CSI: Match Game, Season 7: The ___________ stops here!

1. Gil
2. P.S. I Love You.
3. Every morning I still wake up and the first thing I want to do is to see your face.
Ok, let's get some new phrases and try to keep this thread going. :)

Kyle Harmon's curiosity got the best of him, so he gave into the impulse to snoop in Horatio's closet. It was floor to ceiling _______.
Adam Ross said he'd feel better after a slice of pizza and some Guitar Hero, but what he really meant was _______ and _______. (Keep it clean ;))
Ray Langston was settling into his new 'office', but the one thing he wished he could change was _______.
A: mirrors to admire his stance:p

B: Some potato chips and Faylinn*:lol:better.:p

C: the office scenery
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Tsk tsk, let's not push the PG-13 o'meter. ;)

*cough cough* A bubble bath is "cleaner" - buh dum ching :p

A. racks of sunglasses - protected by a laser-activated alarm system :p
B. a tub of Ben and Jerry's and a Lifetime movie or junk food and karaoke
C. the temperature - it's too dang cold!
A. the same black suit and far as the eye can see sunnies in boes

B. Animal Crossing and a trip to the local Chuckie Cheese

C. the fact that Hodges had moved into the far corner
CSI has aired on the west coast, so phrase C contains a spoiler from the episode.

Eric Delko was sitting at home when he suddenly remembered something he'd told his therapist before she died. Knowing that Calleigh had gone through his file, he thought "Dang, I hope she didn't read about _______."
"The only thing worse than digging through a buzzard's nest," Danny Messer said, "is going through _______."
After wrapping up their cases, the CSI team decided to grab some breakfast together. Catherine Willows asked everyone what kind of fake identity they'd create for themselves if they could. Nick surprised everyone by saying that he would be (a/an/the) _______.
Feb 25

A. Sunnies!
B. a beer and a nap? I dunno...
C. the size of the office?

Feb 26

A. my obsession with The Power Rangers
B. trash cans
C. a priest
Eric Delko was so relieved when he found out that his father was really American that he started singing "_______" before they even let him ditch the orange jumpsuit.
Adam Ross was having flashbacks to when he had to sift through the airplane toilet not too long ago. "The worst part was when I found ______ in there!" He said, shuddering at the memory. (Keep it clean. ;))
When Nick Stokes blew out the candles on his birthday cake, he silently wished for _______.