CSI: Match Game, Season 7: The ___________ stops here!

In the spirit of the holiday season...

Adam Ross tried to get creative with his Christmas gifts - however, Mac might not appreciate (the) _______!
The Vegas team pooled their money to buy Riley a new-girl holiday gift. They ended up getting her (a/an/) _______.
A. Christmas Billy Bass?
B. a copy of He's Just Not That Into You?

sorry, I can't think of anything really creative right now, its too cold here and it's freezing my brain cells. :lol:
A: CD of dogs barking Jingle Bells (YouTube video)
B: Jones Soda Holiday Pack (2007 included egg nog, super plum, Christmas tree, and Christmas ham flavors. You probably don't want to know about previous years, like turkey and dressing, broccoli casserole, and antacid sodas.)
Lindsay and Danny were discussing baby names. They decided that if the baby is a boy, they will name him _____ and if it's a girl, they will name her _____.
Lindsay and Danny were discussing baby names. They decided that if the baby is a boy, they will name him Dindsay Dantana Messer-Monroe and if it's a girl, they will name her Dindsay Dantana Messer-Monroe.

It's kind of unigender. :p
"Oh man, you should have been at the lab Christmas party last year," David Hodges said. "The best part was when _______________."
Horatio Caine decided to add some holiday humor to his infamous one-liners. "Tis the season to be _______," he said dramatically. Yeaaaah!
The NYPD crime lab had a tree to put up, but they didn't have any ornaments. Adam Ross decided to decorate the tree with _______.
A: we decked the halls with Ecklie's thongs
B: ...or not to be. Yeaaaah! (Too dramatic?)
C: Flack's fugly ties (obvious answer)
A. Grissom and Catherine got drunk and entered in the karaoke contest and sang "All I Want For Christmas Is You".
B. coming down the chimney
C. veggie pipes