CSI:Miami bloopers (What do you want to see?)

Speaking of fanfiction can some tell me the best place where i can find some at....
i dunno about this scene but it was my fave.... i dont know the exact part so bear with me.

Take one
emily: hi im calleigh duquesne from miami dade were investga....*zoom into her face and a balled up piece of paper hits her face* RORY!
rory: what? it was david!
david: what? not me! it was adam!
adam: *laughing uncontrollably*

take two
Emily: hi. im calleigh duquesne from miami dade csi were investigating.....*gives evil eye to someone off screen* WHO'S TOUCHING MY BUTT?!?
david: sorry. i was just getting some cake. (sorry to speed_cochrane for taking a bit of her previous blooper)

take three
rory: well im sorry! your face is such a good target!
emily: *walks over to rory and pours his bottle of beer down his shirt*
Director: *on the floor laughing his butt off*

sorry if it isnt that funny

lol. what eppy was that originally suposed to be.

I'm irish and yes they do drink alot. lol. but anywho you didn't offend me. lol.
mmmm beer...ahah sorry I'm still under age haha..BLOOPER ANYONE?

Blood moon


Emily: I just spoke to him. He doesn't want to press charges against Melanie Hines.
Rory: So she walks.
Emily: *nods*
Emily: What?
Rory: Sorry the tech guy almost tripped over a cord.
Director: Pay attention to Emily, not the tech guy.
Rory: Like that's hard?
Emily: awww how sweet.
Rory: Chocolate is my middle name *smiles*


Emily: I just spoke with him. He doesn't want to press charges against Melanie Hines.
Rory: So she walks.
Emily: *nods*
Rory: You believe that was a hair trigger?
Emily: No I don't.
Rory: So our opinion has to count....um..right?
Emily: The script is right there Cochrane.
Rory: Yeah sorry, I lost my train of thought.
Director: What were you thinking about?
Rory: Um..some guy called me to do a movie for...um...nothing....No one called me. what am I saying?
Emily: You're doing a movie?
Rory: Ye-no......
Director: I don't care who's doing a movie. Just act.


Rory: You don't think it was a hair trigger.
Emily: yes...wait...*puts hand on forehead* NO I DONT!
Rory: You know screaming it doesn't make it better *smiles*
Director: Oh my God guys...


Rory: You don't think it was a hair trigger.
Emily: No I don't.
Rory: So our opinion counts for somethng right?
Emily: Apparently it doesn't.
Rory: So she walks.
Emily: Mhm.
Rory: *sighs and frowns*......*walks off*
Emily: Well don't get grubby, it's not the end of the world.
Rory: *giggles* You had to ruin it.
Emily: It's in my DNA.
Director: So is shutting your mouth.
Emily: Oh my, a little testy are we?
Rory: Yeah who peed in your cornflakes?
Director: I'm tired and I have a cold.
Rory: In Miami?
Emily: uh, Ror, we're in California.
Rory: Oh yeah *laughs*

hey, my lame attempt, but that's my middle name :lol:
Grave Young Men[thanks to loves_csi for the pic which inspired me]

Take 1

Rory: Hey Alexx. So, what happened to the guy.*looks at the half-naked dead guy in bed*
Khandi: Well, apparently, he was attacked while he was sleeping. Seems too burly to not have--
Body: *twitches*
Rory: Uhm..*stares at Khandi*
Body: *twitches and restrains from laughing*
Khandi: *giggles and picks up a small brush from the body's right ear* Oouh..I think I left it there..
Body: *laughs crazily*
Rory: You think?*smiles at Khandi* Is he even supposed to move? *looks around*
Director: *laughing*Khandi..keep that brush away from the body.
*laughter everywhere*


Khandi: Seems too burly to not have fought back. *pulls body to it's side* See his back.
Rory: *looks at DB's back and took shots of it*
Body: *twitches and shakes slightly*
Rory: *pauses and sighs* Hey man, are you ticklish or something?
Body: *laughs uncontrollably* I'm sorry! She really is tickling me!*laughs again*
Khandi: *both hands up* I didn't do nothing..
Body: *crying from laughing* Maybe you should use a dummy
Rory: *frowns* You are the dummy, Dummy.
Director: Rory, it's okay. Hey! DB! Stop moving or no pay!
Body: *stiffens and stops laughing*


Rory: *Finished taking shots of DB*Who called him in?
Khandi: A woman claiming to be his girlfriend.*gestured to a pretty brunette standing in another room*
Rory: *looks and approaches*Uhm..Ma'am..Are you the victim's girlfriend?
Woman: It's Alison and yes.
Rory: Alright. I'm gonna need to take pictures so if..
Alison: *slips her robe off*Is this okay?
Rory: *shocked, his camera slipped off his hands* Ohh *bleep*!
Director: Rory! What happened!? That thing is real!
Rory: Uhm..sorry.*picks up camera* She..she..was..naked*stutters*
Director: Well, that is the whole idea. What's wrong with you. Most guys would be happy. *looks suspiciously at Rory*
Rory: Uhm..I'm happy..i mean..I can handle this.*gulps*

Take 4

Alison: *smiles and stands still*
Rory: *took shots of Alison's body and nodded when he was done* That'll be it..Thanks*smiles quickly at Alison*
Alison: No problem*puts robe back on and stares at Rory*
Rory: What?
Alison: You're cute*smiles*
Rory: *camera slips off hands again* *bleep bleep bleep!*
Director: Rory! If i find a single scratch, you pay for it!
Rory: Over my dead body!
Director: *mumbles*Which means very soon.
Rory: What did you say?*frowns*
Director: Uhm.....Lunch!!

hahaha taht was funny........
It's all good *snaps fingers* I feel like doing a happy dance! *happy dance* Crud...it's raining..wrong dance haha
More bloopers!!

I can't think of any!

Why am I still yelling!

Some one make a blooper!
mmmm beer...ahah sorry I'm still under age haha..BLOOPER ANYONE?

Blood moon


Emily: I just spoke to him. He doesn't want to press charges against Melanie Hines.
Rory: So she walks.
Emily: *nods*
Emily: What?
Rory: Sorry the tech guy almost tripped over a cord.
Director: Pay attention to Emily, not the tech guy.
Rory: Like that's hard?
Emily: awww how sweet.
Rory: Chocolate is my middle name *smiles*


Emily: I just spoke with him. He doesn't want to press charges against Melanie Hines.
Rory: So she walks.
Emily: *nods*
Rory: You believe that was a hair trigger?
Emily: No I don't.
Rory: So our opinion has to count....um..right?
Emily: The script is right there Cochrane.
Rory: Yeah sorry, I lost my train of thought.
Director: What were you thinking about?
Rory: Um..some guy called me to do a movie for...um...nothing....No one called me. what am I saying?
Emily: You're doing a movie?
Rory: Ye-no......
Director: I don't care who's doing a movie. Just act.


Rory: You don't think it was a hair trigger.
Emily: yes...wait...*puts hand on forehead* NO I DONT!
Rory: You know screaming it doesn't make it better *smiles*
Director: Oh my God guys...


Rory: You don't think it was a hair trigger.
Emily: No I don't.
Rory: So our opinion counts for somethng right?
Emily: Apparently it doesn't.
Rory: So she walks.
Emily: Mhm.
Rory: *sighs and frowns*......*walks off*
Emily: Well don't get grubby, it's not the end of the world.
Rory: *giggles* You had to ruin it.
Emily: It's in my DNA.
Director: So is shutting your mouth.
Emily: Oh my, a little testy are we?
Rory: Yeah who peed in your cornflakes?
Director: I'm tired and I have a cold.
Rory: In Miami?
Emily: uh, Ror, we're in California.
Rory: Oh yeah *laughs*

hey, my lame attempt, but that's my middle name :lol:

oh my god. I can not stop laughing that is hilarious! I love blood moon one of my favorite episodes! And you handled the outtakes beautifully. "We peed in ur cornflakes." seriously were do you come up with this.
I can't really explain how :lol: It just comes to me, when I picture them talking. It's kind of hard to explain..I have a gift I guess :lol: JK JK anyone could come up with this :lol:

Thanks for the compliment :)
After The Fall[thought of this last night :D]

Eric and Ryan investigates a victim's apartment.

John: When was the last time you saw her?
Man: Uhm..Last Saturday..October.
Adam: That's the same time the DVD was recorded.
John: Yeah...Wait..*stood still* You hear that?
Adam & Man: *stares*
John*to Man*: You'll have to step outside. Thanks.*walks slowly to bathroom door*.
Adam&John: *opens door and saw shower running with it's shower curtains closed*
John: *slowly holds curtain and pulls it open*
Rory: Ahhhh!!*covers body with hands*
Adam: Ahhhh!!
John: Ahhhh!!
Rory, Adam & John: *stare blankly at each other*
Rory: Well! Is there something good to see here!? Shoo! Get!
Director: *walks to set* Rory! What in God's name are you doing? It's bad enough that you haunt everybody's sleep and now you're haunting the set! *shoos Adam and John away*
Rory: I was taking a bath! And if you had paid me enough, I wouldn't have problems with the bills!*covers self with curtain*
Director: *looks angrily around* Somebody! Get this guy a towel and clothes! Geez! Get him out of here! Forever! Change the locks!*runs hysterically around*

[different scene]
Eric & Ryan searching for DB in a bog.
Adam: Well, if I have to go over the plan again, I would bury her at the-
John: ...center. *smirks* That's rich..
Adam: What?
John: It's kindda stupid. I mean..Why would someone leave the most obvious spot open. I could have guessed it like*snaps fingers*..that.
Adam: *stares mouth open*
John: I mean who think of this stuff anyway!?*throws script angrily*
Director: *fuming*I did! You got a problem with that newbie?*smirks*
John: Yeah! I do! This stuff is weak! I quit!*stomps off*
Director: You don't wanna be a second Rory do ya kid? If not get your stinkin a$$ back here!
John: *stops and turn* Who's...Rory?
David: *steps up and slaps head*
John: Oof!
Emily: *steps up and hits shoulder*
John: Ow! Hey!
Adam: *frowns..steps up and shoves John*
John: *stumbles forward* Hey! What was that for!?
Director: *laughs* Don't mind them. Lets get the show moving everybody!!

[different scene]
Eric and Ryan searches a victim's apartment.

Adam: If you had an oxygen tank, where would you keep it?*looks at John*
John: *walks to cabinet and rummages through shoe-boxes* Found it.
Adam: *smiles* Yeah..Twisted minds think alike.
John: *sad+puppy face*You didn't mean that..
Adam: Huh? What...?
John: I don't have a twisted mind..
Adam: Yes. You do. Trust me on this. I meant that in more ways than one.
John: *pouts, punches Adam's chest and runs away laughing*
Adam: Ooof! Hey! I told you! You're twisted! Sick! Mad! Screw-loose in the head somewhere! With a sick punch..ow..~~

Sorry if it's lame! :lol:! Funny for me tho!