CSI: Match Game, Season 7: The ___________ stops here!

Let's try to get this thread up and running again. :) Phrases for the finales (a bit late, I know ;)).

"I don't think Eric would leave his father unconscious in the car to go get help," Ryan Wolfe said. "I think he's missing because _______."
When the ghost of Jessica Angell joined the ghost of Aiden Burn, Aiden said, "_______."
"I wish I could find some valuable old casino chips," Greg Sanders said. "But I wouldn't sell them - I'd used them (for/to/as) _______."
A: CBS cut the budget for the actor's pay.

B1: Let's halo wrestle.
B2: Go call the Ghost Whisperer so we can talk to the men.
B3: My wings are bigger than your wings.
B4: Let's go haunt Adam

C: Playing tiddlywinks.
A. he was kidnapped by space aliens. (yes, that was a Roswell reference which Adam Rodriguez was once on)

B. you wanna go haunt Sinclair with me?

C. to make guitar picks and other things...
A. He ran away with H (jk, not an HD shipper)
B. A few more and we can go up against the FDNY angels in basketball! (lame, I know)
C. to decorate my purse collection!
Ooh, this thread hasn't been active in a while. Let's get some new phrases going since the new season starts next week. :)

Since it's been so long, here's a quick rundown of the rules for anybody who is new: once every 24 hours or so, someone can post new phrases. I like to do three phrases, one for each show, just to keep things balanced, but you can do one or two or four or whatever you like (as long as it's not too much ;)). You can have one blank space or more, depending on the sentence. Just have fun with it, and if you still aren't sure, you can look back through the thread to see the kind of stuff we've posted in the past. :) When you post answers to the day's questions, make sure your word or phrase doesn't cross the PG-13 line. ;)

Also, please note that these phrases are not spoilers - the spoiler box is just used to make the phrases easy to see on the page. :)

Horatio Caine put on his sunglasses, resting his hands on his hips and surveying the Miami landscape. "It's...only a matter of time before I catch every scumbag criminal in this city," he said. "Maybe that's why...they call me _______." YEAAAAH!
Mac Taylor would never admit it to anyone, but every time he catches a perp, he imagines that he is a superhero - like _______, only without the (cape/mask/spandex).
Greg Sanders told Catherine Willows that she was like Wonder Woman - she just gave him a look, but secretly she (was/felt/thought/wondered) _______.
A. Super H-Man
B.Captain America (I thought it went with his patriotic streak lol)
B. Using X-ray vision on him (OK I don't know if WW has that...)
OOO I'm glad this thread has been revived.


B. Batman.

C. "Damn straight, I'm like Wonder Woman!"
Natalia Boa Vista was not amused when several people told her she looked like _______.
"I know what I'm doing for New Years Eve," Sheldon Hawkes said. "I'm going to _______."
Greg Sanders received flowers from a mysterious source. "I don't want to say it out loud," he said, "but I hope they're from _______."
A. Octo-Mom :lol: (I couldn't spell her real name lol)
B. Dance the night away???? :lol:
C. Riley. :) Sorry, I'm a Riley/Greg shipper, so I had to do it. :D