CSI: Match Game, Season 7: The ___________ stops here!

A: Ryan is a Big Brother mentor
B: the CSI computer game
C: a plastic model of a butt to keep kissing
A. Ryan has a son?
B. Was to see if his ties, were in fact magic eye pictures.
C. A book on how not to kiss the bosses butt.
A. "Should I tell him to call me Uncle H?"
B. Sudoku (but he got frustrated and shredded the puzzle)
C. his very own straw hat :p

Eric Delko said, "If Calleigh likes horses, maybe she'd like to go to (the) _______ with me."
Adam Ross returned from his day off to learn that the team had dealt with a dismembered body, fake e-mails and alligator blood in his absence. "Oh well," he said, "at least I didn't miss a spy car or a shark this time. I just wish I'd gotten to _______."
After Dr Ray Langston finished his first day as a CSI Level One, he decided that his least favorite part of working at the Las Vegas Crime Lab was going to be _______.
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Faylinn, I was considering Sudoku, but decided to go with the CSI game.

A. racetrack
B. have a cameo appearance for my fans
C. putting up with Hodges
A: Petting zoo

B: Deliever a witty one liner

C: All the Elvis impersonators - - I didn't see his first episode, so I didn't know what to put :)
At the CSI Valentines Day party, Cath was surprised to get a Valentines card from _____. In which was a quote from the movie ______. The quote was: _________.

Sorry, I know it's short, but its all I could think of and I didn't want this thread to end up on page two. :lol: