CSI Match Game S5: Get ready to __________ the stars!!!

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Faylinn said:

Yeah, basically. :D *hands you a brontosaurus burger* Can I oil your walker for you?

OK, I'm just not even going there... :D

Happy Birthday Hankster! I would sing, but it would scare the dogs. :D

A. Armadillo
B. Hawaiian
BP. have to go with the wife too.

Hope you have a rockin' B-day!!! :)
New phrases for Friday, June 8th:

Greg Sanders said "It finally all made sense when we found out that Grissom and Sara were involved. It seemed weird that they kept on coming out of the ______________ (room) at odd hours adjusting their clothes and having silly smiles."

Mac Taylor said "I heard the other day they were going to replace Inspector Girard with Inspector _______________! I consider that an IMPROVEMENT!"
You're up early this morning. Not enough partying on your birthday?

A: ...Bug Shrine
B: ...Jacques Clouseau ("that's CHIEF Inspector")
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