CSI Match Game Season 3: The BLANKS never lie!!!!

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Faylinn said:
A. bloater in NYC :lol: (I was trying to rhyme with the actual words...didn't really work, methinks ;))
:lol: I tried to think of something that rhymes, but it was a little hard. :eek:

A. Car crash victim up a mulberry tree.

B. Asleep on the autopsy table.
LOL! Some good ones (and I KNOW the fans of Danny Messer would have loved to see the results I wrote! :devil:)

Continuing with the Bah Humbug! Edition:

For Christmas, Ernie Dell sent Grissom a box with a miniature scene of (a)________ .

Ryan Wolfe said "Boy, there must've been some POWERFUL spike put in the egg nog at the Christmas party! I never thought I'd have ever seen __________ kissing H. under the mistletoe!"
A: ...Santa's workshop with a homicidal elf
B: ...Mac Taylor in a another crossover episode
Rick Stetler works for IAB, he hated Horatio with a passion because H got the lieutenant position instead of him.
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