CSI: Match Game, Season 7: The ___________ stops here!

Frank Tripp wasn't surprised that their victim had two families. "In this job, nothing surprises me anymore," he said. "But I will admit I was a bit surprised (by/when) _______."
"I didn't tell Stella the whole truth," Adam Ross admitted. "When that bomb went off, I didn't just think of dodge ball in the third grade. I also thought of _______ - but I'll never tell anyone about that!"
"Having Riley call me by her own name got me thinking," Greg Sanders shared. "If I could change my name, I'd want it to be _______."
A: ---

B: When I tripped going up the stairs at the lab
(Sorry, I couldn't think of anything good)

C: "Colonel" Sanders :lol:
A. by the fact that the brother and sister were having a baby together
B. "not having yet met the girl of my dreams"
C. Colonel Sanders :lol: Sorry, had to do it. :D

ETA: SpeedyMeg, looks like we both had the same idea on "C". :lol:
A: when both mother-in-laws showed up.
B: hearing about when the CSI Las Vegas lab blew up and Greggo was injured.
C: Bond, James Bond.
Ryan Wolfe thought he was lucky that his kidnapper only pulled a tooth. "I'm glad he didn't (pull/cut off/take) _______," he said, relieved. (Keep it clean, everyone. ;))
Flack thought back to the case they'd worked with the silicone dolls. "You know," he said thoughtfully, "if I ever got one of those dolls - not that I would, of course - but if I did get one, I'd want it to look like _______."
"I don't get the whole Lucha Libre thing," David Hodges said. "The only time I want to wear a mask is (when/if/on) _______." (That's not a comment from me about Lucha Libre, just a sentence to fill in the blank. ;))
A. permanently mar my pretty, pretty face

B. Danny--what, they make guy dolls...I'm not a perv or anything, I just, uh, think it would be cool to have one since that butthead never wants to hang out and, er, watch the Ranger game with me anymore...Yeah. :p

C. when I go to Wal-Mart at 2 in the morning - why is the place open 24 hours if not to let strange people wander the aisles buying shampoo?

(I'm a bit odd today, I think. :lol:)
A. " I'm glad he didn't pull out my chest hair, cut off my fingers with a cigar cutter (then I couldn't play my guitar) or hammer my toes like they did to Mel Gibson in Payback"

B. Freddy Kruegar cause he'd scare suspects

C. on Halloween
A: Scooby Doo Underoos
B: any passenger for the car pooling lane
C: I go around pretending to be Batman or Zorro on my day off
Hodges began to fantasize again when he heard that the next convention to hit Vegas was yet another sci-fi one, this time for Star Wars. In his daydream, Wendy was dressed in the gold bikini as Princess Leia. Greg, Nick and Brass were also there dressed as ______, ______ and ______, respectively.