CSI: Match Game, Season 7: The ___________ stops here!

_______ vehemently denies spiking the punch at the Las Vegas Crime Lab's New Year's party, but he/she is guilty as charged.
"I usually enjoy New Year's," Calleigh Duquesne said, "but the one thing I can't stand about the lab's party is _______."
Mac Taylor is not going to be pleased when he figures out that _______ is responsible for the prank calls he's been receiving.
The third one isn't New Year's related, but it's what came to mind. :lol:
A: Ecklie
B: loud fireworks at midnight (this coming from Bullet Girl?)
C: Chief Sinclair
When Horatio Caine saw Billy Gantry with Ryan Wolfe's card, his first thought was, '_______.'
Don Flack had to find a way to pass the time while he was stuck on desk duty. He ended up working on a crossword puzzle, but the first thing he tried was _______.
Gil Grissom decided to leave David Hodges a gift when he left the lab: (a/an/the) _______.