man, that was awesome...

Just a little something... :lol: :lol:...

theere's only going to be one take so here it goes

Sam: I keep thinking Speedle's going to walk in
*adam goes to say his line but Rory walks in*
ROry: Hey guys what's up?
ADam: Hey aren't you supposed to be dead?
Rory: *Looks himself over* Am I? Mmmmm....well i feel alive

*sam and adam laugh and the director rolls eyes.

ok yeah that was lame.
Death Grip

[Speedle saw someone snooping around a police Hummer]

Rory: Hey Sir! Sir! Could you step away from the vehicle please.
Man: Uhm..sorry. I live two blocks away. You're using my garage as command post.
Rory: *closes Hummer door and yelps*
Man: Uhm...You okay? It's your line...
Rory: *screaming his head off*AAaaaAAahhhh!!!
Director: Rory! Didn't I told you to take those constipation pills!!?*shakes head*
Rory: *stutters* Hel--..Hell-...Heellpp!*grabs right arm*
Man: *looks down at Rory's hand* Ohh! Geez!*starts pulling at Hummer door*Somebody! His hand is stuck!!
Director: What? *rushes to set*Lemme see!
Rory: *pulls out a rubber hand* Gotcha!*laughs*
*gasps from crew and casts*
Director: *eyes widen and starts fuming with anger* Rory Cochrane!*points at Rory's face*Being a smart a$$ could get you fired!!
Rory:*thinks and smiles* Really?
Director: *shocked* GET your lines right..and I'll make this painless for you..*shakes head and walks away*
Rory:*mumbles* Guess it's up to Plan B..

TAKE 2*different scene*
[Eric introduces Calleigh to Joe*Jeff Corwin*]

Adam: *smiles* Hey! Joe!
Jeff: Eric Delko!*smiles* The last time I saw you was..ahh..don't get me started..
Adam: *smiles* Joe..This is Calleigh.
Emily: It's a pleasure to meet you*smiles and shook hands*
Jeff: *chuckles* Pleasure's ALL mine..*winks*
Emily: *blushes*
Jeff: *frowns when a pop-corn hits him* Who did that?!*looks around and saw Rory eating a box of pop-corn*
Jeff: Why did you threw that pop-corn at me!?*fumes*
Rory: *innocently* What pop-corn?
Jeff: *shouts* THAT pop-corn!!*points*
Rory: Ohh..*fakes smile*Wasn't me.. *munches*
Jeff: Well then who was it!!?*shouts*
Rory: *blinks* Uhhm..my hand..?*munches*
Director: *whispers to Jeff* Sorry bout that. *shouts to Rory* Rory! Finish that outside!


Emily: *smiles and shook hands* Pleasure to meet you!
Jeff: *grins* Pleasure's ALL MINE*winks*
Jeff: *showered with pop-corn* What the hell!!
Rory: *shouts from up a tree* Hey! Alligator Boy! Keep your muddy paws off my woman!
Emily: *laughs* YOUR woman!? Since when was I--..
Rory: Shut up Emily..
Jeff: *to Director* Is he ALWAYS like this?
Director: He is a difficult actor.*mumbles* A dead one soon..
Rory: *shouts* I HEARD that!

:lol:! Another lame attempt..

:lol: :lol: Fantastic. Gotta love Rory. :lol:

speedfanatic05 I am laughing so hard my sides hurt. :lol:

speedmonkey I much prefer your version of Lost Son.
ROry: Hey guys what's up?
ADam: Hey aren't you supposed to be dead?
Rory: *Looks himself over* Am I? Mmmmm....well i feel alive

*sam and adam laugh and the director rolls eyes

oh that wasn't lame at all I think someone else said it best, I love the way YOur lost son went. I can second that emotion. It was classic rory :lol: ........
You're welcome blooper-mates!:lol:! Awesome bloopers! Dang it..I've made a small puddle of tears from laughing! :lol:! Adam bribed the props manager! Hilarious!
So I haven't posted a blooper in a while...maybe I should. Just a littlle something from the head of me :)



Gary: I've got a pill here. *picks up the pill then drops it and it breaks* SH&^$#
Emily: Ha ha you broke evidence.
Gary: *smiling* You want to do this?
Emily: Oh I'd love to.
Director: Guys....


Gary: I've got a pill here. *picks up new pill and looks at it* Diazapam, benzos.
Emily: Well that's probably why the mom didn't escape with her daughter, she was incapacit-
Gary: Ow my eye!
Emily: Oh my lord i'm so sorry! My hair has always been too long!
Gary: *laughing* It's okay Em.


Emily: It explains why she didn't escape with her daughter, she was incapacitated.
David: Then why did he pick such a sec-*trips over Hummer wheel* SH*^$ I mean....secluded spot.
(crew laughing)
Director: David, try standing a little further away from the Hummer.
David: Yeah these things have big *bleep* wheels.
Gary: Yeah I tripped over the bumper last night.
Director: Guys, lets go.


David: Then why did he pick such a sesclud...SECLU...*beep*
Emily: Tounge tied?
Director: You'll be HOG-TIED soon if you don't get this done.


David: Then why did he pick such a secluded spot?
Gary: Seems like a great place to ice someone.
Emily: Like a cake?
(all laughing)
Emily: Sorry I had to say it!!


David: Then why did he pick such a secluded area?
Gary: Well, it seems like a good place to ice someone.
David: Or take a leak, maybe that's why he stopped the car, to take a ..okay Horatio would not say "take a leak"
Director: How do you know? It's been a day. You don't even know the character.
David: Well he seems to be a little too formal to be using street codes.
Director: What street codes? Take a leak is not a street code.
David: Well maybe it is to Horatio.
Director: and we almost had the scene finished..

Hey my attempt. It's been a while :lol: