CSI Match Game Season 3: The BLANKS never lie!!!!

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A-I'll go with the fave 1970s Match Game answer: Boobs

B-Dead Bugs or Bugs, the DA for sure!!! :D

A side note: The old 1970s Match Game had rules--you could use the words Boobs, Tinkle, Derierre, Bottom, Make Love and Make Whoopie, but not use the nastier alternatives. I am sticking to that practice here and would like remind everyone to to likewise.
yes that phrase had me a little worried with what people might come up with. we have rules here too and you all know what is expected of you. all we ask is that you respect the pg13 line. thank you.
I might add one more sometimes-used term was 'busoms' or 'buzzooms' as they liked to pronounce it lol. I also used to love the way they'd make 'buns' sound naughty on those doughboy questions rofl. or 'niblets' on the Jolly Green Giant ones.
LOL! New phrases for Thursday, Dec. 7th:

12 Days of CSI Christmas: ...4 shooting victims, 3 hanging deaths, 2 hit and runs, and a ________ .

The New York Crime Lab Christmas party got out of hand when Danny Messer had too much spiked Egg Nog and was later found ________ .
A: ...member of the Partridge family (Danny Bonaduce in "Built To Kill")
B: ...dancing with the Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall
A-And a stool sample for Hodges to run

B-(Multi-card Answer) Naked on the Fire escape save for a Santa Clause hat, Mistletoe taped above you-know-where, and singing Christmas Carols with a slurred voice
a. "and A Grissom under the mistletoe"
b. the next morning in Lindsay's apartment :eek: (after previously doing all of the above in Hankster's response)
*cough* Let's not go overboard, my cheeky little bunnies. ;) The mistletoe should probably stay on the door facing, and let's not speculate on other sorts of activities, please. :)

A. bloater in NYC :lol: (I was trying to rhyme with the actual words...didn't really work, methinks ;))
B. passed out under Mac's desk :p
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